Construct, in some manner, a four-dimensional “RegionPlot”Labeling distinct objects produced by...

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Construct, in some manner, a four-dimensional “RegionPlot”

Labeling distinct objects produced by Show[RegionPlot3D's]How to create this four-dimensional cube animation?Four-way logarithmic plotRegionPlot not plotting some regionsList of Inequalities in RegionPlot with different colorsHow can I create a four dimensional plot (3D space + color) of the data provided?Creating a graphic with four rectangles and four pointsHow to visualize four-dimensional data?Plot four dimensional data consisting of discrete and continuous variables?RegionPlot misses a corner when plotting a two-dimensional regionHow to use ColorSlider for some objects?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;



Let me abuse some Mathematica notation and formulate the following "command":

Show[RegionPlot4D[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0, {Q1, 0,
6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}],
Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
4 Q2 + 9 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4,
0, 1/6}],
Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
2 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0,
1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}]]

(Of course, there is a RegionPlot3D command, but no RegionPlot4D one.)

Can this be processed/interpreted in some manner? (use of coloring,...)

Also, these three "RegionPlot"s could be considered individually (challenging enough).

These pertain to certain quantum-information-theoretic problems concerned with probabilities of (bound) entanglement.

The problem as put is very much a direct 4D analogue of the 3D problem

Labeling distinct objects produced by Show[RegionPlot3D's]

that kglr answered. So, perhaps I should just try fixing (in various ways) one of the four coordinates and approaching the problem in the very same manner as there. (In fact, the constraints are set up in the same order both times, with the first one each times being the "PPT" one. Incidentally, the "PPT" body should be convex, but not the other two.)

share|improve this question




    Let me abuse some Mathematica notation and formulate the following "command":

    Show[RegionPlot4D[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
    Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
    4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0, {Q1, 0,
    6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}],
    Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
    4 Q2 + 9 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4,
    0, 1/6}],
    Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
    2 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0,
    1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}]]

    (Of course, there is a RegionPlot3D command, but no RegionPlot4D one.)

    Can this be processed/interpreted in some manner? (use of coloring,...)

    Also, these three "RegionPlot"s could be considered individually (challenging enough).

    These pertain to certain quantum-information-theoretic problems concerned with probabilities of (bound) entanglement.

    The problem as put is very much a direct 4D analogue of the 3D problem

    Labeling distinct objects produced by Show[RegionPlot3D's]

    that kglr answered. So, perhaps I should just try fixing (in various ways) one of the four coordinates and approaching the problem in the very same manner as there. (In fact, the constraints are set up in the same order both times, with the first one each times being the "PPT" one. Incidentally, the "PPT" body should be convex, but not the other two.)

    share|improve this question






      Let me abuse some Mathematica notation and formulate the following "command":

      Show[RegionPlot4D[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
      Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
      4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0, {Q1, 0,
      6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}],
      Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
      4 Q2 + 9 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4,
      0, 1/6}],
      Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
      2 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0,
      1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}]]

      (Of course, there is a RegionPlot3D command, but no RegionPlot4D one.)

      Can this be processed/interpreted in some manner? (use of coloring,...)

      Also, these three "RegionPlot"s could be considered individually (challenging enough).

      These pertain to certain quantum-information-theoretic problems concerned with probabilities of (bound) entanglement.

      The problem as put is very much a direct 4D analogue of the 3D problem

      Labeling distinct objects produced by Show[RegionPlot3D's]

      that kglr answered. So, perhaps I should just try fixing (in various ways) one of the four coordinates and approaching the problem in the very same manner as there. (In fact, the constraints are set up in the same order both times, with the first one each times being the "PPT" one. Incidentally, the "PPT" body should be convex, but not the other two.)

      share|improve this question


      Let me abuse some Mathematica notation and formulate the following "command":

      Show[RegionPlot4D[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
      Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
      4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0, {Q1, 0,
      6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}],
      Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
      4 Q2 + 9 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0, 1/32}, {Q4,
      0, 1/6}],
      Q4 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 4 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < 1 &&
      2 (Q2 + Q3) + 3 Q4 < Q1, {Q1, 0, 6/61}, {Q2, 0, 2/9}, {Q3, 0,
      1/32}, {Q4, 0, 1/6}]]

      (Of course, there is a RegionPlot3D command, but no RegionPlot4D one.)

      Can this be processed/interpreted in some manner? (use of coloring,...)

      Also, these three "RegionPlot"s could be considered individually (challenging enough).

      These pertain to certain quantum-information-theoretic problems concerned with probabilities of (bound) entanglement.

