How to use a tikzpicture as a node shapeRotate a node but not its content: the case of the ellipse...

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How to use a tikzpicture as a node shape

Rotate a node but not its content: the case of the ellipse decorationHow to define the default vertical distance between nodes?Computing the rectangle encompassing a node and a pointNumerical conditional within tikz keys?Adding extra nodes at anchors of rectangular node custom shape in tikz?use circuitikz picture inside tikzpictureTikZ: Drawing an arc from an intersection to an intersectionAdjusting edge alignment and positioning of fitted nodeLine up nested tikz enviroments or how to get rid of themNode anchor centre of line

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;


In this figure,

usetikzlibrary{positioning} %<<<<----OJO


roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
% every node/.style={scale=4},
every node/.style={transform shape}
node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
node[roundnode] (C) [below of= B] {Large 3};
node[roundnode] (D) [below of= C] {Large 4};
node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below of= D] {Large $m$};

node[squarednode] (C1) [right of= A] {Large c1};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C2) [right of= C1] {Large c2};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C3) [right of= C2] {Large c3};
node[squarednode] (C4) [right of= B] {Large c4};
node[squarednode] (C5) [right of= C] {Large c5};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C6) [right of= C5] {Large c6};
node[squarednode] (C7) [right of= D] {Large c7};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C8) [right of= C7] {Large c8};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C9) [right of= C8] {Large c9};
node[squarednode] (C10) [right of= M] {Large c10};

node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right of= C6] {};

draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

% From X to carts
draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

node[squarednode, node distance=0.75cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E1) [right of= E0] {Large c11};
node[squarednode, node distance=1.50cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E2) [right of= E1] {Large c12};
node[squarednode, node distance=2.00cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E3) [right of= E2] {Large c13};

%% lines dotted
draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above of =E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

node[squarednode, yshift=-1cm, xshift=-0.5cm] (L11) [below of= E2] {C};
node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below of= L11] {Shopping\Cart};
node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right of= L11] {};
node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below of= L21] {Shop\Paypoint};



enter image description here

I would like to replace each of the red square nodes by a shopping cart tikzpicture (no text is needed inside the cart):


% definecolor{zzttqq}{rgb}{0.6,0.2,0}
% definecolor{ududff}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,1}

begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45]
% draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
filldraw[line width=2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
(-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
draw [line width=2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
draw [line width=2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
draw [line width=2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
draw [line width=2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
draw [line width=2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
draw [line width=2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);


enter image description here

with the cart scaled to similar size of the square red nodes.

How can I replace the square nodes by carts? (e.g. c1, c2 and c3 will be three carts at the right of node 1).

share|improve this question

New contributor

pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    In this figure,

    usetikzlibrary{positioning} %<<<<----OJO


    roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
    squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
    align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
    % every node/.style={scale=4},
    every node/.style={transform shape}
    node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
    node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
    node[roundnode] (C) [below of= B] {Large 3};
    node[roundnode] (D) [below of= C] {Large 4};
    node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below of= D] {Large $m$};

    %% CARTS
    node[squarednode] (C1) [right of= A] {Large c1};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C2) [right of= C1] {Large c2};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C3) [right of= C2] {Large c3};
    node[squarednode] (C4) [right of= B] {Large c4};
    node[squarednode] (C5) [right of= C] {Large c5};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C6) [right of= C5] {Large c6};
    node[squarednode] (C7) [right of= D] {Large c7};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C8) [right of= C7] {Large c8};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C9) [right of= C8] {Large c9};
    node[squarednode] (C10) [right of= M] {Large c10};

    node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right of= C6] {};

    draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
    draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
    draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
    draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

    draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
    draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

    % From X to carts
    draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
    draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
    draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
    draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
    draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

    node[squarednode, node distance=0.75cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E1) [right of= E0] {Large c11};
    node[squarednode, node distance=1.50cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E2) [right of= E1] {Large c12};
    node[squarednode, node distance=2.00cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E3) [right of= E2] {Large c13};

