Why use the “finally” keyword?Why is try {…} finally {…} good; try {…} catch{} bad?Do try/catch...

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Why use the “finally” keyword?

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I understand what the "finally" keyword is used for in various languages, however, I struggle to understand why you would use it outside of there being a formatting preference in taste.

For instance, in PHP:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error
finally {
// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

What's the difference between what this code is doing and this?

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error

// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

Doesn't that last line always get run anyway due to the error being caught? In which case, there is no case to really use finally unless you just want to maintain a code-style formatting?

An example of a case where a finally statement is necessary and distinct from just putting code after try/catch statements would be helpful if I am missing something here.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago

  • 2

    As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

    – briansol
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

    – bassxzero
    8 hours ago

  • 3

    If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

    – foobar
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago


I understand what the "finally" keyword is used for in various languages, however, I struggle to understand why you would use it outside of there being a formatting preference in taste.

For instance, in PHP:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error
finally {
// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

What's the difference between what this code is doing and this?

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error

// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

Doesn't that last line always get run anyway due to the error being caught? In which case, there is no case to really use finally unless you just want to maintain a code-style formatting?

An example of a case where a finally statement is necessary and distinct from just putting code after try/catch statements would be helpful if I am missing something here.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago

  • 2

    As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

    – briansol
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

    – bassxzero
    8 hours ago

  • 3

    If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

    – foobar
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago





I understand what the "finally" keyword is used for in various languages, however, I struggle to understand why you would use it outside of there being a formatting preference in taste.

For instance, in PHP:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error
finally {
// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

What's the difference between what this code is doing and this?

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error

// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

Doesn't that last line always get run anyway due to the error being caught? In which case, there is no case to really use finally unless you just want to maintain a code-style formatting?

An example of a case where a finally statement is necessary and distinct from just putting code after try/catch statements would be helpful if I am missing something here.

share|improve this question

I understand what the "finally" keyword is used for in various languages, however, I struggle to understand why you would use it outside of there being a formatting preference in taste.

For instance, in PHP:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error
finally {
// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

What's the difference between what this code is doing and this?

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error

// run this code every single time regardless of error or not

Doesn't that last line always get run anyway due to the error being caught? In which case, there is no case to really use finally unless you just want to maintain a code-style formatting?

An example of a case where a finally statement is necessary and distinct from just putting code after try/catch statements would be helpful if I am missing something here.

php error-handling try-catch

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edited 7 hours ago


16.2k2 gold badges31 silver badges52 bronze badges

16.2k2 gold badges31 silver badges52 bronze badges

asked 8 hours ago


2,4001 gold badge5 silver badges8 bronze badges

2,4001 gold badge5 silver badges8 bronze badges

  • 3

    Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago

  • 2

    As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

    – briansol
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

    – bassxzero
    8 hours ago

  • 3

    If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

    – foobar
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago

  • 3

    Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago

  • 2

    As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

    – briansol
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

    – bassxzero
    8 hours ago

  • 3

    If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

    – foobar
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    @bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

    – Markus Zeller
    8 hours ago



Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

– Markus Zeller
8 hours ago

Finally will always be executed, if exception was thrown or not. This is often used for clean-up tasks like unlocking files or what the compiler (PHP) does not do itself.

– Markus Zeller
8 hours ago



As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

– briansol
8 hours ago

As @MarkusZeller states, it's commonly used for cleanup. Checkout the java docs for a good detail: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/…

– briansol
8 hours ago



@MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

– bassxzero
8 hours ago

@MarkusZeller php is interpreted, not compiled.

– bassxzero
8 hours ago



If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

– foobar
8 hours ago

If you throw an exception that isn't handled by any of the catch clauses or if you throw an exception from within any of the handlers, then the code following the catch clauses will never be executed, while a finally block will get executed before the exception is further propagated down the call stack

– foobar
8 hours ago



@bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

– Markus Zeller
8 hours ago

@bassxzero Yes, the (PHP) code is interpreted, but in the end it is compiled to bytecode. That does not change the finally behavior.

