Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a matchFivenum and a little bitGeneralised Array RiffleAre these trees...

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Why do players in the past play much longer tournaments than today's top players?

Using Newton's shell theorem to accelerate a spaceship

Why isn't there research to build a standard lunar, or Martian mobility platform?

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match

Fivenum and a little bitGeneralised Array RiffleAre these trees isomorphic?Generate a looping arrayFind the indices of values in one list in anotherIs this a function?Compare the averages of my listsWhere's my value?Disappearing ElementsMy array should equal this, but it doesn't!Maximum summed subsequences with non-adjacent items

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0;



(we won't be finding a Find or catching a tryCatch, though)

This is part two of a multi-part series of implementing some interesting R functions. Part one can be found here.

The task:

You are to implement R's match function in as few bytes as possible.


  • x, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • table, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • nomatch, a single integer value

  • incomparables, a possibly empty list/array of integers


  • a single array/list of integers O of equal length to x, where each value O[i] represents either:

    • The index j of the first value in table where table[j]==x[i]

    • nomatch, indicating that no value in table is equal to x[i] OR that x[i] is in the list of incomparables.

Test Cases

All in the form x, table, nomatch, incomparables -> output

[], [1,2,3], 0, [5] -> []

[1, 2, 3], [], 0, [5] -> [0, 0, 0]

[9, 4, 3, 6, 3], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], -1, [4] -> [1, -1, 7, 4, 7]

[8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9], [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6], 1000, [1] -> [12, 8, 14, 5, 1, 1000, 6]

More test cases can be generated as needed.

Additional rules:

  • R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can use indices that start at 3 or 17 or whatever, but this must be consistent, and you must indicate this in your answer.

  • If you chosen language has a builtin that does this, please also implement your own solution.

  • Explanations are appreciated.

This is code-golf, so shortest solution in bytes wins!

share|improve this question


  • $begingroup$
    If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
    – Giuseppe
    6 hours ago



(we won't be finding a Find or catching a tryCatch, though)

This is part two of a multi-part series of implementing some interesting R functions. Part one can be found here.

The task:

You are to implement R's match function in as few bytes as possible.


  • x, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • table, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • nomatch, a single integer value

  • incomparables, a possibly empty list/array of integers


  • a single array/list of integers O of equal length to x, where each value O[i] represents either:

    • The index j of the first value in table where table[j]==x[i]

    • nomatch, indicating that no value in table is equal to x[i] OR that x[i] is in the list of incomparables.

Test Cases

All in the form x, table, nomatch, incomparables -> output

[], [1,2,3], 0, [5] -> []

[1, 2, 3], [], 0, [5] -> [0, 0, 0]

[9, 4, 3, 6, 3], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], -1, [4] -> [1, -1, 7, 4, 7]

[8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9], [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6], 1000, [1] -> [12, 8, 14, 5, 1, 1000, 6]

More test cases can be generated as needed.

Additional rules:

  • R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can use indices that start at 3 or 17 or whatever, but this must be consistent, and you must indicate this in your answer.

  • If you chosen language has a builtin that does this, please also implement your own solution.

  • Explanations are appreciated.

This is code-golf, so shortest solution in bytes wins!

share|improve this question


  • $begingroup$
    If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
    – Giuseppe
    6 hours ago





(we won't be finding a Find or catching a tryCatch, though)

This is part two of a multi-part series of implementing some interesting R functions. Part one can be found here.

The task:

You are to implement R's match function in as few bytes as possible.


  • x, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • table, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • nomatch, a single integer value

  • incomparables, a possibly empty list/array of integers


  • a single array/list of integers O of equal length to x, where each value O[i] represents either:

    • The index j of the first value in table where table[j]==x[i]

    • nomatch, indicating that no value in table is equal to x[i] OR that x[i] is in the list of incomparables.

Test Cases

All in the form x, table, nomatch, incomparables -> output

[], [1,2,3], 0, [5] -> []

[1, 2, 3], [], 0, [5] -> [0, 0, 0]

[9, 4, 3, 6, 3], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], -1, [4] -> [1, -1, 7, 4, 7]

[8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9], [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6], 1000, [1] -> [12, 8, 14, 5, 1, 1000, 6]

More test cases can be generated as needed.

