Concatenation of the result of a function with a mutable default argument“Least Astonishment” and the...

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Concatenation of the result of a function with a mutable default argument

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Suppose a function with a mutable default argument:

def f(l=[]):
return l

If I run this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+["-"]+f()+["-"]+f()) # -> [0, '-', 0, 1, '-', 0, 1, 2]

Or this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]

Instead of the following one, which would be more logical:

print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]


share|improve this question

  • if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    – Celius Stingher
    2 days ago

  • @CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

  • with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

    – Goyo
    2 days ago


Suppose a function with a mutable default argument:

def f(l=[]):
return l

If I run this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+["-"]+f()+["-"]+f()) # -> [0, '-', 0, 1, '-', 0, 1, 2]

Or this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]

Instead of the following one, which would be more logical:

print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]


share|improve this question

  • if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    – Celius Stingher
    2 days ago

  • @CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

  • with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

    – Goyo
    2 days ago





Suppose a function with a mutable default argument:

def f(l=[]):
return l

If I run this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+["-"]+f()+["-"]+f()) # -> [0, '-', 0, 1, '-', 0, 1, 2]

Or this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]

Instead of the following one, which would be more logical:

print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]


share|improve this question

Suppose a function with a mutable default argument:

def f(l=[]):
return l

If I run this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+["-"]+f()+["-"]+f()) # -> [0, '-', 0, 1, '-', 0, 1, 2]

Or this:

def f(l=[]):
return l
print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]

Instead of the following one, which would be more logical:

print(f()+f()+f()) # -> [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]


python python-3.x

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edited yesterday


3,1746 gold badges19 silver badges33 bronze badges

3,1746 gold badges19 silver badges33 bronze badges

asked 2 days ago

Benoît PilatteBenoît Pilatte

1,6995 silver badges24 bronze badges

1,6995 silver badges24 bronze badges

  • if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    – Celius Stingher
    2 days ago

  • @CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

  • with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

    – Goyo
    2 days ago

  • if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    – Celius Stingher
    2 days ago

  • @CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

  • with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

    – prashant rana
    2 days ago

  • Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

    – Goyo
    2 days ago

if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

– prashant rana
2 days ago

if you want to see the result of individual functional call then use return [l.copy()]

– prashant rana
2 days ago

Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

– Celius Stingher
2 days ago

Well the last funciont returns me this: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

– Celius Stingher
2 days ago

@CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

– Benoît Pilatte
2 days ago

@CeliusStingher You have to redefine the function between uses.

– Benoît Pilatte
2 days ago

with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

– prashant rana
2 days ago

with - you will be able to distinguish between your data from each functional call , in second one you need to write a code to get the pattern

– prashant rana
2 days ago

Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

– Goyo
2 days ago

Possible duplicate of "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

– Goyo
2 days ago

2 Answers





That's actually pretty interesting!

As we know, the list l in the function definition is initialized only once at the definition of this function, and for all invocations of this function, there will be exactly one copy of this list. Now, the function modifies this list, which means that multiple calls to this function will modify the exact same object multiple times. This is the first important part.

Now, consider the expression that adds these lists:


According to the laws of operator precedence, this is equivalent to the following:

(f() + f()) + f()

...which is exactly the same as this:

temp1 = f() + f() # (1)
temp2 = temp1 + f() # (2)

This is the second important part.

Addition of lists produces a new object, without modifying any of its arguments. This is the third important part.

Now let's combine what we know together.

In line 1 above, the first call returns [0], as you'd expect. The second call returns [0, 1], as you'd expect. Oh, wait! The function will return the exact same object (not its copy!) over and over again, after modifying it! This means that the object that the first call returned has now changed to become [0, 1] as well! And that's why temp1 == [0, 1] + [0, 1].

The result of addition, however, is a completely new object, so [0, 1, 0, 1] + f() is the same as [0, 1, 0, 1] + [0, 1, 2]. Note that the second list is, again, exactly what you'd expect your function to return. The same thing happens when you add f() + ["-"]: this creates a new list object, so that any other calls to f won't interfere with it.

You can reproduce this by concatenating the results of two function calls:

>>> f() + f()
[0, 1, 0, 1]
>>> f() + f()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> f() + f()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Again, you can do all that because you're concatenating references to the same object.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

  • 5

    The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago

  • 3

    A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

    – EliadL
    2 days ago

  • 2

    Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

    – Henry Yik
    2 days ago

  • 2

    @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago


Here's a way to think about it that might help it make sense:

A function is a data structure. You create one with a def block, much the same way as you create a type with a class block or you create a list with square brackets.