– Markus Zeller
8 hours ago

3 Answers





Short Answer

Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

Some More Detail

One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

try {
catch (CustomException $customException) {
// handle custom error
catch (Exception $exception) {
// handle the error
invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
// this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

Hopefully this helps :)

share|improve this answer

New contributor

Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

    – Jake
    7 hours ago

  • 1

    Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

    – adam
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

    – Reagan Duggins
    6 hours ago


finally is more than syntactic sugar. It's all about the return flow of the call stack.

Besides the differences in the control flow, it is always considered good practise to put the cleanup for whatever you tried in the try block in a finally statement to ensure the cleanup is also done when your try fails.

Put together what belongs together. People like clean code.

Here are some things finally enables you to do, which code below a try/catch cannot:

  1. finally will always run, even when your catch blows up in a fatal error. The only other ways to achieve this are to implement a global error handler.

    finally helps you to keep the cleanup code in place.


  2. finally { throw new OverrideException(); } causes PHP to override all exceptions thrown in another catch block with the newly thrown exception in the finally branch. Code after the try/catch cannot be reached when you throw a new Exception inside a try/catch block.


  3. finally { return $sth; } inside a function causes PHP to forget all thrown exceptions in this function. It also overrides the return value from a try/catch block.

    Cited from a comment from (php at marcuspope dot com) in the PHP manual:

    Using a return statement inside a finally block will override any other return statement or thrown exception from the try block and all defined catch blocks. Code execution in the parent stack will continue as if the exception was never thrown.

    Frankly this is a good design decision because it means I can optionally dismiss all thrown exceptions from 1 or more catch blocks in one place, without having to nest my whole try block inside an additional (and otherwise needless) try/catch block.

    This is the same behavior as Java, whereas C# throws a compile time error when a return statement exists inside a finally block. So I figured it was worth pointing out to PHP devs who may not have any exposure to finally blocks or how other languages do it.

    function asdf()
    try {
    throw new Exception('error');
    catch(Exception $e) {
    echo "An error occurred";
    throw $e;
    finally {
    // This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown
    return "nException erased";
    try {
    echo asdf();
    catch(Exception $e) {
    echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();

share|improve this answer


    What's special about a finally {} block is that it will (almost) always run.

    It will run if the code in the try {} block completes successfully.

    It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that was caught by a catch {}. (The finally {} runs after the catch {}.)

    It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that wasn't handled by any catch {} block, or if there weren't any at all. (The finally {} block runs before the exception is propagated to the caller.)

    It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception, and the code in the catch {} throws another exception (or rethrows the same exception).

    It will even run if the code in the try {} block, or in a catch {} block, uses return. (Just as with an uncaught exception, the finally {} runs before the function actually returns.) It can even use return itself, and its return value will override the other block's return value!

    The only situation where a finally {} block won't run is if the entire process is destroyed, e.g. by calling exit() or die().

    share|improve this answer

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      3 Answers




      3 Answers











      Short Answer

      Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

      This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

      Some More Detail

      One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

      try {
      catch (CustomException $customException) {
      // handle custom error
      catch (Exception $exception) {
      // handle the error
      invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

      memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
      // this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

      In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


      So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

      Hopefully this helps :)

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

        – Jake
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

        – adam
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

        – Reagan Duggins
        6 hours ago


      Short Answer

      Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

      This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

      Some More Detail

      One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

      try {
      catch (CustomException $customException) {
      // handle custom error
      catch (Exception $exception) {
      // handle the error
      invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

      memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
      // this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

      In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


      So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

      Hopefully this helps :)

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

        – Jake
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

        – adam
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

        – Reagan Duggins
        6 hours ago




      Short Answer

      Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

      This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

      Some More Detail

      One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

      try {
      catch (CustomException $customException) {
      // handle custom error
      catch (Exception $exception) {
      // handle the error
      invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

      memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
      // this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

      In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


      So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

      Hopefully this helps :)

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Short Answer

      Finally blocks are guaranteed to run no matter what happens inside of the try and catch blocks, before allowing the program to crash.

      This is sort of explained here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.exceptions.php though the explanation isn't particularly detailed.

