How to set mail subject using variable and ensure attachment is not included in email bodyLinux mail,...

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How to set mail subject using variable and ensure attachment is not included in email body

Linux mail, attachement with uuencode works until I add headersModify date in email header using script with mailxBold and Underline using echo with emailSSMTP: How to send email with both a body and attachmenthow to send multiple attachment in 1 email using uuencodeForwarding an email as an attachment with a bash shell script, or applescriptmail/mailx: How to specify recipents with full names?Unix--Send attachment, subject and body of the mail using mailxMailx command to send the email to gmail account with content type as Content-Type: text/htmlhow to send a mail with attachment using sendmail command in unix

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I have the following shell script fragment.

for emailadd in `cat /tmp/email_list.tmp`
subject_text="Subject with Var Name "$var_name
subj_text_novar="Subject without Var Name"
email_mssge="this is the message with variable name "$var_name
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subject_text" "$emailadd"
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subj_text_novar" "$emailadd"

What it does is
a. Sets the variable var_name
b. Reads through the list of email addresses stored in /tmp/email_list.tmp
c. Compiles and sends an email with /tmp/my_report.txt (plain text file) as an attachment

The script is intended to run on a number of different servers, so var_name will change with each server.
The mail command with $subj_text_novar, (does not include $var_name in the subject string), sends the email correctly .
However the mail command with $subject_text which does include $var_name places the contents of the attachment into the main body of the email.
As far as I can make out, it is the actual $-sign causing the problem because hardcoding the var_name value into the string is fine but I don't see why because surely var_name is just a concatenated string
So, how can I set the subject for mail so it includes $var_name and my text file is sent as an attachment?

I am running this on SuSE 11.3 but the solution ideally needs to work on AIX 6.1 and HP UX11.31 as well


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bumped to the homepage by Community 45 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

    – roaima
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

  • beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

    – Jeff Schaller
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

  • Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

  • And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:06


I have the following shell script fragment.

for emailadd in `cat /tmp/email_list.tmp`
subject_text="Subject with Var Name "$var_name
subj_text_novar="Subject without Var Name"
email_mssge="this is the message with variable name "$var_name
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subject_text" "$emailadd"
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subj_text_novar" "$emailadd"

What it does is
a. Sets the variable var_name
b. Reads through the list of email addresses stored in /tmp/email_list.tmp
c. Compiles and sends an email with /tmp/my_report.txt (plain text file) as an attachment

The script is intended to run on a number of different servers, so var_name will change with each server.
The mail command with $subj_text_novar, (does not include $var_name in the subject string), sends the email correctly .
However the mail command with $subject_text which does include $var_name places the contents of the attachment into the main body of the email.
As far as I can make out, it is the actual $-sign causing the problem because hardcoding the var_name value into the string is fine but I don't see why because surely var_name is just a concatenated string
So, how can I set the subject for mail so it includes $var_name and my text file is sent as an attachment?

I am running this on SuSE 11.3 but the solution ideally needs to work on AIX 6.1 and HP UX11.31 as well


share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 45 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

    – roaima
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

  • beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

    – Jeff Schaller
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

  • Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

  • And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:06




I have the following shell script fragment.

for emailadd in `cat /tmp/email_list.tmp`
subject_text="Subject with Var Name "$var_name
subj_text_novar="Subject without Var Name"
email_mssge="this is the message with variable name "$var_name
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subject_text" "$emailadd"
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subj_text_novar" "$emailadd"

What it does is
a. Sets the variable var_name
b. Reads through the list of email addresses stored in /tmp/email_list.tmp
c. Compiles and sends an email with /tmp/my_report.txt (plain text file) as an attachment

The script is intended to run on a number of different servers, so var_name will change with each server.
The mail command with $subj_text_novar, (does not include $var_name in the subject string), sends the email correctly .
However the mail command with $subject_text which does include $var_name places the contents of the attachment into the main body of the email.
As far as I can make out, it is the actual $-sign causing the problem because hardcoding the var_name value into the string is fine but I don't see why because surely var_name is just a concatenated string
So, how can I set the subject for mail so it includes $var_name and my text file is sent as an attachment?

I am running this on SuSE 11.3 but the solution ideally needs to work on AIX 6.1 and HP UX11.31 as well


share|improve this question

I have the following shell script fragment.

for emailadd in `cat /tmp/email_list.tmp`
subject_text="Subject with Var Name "$var_name
subj_text_novar="Subject without Var Name"
email_mssge="this is the message with variable name "$var_name
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subject_text" "$emailadd"
echo "$email_mssge"|mailx -a /tmp/my_report.txt -s "$subj_text_novar" "$emailadd"

What it does is
a. Sets the variable var_name
b. Reads through the list of email addresses stored in /tmp/email_list.tmp
c. Compiles and sends an email with /tmp/my_report.txt (plain text file) as an attachment

The script is intended to run on a number of different servers, so var_name will change with each server.
The mail command with $subj_text_novar, (does not include $var_name in the subject string), sends the email correctly .
However the mail command with $subject_text which does include $var_name places the contents of the attachment into the main body of the email.
As far as I can make out, it is the actual $-sign causing the problem because hardcoding the var_name value into the string is fine but I don't see why because surely var_name is just a concatenated string
So, how can I set the subject for mail so it includes $var_name and my text file is sent as an attachment?