      The problem as put is very much a direct 4D analogue of the 3D problem

      Labeling distinct objects produced by Show[RegionPlot3D's]

      that kglr answered. So, perhaps I should just try fixing (in various ways) one of the four coordinates and approaching the problem in the very same manner as there. (In fact, the constraints are set up in the same order both times, with the first one each times being the "PPT" one. Incidentally, the "PPT" body should be convex, but not the other two.)

      plotting graphics color dimension-reduction

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 8 hours ago

      Paul B. Slater

      asked 11 hours ago

      Paul B. SlaterPaul B. Slater

      7634 silver badges14 bronze badges

      7634 silver badges14 bronze badges

          2 Answers






          You can define a 4D region with

          R = ImplicitRegion[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
          Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
          4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0,
          {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4}]

          and then check for region membership of any point. For example, make a list of lots of points in 4D and pick out those that lie inside of R:

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/128], 4], Element[#, R] &];
          (* 84579 *)

          These can be plotted in many ways, for example by projecting out the fourth dimension and using only the first, second, third dimension as coordinate axes:

          ListPointPlot3D[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]]]

          enter image description here

          For a convex set, you can construct the convex hull in 3D for such a projection, for better visibility than the point cloud:

          ConvexHullMesh[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], Boxed -> True, Axes -> True]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
            – Paul B. Slater
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
            – Roman
            6 hours ago



          Using Graphics3D with VertexColors based on the fourth column is much faster than using ListPointPlot3D.

          With a smaller version of Roman's P (to stay within my cloud credit limits):

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/64], 4], Element[#, R] &];

          Graphics3D[{PointSize[Small], Point[P[[All, ;; 3]],
          VertexColors -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]])]}] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          versus two alternative ways to use ListPointPlot3D:

          ListPointPlot3D[Style[#[[;;3]], Hue @ #[[4]]]& /@ P,
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          ListPointPlot3D[List /@ P[[All, ;; 3]], 
          PlotStyle -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]]),
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
            – Paul B. Slater
            1 hour ago

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          2 Answers




          2 Answers












          You can define a 4D region with

          R = ImplicitRegion[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
          Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
          4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0,
          {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4}]

          and then check for region membership of any point. For example, make a list of lots of points in 4D and pick out those that lie inside of R:

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/128], 4], Element[#, R] &];
          (* 84579 *)

          These can be plotted in many ways, for example by projecting out the fourth dimension and using only the first, second, third dimension as coordinate axes:

          ListPointPlot3D[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]]]

          enter image description here

          For a convex set, you can construct the convex hull in 3D for such a projection, for better visibility than the point cloud:

          ConvexHullMesh[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], Boxed -> True, Axes -> True]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
            – Paul B. Slater
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
            – Roman
            6 hours ago



          You can define a 4D region with

          R = ImplicitRegion[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
          Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
          4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0,
          {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4}]

          and then check for region membership of any point. For example, make a list of lots of points in 4D and pick out those that lie inside of R:

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/128], 4], Element[#, R] &];
          (* 84579 *)

          These can be plotted in many ways, for example by projecting out the fourth dimension and using only the first, second, third dimension as coordinate axes:

          ListPointPlot3D[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]]]

          enter image description here

          For a convex set, you can construct the convex hull in 3D for such a projection, for better visibility than the point cloud:

          ConvexHullMesh[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], Boxed -> True, Axes -> True]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
            – Paul B. Slater
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
            – Roman
            6 hours ago





          You can define a 4D region with

          R = ImplicitRegion[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
          Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
          4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0,
          {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4}]

          and then check for region membership of any point. For example, make a list of lots of points in 4D and pick out those that lie inside of R:

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/128], 4], Element[#, R] &];
          (* 84579 *)

          These can be plotted in many ways, for example by projecting out the fourth dimension and using only the first, second, third dimension as coordinate axes:

          ListPointPlot3D[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]]]

          enter image description here

          For a convex set, you can construct the convex hull in 3D for such a projection, for better visibility than the point cloud:

          ConvexHullMesh[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], Boxed -> True, Axes -> True]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          You can define a 4D region with

          R = ImplicitRegion[(Q1 - Q4)^2 < 16 Q3^2 && 
          Q1^2 + 4 Q1 Q2 + 16 Q2 (Q2 + Q3) + 12 Q2 Q4 + Q4^2 <
          4 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q4 && Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q4 > 0,
          {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4}]

          and then check for region membership of any point. For example, make a list of lots of points in 4D and pick out those that lie inside of R:

