curl delete command woint work in scripted for loopCURL command executionHow to use SFTP on a system that...

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curl delete command woint work in scripted for loop

CURL command executionHow to use SFTP on a system that requires sudo for root access & ssh key based authentication?curl url call in for loop?cURL for loop variableUnable to download data using curl for loopCan't SSH into localhostRun time for curl commandSSH Configuration Help / Can't tunnelDisable Root Password Login… but can I SUDO with a GUI SFTP program?curl doesn't work in bash loop


Is there any reason why a curl command wont work with variables?

Here is my set up - I am not using real values as I can not expose client data and I have no test environment

You will notice that I am using two curl commands, yes I know it can be combined into one command, but I haven't been able to make that work so I am splitting then up unto two separate commands to test with.

Here I set up the paths for inbound folder on my system:

[root@acme logs]# act="roadrunner"
[root@acme logs]# content="xml"
[root@acme logs]# inbndfldr='/ftp/'"$act"'/inbound'
[root@acme logs]# destinationFolder="$inbndfldr"/"$content"/
[root@acme logs]# logFolder="$inbndfldr"/logs

Here I set up the paths for outbound folder on the remote system:

[root@acme logs]# targetHost="SFTP://"
[root@acme logs]# THFolderName="OUTBOUND"
[root@acme logs]# THFolder='/'"$THFolderName"
[root@acme logs]# THSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder
[root@acme logs]# THDeleteSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder'/'

Here I set up authentication on the remote system:

[root@acme logs]# username=mrRoadRunner
[root@acme logs]# password=Beep-8eep!
[root@acme logs]# sessionAuthentication="$username":"$password"

Here I set the file reference:

[root@acme logs]# fileref="openroad2019.xml"

Here I verify that the file exists on the remote server:

[root@acme logs]# THFiles=$(curl -sSk -u $sessionAuthentication $THSftpAddress | grep $fileref | awk '{print $9}')
[root@acme logs]# echo $THFiles
[root@acme logs]# openroad2019.xml

Here I begin my loop:

[root@acme logs]# for targetFile in $THFiles
> do
> dateTimeStamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
> traceLog="$logFolder"/"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
> testLog="$logFolder"/test"$dateTimeStamp".log
> deltraceLog="$logFolder"/del"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
> deltestLog="$logFolder"/deltest"$dateTimeStamp".log
> deleteString='"-rm '"$THFolderName"'/'"$targetFile"'"'
> masterGetStr=`echo curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>>"$testLog" 2>&1`
> masterDeleteStr=`echo curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1`
> echo
> echo -----
> echo "$masterGetStr"
> echo --
> echo "$masterDeleteStr"
> echo -----
> echo
> curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>> "$testLog" 2>&1
> curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1
> done

Here is the output:

curl -k --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/openroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log --user mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! -O SFTP:// --ftp-ssl &>>/ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/test20190628180349.log 2>&1
curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

The first curl command works just fine, drops the file right where I need it.

The second curl command is supposed to delete the file on the remote system and it is not working. Here I view the logs on that:

== Info: Trying
== Info: TCP_NODELAY set
== Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
== Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
== Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
== Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
== Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
== Info: Initialized password authentication
== Info: Authentication complete
== Info: Sending quote commands
== Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
== Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
== Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
== Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
== Info: Closing connection 1
curl: (21) Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3248 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3252
100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3247 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3247
[root@acme logs]#

Yet, when I type in the command manually - it works and deletes the file off the remote system.

curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

[root@rh1 logs]# more *20190628180546*.log

Info: Trying
== Info: TCP_NODELAY set
== Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
== Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
== Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
== Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
== Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
== Info: Initialized password authentication
== Info: Authentication complete
<= Recv data, 2000 bytes (0x7d0)
0000: ef bb bf 3c 3f 78 6d 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e ...<?xml version
... (details removed)
0110: 6e 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 48 65 61 64 65 nstructionsHeade
0120: 72 3e r>
== Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