I am running this on SuSE 11.3 but the solution ideally needs to work on AIX 6.1 and HP UX11.31 as well


linux email solaris aix mailx

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share|improve this question

edited Jul 21 '15 at 15:43


49.4k7 gold badges66 silver badges133 bronze badges

49.4k7 gold badges66 silver badges133 bronze badges

asked Jul 21 '15 at 15:28


11 silver badge1 bronze badge

11 silver badge1 bronze badge

bumped to the homepage by Community 45 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 45 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 45 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

    – roaima
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

  • beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

    – Jeff Schaller
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

  • Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

  • And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:06

  • Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

    – roaima
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

  • beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

    – Jeff Schaller
    Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

  • Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

  • And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

    – Noj
    Jul 21 '15 at 16:06

Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

– roaima
Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

Quote the variables. For example, subject_text="Subject with Var Name $var_name". Do you need to send a separate message to each recipient in /tmp/email_list.tmp? If not, you can discard the loop and put $(cat /tmp/email_list.tmp) in place of "$emailadd" on the two mailx command lines

– roaima
Jul 21 '15 at 15:32

beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

– Jeff Schaller
Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

beware: the -a flag to mailx may not exist on your AIX and/or HPUX machines.

– Jeff Schaller
Jul 21 '15 at 15:37

Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

– Noj
Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

Thanks to roaima for the answer. In fact I had tried this before without joy. But roaima's comment made me re-evaluate and in the context of the shell fragment yes it worked. However I was actually deriving var_name from an Oracle database, (probably I should've mentioned it but to be honest I didn't think that was the issue). Anyway by doing var_name=echo $dbs_value I was able to employ roaima's solution.

– Noj
Jul 21 '15 at 16:02

And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

– Noj
Jul 21 '15 at 16:06

And thanks Jeff Schaller about AIX & HP. I'll investigate both OS's to see if there are alternatives

– Noj
Jul 21 '15 at 16:06

1 Answer





I have something for you using heirloom-mailx:

enviaremail() {
values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d 'n')
heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
echo "${attachment}"
done) -v -s "${titulo}"
-S smtp-use-starttls
-S ssl-verify=ignore
-S smtp-auth=login
-S smtp=smtp://$1
-S from="${2}"
-S smtp-auth-user=$3
-S smtp-auth-password=$4
-S ssl-verify=ignore
$5 < ${cuerpo}

function call:
enviaremail smtp.mailserver:port from_address authuser 'pass' destination list of attachments separated by space

In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function.
You can put the function as a script ( in the path and then just use it in your scripts with source or place it in your .bashrc file.

Best Regards

share|improve this answer

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    I have something for you using heirloom-mailx:

    enviaremail() {
    values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d 'n')
    heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
    for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
    attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
    echo "${attachment}"
    done) -v -s "${titulo}"
    -S smtp-use-starttls
    -S ssl-verify=ignore
    -S smtp-auth=login
    -S smtp=smtp://$1
    -S from="${2}"
    -S smtp-auth-user=$3
    -S smtp-auth-password=$4
    -S ssl-verify=ignore
    $5 < ${cuerpo}

    function call:
    enviaremail smtp.mailserver:port from_address authuser 'pass' destination list of attachments separated by space

    In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function.
    You can put the function as a script ( in the path and then just use it in your scripts with source or place it in your .bashrc file.

    Best Regards

    share|improve this answer


      I have something for you using heirloom-mailx:

      enviaremail() {
      values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d 'n')
      heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
      for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
      attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
      echo "${attachment}"
      done) -v -s "${titulo}"
      -S smtp-use-starttls
      -S ssl-verify=ignore
      -S smtp-auth=login
      -S smtp=smtp://$1
      -S from="${2}"
      -S smtp-auth-user=$3
      -S smtp-auth-password=$4
      -S ssl-verify=ignore
      $5 < ${cuerpo}

      function call:
      enviaremail smtp.mailserver:port from_address authuser 'pass' destination list of attachments separated by space

      In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function.
      You can put the function as a script ( in the path and then just use it in your scripts with source or place it in your .bashrc file.

      Best Regards

      share|improve this answer




        I have something for you using heirloom-mailx:

        enviaremail() {
        values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d 'n')
        heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
        for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
        attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
        echo "${attachment}"
        done) -v -s "${titulo}"
        -S smtp-use-starttls
        -S ssl-verify=ignore
        -S smtp-auth=login
        -S smtp=smtp://$1
        -S from="${2}"
        -S smtp-auth-user=$3
        -S smtp-auth-password=$4
        -S ssl-verify=ignore
        $5 < ${cuerpo}

        function call:
        enviaremail smtp.mailserver:port from_address authuser 'pass' destination list of attachments separated by space

        In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function.
        You can put the function as a script ( in the path and then just use it in your scripts with source or place it in your .bashrc file.

        Best Regards

        share|improve this answer

        I have something for you using heirloom-mailx:

        enviaremail() {
        values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d 'n')
        heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
        for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
        attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
        echo "${attachment}"
        done) -v -s "${titulo}"
        -S smtp-use-starttls
        -S ssl-verify=ignore
        -S smtp-auth=login
        -S smtp=smtp://$1
        -S from="${2}"
        -S smtp-auth-user=$3
        -S smtp-auth-password=$4
        -S ssl-verify=ignore
        $5 < ${cuerpo}

        function call:
        enviaremail smtp.mailserver:port from_address authuser 'pass' destination list of attachments separated by space

        In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function.
        You can put the function as a script ( in the path and then just use it in your scripts with source or place it in your .bashrc file.

        Best Regards

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Sep 10 '18 at 11:21

        Ivo YordanovIvo Yordanov

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