Additional rules:

  • R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can use indices that start at 3 or 17 or whatever, but this must be consistent, and you must indicate this in your answer.

  • If you chosen language has a builtin that does this, please also implement your own solution.

  • Explanations are appreciated.

This is code-golf, so shortest solution in bytes wins!

share|improve this question


(we won't be finding a Find or catching a tryCatch, though)

This is part two of a multi-part series of implementing some interesting R functions. Part one can be found here.

The task:

You are to implement R's match function in as few bytes as possible.


  • x, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • table, a possibly empty list/array of integers

  • nomatch, a single integer value

  • incomparables, a possibly empty list/array of integers


  • a single array/list of integers O of equal length to x, where each value O[i] represents either:

    • The index j of the first value in table where table[j]==x[i]

    • nomatch, indicating that no value in table is equal to x[i] OR that x[i] is in the list of incomparables.

Test Cases

All in the form x, table, nomatch, incomparables -> output

[], [1,2,3], 0, [5] -> []

[1, 2, 3], [], 0, [5] -> [0, 0, 0]

[9, 4, 3, 6, 3], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], -1, [4] -> [1, -1, 7, 4, 7]

[8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9], [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6], 1000, [1] -> [12, 8, 14, 5, 1, 1000, 6]

More test cases can be generated as needed.

Additional rules:

  • R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can use indices that start at 3 or 17 or whatever, but this must be consistent, and you must indicate this in your answer.

  • If you chosen language has a builtin that does this, please also implement your own solution.

  • Explanations are appreciated.

This is code-golf, so shortest solution in bytes wins!

code-golf array-manipulation

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

asked 9 hours ago


18.9k3 gold badges14 silver badges62 bronze badges

18.9k3 gold badges14 silver badges62 bronze badges

  • $begingroup$
    If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
    – Giuseppe
    6 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
    – Giuseppe
    6 hours ago

If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
– Giuseppe
6 hours ago

If someone can solve this in R without using match or %in% (which is implemented by using match), I will happily award a 150-rep bounty.
– Giuseppe
6 hours ago

8 Answers






Jelly,  10  8 bytes

-2 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


A full program accepting four command line arguments, incomparables nomatch table x which prints a Jelly representation* of the list of R's match function results.

Try it online!


e.g. with incomparables nomatch table x = [1,4], 2, [2,4], [4,3,2,1,0]:

,⁷y⁵iⱮ⁶o - Main Link: list, incomparables; list, nomatch
⁷ - newline character 'n'
, - pair (incompararables) with (right) [[1,4],'n']
⁵ - 5th argument (3rd input = table) [2,4]
y - translate (right) with lookup (left) [2,'n']
⁶ - 6th argument (4th input = x) [4,3,2,1,0]
Ɱ - map with:
i - first index of (right) in (left) [0,0,1,0,0]
o - logical OR [2,2,1,2,2]

* An empty list is represented as nothing, a list of lenth one is represented as just the item, while other lists are enclosed in [] and delimited by ,

share|improve this answer




    R, 83 bytes


    Try it online!

    Avoids match, %in% and setdiff.

    share|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
      – Giuseppe
      19 mins ago



    Ruby, 44 bytes



    Try it online!

    share|improve this answer




      R, 55 bytes

      In this case, the code doesn't use match with its full functionality, it is just used as an index function. First R answer, so probably incredibly inefficient byte-wise!

      Note (thanks to Giuseppe for the info): %in% and setdiff are also both internally implemented using match, so completely getting rid of this surprisingly useful function will result in a mess. Therefore, there is a 150-rep bounty with no deadline for this! (note that setdiff is allowed, though)


      Try it online!


      R, 5 bytes


      Try it online!

      share|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
        – Giuseppe
        6 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
        – Mr. Xcoder
        6 hours ago



      Jelly, 9 8 bytes


      Try it online!