== Info: Trying
== Info: TCP_NODELAY set
== Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
== Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
== Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
== Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
== Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
== Info: Initialized password authentication
== Info: Authentication complete
=> Send data, 55 bytes (0x37)
0000: 64 72 77 78 72 2d 78 2d 2d 2d 20 32 20 66 74 70 drwxr-x--- 2 ftp
0010: 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 66 74 70 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 20 admin ftpadmin
... (details removed)
0050: 30 30 2d 32 36 37 36 39 36 37 33 5f 44 49 5f 4c 00-26769673_DI_L
0060: 45 30 2e 58 4d 4c 0a E0.XML.
== Info: Sending quote commands
== Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

== Info: Trying
== Info: TCP_NODELAY set
== Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
== Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
== Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
== Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
== Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
== Info: Initialized password authentication
== Info: Authentication complete
== Info: Sending quote commands
== Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
== Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
== Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
== Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
== Info: Closing connection 1

drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Jun 28 23:38 .
drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Apr 26 2019 ..
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7780 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172738.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2440 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172740.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7980 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111531.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2441 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111533.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165728.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165729.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15424 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190627091426.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4104 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627091427.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 10417 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092525.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3071 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092527.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15594 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093345.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4279 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093347.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 17237 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094528.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4290 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094530.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15608 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100222.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4288 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100224.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2455 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627102026.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111647.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111648.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145327.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145328.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 12797 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160344.XML
-rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3609 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160345.XML


share|improve this question


    Is there any reason why a curl command wont work with variables?

    Here is my set up - I am not using real values as I can not expose client data and I have no test environment

    You will notice that I am using two curl commands, yes I know it can be combined into one command, but I haven't been able to make that work so I am splitting then up unto two separate commands to test with.

    Here I set up the paths for inbound folder on my system:

    [root@acme logs]# act="roadrunner"
    [root@acme logs]# content="xml"
    [root@acme logs]# inbndfldr='/ftp/'"$act"'/inbound'
    [root@acme logs]# destinationFolder="$inbndfldr"/"$content"/
    [root@acme logs]# logFolder="$inbndfldr"/logs

    Here I set up the paths for outbound folder on the remote system:

    [root@acme logs]# targetHost="SFTP://"
    [root@acme logs]# THFolderName="OUTBOUND"
    [root@acme logs]# THFolder='/'"$THFolderName"
    [root@acme logs]# THSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder
    [root@acme logs]# THDeleteSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder'/'

    Here I set up authentication on the remote system:

    [root@acme logs]# username=mrRoadRunner
    [root@acme logs]# password=Beep-8eep!
    [root@acme logs]# sessionAuthentication="$username":"$password"

    Here I set the file reference:

    [root@acme logs]# fileref="openroad2019.xml"

    Here I verify that the file exists on the remote server:

    [root@acme logs]# THFiles=$(curl -sSk -u $sessionAuthentication $THSftpAddress | grep $fileref | awk '{print $9}')
    [root@acme logs]# echo $THFiles
    [root@acme logs]# openroad2019.xml

    Here I begin my loop:

    [root@acme logs]# for targetFile in $THFiles
    > do
    > dateTimeStamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
    > traceLog="$logFolder"/"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
    > testLog="$logFolder"/test"$dateTimeStamp".log
    > deltraceLog="$logFolder"/del"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
    > deltestLog="$logFolder"/deltest"$dateTimeStamp".log
    > deleteString='"-rm '"$THFolderName"'/'"$targetFile"'"'
    > masterGetStr=`echo curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>>"$testLog" 2>&1`
    > masterDeleteStr=`echo curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1`
    > echo
    > echo -----
    > echo "$masterGetStr"
    > echo --
    > echo "$masterDeleteStr"
    > echo -----
    > echo
    > curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>> "$testLog" 2>&1
    > curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1
    > done

    Here is the output:

    curl -k --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/openroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log --user mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! -O SFTP:// --ftp-ssl &>>/ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/test20190628180349.log 2>&1
    curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

    The first curl command works just fine, drops the file right where I need it.