    %% lines dotted
    draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
    draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
    node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above of =E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

    % LEGEND
    node[squarednode, yshift=-1cm, xshift=-0.5cm] (L11) [below of= E2] {C};
    node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below of= L11] {Shopping\Cart};
    node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right of= L11] {};
    node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below of= L21] {Shop\Paypoint};



    enter image description here

    I would like to replace each of the red square nodes by a shopping cart tikzpicture (no text is needed inside the cart):


    % definecolor{zzttqq}{rgb}{0.6,0.2,0}
    % definecolor{ududff}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,1}

    begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45]
    % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
    filldraw[line width=2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
    (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
    draw [line width=2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
    draw [line width=2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
    draw [line width=2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
    draw [line width=2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
    draw [line width=2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
    draw [line width=2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);


    enter image description here

    with the cart scaled to similar size of the square red nodes.

    How can I replace the square nodes by carts? (e.g. c1, c2 and c3 will be three carts at the right of node 1).

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      In this figure,

      usetikzlibrary{positioning} %<<<<----OJO


      roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
      squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
      align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
      % every node/.style={scale=4},
      every node/.style={transform shape}
      node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
      node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
      node[roundnode] (C) [below of= B] {Large 3};
      node[roundnode] (D) [below of= C] {Large 4};
      node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below of= D] {Large $m$};

      %% CARTS
      node[squarednode] (C1) [right of= A] {Large c1};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C2) [right of= C1] {Large c2};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C3) [right of= C2] {Large c3};
      node[squarednode] (C4) [right of= B] {Large c4};
      node[squarednode] (C5) [right of= C] {Large c5};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C6) [right of= C5] {Large c6};
      node[squarednode] (C7) [right of= D] {Large c7};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C8) [right of= C7] {Large c8};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C9) [right of= C8] {Large c9};
      node[squarednode] (C10) [right of= M] {Large c10};

      node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right of= C6] {};

      draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
      draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
      draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
      draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

      draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
      draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

      % From X to carts
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

      %% MORE CARTS
      node[squarednode, node distance=0.75cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E1) [right of= E0] {Large c11};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.50cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E2) [right of= E1] {Large c12};
      node[squarednode, node distance=2.00cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E3) [right of= E2] {Large c13};

      %% lines dotted
      draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
      draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
      node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above of =E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

      % LEGEND
      node[squarednode, yshift=-1cm, xshift=-0.5cm] (L11) [below of= E2] {C};
      node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below of= L11] {Shopping\Cart};
      node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right of= L11] {};
      node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below of= L21] {Shop\Paypoint};



      enter image description here

      I would like to replace each of the red square nodes by a shopping cart tikzpicture (no text is needed inside the cart):


      % definecolor{zzttqq}{rgb}{0.6,0.2,0}
      % definecolor{ududff}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,1}

      begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45]
      % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
      filldraw[line width=2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
      (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
      draw [line width=2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
      draw [line width=2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
      draw [line width=2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
      draw [line width=2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
      draw [line width=2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);


      enter image description here

      with the cart scaled to similar size of the square red nodes.

      How can I replace the square nodes by carts? (e.g. c1, c2 and c3 will be three carts at the right of node 1).

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      In this figure,

      usetikzlibrary{positioning} %<<<<----OJO


      roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
      squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
      align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
      % every node/.style={scale=4},
      every node/.style={transform shape}
      node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
      node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
      node[roundnode] (C) [below of= B] {Large 3};
      node[roundnode] (D) [below of= C] {Large 4};
      node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below of= D] {Large $m$};

      %% CARTS
      node[squarednode] (C1) [right of= A] {Large c1};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C2) [right of= C1] {Large c2};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C3) [right of= C2] {Large c3};
      node[squarednode] (C4) [right of= B] {Large c4};
      node[squarednode] (C5) [right of= C] {Large c5};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C6) [right of= C5] {Large c6};
      node[squarednode] (C7) [right of= D] {Large c7};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C8) [right of= C7] {Large c8};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.25cm,] (C9) [right of= C8] {Large c9};
      node[squarednode] (C10) [right of= M] {Large c10};

      node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right of= C6] {};

      draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
      draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
      draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
      draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

      draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
      draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