      A full program that takes three arguments: [[table], incomparables], x, nomatch in that order.

      share|improve this answer




        Japt, 14 bytes

        Ë!XøD ©ÒVbD ªW

        Try it

        share|improve this answer




          Python 3, 60 bytes

          lambda x,t,n,i:[v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n for v in x]

          Try it online!

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
            – Theo
            7 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
            – Mr. Xcoder
            7 hours ago

          • 1

            R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
            – Value Ink
            7 hours ago

          • 1

            @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
            – Mr. Xcoder
            7 hours ago

          • 1

            Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
            – Value Ink
            7 hours ago



          Charcoal, 14 bytes


          Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 1-indexed. Explanation:

            θ             First input (x)
          E Map over elements
          ε Fourth input (incomparables)
          № Count occurrences of
          ι Current element
          ¬ Is zero
          ∧ Logical And
          η Second input (table)
          ⌕ Find 0-based index of
          ι Current element
          ⊕ Convert to 1-indexed
          ∨ Logical Or
          ζ Third input (nomatch)
          I Cast to string
          Implicitly print on separate lines

          share|improve this answer


            Your Answer

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            Required, but never shown

            8 Answers




            8 Answers












            Jelly,  10  8 bytes

            -2 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


            A full program accepting four command line arguments, incomparables nomatch table x which prints a Jelly representation* of the list of R's match function results.

            Try it online!


            e.g. with incomparables nomatch table x = [1,4], 2, [2,4], [4,3,2,1,0]:

            ,⁷y⁵iⱮ⁶o - Main Link: list, incomparables; list, nomatch
            ⁷ - newline character 'n'
            , - pair (incompararables) with (right) [[1,4],'n']
            ⁵ - 5th argument (3rd input = table) [2,4]
            y - translate (right) with lookup (left) [2,'n']
            ⁶ - 6th argument (4th input = x) [4,3,2,1,0]
            Ɱ - map with:
            i - first index of (right) in (left) [0,0,1,0,0]
            o - logical OR [2,2,1,2,2]

            * An empty list is represented as nothing, a list of lenth one is represented as just the item, while other lists are enclosed in [] and delimited by ,

            share|improve this answer




              Jelly,  10  8 bytes

              -2 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


              A full program accepting four command line arguments, incomparables nomatch table x which prints a Jelly representation* of the list of R's match function results.

              Try it online!


              e.g. with incomparables nomatch table x = [1,4], 2, [2,4], [4,3,2,1,0]:

              ,⁷y⁵iⱮ⁶o - Main Link: list, incomparables; list, nomatch
              ⁷ - newline character 'n'
              , - pair (incompararables) with (right) [[1,4],'n']
              ⁵ - 5th argument (3rd input = table) [2,4]
              y - translate (right) with lookup (left) [2,'n']
              ⁶ - 6th argument (4th input = x) [4,3,2,1,0]
              Ɱ - map with:
              i - first index of (right) in (left) [0,0,1,0,0]
              o - logical OR [2,2,1,2,2]

              * An empty list is represented as nothing, a list of lenth one is represented as just the item, while other lists are enclosed in [] and delimited by ,

              share|improve this answer






                Jelly,  10  8 bytes

                -2 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


                A full program accepting four command line arguments, incomparables nomatch table x which prints a Jelly representation* of the list of R's match function results.

                Try it online!


                e.g. with incomparables nomatch table x = [1,4], 2, [2,4], [4,3,2,1,0]:

                ,⁷y⁵iⱮ⁶o - Main Link: list, incomparables; list, nomatch
                ⁷ - newline character 'n'
                , - pair (incompararables) with (right) [[1,4],'n']
                ⁵ - 5th argument (3rd input = table) [2,4]
                y - translate (right) with lookup (left) [2,'n']
                ⁶ - 6th argument (4th input = x) [4,3,2,1,0]
                Ɱ - map with:
                i - first index of (right) in (left) [0,0,1,0,0]
                o - logical OR [2,2,1,2,2]

                * An empty list is represented as nothing, a list of lenth one is represented as just the item, while other lists are enclosed in [] and delimited by ,

                share|improve this answer


                Jelly,  10  8 bytes

                -2 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer


                A full program accepting four command line arguments, incomparables nomatch table x which prints a Jelly representation* of the list of R's match function results.

