
Showing posts from September 11, 2019

Samba server mount error - No such file or directorySamba mount with password prompt as non-root userCannot...

Is there any way to land a rover on the Moon without using any thrusters? Can a corpse possessed by a Dybbuk be turned via Turn Undead? "Literally" Vs "In the true sense of the word" Evidence that matrix multiplication cannot be done in O(n^2 poly(log(n))) time What jurisdiction do Scottish courts have over the Westminster parliament? Why isn't `typename` required for a base class that is a nested type? Relocation error, error code (127) after last updates Glue or not to glue boots Is there a real-world mythological counterpart to WoW's "kill your gods for power" theme? Why does Coq include let-...

Remove and replace between two specific strings using sed commandsed command to replace a blank line with two...

Why do sellers care about down payments? How do I get rid of distorted pictures of distant objects photographed with a telephoto lens? Extending a 2d plot to 3d Leaving out pronouns in informal conversation Splice or replace Evidence that matrix multiplication cannot be done in O(n^2 poly(log(n))) time Does an oscilloscope subtract voltages as phasors? Confirm the ending of a string Does my opponent need to prove his creature has morph? In Germany, how can I maximize the impact of my charitable donations? Resume: How to quantify my contributions as a software engineer? ...