VirtualBox: Guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why...

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VirtualBox: Guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell

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Problem with VirtualBox 5.x running on GNU/Linux Debian 9.x host:

EFI-enabled guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell.

UEFI Interactive Shell

It waits for 5 seconds and then it drops to Shell>.

I don't remember any modifications, which I would have done, neither to the host, nor guest, or VirtualBox itself.

share|improve this question


    Problem with VirtualBox 5.x running on GNU/Linux Debian 9.x host:

    EFI-enabled guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell.

    UEFI Interactive Shell

    It waits for 5 seconds and then it drops to Shell>.

    I don't remember any modifications, which I would have done, neither to the host, nor guest, or VirtualBox itself.

    share|improve this question





      Problem with VirtualBox 5.x running on GNU/Linux Debian 9.x host:

      EFI-enabled guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell.

      UEFI Interactive Shell

      It waits for 5 seconds and then it drops to Shell>.

      I don't remember any modifications, which I would have done, neither to the host, nor guest, or VirtualBox itself.

      share|improve this question

      Problem with VirtualBox 5.x running on GNU/Linux Debian 9.x host:

      EFI-enabled guest suddenly boots only into UEFI Interactive Shell.

      UEFI Interactive Shell

      It waits for 5 seconds and then it drops to Shell>.

      I don't remember any modifications, which I would have done, neither to the host, nor guest, or VirtualBox itself.

      virtualbox virtual-machine uefi

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 18 '17 at 8:24


      asked Nov 30 '16 at 0:57




          3 Answers





          Plausible fix:

          1. In UEFI Interactive Shell, enter the file system:


          2. Following up with creating this file:

            edit startup.nsh

          3. Enter this or similar line to it:


          4. Press CTRL+S to save the file.

          5. Press ENTER to confirm the file name.

          6. Press CTRL+Q to exit the editor.

          7. Restart the Guest:


          Important notes:

          1. For some reason you have only a few seconds to edit and save the file. If it takes you longer, then the guest may react with a significant delay. Or it may even freeze.

          2. Replace debian with your system's id, e.g. ubuntu. You may verify this by simply going into the EFI directory and running ls.

          Another way:

          If you don't succeed, and supposing your guest is Linux type, I myself had to do it:

          1. Boot from live USB with any Linux.

          2. Mount the root file system.

          3. Create this file on the mounted file system, adjust the path to wherever you have mounted it:


          4. Enter the above explained line to it.

          share|improve this answer



            In the VirtualBox settings for your VM, go to System settings and in the Motherboard section un-check the

            Enable EFI (Special OSes only).

            Save the settings and restart your VM.

            Important notes:

            1. This will make the guest system run on BIOS / MBR legacy boot.

            2. Only use, if the solution above does not work for you.

            share|improve this answer

            • Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

              – Jamie
              Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

            • But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

              – Nilesh
              Apr 8 at 7:21


            I had this come-up today. In my case, I had selected "Enable EFI" on the Settings: System panel, on the Motherboard tab. That was conscious because the drive I wanted to boot from wasn't (booting).

            This can be removed by unchecking the check-box.

            While it looks useful, it is very frustrating so I advise people to open a web page with the help outpur on show. All the commands scroll off the screen before you have a chance to read them. And there is no less or more command.

            share|improve this answer

              protected by Community Feb 3 at 14:51

              Thank you for your interest in this question.
              Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

              Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

              3 Answers




              3 Answers











              Plausible fix:

              1. In UEFI Interactive Shell, enter the file system:


              2. Following up with creating this file:

                edit startup.nsh

              3. Enter this or similar line to it:


              4. Press CTRL+S to save the file.

              5. Press ENTER to confirm the file name.

              6. Press CTRL+Q to exit the editor.

              7. Restart the Guest:


              Important notes:

              1. For some reason you have only a few seconds to edit and save the file. If it takes you longer, then the guest may react with a significant delay. Or it may even freeze.

              2. Replace debian with your system's id, e.g. ubuntu. You may verify this by simply going into the EFI directory and running ls.

              Another way:

              If you don't succeed, and supposing your guest is Linux type, I myself had to do it:

              1. Boot from live USB with any Linux.

              2. Mount the root file system.

              3. Create this file on the mounted file system, adjust the path to wherever you have mounted it:


              4. Enter the above explained line to it.

              share|improve this answer


                Plausible fix:

                1. In UEFI Interactive Shell, enter the file system:


                2. Following up with creating this file:

                  edit startup.nsh

                3. Enter this or similar line to it:


                4. Press CTRL+S to save the file.

                5. Press ENTER to confirm the file name.

                6. Press CTRL+Q to exit the editor.

                7. Restart the Guest:


                Important notes:

                1. For some reason you have only a few seconds to edit and save the file. If it takes you longer, then the guest may react with a significant delay. Or it may even freeze.

                2. Replace debian with your system's id, e.g. ubuntu. You may verify this by simply going into the EFI directory and running ls.

                Another way:

                If you don't succeed, and supposing your guest is Linux type, I myself had to do it:

                1. Boot from live USB with any Linux.

                2. Mount the root file system.

                3. Create this file on the mounted file system, adjust the path to wherever you have mounted it:


                4. Enter the above explained line to it.

                share|improve this answer




                  Plausible fix:

                  1. In UEFI Interactive Shell, enter the file system:


                  2. Following up with creating this file:

                    edit startup.nsh

                  3. Enter this or similar line to it:


                  4. Press CTRL+S to save the file.

                  5. Press ENTER to confirm the file name.

                  6. Press CTRL+Q to exit the editor.

                  7. Restart the Guest:


                  Important notes:

                  1. For some reason you have only a few seconds to edit and save the file. If it takes you longer, then the guest may react with a significant delay. Or it may even freeze.