      % From X to carts
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
      draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

      %% MORE CARTS
      node[squarednode, node distance=0.75cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E1) [right of= E0] {Large c11};
      node[squarednode, node distance=1.50cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E2) [right of= E1] {Large c12};
      node[squarednode, node distance=2.00cm, outer sep = 0.20cm] (E3) [right of= E2] {Large c13};

      %% lines dotted
      draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
      draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
      node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above of =E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

      % LEGEND
      node[squarednode, yshift=-1cm, xshift=-0.5cm] (L11) [below of= E2] {C};
      node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below of= L11] {Shopping\Cart};
      node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right of= L11] {};
      node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below of= L21] {Shop\Paypoint};



      enter image description here

      I would like to replace each of the red square nodes by a shopping cart tikzpicture (no text is needed inside the cart):


      % definecolor{zzttqq}{rgb}{0.6,0.2,0}
      % definecolor{ududff}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,1}

      begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45]
      % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
      filldraw[line width=2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
      (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
      draw [line width=2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
      draw [line width=2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
      draw [line width=2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
      draw [line width=2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
      draw [line width=2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);


      enter image description here

      with the cart scaled to similar size of the square red nodes.

      How can I replace the square nodes by carts? (e.g. c1, c2 and c3 will be three carts at the right of node 1).


      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 7 hours ago

      Stefan Pinnow

      21.7k9 gold badges38 silver badges81 bronze badges

      21.7k9 gold badges38 silver badges81 bronze badges

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 8 hours ago


      435 bronze badges

      435 bronze badges

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      pablo is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          1 Answer





          There are 2.5 methods to make a TikZ picture a node:

          1. Use path picture.

          2. Use a savebox.

          3. Use pics. This is strictly speaking not a node, hence "2.5" instead of 3 possibilities.

          Let's focus on option 2. Your cart gets stored in a savebox. It can be the content of the nodes, or you can make it a style using node contents. (In this case you need to be a bit more carful with the syntax, node (C1) [cart]; works but node[cart] (C1); doesn't.) Then there are several off-topic comments:

          • You were loading packages and libraries that you didn't use. I got rid of them.

          • You were loading positioning but not using it. Instead of right of=A use the positioning syntax right=of A or right=<distance> of A. This makes it much easier to arrange the nodes.

          • If you repeatedly use the same styles it is more convenient to use scopes.

          All this is to some extent done in the following MWE (which is not fully optimized, though):

          sboxChart{begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,scale=0.25]
          % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
          filldraw[line width=mya*2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
          (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=mya*2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
          draw [line width=mya*2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
          draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
          draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
          draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
          draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);

          roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
          squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
          align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
          % every node/.style={scale=4},
          every node/.style={transform shape},
          cart/.style={node contents=usebox{Chart}}
          node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
          node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
          node[roundnode] (C) [below=of B] {Large 3};
          node[roundnode] (D) [below=of C] {Large 4};
          node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below=of D] {Large $m$};

          %% CARTS
          begin{scope}[node distance=3mm,nodes=cart]
          node (C1) [right=of A];
          node (C2) [right=of C1];
          node (C3) [right=of C2];
          node (C4) [right=of B];
          node (C5) [right=of C];
          node (C6) [right=of C5];
          node (C7) [right=of D];
          node (C8) [right=of C7];
          node (C9) [right=of C8];
          node (C10) [right=of M];
          node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right=of C6] {};

          draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
          draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
          draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
          draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

          draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
          draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

          % From X to carts
          draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
          draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
          draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
          draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
          draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