                Try it online!


                e.g. with incomparables nomatch table x = [1,4], 2, [2,4], [4,3,2,1,0]:

                ,⁷y⁵iⱮ⁶o - Main Link: list, incomparables; list, nomatch
                ⁷ - newline character 'n'
                , - pair (incompararables) with (right) [[1,4],'n']
                ⁵ - 5th argument (3rd input = table) [2,4]
                y - translate (right) with lookup (left) [2,'n']
                ⁶ - 6th argument (4th input = x) [4,3,2,1,0]
                Ɱ - map with:
                i - first index of (right) in (left) [0,0,1,0,0]
                o - logical OR [2,2,1,2,2]

                * An empty list is represented as nothing, a list of lenth one is represented as just the item, while other lists are enclosed in [] and delimited by ,

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 6 hours ago

                answered 7 hours ago

                Jonathan AllanJonathan Allan

                57.3k5 gold badges43 silver badges181 bronze badges

                57.3k5 gold badges43 silver badges181 bronze badges



                    R, 83 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Avoids match, %in% and setdiff.

                    share|improve this answer


                    • $begingroup$
                      I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                      – Giuseppe
                      19 mins ago



                    R, 83 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Avoids match, %in% and setdiff.

                    share|improve this answer


                    • $begingroup$
                      I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                      – Giuseppe
                      19 mins ago





                    R, 83 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Avoids match, %in% and setdiff.

                    share|improve this answer


                    R, 83 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Avoids match, %in% and setdiff.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered 5 hours ago

                    Nick KennedyNick Kennedy

                    4,4848 silver badges14 bronze badges

                    4,4848 silver badges14 bronze badges

                    • $begingroup$
                      I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                      – Giuseppe
                      19 mins ago

                    • $begingroup$
                      I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                      – Giuseppe
                      19 mins ago

                    I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                    – Giuseppe
                    19 mins ago

                    I'll award this a bounty once the question is eligible.
                    – Giuseppe
                    19 mins ago



                    Ruby, 44 bytes



                    Try it online!

                    share|improve this answer




                      Ruby, 44 bytes



                      Try it online!

                      share|improve this answer






                        Ruby, 44 bytes



                        Try it online!

                        share|improve this answer


                        Ruby, 44 bytes



                        Try it online!

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        answered 7 hours ago

                        Value InkValue Ink

                        8,7957 silver badges32 bronze badges

                        8,7957 silver badges32 bronze badges



                            R, 55 bytes

                            In this case, the code doesn't use match with its full functionality, it is just used as an index function. First R answer, so probably incredibly inefficient byte-wise!

                            Note (thanks to Giuseppe for the info): %in% and setdiff are also both internally implemented using match, so completely getting rid of this surprisingly useful function will result in a mess. Therefore, there is a 150-rep bounty with no deadline for this! (note that setdiff is allowed, though)


                            Try it online!


                            R, 5 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            share|improve this answer


                            • $begingroup$
                              I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                              – Giuseppe
                              6 hours ago

                            • $begingroup$
                              Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                              – Mr. Xcoder
                              6 hours ago



                            R, 55 bytes

                            In this case, the code doesn't use match with its full functionality, it is just used as an index function. First R answer, so probably incredibly inefficient byte-wise!

                            Note (thanks to Giuseppe for the info): %in% and setdiff are also both internally implemented using match, so completely getting rid of this surprisingly useful function will result in a mess. Therefore, there is a 150-rep bounty with no deadline for this! (note that setdiff is allowed, though)


                            Try it online!


                            R, 5 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            share|improve this answer


                            • $begingroup$
                              I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                              – Giuseppe
                              6 hours ago

                            • $begingroup$
                              Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                              – Mr. Xcoder
                              6 hours ago





                            R, 55 bytes

                            In this case, the code doesn't use match with its full functionality, it is just used as an index function. First R answer, so probably incredibly inefficient byte-wise!

