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iSCSI and runaway log file

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I have a OpenVZ VPS running CentOS 5.7 that I've been using to get some sysadmin experience.

I found a log file called brcm-iscsi.log in /var/log and it's getting big (140 MB).

INFO  [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
WARN [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]nic_utils Error when scanning path: /sys/class/iscsi_host/[No such file or directory]
INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]signal handling thread ready
ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:43 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:44 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket

And every second since then I've had that line. I don't quite understand what is going on, so I'm hoping someone could tell me how to fix the underlying problem rather than just deleting the log file. I did Google this and found which seems to just disable iSCSI and ignore any more errors. Is there a better/safer/preferable way of stopping this error logging?

I don't know much about iSCSI - I get that it's a SAN protocol, but that's about it. I've certainly never setup any volumes outside of the disk space I got with my VPS. Could my VPS be relying on this in some way? I wouldn't want to trash it, although I'm getting quite practiced at reloading the VPS... I also wouldn't want to screw up anyone else's nodes.

share|improve this question


    I have a OpenVZ VPS running CentOS 5.7 that I've been using to get some sysadmin experience.

    I found a log file called brcm-iscsi.log in /var/log and it's getting big (140 MB).

    INFO  [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
    WARN [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]nic_utils Error when scanning path: /sys/class/iscsi_host/[No such file or directory]
    INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]signal handling thread ready
    ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
    ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:43 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
    ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:44 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket

    And every second since then I've had that line. I don't quite understand what is going on, so I'm hoping someone could tell me how to fix the underlying problem rather than just deleting the log file. I did Google this and found which seems to just disable iSCSI and ignore any more errors. Is there a better/safer/preferable way of stopping this error logging?

    I don't know much about iSCSI - I get that it's a SAN protocol, but that's about it. I've certainly never setup any volumes outside of the disk space I got with my VPS. Could my VPS be relying on this in some way? I wouldn't want to trash it, although I'm getting quite practiced at reloading the VPS... I also wouldn't want to screw up anyone else's nodes.

    share|improve this question




      I have a OpenVZ VPS running CentOS 5.7 that I've been using to get some sysadmin experience.

      I found a log file called brcm-iscsi.log in /var/log and it's getting big (140 MB).

      INFO  [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
      WARN [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]nic_utils Error when scanning path: /sys/class/iscsi_host/[No such file or directory]
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]signal handling thread ready
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:43 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:44 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket

      And every second since then I've had that line. I don't quite understand what is going on, so I'm hoping someone could tell me how to fix the underlying problem rather than just deleting the log file. I did Google this and found which seems to just disable iSCSI and ignore any more errors. Is there a better/safer/preferable way of stopping this error logging?

      I don't know much about iSCSI - I get that it's a SAN protocol, but that's about it. I've certainly never setup any volumes outside of the disk space I got with my VPS. Could my VPS be relying on this in some way? I wouldn't want to trash it, although I'm getting quite practiced at reloading the VPS... I also wouldn't want to screw up anyone else's nodes.

      share|improve this question

      I have a OpenVZ VPS running CentOS 5.7 that I've been using to get some sysadmin experience.

      I found a log file called brcm-iscsi.log in /var/log and it's getting big (140 MB).

      INFO  [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Initialize logger using log file: /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Started BRCM iSCSI stack: Ver
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Build date: Fri Jul 22 01:19:02 EDT 2011
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]Running on sysname: 'Linux', release: '2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1', version '#1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011' machine: 'i686'
      WARN [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]nic_utils Error when scanning path: /sys/class/iscsi_host/[No such file or directory]
      INFO [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]signal handling thread ready
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:42 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:43 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket
      ERR [Sun Dec 18 20:15:44 2011]NIC_NL waiting binding to NETLINK_ISCSI socket

      And every second since then I've had that line. I don't quite understand what is going on, so I'm hoping someone could tell me how to fix the underlying problem rather than just deleting the log file. I did Google this and found which seems to just disable iSCSI and ignore any more errors. Is there a better/safer/preferable way of stopping this error logging?

      I don't know much about iSCSI - I get that it's a SAN protocol, but that's about it. I've certainly never setup any volumes outside of the disk space I got with my VPS. Could my VPS be relying on this in some way? I wouldn't want to trash it, although I'm getting quite practiced at reloading the VPS... I also wouldn't want to screw up anyone else's nodes.

      centos logs

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 3 hours ago

      Rui F Ribeiro



      asked Jan 9 '12 at 19:08




          1 Answer





          Google it and you come up with plenty links (Check out this one, for instance!topic/open-iscsi/S3ps_mqzd_k) If you do not know what iscsi is (basically, SCSI over the wire: low level access to network disks) chances are good you won't be using it any time soon so you can remove/stop all the related cruft.

          share|improve this answer

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            Google it and you come up with plenty links (Check out this one, for instance!topic/open-iscsi/S3ps_mqzd_k) If you do not know what iscsi is (basically, SCSI over the wire: low level access to network disks) chances are good you won't be using it any time soon so you can remove/stop all the related cruft.

            share|improve this answer


              Google it and you come up with plenty links (Check out this one, for instance!topic/open-iscsi/S3ps_mqzd_k) If you do not know what iscsi is (basically, SCSI over the wire: low level access to network disks) chances are good you won't be using it any time soon so you can remove/stop all the related cruft.

              share|improve this answer




                Google it and you come up with plenty links (Check out this one, for instance!topic/open-iscsi/S3ps_mqzd_k) If you do not know what iscsi is (basically, SCSI over the wire: low level access to network disks) chances are good you won't be using it any time soon so you can remove/stop all the related cruft.

                share|improve this answer

                Google it and you come up with plenty links (Check out this one, for instance!topic/open-iscsi/S3ps_mqzd_k) If you do not know what iscsi is (basically, SCSI over the wire: low level access to network disks) chances are good you won't be using it any time soon so you can remove/stop all the related cruft.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Jan 10 '12 at 16:13

                Alien Life FormAlien Life Form



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