    The second curl command is supposed to delete the file on the remote system and it is not working. Here I view the logs on that:

    == Info: Trying
    == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
    == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
    == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
    == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
    == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
    == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
    == Info: Initialized password authentication
    == Info: Authentication complete
    == Info: Sending quote commands
    == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
    == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
    == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
    == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
    == Info: Closing connection 1
    curl: (21) Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
    curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3248 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3252
    100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3247 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3247
    [root@acme logs]#

    Yet, when I type in the command manually - it works and deletes the file off the remote system.

    curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

    [root@rh1 logs]# more *20190628180546*.log

    Info: Trying
    == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
    == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
    == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
    == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
    == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
    == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
    == Info: Initialized password authentication
    == Info: Authentication complete
    <= Recv data, 2000 bytes (0x7d0)
    0000: ef bb bf 3c 3f 78 6d 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e ...<?xml version
    ... (details removed)
    0110: 6e 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 48 65 61 64 65 nstructionsHeade
    0120: 72 3e r>
    == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

    == Info: Trying
    == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
    == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
    == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
    == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
    == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
    == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
    == Info: Initialized password authentication
    == Info: Authentication complete
    => Send data, 55 bytes (0x37)
    0000: 64 72 77 78 72 2d 78 2d 2d 2d 20 32 20 66 74 70 drwxr-x--- 2 ftp
    0010: 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 66 74 70 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 20 admin ftpadmin
    ... (details removed)
    0050: 30 30 2d 32 36 37 36 39 36 37 33 5f 44 49 5f 4c 00-26769673_DI_L
    0060: 45 30 2e 58 4d 4c 0a E0.XML.
    == Info: Sending quote commands
    == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

    == Info: Trying
    == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
    == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
    == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
    == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
    == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
    == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
    == Info: Initialized password authentication
    == Info: Authentication complete
    == Info: Sending quote commands
    == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
    == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
    == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
    == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
    == Info: Closing connection 1

    drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Jun 28 23:38 .
    drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Apr 26 2019 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7780 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172738.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2440 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172740.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7980 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111531.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2441 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111533.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165728.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165729.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15424 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190627091426.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4104 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627091427.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 10417 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092525.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3071 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092527.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15594 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093345.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4279 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093347.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 17237 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094528.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4290 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094530.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15608 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100222.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4288 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100224.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2455 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627102026.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111647.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111648.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145327.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145328.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 12797 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160344.XML
    -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3609 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160345.XML

    My question is "WHY WONT IT WORK IN THE FOR LOOP?"

    share|improve this question




      Is there any reason why a curl command wont work with variables?

      Here is my set up - I am not using real values as I can not expose client data and I have no test environment

      You will notice that I am using two curl commands, yes I know it can be combined into one command, but I haven't been able to make that work so I am splitting then up unto two separate commands to test with.

      Here I set up the paths for inbound folder on my system:

      [root@acme logs]# act="roadrunner"
      [root@acme logs]# content="xml"
      [root@acme logs]# inbndfldr='/ftp/'"$act"'/inbound'
      [root@acme logs]# destinationFolder="$inbndfldr"/"$content"/
      [root@acme logs]# logFolder="$inbndfldr"/logs

      Here I set up the paths for outbound folder on the remote system:

      [root@acme logs]# targetHost="SFTP://"
      [root@acme logs]# THFolderName="OUTBOUND"
      [root@acme logs]# THFolder='/'"$THFolderName"
      [root@acme logs]# THSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder
      [root@acme logs]# THDeleteSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder'/'

      Here I set up authentication on the remote system:

      [root@acme logs]# username=mrRoadRunner
      [root@acme logs]# password=Beep-8eep!
      [root@acme logs]# sessionAuthentication="$username":"$password"

      Here I set the file reference:

      [root@acme logs]# fileref="openroad2019.xml"

      Here I verify that the file exists on the remote server:

      [root@acme logs]# THFiles=$(curl -sSk -u $sessionAuthentication $THSftpAddress | grep $fileref | awk '{print $9}')
      [root@acme logs]# echo $THFiles
      [root@acme logs]# openroad2019.xml

      Here I begin my loop:

      [root@acme logs]# for targetFile in $THFiles
      > do
      > dateTimeStamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
      > traceLog="$logFolder"/"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > testLog="$logFolder"/test"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deltraceLog="$logFolder"/del"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deltestLog="$logFolder"/deltest"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deleteString='"-rm '"$THFolderName"'/'"$targetFile"'"'
      > masterGetStr=`echo curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>>"$testLog" 2>&1`
      > masterDeleteStr=`echo curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1`
      > echo
      > echo -----
      > echo "$masterGetStr"
      > echo --
      > echo "$masterDeleteStr"
      > echo -----
      > echo
      > curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>> "$testLog" 2>&1
      > curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1
      > done

      Here is the output:

      curl -k --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/openroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log --user mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! -O SFTP:// --ftp-ssl &>>/ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/test20190628180349.log 2>&1
      curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

      The first curl command works just fine, drops the file right where I need it.