          %% MORE CARTS
          node (E1) [right=3mm of E0];
          node (E2) [right=2mm of E1];
          node (E3) [right=5mm of E2];
          %% lines dotted
          draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
          draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
          node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above=of E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

          % LEGEND
          node (L11) [below left=1cm and 1mm of E2,cart];
          node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below=of L11] {Shopping\Cart};
          node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right=of L11] {};
          node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below=of L21] {Shop\Paypoint};


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer











            There are 2.5 methods to make a TikZ picture a node:

            1. Use path picture.

            2. Use a savebox.

            3. Use pics. This is strictly speaking not a node, hence "2.5" instead of 3 possibilities.

            Let's focus on option 2. Your cart gets stored in a savebox. It can be the content of the nodes, or you can make it a style using node contents. (In this case you need to be a bit more carful with the syntax, node (C1) [cart]; works but node[cart] (C1); doesn't.) Then there are several off-topic comments:

            • You were loading packages and libraries that you didn't use. I got rid of them.

            • You were loading positioning but not using it. Instead of right of=A use the positioning syntax right=of A or right=<distance> of A. This makes it much easier to arrange the nodes.

            • If you repeatedly use the same styles it is more convenient to use scopes.

            All this is to some extent done in the following MWE (which is not fully optimized, though):

            sboxChart{begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,scale=0.25]
            % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
            filldraw[line width=mya*2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
            (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
            draw [line width=mya*2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
            draw [line width=mya*2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
            draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
            draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
            draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
            draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);

            roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
            squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
            align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
            % every node/.style={scale=4},
            every node/.style={transform shape},
            cart/.style={node contents=usebox{Chart}}
            node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
            node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
            node[roundnode] (C) [below=of B] {Large 3};
            node[roundnode] (D) [below=of C] {Large 4};
            node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below=of D] {Large $m$};

            %% CARTS
            begin{scope}[node distance=3mm,nodes=cart]
            node (C1) [right=of A];
            node (C2) [right=of C1];
            node (C3) [right=of C2];
            node (C4) [right=of B];
            node (C5) [right=of C];
            node (C6) [right=of C5];
            node (C7) [right=of D];
            node (C8) [right=of C7];
            node (C9) [right=of C8];
            node (C10) [right=of M];
            node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right=of C6] {};

            draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
            draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
            draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
            draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

            draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
            draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

            % From X to carts
            draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
            draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
            draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
            draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
            draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

            %% MORE CARTS
            node (E1) [right=3mm of E0];
            node (E2) [right=2mm of E1];
            node (E3) [right=5mm of E2];
            %% lines dotted
            draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
            draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
            node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above=of E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

            % LEGEND
            node (L11) [below left=1cm and 1mm of E2,cart];
            node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below=of L11] {Shopping\Cart};
            node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right=of L11] {};
            node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below=of L21] {Shop\Paypoint};


            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer


              There are 2.5 methods to make a TikZ picture a node:

              1. Use path picture.

              2. Use a savebox.

              3. Use pics. This is strictly speaking not a node, hence "2.5" instead of 3 possibilities.

              Let's focus on option 2. Your cart gets stored in a savebox. It can be the content of the nodes, or you can make it a style using node contents. (In this case you need to be a bit more carful with the syntax, node (C1) [cart]; works but node[cart] (C1); doesn't.) Then there are several off-topic comments:

              • You were loading packages and libraries that you didn't use. I got rid of them.

              • You were loading positioning but not using it. Instead of right of=A use the positioning syntax right=of A or right=<distance> of A. This makes it much easier to arrange the nodes.

              • If you repeatedly use the same styles it is more convenient to use scopes.