The most interesting part of that data structure is the code that gets run when the function is called, but the default arguments are also part of it! In fact, you can inspect both the code and the default arguments from Python, via attributes on the function:

>>> def foo(a=1): pass
>>> dir(foo)
['__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', ...]
>>> foo.__code__
<code object foo at 0x7f114752a660, file "<stdin>", line 1>
>>> foo.__defaults__

(A much nicer interface for this is inspect.signature, but all it does is examine those attributes.)

So the reason that this modifies the list:

def f(l=[]):
return l

is exactly the same reason that this also modifies the list:

f = dict(l=[])

In both cases, you're mutating a list that belongs to some parent structure, so the change will naturally be visible in the parent as well.

Note that this is a design decision that Python specifically made, and it's not inherently necessary in a language. JavaScript recently learned about default arguments, but it treats them as expressions to be re-evaluated anew on each call — essentially, each default argument is its own tiny function. The advantage is that JS doesn't have this gotcha, but the drawback is that you can't meaningfully inspect the defaults the way you can in Python.

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    2 Answers











    That's actually pretty interesting!

    As we know, the list l in the function definition is initialized only once at the definition of this function, and for all invocations of this function, there will be exactly one copy of this list. Now, the function modifies this list, which means that multiple calls to this function will modify the exact same object multiple times. This is the first important part.

    Now, consider the expression that adds these lists:


    According to the laws of operator precedence, this is equivalent to the following:

    (f() + f()) + f()

    ...which is exactly the same as this:

    temp1 = f() + f() # (1)
    temp2 = temp1 + f() # (2)

    This is the second important part.

    Addition of lists produces a new object, without modifying any of its arguments. This is the third important part.

    Now let's combine what we know together.

    In line 1 above, the first call returns [0], as you'd expect. The second call returns [0, 1], as you'd expect. Oh, wait! The function will return the exact same object (not its copy!) over and over again, after modifying it! This means that the object that the first call returned has now changed to become [0, 1] as well! And that's why temp1 == [0, 1] + [0, 1].

    The result of addition, however, is a completely new object, so [0, 1, 0, 1] + f() is the same as [0, 1, 0, 1] + [0, 1, 2]. Note that the second list is, again, exactly what you'd expect your function to return. The same thing happens when you add f() + ["-"]: this creates a new list object, so that any other calls to f won't interfere with it.

    You can reproduce this by concatenating the results of two function calls:

    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 0, 1]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Again, you can do all that because you're concatenating references to the same object.

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

      – Benoît Pilatte
      2 days ago

    • 5

      The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago

    • 3

      A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

      – EliadL
      2 days ago

    • 2

      Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

      – Henry Yik
      2 days ago

    • 2

      @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago


    That's actually pretty interesting!

    As we know, the list l in the function definition is initialized only once at the definition of this function, and for all invocations of this function, there will be exactly one copy of this list. Now, the function modifies this list, which means that multiple calls to this function will modify the exact same object multiple times. This is the first important part.

    Now, consider the expression that adds these lists:


    According to the laws of operator precedence, this is equivalent to the following:

    (f() + f()) + f()

    ...which is exactly the same as this:

    temp1 = f() + f() # (1)
    temp2 = temp1 + f() # (2)

    This is the second important part.

    Addition of lists produces a new object, without modifying any of its arguments. This is the third important part.

    Now let's combine what we know together.

    In line 1 above, the first call returns [0], as you'd expect. The second call returns [0, 1], as you'd expect. Oh, wait! The function will return the exact same object (not its copy!) over and over again, after modifying it! This means that the object that the first call returned has now changed to become [0, 1] as well! And that's why temp1 == [0, 1] + [0, 1].

    The result of addition, however, is a completely new object, so [0, 1, 0, 1] + f() is the same as [0, 1, 0, 1] + [0, 1, 2]. Note that the second list is, again, exactly what you'd expect your function to return. The same thing happens when you add f() + ["-"]: this creates a new list object, so that any other calls to f won't interfere with it.

    You can reproduce this by concatenating the results of two function calls:

    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 0, 1]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Again, you can do all that because you're concatenating references to the same object.

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

      – Benoît Pilatte
      2 days ago

    • 5

      The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago

    • 3

      A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

      – EliadL
      2 days ago

    • 2

      Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

      – Henry Yik
      2 days ago

    • 2

      @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago




    That's actually pretty interesting!

    As we know, the list l in the function definition is initialized only once at the definition of this function, and for all invocations of this function, there will be exactly one copy of this list. Now, the function modifies this list, which means that multiple calls to this function will modify the exact same object multiple times. This is the first important part.