      The second curl command is supposed to delete the file on the remote system and it is not working. Here I view the logs on that:

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
      == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
      == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      == Info: Closing connection 1
      curl: (21) Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
      Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
      100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3248 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3252
      100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3247 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3247
      [root@acme logs]#

      Yet, when I type in the command manually - it works and deletes the file off the remote system.

      curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

      [root@rh1 logs]# more *20190628180546*.log

      Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      <= Recv data, 2000 bytes (0x7d0)
      0000: ef bb bf 3c 3f 78 6d 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e ...<?xml version
      ... (details removed)
      0110: 6e 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 48 65 61 64 65 nstructionsHeade
      0120: 72 3e r>
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      => Send data, 55 bytes (0x37)
      0000: 64 72 77 78 72 2d 78 2d 2d 2d 20 32 20 66 74 70 drwxr-x--- 2 ftp
      0010: 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 66 74 70 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 20 admin ftpadmin
      ... (details removed)
      0050: 30 30 2d 32 36 37 36 39 36 37 33 5f 44 49 5f 4c 00-26769673_DI_L
      0060: 45 30 2e 58 4d 4c 0a E0.XML.
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
      == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
      == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      == Info: Closing connection 1

      drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Jun 28 23:38 .
      drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Apr 26 2019 ..
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7780 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172738.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2440 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172740.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7980 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111531.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2441 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111533.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165728.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165729.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15424 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190627091426.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4104 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627091427.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 10417 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092525.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3071 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092527.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15594 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093345.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4279 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093347.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 17237 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094528.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4290 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094530.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15608 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100222.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4288 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100224.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2455 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627102026.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111647.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111648.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145327.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145328.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 12797 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160344.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3609 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160345.XML

      My question is "WHY WONT IT WORK IN THE FOR LOOP?"

      share|improve this question

      Is there any reason why a curl command wont work with variables?

      Here is my set up - I am not using real values as I can not expose client data and I have no test environment

      You will notice that I am using two curl commands, yes I know it can be combined into one command, but I haven't been able to make that work so I am splitting then up unto two separate commands to test with.

      Here I set up the paths for inbound folder on my system:

      [root@acme logs]# act="roadrunner"
      [root@acme logs]# content="xml"
      [root@acme logs]# inbndfldr='/ftp/'"$act"'/inbound'
      [root@acme logs]# destinationFolder="$inbndfldr"/"$content"/
      [root@acme logs]# logFolder="$inbndfldr"/logs

      Here I set up the paths for outbound folder on the remote system:

      [root@acme logs]# targetHost="SFTP://"
      [root@acme logs]# THFolderName="OUTBOUND"
      [root@acme logs]# THFolder='/'"$THFolderName"
      [root@acme logs]# THSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder
      [root@acme logs]# THDeleteSftpAddress=$targetHost$THFolder'/'

      Here I set up authentication on the remote system:

      [root@acme logs]# username=mrRoadRunner
      [root@acme logs]# password=Beep-8eep!
      [root@acme logs]# sessionAuthentication="$username":"$password"

      Here I set the file reference:

      [root@acme logs]# fileref="openroad2019.xml"

      Here I verify that the file exists on the remote server:

      [root@acme logs]# THFiles=$(curl -sSk -u $sessionAuthentication $THSftpAddress | grep $fileref | awk '{print $9}')
      [root@acme logs]# echo $THFiles
      [root@acme logs]# openroad2019.xml

      Here I begin my loop:

      [root@acme logs]# for targetFile in $THFiles
      > do
      > dateTimeStamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
      > traceLog="$logFolder"/"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > testLog="$logFolder"/test"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deltraceLog="$logFolder"/del"$targetFile"trace"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deltestLog="$logFolder"/deltest"$dateTimeStamp".log
      > deleteString='"-rm '"$THFolderName"'/'"$targetFile"'"'
      > masterGetStr=`echo curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>>"$testLog" 2>&1`
      > masterDeleteStr=`echo curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1`
      > echo
      > echo -----
      > echo "$masterGetStr"
      > echo --
      > echo "$masterDeleteStr"
      > echo -----
      > echo
      > curl -k --trace "$traceLog" --user "$sessionAuthentication" -O "$THSftpAddress"/"$targetFile" --ftp-ssl &>> "$testLog" 2>&1
      > curl -sSk --trace $deltraceLog -u $sessionAuthentication $THDeleteSftpAddress -Q$deleteString &>> $deltestLog 2>&1
      > done

      Here is the output:

      curl -k --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/openroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log --user mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! -O SFTP:// --ftp-ssl &>>/ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/test20190628180349.log 2>&1
      curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

      The first curl command works just fine, drops the file right where I need it.

      The second curl command is supposed to delete the file on the remote system and it is not working. Here I view the logs on that:

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
      == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
      == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      == Info: Closing connection 1
      curl: (21) Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
      Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
      100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3248 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3252
      100 4290 100 4290 0 0 3247 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 3247
      [root@acme logs]#

      Yet, when I type in the command manually - it works and deletes the file off the remote system.

      curl -sSk --trace /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/delopenroad2019.xmltrace20190628180349.log -u mrRoadRunner:Beep-8eep! SFTP:// -Q"-rm OUTBOUND/openroad2019.xml" &>> /ftp/roadrunner/inbound/logs/deltest20190628180349.log 2>&1

      [root@rh1 logs]# more *20190628180546*.log

      Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      <= Recv data, 2000 bytes (0x7d0)
      0000: ef bb bf 3c 3f 78 6d 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e ...<?xml version
      ... (details removed)
      0110: 6e 73 74 72 75 63 74 69 6f 6e 73 48 65 61 64 65 nstructionsHeade
      0120: 72 3e r>
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      => Send data, 55 bytes (0x37)
      0000: 64 72 77 78 72 2d 78 2d 2d 2d 20 32 20 66 74 70 drwxr-x--- 2 ftp
      0010: 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 66 74 70 61 64 6d 69 6e 20 20 admin ftpadmin
      ... (details removed)
      0050: 30 30 2d 32 36 37 36 39 36 37 33 5f 44 49 5f 4c 00-26769673_DI_L
      0060: 45 30 2e 58 4d 4c 0a E0.XML.
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact

      == Info: Trying
      == Info: TCP_NODELAY set
      == Info: Connected to ( port 22 (#0)
      == Info: SSH MD5 fingerprint: Th3re1$4WarpDr1v3N$+4r$#1P!
      == Info: SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
      == Info: Using SSH private key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
      == Info: SSH public key authentication failed: Username/PublicKey combination invalid
      == Info: Initialized password authentication
      == Info: Authentication complete
      == Info: Sending quote commands
      == Info: Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!
      == Info: Connection #0 to host left intact
      == Info: getaddrinfo(3) failed for OUTBOUND:80
      == Info: Couldn't resolve host 'OUTBOUND'
      == Info: Closing connection 1

      drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Jun 28 23:38 .
      drwxr-x--- 2 ftpadmin ftpadmin 0 Apr 26 2019 ..
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7780 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172738.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2440 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190620172740.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7980 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111531.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2441 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190624111533.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165728.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190626165729.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15424 Jun 27 14:36 NextFile20190627091426.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4104 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627091427.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 10417 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092525.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3071 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627092527.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15594 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093345.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4279 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627093347.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 17237 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094528.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4290 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627094530.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 15608 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100222.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 4288 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627100224.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2455 Jun 27 14:37 NextFile20190627102026.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111647.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 15:18 NextFile20190627111648.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 7858 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145327.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 2500 Jun 27 18:56 NextFile20190627145328.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 12797 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160344.XML
      -rwxr-x--- 1 ftpadmin ftpadmin 3609 Jun 27 20:08 NextFile20190627160345.XML

      My question is "WHY WONT IT WORK IN THE FOR LOOP?"

      linux rhel curl sftp delete

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 38 mins ago


      asked 44 mins ago


      61 bronze badge

      61 bronze badge





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