              All this is to some extent done in the following MWE (which is not fully optimized, though):

              sboxChart{begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,scale=0.25]
              % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
              filldraw[line width=mya*2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
              (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
              draw [line width=mya*2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
              draw [line width=mya*2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
              draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
              draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
              draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
              draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);

              roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
              squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
              align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
              % every node/.style={scale=4},
              every node/.style={transform shape},
              cart/.style={node contents=usebox{Chart}}
              node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
              node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
              node[roundnode] (C) [below=of B] {Large 3};
              node[roundnode] (D) [below=of C] {Large 4};
              node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below=of D] {Large $m$};

              %% CARTS
              begin{scope}[node distance=3mm,nodes=cart]
              node (C1) [right=of A];
              node (C2) [right=of C1];
              node (C3) [right=of C2];
              node (C4) [right=of B];
              node (C5) [right=of C];
              node (C6) [right=of C5];
              node (C7) [right=of D];
              node (C8) [right=of C7];
              node (C9) [right=of C8];
              node (C10) [right=of M];
              node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right=of C6] {};

              draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
              draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
              draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
              draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

              draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
              draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

              % From X to carts
              draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
              draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
              draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
              draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
              draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

              %% MORE CARTS
              node (E1) [right=3mm of E0];
              node (E2) [right=2mm of E1];
              node (E3) [right=5mm of E2];
              %% lines dotted
              draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
              draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
              node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above=of E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

              % LEGEND
              node (L11) [below left=1cm and 1mm of E2,cart];
              node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below=of L11] {Shopping\Cart};
              node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right=of L11] {};
              node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below=of L21] {Shop\Paypoint};


              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer




                There are 2.5 methods to make a TikZ picture a node:

                1. Use path picture.

                2. Use a savebox.

                3. Use pics. This is strictly speaking not a node, hence "2.5" instead of 3 possibilities.

                Let's focus on option 2. Your cart gets stored in a savebox. It can be the content of the nodes, or you can make it a style using node contents. (In this case you need to be a bit more carful with the syntax, node (C1) [cart]; works but node[cart] (C1); doesn't.) Then there are several off-topic comments:

                • You were loading packages and libraries that you didn't use. I got rid of them.

                • You were loading positioning but not using it. Instead of right of=A use the positioning syntax right=of A or right=<distance> of A. This makes it much easier to arrange the nodes.

                • If you repeatedly use the same styles it is more convenient to use scopes.

                All this is to some extent done in the following MWE (which is not fully optimized, though):

                sboxChart{begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,scale=0.25]
                % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
                filldraw[line width=mya*2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
                (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
                draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
                draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);

                roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
                squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
                align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
                % every node/.style={scale=4},
                every node/.style={transform shape},
                cart/.style={node contents=usebox{Chart}}
                node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
                node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
                node[roundnode] (C) [below=of B] {Large 3};
                node[roundnode] (D) [below=of C] {Large 4};
                node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below=of D] {Large $m$};

                %% CARTS
                begin{scope}[node distance=3mm,nodes=cart]
                node (C1) [right=of A];
                node (C2) [right=of C1];
                node (C3) [right=of C2];
                node (C4) [right=of B];
                node (C5) [right=of C];
                node (C6) [right=of C5];
                node (C7) [right=of D];
                node (C8) [right=of C7];
                node (C9) [right=of C8];
                node (C10) [right=of M];
                node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right=of C6] {};

                draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
                draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
                draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
                draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

                draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
                draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

                % From X to carts
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

                %% MORE CARTS
                node (E1) [right=3mm of E0];
                node (E2) [right=2mm of E1];
                node (E3) [right=5mm of E2];
                %% lines dotted
                draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
                draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
                node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above=of E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

                % LEGEND
                node (L11) [below left=1cm and 1mm of E2,cart];
                node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below=of L11] {Shopping\Cart};
                node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right=of L11] {};
                node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below=of L21] {Shop\Paypoint};


                enter image description here

                share|improve this answer

                There are 2.5 methods to make a TikZ picture a node:

                1. Use path picture.

                2. Use a savebox.

                3. Use pics. This is strictly speaking not a node, hence "2.5" instead of 3 possibilities.

                Let's focus on option 2. Your cart gets stored in a savebox. It can be the content of the nodes, or you can make it a style using node contents. (In this case you need to be a bit more carful with the syntax, node (C1) [cart]; works but node[cart] (C1); doesn't.) Then there are several off-topic comments:

                • You were loading packages and libraries that you didn't use. I got rid of them.