                  2. Replace debian with your system's id, e.g. ubuntu. You may verify this by simply going into the EFI directory and running ls.

                  Another way:

                  If you don't succeed, and supposing your guest is Linux type, I myself had to do it:

                  1. Boot from live USB with any Linux.

                  2. Mount the root file system.

                  3. Create this file on the mounted file system, adjust the path to wherever you have mounted it:


                  4. Enter the above explained line to it.

                  share|improve this answer

                  Plausible fix:

                  1. In UEFI Interactive Shell, enter the file system:


                  2. Following up with creating this file:

                    edit startup.nsh

                  3. Enter this or similar line to it:


                  4. Press CTRL+S to save the file.

                  5. Press ENTER to confirm the file name.

                  6. Press CTRL+Q to exit the editor.

                  7. Restart the Guest:


                  Important notes:

                  1. For some reason you have only a few seconds to edit and save the file. If it takes you longer, then the guest may react with a significant delay. Or it may even freeze.

                  2. Replace debian with your system's id, e.g. ubuntu. You may verify this by simply going into the EFI directory and running ls.

                  Another way:

                  If you don't succeed, and supposing your guest is Linux type, I myself had to do it:

                  1. Boot from live USB with any Linux.

                  2. Mount the root file system.

                  3. Create this file on the mounted file system, adjust the path to wherever you have mounted it:


                  4. Enter the above explained line to it.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited Nov 18 '17 at 8:52

                  answered Nov 30 '16 at 0:57






                      In the VirtualBox settings for your VM, go to System settings and in the Motherboard section un-check the

                      Enable EFI (Special OSes only).

                      Save the settings and restart your VM.

                      Important notes:

                      1. This will make the guest system run on BIOS / MBR legacy boot.

                      2. Only use, if the solution above does not work for you.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                        – Jamie
                        Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      • But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                        – Nilesh
                        Apr 8 at 7:21



                      In the VirtualBox settings for your VM, go to System settings and in the Motherboard section un-check the

                      Enable EFI (Special OSes only).

                      Save the settings and restart your VM.

                      Important notes:

                      1. This will make the guest system run on BIOS / MBR legacy boot.

                      2. Only use, if the solution above does not work for you.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                        – Jamie
                        Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      • But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                        – Nilesh
                        Apr 8 at 7:21





                      In the VirtualBox settings for your VM, go to System settings and in the Motherboard section un-check the

                      Enable EFI (Special OSes only).

                      Save the settings and restart your VM.

                      Important notes:

                      1. This will make the guest system run on BIOS / MBR legacy boot.

                      2. Only use, if the solution above does not work for you.

                      share|improve this answer


                      In the VirtualBox settings for your VM, go to System settings and in the Motherboard section un-check the

                      Enable EFI (Special OSes only).

                      Save the settings and restart your VM.

                      Important notes:

                      1. This will make the guest system run on BIOS / MBR legacy boot.

                      2. Only use, if the solution above does not work for you.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited Nov 18 '17 at 8:29




                      answered Jul 18 '17 at 20:27




                      • Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                        – Jamie
                        Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      • But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                        – Nilesh
                        Apr 8 at 7:21

                      • Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                        – Jamie
                        Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      • But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                        – Nilesh
                        Apr 8 at 7:21

                      Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                      – Jamie
                      Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      Yes, thank you! It was necessary to Enable EFI in order to make the GParted Live CD work. However, after resizing the disk partitions in GParted, I encountered this error, and also an error "fs0 is not a correct mapping" if I tried to enter the file system. Disabling this flag solved issue.

                      – Jamie
                      Oct 25 '18 at 5:35

                      But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                      – Nilesh
                      Apr 8 at 7:21

                      But how do I shutdown virtual machine?

                      – Nilesh
                      Apr 8 at 7:21


                      I had this come-up today. In my case, I had selected "Enable EFI" on the Settings: System panel, on the Motherboard tab. That was conscious because the drive I wanted to boot from wasn't (booting).

                      This can be removed by unchecking the check-box.

                      While it looks useful, it is very frustrating so I advise people to open a web page with the help outpur on show. All the commands scroll off the screen before you have a chance to read them. And there is no less or more command.

                      share|improve this answer


                        I had this come-up today. In my case, I had selected "Enable EFI" on the Settings: System panel, on the Motherboard tab. That was conscious because the drive I wanted to boot from wasn't (booting).

                        This can be removed by unchecking the check-box.

                        While it looks useful, it is very frustrating so I advise people to open a web page with the help outpur on show. All the commands scroll off the screen before you have a chance to read them. And there is no less or more command.

                        share|improve this answer




                          I had this come-up today. In my case, I had selected "Enable EFI" on the Settings: System panel, on the Motherboard tab. That was conscious because the drive I wanted to boot from wasn't (booting).

                          This can be removed by unchecking the check-box.

                          While it looks useful, it is very frustrating so I advise people to open a web page with the help outpur on show. All the commands scroll off the screen before you have a chance to read them. And there is no less or more command.

                          share|improve this answer

                          I had this come-up today. In my case, I had selected "Enable EFI" on the Settings: System panel, on the Motherboard tab. That was conscious because the drive I wanted to boot from wasn't (booting).

                          This can be removed by unchecking the check-box.

                          While it looks useful, it is very frustrating so I advise people to open a web page with the help outpur on show. All the commands scroll off the screen before you have a chance to read them. And there is no less or more command.

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          answered 2 hours ago




                              protected by Community Feb 3 at 14:51

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                              Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

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