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/128], 4], Element[#, R] &];
          (* 84579 *)

          These can be plotted in many ways, for example by projecting out the fourth dimension and using only the first, second, third dimension as coordinate axes:

          ListPointPlot3D[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]]]

          enter image description here

          For a convex set, you can construct the convex hull in 3D for such a projection, for better visibility than the point cloud:

          ConvexHullMesh[P[[All, {1, 2, 3}]], Boxed -> True, Axes -> True]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 10 hours ago


          13.8k1 gold badge19 silver badges51 bronze badges

          13.8k1 gold badge19 silver badges51 bronze badges

          • $begingroup$
            Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
            – Paul B. Slater
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
            – Roman
            6 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
            – Paul B. Slater
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
            – Roman
            6 hours ago

          Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
          – Paul B. Slater
          7 hours ago

          Could one use ListPointPlot3D with multiple point sets, using different colors?
          – Paul B. Slater
          7 hours ago

          @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
          – Roman
          6 hours ago

          @PaulB.Slater Yes you can.
          – Roman
          6 hours ago



          Using Graphics3D with VertexColors based on the fourth column is much faster than using ListPointPlot3D.

          With a smaller version of Roman's P (to stay within my cloud credit limits):

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/64], 4], Element[#, R] &];

          Graphics3D[{PointSize[Small], Point[P[[All, ;; 3]],
          VertexColors -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]])]}] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          versus two alternative ways to use ListPointPlot3D:

          ListPointPlot3D[Style[#[[;;3]], Hue @ #[[4]]]& /@ P,
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          ListPointPlot3D[List /@ P[[All, ;; 3]], 
          PlotStyle -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]]),
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
            – Paul B. Slater
            1 hour ago



          Using Graphics3D with VertexColors based on the fourth column is much faster than using ListPointPlot3D.

          With a smaller version of Roman's P (to stay within my cloud credit limits):

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/64], 4], Element[#, R] &];

          Graphics3D[{PointSize[Small], Point[P[[All, ;; 3]],
          VertexColors -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]])]}] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          versus two alternative ways to use ListPointPlot3D:

          ListPointPlot3D[Style[#[[;;3]], Hue @ #[[4]]]& /@ P,
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          ListPointPlot3D[List /@ P[[All, ;; 3]], 
          PlotStyle -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]]),
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
            – Paul B. Slater
            1 hour ago





          Using Graphics3D with VertexColors based on the fourth column is much faster than using ListPointPlot3D.

          With a smaller version of Roman's P (to stay within my cloud credit limits):

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/64], 4], Element[#, R] &];

          Graphics3D[{PointSize[Small], Point[P[[All, ;; 3]],
          VertexColors -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]])]}] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          versus two alternative ways to use ListPointPlot3D:

          ListPointPlot3D[Style[#[[;;3]], Hue @ #[[4]]]& /@ P,
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          ListPointPlot3D[List /@ P[[All, ;; 3]], 
          PlotStyle -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]]),
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          Using Graphics3D with VertexColors based on the fourth column is much faster than using ListPointPlot3D.

          With a smaller version of Roman's P (to stay within my cloud credit limits):

          P = Select[Tuples[Range[0, 1/4, 1/64], 4], Element[#, R] &];

          Graphics3D[{PointSize[Small], Point[P[[All, ;; 3]],
          VertexColors -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]])]}] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          versus two alternative ways to use ListPointPlot3D:

          ListPointPlot3D[Style[#[[;;3]], Hue @ #[[4]]]& /@ P,
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          ListPointPlot3D[List /@ P[[All, ;; 3]], 
          PlotStyle -> (Hue /@ P[[All, 4]]),
          BaseStyle -> PointSize[Small]] // RepeatedTiming

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 2 hours ago


          205k10 gold badges233 silver badges463 bronze badges

          205k10 gold badges233 silver badges463 bronze badges

          • $begingroup$
            So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
            – Paul B. Slater
            1 hour ago

          • $begingroup$
            So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
            – Paul B. Slater
            1 hour ago

          So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
          – Paul B. Slater
          1 hour ago

          So, can one jointly plot these results (presumably using different coloration schemes,...) with the parallel results based on one or both of the two other constraints given in the statement of the question? The expectation is that there should be some very small ("bound entanglement") overlap, if at all, between the points for the first constraint and those for either of the other two subsequent constraints. (Only the first constraint should yield a convex body, though.)
          – Paul B. Slater
          1 hour ago

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