      Some More Detail

      One example that comes to the top of my head is if you are dealing with input/output streams or something similar that has to be closed after use in order to avoid a memory leak. To use your example:

      try {
      catch (CustomException $customException) {
      // handle custom error
      catch (Exception $exception) {
      // handle the error
      invisibleBug.whoops(); // i.e. something goes wrong in this block

      memoryUser.Close(); // because something went wrong in the catch block,
      // this never runs, which, in this case, causes a memory leak

      In this case, wrapping the memoryUser.Close(); in a finally block would ensure that that line would run before the rest of the program exploded, preventing the memory leak even in an otherwise catastrophic failure.


      So a lot of the time, people put the finally block there to ensure an important line runs, even if they overlooked something in the catch blocks. This is how I've always seen it used.

      Hopefully this helps :)

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      answered 8 hours ago

      Reagan DugginsReagan Duggins

      462 bronze badges

      462 bronze badges

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Reagan Duggins is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

        – Jake
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

        – adam
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

        – Reagan Duggins
        6 hours ago

      • Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

        – Jake
        7 hours ago

      • 1

        Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

        – adam
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

        – Reagan Duggins
        6 hours ago

      Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

      – Jake
      7 hours ago

      Just to make sure I understand what you're conveying, the condition that I'm not seeing is when an error occurs in the catch statement(s); in which case a finally statement can still run despite a new, uncaught error arising? The implication being, that you should in fact use finally statements since you can't always predict errors in catch statements?

      – Jake
      7 hours ago



      Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

      – adam
      6 hours ago

      Although the syntax appears to be Java, this is a good example and explanation.

      – adam
      6 hours ago



      Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

      – Reagan Duggins
      6 hours ago

      Precisely :) Another possible exception for when you might not need a finally block could be if the catch is incredibly simple (like maybe System.out.println("uh oh"); but it I usually just prefer being safe to sorry :) @adam thank you and good eye. I am more familiar with Java, but figured that the concept would be the same.

      – Reagan Duggins
      6 hours ago


      finally is more than syntactic sugar. It's all about the return flow of the call stack.

      Besides the differences in the control flow, it is always considered good practise to put the cleanup for whatever you tried in the try block in a finally statement to ensure the cleanup is also done when your try fails.

      Put together what belongs together. People like clean code.

      Here are some things finally enables you to do, which code below a try/catch cannot:

      1. finally will always run, even when your catch blows up in a fatal error. The only other ways to achieve this are to implement a global error handler.

        finally helps you to keep the cleanup code in place.


      2. finally { throw new OverrideException(); } causes PHP to override all exceptions thrown in another catch block with the newly thrown exception in the finally branch. Code after the try/catch cannot be reached when you throw a new Exception inside a try/catch block.


      3. finally { return $sth; } inside a function causes PHP to forget all thrown exceptions in this function. It also overrides the return value from a try/catch block.

        Cited from a comment from (php at marcuspope dot com) in the PHP manual:

        Using a return statement inside a finally block will override any other return statement or thrown exception from the try block and all defined catch blocks. Code execution in the parent stack will continue as if the exception was never thrown.

        Frankly this is a good design decision because it means I can optionally dismiss all thrown exceptions from 1 or more catch blocks in one place, without having to nest my whole try block inside an additional (and otherwise needless) try/catch block.

        This is the same behavior as Java, whereas C# throws a compile time error when a return statement exists inside a finally block. So I figured it was worth pointing out to PHP devs who may not have any exposure to finally blocks or how other languages do it.

        function asdf()
        try {
        throw new Exception('error');
        catch(Exception $e) {
        echo "An error occurred";
        throw $e;
        finally {
        // This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown
        return "nException erased";
        try {
        echo asdf();
        catch(Exception $e) {
        echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();

      share|improve this answer


        finally is more than syntactic sugar. It's all about the return flow of the call stack.

        Besides the differences in the control flow, it is always considered good practise to put the cleanup for whatever you tried in the try block in a finally statement to ensure the cleanup is also done when your try fails.

        Put together what belongs together. People like clean code.