                • You were loading positioning but not using it. Instead of right of=A use the positioning syntax right=of A or right=<distance> of A. This makes it much easier to arrange the nodes.

                • If you repeatedly use the same styles it is more convenient to use scopes.

                All this is to some extent done in the following MWE (which is not fully optimized, though):

                sboxChart{begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,scale=0.25]
                % draw[help lines,step=] (-3,-1) grid (3,7);
                filldraw[line width=mya*2pt,color=purple,fill=brown!30]
                (-2.58,4.28) -- (-2.30,2.93) -- (0.59,2.67) -- (1.11,4.39) -- cycle;
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (-2.40,2.16)-- (0.84,2.16);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (0.84,2.16)-- (0.59,2.67);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.11,4.39)-- (1.39,4.78);
                draw [line width=mya*2pt] (1.39,4.78)-- (1.72,4.78);
                draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (-2.17,1.78) circle (0.25cm);
                draw [line width=mya*2.8pt] (0.43,1.78) circle (0.25cm);

                roundnode/.style={circle, draw=black!60, fill=green!5, minimum size=8.5mm, line width=1.5mm},
                squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, minimum size=7mm},
                align=center,node distance=2.25cm,
                % every node/.style={scale=4},
                every node/.style={transform shape},
                cart/.style={node contents=usebox{Chart}}
                node[roundnode] (A) {Large 1};
                node[roundnode] (B) [below of =A] {Large 2};
                node[roundnode] (C) [below=of B] {Large 3};
                node[roundnode] (D) [below=of C] {Large 4};
                node[roundnode, node distance=2.75cm,] (M) [below=of D] {Large $m$};

                %% CARTS
                begin{scope}[node distance=3mm,nodes=cart]
                node (C1) [right=of A];
                node (C2) [right=of C1];
                node (C3) [right=of C2];
                node (C4) [right=of B];
                node (C5) [right=of C];
                node (C6) [right=of C5];
                node (C7) [right=of D];
                node (C8) [right=of C7];
                node (C9) [right=of C8];
                node (C10) [right=of M];
                node[circle, minimum size=0.5mm, fill=black!40, node distance=5cm, yshift=-0.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (E0) [right=of C6] {};

                draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (A) -- (B);
                draw[-,line width=0.5mm] (B) -- (C);
                draw[-,line width=0.5mm,] (C) -- (D);
                draw[loosely dotted,line width=0.65mm] (D) -- (M);

                draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (A.west) to [out=210,in=140] (C.west);
                draw [dashed,black,line width=0.5mm,] (B.west) to [out=210,in=140] (D.west);

                % From X to carts
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=90,in=0] (C3.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.north) to [out=120,in=0] (C4.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.west) to [out=165,in=0] (C6.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=235,in=0] (C9.east);
                draw [-{>[scale=1.5]}, red,line width=0.5mm,] (E0.south) to [out=270,in=0] (C10.east);

                %% MORE CARTS
                node (E1) [right=3mm of E0];
                node (E2) [right=2mm of E1];
                node (E3) [right=5mm of E2];
                %% lines dotted
                draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E1) -- (E2);
                draw[-, red, loosely dotted, line width=0.65mm,] (E2) -- (E3);
                node[yshift=-1.25cm, xshift= 0.25cm] (T1) [above=of E2] {$lambda$ arrivals per second};

                % LEGEND
                node (L11) [below left=1cm and 1mm of E2,cart];
                node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L12) [below=of L11] {Shopping\Cart};
                node[roundnode, ] (L21) [right=of L11] {};
                node[yshift=1.25cm,] (L22) [below=of L21] {Shop\Paypoint};


                enter image description here

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                edited 3 hours ago

                answered 7 hours ago

                Schrödinger's catSchrödinger's cat

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