    Now, consider the expression that adds these lists:


    According to the laws of operator precedence, this is equivalent to the following:

    (f() + f()) + f()

    ...which is exactly the same as this:

    temp1 = f() + f() # (1)
    temp2 = temp1 + f() # (2)

    This is the second important part.

    Addition of lists produces a new object, without modifying any of its arguments. This is the third important part.

    Now let's combine what we know together.

    In line 1 above, the first call returns [0], as you'd expect. The second call returns [0, 1], as you'd expect. Oh, wait! The function will return the exact same object (not its copy!) over and over again, after modifying it! This means that the object that the first call returned has now changed to become [0, 1] as well! And that's why temp1 == [0, 1] + [0, 1].

    The result of addition, however, is a completely new object, so [0, 1, 0, 1] + f() is the same as [0, 1, 0, 1] + [0, 1, 2]. Note that the second list is, again, exactly what you'd expect your function to return. The same thing happens when you add f() + ["-"]: this creates a new list object, so that any other calls to f won't interfere with it.

    You can reproduce this by concatenating the results of two function calls:

    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 0, 1]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Again, you can do all that because you're concatenating references to the same object.

    share|improve this answer

    That's actually pretty interesting!

    As we know, the list l in the function definition is initialized only once at the definition of this function, and for all invocations of this function, there will be exactly one copy of this list. Now, the function modifies this list, which means that multiple calls to this function will modify the exact same object multiple times. This is the first important part.

    Now, consider the expression that adds these lists:


    According to the laws of operator precedence, this is equivalent to the following:

    (f() + f()) + f()

    ...which is exactly the same as this:

    temp1 = f() + f() # (1)
    temp2 = temp1 + f() # (2)

    This is the second important part.

    Addition of lists produces a new object, without modifying any of its arguments. This is the third important part.

    Now let's combine what we know together.

    In line 1 above, the first call returns [0], as you'd expect. The second call returns [0, 1], as you'd expect. Oh, wait! The function will return the exact same object (not its copy!) over and over again, after modifying it! This means that the object that the first call returned has now changed to become [0, 1] as well! And that's why temp1 == [0, 1] + [0, 1].

    The result of addition, however, is a completely new object, so [0, 1, 0, 1] + f() is the same as [0, 1, 0, 1] + [0, 1, 2]. Note that the second list is, again, exactly what you'd expect your function to return. The same thing happens when you add f() + ["-"]: this creates a new list object, so that any other calls to f won't interfere with it.

    You can reproduce this by concatenating the results of two function calls:

    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 0, 1]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
    >>> f() + f()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Again, you can do all that because you're concatenating references to the same object.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 2 days ago

    answered 2 days ago


    24.9k9 gold badges39 silver badges62 bronze badges

    24.9k9 gold badges39 silver badges62 bronze badges

    • 1

      Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

      – Benoît Pilatte
      2 days ago

    • 5

      The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago

    • 3

      A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

      – EliadL
      2 days ago

    • 2

      Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

      – Henry Yik
      2 days ago

    • 2

      @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago

    • 1

      Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

      – Benoît Pilatte
      2 days ago

    • 5

      The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago

    • 3

      A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

      – EliadL
      2 days ago

    • 2

      Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

      – Henry Yik
      2 days ago

    • 2

      @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

      – C.Nivs
      2 days ago



    Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago

    Wow, 🤯. The best thing about this answer is that it is right. []+f()+f() gives [0, 0, 1] and f()+f()+[] gives [0, 1, 0, 1] !!!

    – Benoît Pilatte
    2 days ago



    The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago

    The new object returned by + is definitely the key here, it's so subtle

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago



    A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

    – EliadL
    2 days ago

    A good reminder for why a mutable default argument is a big no-no.

    – EliadL
    2 days ago



    Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

    – Henry Yik
    2 days ago

    Looked into dis(lambda: f()+f()+f()) and the function f did get called twice before add is performed. Great answer btw.

    – Henry Yik
    2 days ago



    @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago

    @HenryYik it's because of how list.__add__ is implemented. The first f() instantiates the list object, let's call it l1. Then l1.__add__(f()) is called, so, f() needs to be evaluated first, which changes the reference that is shared with l1. Then l1.__add__(l2) finishes, returning the new object.

    – C.Nivs
    2 days ago


    Here's a way to think about it that might help it make sense:

    A function is a data structure. You create one with a def block, much the same way as you create a type with a class block or you create a list with square brackets.