        Here are some things finally enables you to do, which code below a try/catch cannot:

        1. finally will always run, even when your catch blows up in a fatal error. The only other ways to achieve this are to implement a global error handler.

          finally helps you to keep the cleanup code in place.


        2. finally { throw new OverrideException(); } causes PHP to override all exceptions thrown in another catch block with the newly thrown exception in the finally branch. Code after the try/catch cannot be reached when you throw a new Exception inside a try/catch block.


        3. finally { return $sth; } inside a function causes PHP to forget all thrown exceptions in this function. It also overrides the return value from a try/catch block.

          Cited from a comment from (php at marcuspope dot com) in the PHP manual:

          Using a return statement inside a finally block will override any other return statement or thrown exception from the try block and all defined catch blocks. Code execution in the parent stack will continue as if the exception was never thrown.

          Frankly this is a good design decision because it means I can optionally dismiss all thrown exceptions from 1 or more catch blocks in one place, without having to nest my whole try block inside an additional (and otherwise needless) try/catch block.

          This is the same behavior as Java, whereas C# throws a compile time error when a return statement exists inside a finally block. So I figured it was worth pointing out to PHP devs who may not have any exposure to finally blocks or how other languages do it.

          function asdf()
          try {
          throw new Exception('error');
          catch(Exception $e) {
          echo "An error occurred";
          throw $e;
          finally {
          // This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown
          return "nException erased";
          try {
          echo asdf();
          catch(Exception $e) {
          echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();

        share|improve this answer




          finally is more than syntactic sugar. It's all about the return flow of the call stack.

          Besides the differences in the control flow, it is always considered good practise to put the cleanup for whatever you tried in the try block in a finally statement to ensure the cleanup is also done when your try fails.

          Put together what belongs together. People like clean code.

          Here are some things finally enables you to do, which code below a try/catch cannot:

          1. finally will always run, even when your catch blows up in a fatal error. The only other ways to achieve this are to implement a global error handler.

            finally helps you to keep the cleanup code in place.


          2. finally { throw new OverrideException(); } causes PHP to override all exceptions thrown in another catch block with the newly thrown exception in the finally branch. Code after the try/catch cannot be reached when you throw a new Exception inside a try/catch block.


          3. finally { return $sth; } inside a function causes PHP to forget all thrown exceptions in this function. It also overrides the return value from a try/catch block.

            Cited from a comment from (php at marcuspope dot com) in the PHP manual:

            Using a return statement inside a finally block will override any other return statement or thrown exception from the try block and all defined catch blocks. Code execution in the parent stack will continue as if the exception was never thrown.

            Frankly this is a good design decision because it means I can optionally dismiss all thrown exceptions from 1 or more catch blocks in one place, without having to nest my whole try block inside an additional (and otherwise needless) try/catch block.

            This is the same behavior as Java, whereas C# throws a compile time error when a return statement exists inside a finally block. So I figured it was worth pointing out to PHP devs who may not have any exposure to finally blocks or how other languages do it.

            function asdf()
            try {
            throw new Exception('error');
            catch(Exception $e) {
            echo "An error occurred";
            throw $e;
            finally {
            // This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown
            return "nException erased";
            try {
            echo asdf();
            catch(Exception $e) {
            echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();

          share|improve this answer

          finally is more than syntactic sugar. It's all about the return flow of the call stack.

          Besides the differences in the control flow, it is always considered good practise to put the cleanup for whatever you tried in the try block in a finally statement to ensure the cleanup is also done when your try fails.

          Put together what belongs together. People like clean code.

          Here are some things finally enables you to do, which code below a try/catch cannot:

          1. finally will always run, even when your catch blows up in a fatal error. The only other ways to achieve this are to implement a global error handler.

            finally helps you to keep the cleanup code in place.


          2. finally { throw new OverrideException(); } causes PHP to override all exceptions thrown in another catch block with the newly thrown exception in the finally branch. Code after the try/catch cannot be reached when you throw a new Exception inside a try/catch block.


          3. finally { return $sth; } inside a function causes PHP to forget all thrown exceptions in this function. It also overrides the return value from a try/catch block.

