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Make your donation now From Wikipedia founder Jimmy WalesWhere your donation goesNavigation menuTax...

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From Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales

Wikipedia is one of the most visited websites in the world.

Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others.

When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different. We’ve worked hard over the years to keep it lean and tight. We fulfill our mission efficiently.

If everyone reading this donated, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Each year just enough people decide to give.

This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $20, $50 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia.


Jimmy Wales

Wikipedia Founder

Where your donation goes

Technology: Servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development. Wikipedia is one of the top 10 websites in the world, and it runs on a fraction of what other top websites spend.

People and Projects: The other top websites have thousands of employees. We have about 350 staff and contractors to support a wide variety of projects, making your donation a great investment in a highly-efficient not-for-profit organization.

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/* --- Donation Amounts --- */

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/* --- Infobox ("Where your donation goes") --- */

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/* === end of Template:Styles/2016 oojs ui.css === */

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