    The most interesting part of that data structure is the code that gets run when the function is called, but the default arguments are also part of it! In fact, you can inspect both the code and the default arguments from Python, via attributes on the function:

    >>> def foo(a=1): pass
    >>> dir(foo)
    ['__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', ...]
    >>> foo.__code__
    <code object foo at 0x7f114752a660, file "<stdin>", line 1>
    >>> foo.__defaults__

    (A much nicer interface for this is inspect.signature, but all it does is examine those attributes.)

    So the reason that this modifies the list:

    def f(l=[]):
    return l

    is exactly the same reason that this also modifies the list:

    f = dict(l=[])

    In both cases, you're mutating a list that belongs to some parent structure, so the change will naturally be visible in the parent as well.

    Note that this is a design decision that Python specifically made, and it's not inherently necessary in a language. JavaScript recently learned about default arguments, but it treats them as expressions to be re-evaluated anew on each call — essentially, each default argument is its own tiny function. The advantage is that JS doesn't have this gotcha, but the drawback is that you can't meaningfully inspect the defaults the way you can in Python.

    share|improve this answer


      Here's a way to think about it that might help it make sense:

      A function is a data structure. You create one with a def block, much the same way as you create a type with a class block or you create a list with square brackets.

      The most interesting part of that data structure is the code that gets run when the function is called, but the default arguments are also part of it! In fact, you can inspect both the code and the default arguments from Python, via attributes on the function:

      >>> def foo(a=1): pass
      >>> dir(foo)
      ['__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', ...]
      >>> foo.__code__
      <code object foo at 0x7f114752a660, file "<stdin>", line 1>
      >>> foo.__defaults__

      (A much nicer interface for this is inspect.signature, but all it does is examine those attributes.)

      So the reason that this modifies the list:

      def f(l=[]):
      return l

      is exactly the same reason that this also modifies the list:

      f = dict(l=[])

      In both cases, you're mutating a list that belongs to some parent structure, so the change will naturally be visible in the parent as well.

      Note that this is a design decision that Python specifically made, and it's not inherently necessary in a language. JavaScript recently learned about default arguments, but it treats them as expressions to be re-evaluated anew on each call — essentially, each default argument is its own tiny function. The advantage is that JS doesn't have this gotcha, but the drawback is that you can't meaningfully inspect the defaults the way you can in Python.

      share|improve this answer




        Here's a way to think about it that might help it make sense:

        A function is a data structure. You create one with a def block, much the same way as you create a type with a class block or you create a list with square brackets.

        The most interesting part of that data structure is the code that gets run when the function is called, but the default arguments are also part of it! In fact, you can inspect both the code and the default arguments from Python, via attributes on the function:

        >>> def foo(a=1): pass
        >>> dir(foo)
        ['__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', ...]
        >>> foo.__code__
        <code object foo at 0x7f114752a660, file "<stdin>", line 1>
        >>> foo.__defaults__

        (A much nicer interface for this is inspect.signature, but all it does is examine those attributes.)

        So the reason that this modifies the list:

        def f(l=[]):
        return l

        is exactly the same reason that this also modifies the list:

        f = dict(l=[])

        In both cases, you're mutating a list that belongs to some parent structure, so the change will naturally be visible in the parent as well.

        Note that this is a design decision that Python specifically made, and it's not inherently necessary in a language. JavaScript recently learned about default arguments, but it treats them as expressions to be re-evaluated anew on each call — essentially, each default argument is its own tiny function. The advantage is that JS doesn't have this gotcha, but the drawback is that you can't meaningfully inspect the defaults the way you can in Python.

        share|improve this answer

        Here's a way to think about it that might help it make sense:

        A function is a data structure. You create one with a def block, much the same way as you create a type with a class block or you create a list with square brackets.

        The most interesting part of that data structure is the code that gets run when the function is called, but the default arguments are also part of it! In fact, you can inspect both the code and the default arguments from Python, via attributes on the function:

        >>> def foo(a=1): pass
        >>> dir(foo)
        ['__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', ...]
        >>> foo.__code__
        <code object foo at 0x7f114752a660, file "<stdin>", line 1>
        >>> foo.__defaults__

        (A much nicer interface for this is inspect.signature, but all it does is examine those attributes.)

        So the reason that this modifies the list:

        def f(l=[]):
        return l

        is exactly the same reason that this also modifies the list:

        f = dict(l=[])

        In both cases, you're mutating a list that belongs to some parent structure, so the change will naturally be visible in the parent as well.

        Note that this is a design decision that Python specifically made, and it's not inherently necessary in a language. JavaScript recently learned about default arguments, but it treats them as expressions to be re-evaluated anew on each call — essentially, each default argument is its own tiny function. The advantage is that JS doesn't have this gotcha, but the drawback is that you can't meaningfully inspect the defaults the way you can in Python.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 2 days ago


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