            Cited from a comment from (php at marcuspope dot com) in the PHP manual:

            Using a return statement inside a finally block will override any other return statement or thrown exception from the try block and all defined catch blocks. Code execution in the parent stack will continue as if the exception was never thrown.

            Frankly this is a good design decision because it means I can optionally dismiss all thrown exceptions from 1 or more catch blocks in one place, without having to nest my whole try block inside an additional (and otherwise needless) try/catch block.

            This is the same behavior as Java, whereas C# throws a compile time error when a return statement exists inside a finally block. So I figured it was worth pointing out to PHP devs who may not have any exposure to finally blocks or how other languages do it.

            function asdf()
            try {
            throw new Exception('error');
            catch(Exception $e) {
            echo "An error occurred";
            throw $e;
            finally {
            // This overrides the exception as if it were never thrown
            return "nException erased";
            try {
            echo asdf();
            catch(Exception $e) {
            echo "nResult: " . $e->getMessage();

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 6 hours ago

          answered 8 hours ago


          16.2k2 gold badges31 silver badges52 bronze badges

          16.2k2 gold badges31 silver badges52 bronze badges


              What's special about a finally {} block is that it will (almost) always run.

              It will run if the code in the try {} block completes successfully.

              It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that was caught by a catch {}. (The finally {} runs after the catch {}.)

              It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that wasn't handled by any catch {} block, or if there weren't any at all. (The finally {} block runs before the exception is propagated to the caller.)

              It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception, and the code in the catch {} throws another exception (or rethrows the same exception).

              It will even run if the code in the try {} block, or in a catch {} block, uses return. (Just as with an uncaught exception, the finally {} runs before the function actually returns.) It can even use return itself, and its return value will override the other block's return value!

              The only situation where a finally {} block won't run is if the entire process is destroyed, e.g. by calling exit() or die().

              share|improve this answer


                What's special about a finally {} block is that it will (almost) always run.

                It will run if the code in the try {} block completes successfully.

                It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that was caught by a catch {}. (The finally {} runs after the catch {}.)

                It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that wasn't handled by any catch {} block, or if there weren't any at all. (The finally {} block runs before the exception is propagated to the caller.)

                It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception, and the code in the catch {} throws another exception (or rethrows the same exception).

                It will even run if the code in the try {} block, or in a catch {} block, uses return. (Just as with an uncaught exception, the finally {} runs before the function actually returns.) It can even use return itself, and its return value will override the other block's return value!

                The only situation where a finally {} block won't run is if the entire process is destroyed, e.g. by calling exit() or die().

                share|improve this answer




                  What's special about a finally {} block is that it will (almost) always run.

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block completes successfully.

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that was caught by a catch {}. (The finally {} runs after the catch {}.)

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that wasn't handled by any catch {} block, or if there weren't any at all. (The finally {} block runs before the exception is propagated to the caller.)

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception, and the code in the catch {} throws another exception (or rethrows the same exception).

                  It will even run if the code in the try {} block, or in a catch {} block, uses return. (Just as with an uncaught exception, the finally {} runs before the function actually returns.) It can even use return itself, and its return value will override the other block's return value!

                  The only situation where a finally {} block won't run is if the entire process is destroyed, e.g. by calling exit() or die().

                  share|improve this answer

                  What's special about a finally {} block is that it will (almost) always run.

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block completes successfully.

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that was caught by a catch {}. (The finally {} runs after the catch {}.)

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception that wasn't handled by any catch {} block, or if there weren't any at all. (The finally {} block runs before the exception is propagated to the caller.)

                  It will run if the code in the try {} block throws an exception, and the code in the catch {} throws another exception (or rethrows the same exception).

                  It will even run if the code in the try {} block, or in a catch {} block, uses return. (Just as with an uncaught exception, the finally {} runs before the function actually returns.) It can even use return itself, and its return value will override the other block's return value!

                  The only situation where a finally {} block won't run is if the entire process is destroyed, e.g. by calling exit() or die().

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 8 hours ago


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