                            Note (thanks to Giuseppe for the info): %in% and setdiff are also both internally implemented using match, so completely getting rid of this surprisingly useful function will result in a mess. Therefore, there is a 150-rep bounty with no deadline for this! (note that setdiff is allowed, though)


                            Try it online!


                            R, 5 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            share|improve this answer


                            R, 55 bytes

                            In this case, the code doesn't use match with its full functionality, it is just used as an index function. First R answer, so probably incredibly inefficient byte-wise!

                            Note (thanks to Giuseppe for the info): %in% and setdiff are also both internally implemented using match, so completely getting rid of this surprisingly useful function will result in a mess. Therefore, there is a 150-rep bounty with no deadline for this! (note that setdiff is allowed, though)


                            Try it online!


                            R, 5 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited 6 hours ago

                            answered 6 hours ago

                            Mr. XcoderMr. Xcoder

                            32.7k7 gold badges61 silver badges202 bronze badges

                            32.7k7 gold badges61 silver badges202 bronze badges

                            • $begingroup$
                              I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                              – Giuseppe
                              6 hours ago

                            • $begingroup$
                              Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                              – Mr. Xcoder
                              6 hours ago

                            • $begingroup$
                              I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                              – Giuseppe
                              6 hours ago

                            • $begingroup$
                              Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                              – Mr. Xcoder
                              6 hours ago

                            I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                            – Giuseppe
                            6 hours ago

                            I'm not sure I could do better although I was eschewing the use of %in% and match; if you want to find a good golfy answer without either of those functions (likely to be horrible), I'll bounty this.
                            – Giuseppe
                            6 hours ago

                            Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                            – Mr. Xcoder
                            6 hours ago

                            Ah lol, I just commented in golfR about that...
                            – Mr. Xcoder
                            6 hours ago



                            Jelly, 9 8 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            A full program that takes three arguments: [[table], incomparables], x, nomatch in that order.

                            share|improve this answer




                              Jelly, 9 8 bytes


                              Try it online!

                              A full program that takes three arguments: [[table], incomparables], x, nomatch in that order.

                              share|improve this answer






                                Jelly, 9 8 bytes


                                Try it online!

                                A full program that takes three arguments: [[table], incomparables], x, nomatch in that order.

                                share|improve this answer


                                Jelly, 9 8 bytes


                                Try it online!

                                A full program that takes three arguments: [[table], incomparables], x, nomatch in that order.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited 2 hours ago

                                answered 6 hours ago

                                Nick KennedyNick Kennedy

                                4,4848 silver badges14 bronze badges

                                4,4848 silver badges14 bronze badges



                                    Japt, 14 bytes

                                    Ë!XøD ©ÒVbD ªW

                                    Try it

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      Japt, 14 bytes

                                      Ë!XøD ©ÒVbD ªW

                                      Try it

                                      share|improve this answer






                                        Japt, 14 bytes

                                        Ë!XøD ©ÒVbD ªW

                                        Try it

                                        share|improve this answer


                                        Japt, 14 bytes

                                        Ë!XøD ©ÒVbD ªW

                                        Try it

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        answered 8 hours ago


                                        20.3k3 gold badges20 silver badges69 bronze badges

                                        20.3k3 gold badges20 silver badges69 bronze badges



                                            Python 3, 60 bytes

                                            lambda x,t,n,i:[v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n for v in x]

                                            Try it online!

                                            share|improve this answer


                                            • $begingroup$
                                              What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                              – Theo
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago



                                            Python 3, 60 bytes

                                            lambda x,t,n,i:[v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n for v in x]

                                            Try it online!

                                            share|improve this answer


                                            • $begingroup$
                                              What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                              – Theo
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago





                                            Python 3, 60 bytes

                                            lambda x,t,n,i:[v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n for v in x]

                                            Try it online!

                                            share|improve this answer


                                            Python 3, 60 bytes

                                            lambda x,t,n,i:[v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n for v in x]

                                            Try it online!

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            edited 7 hours ago

                                            answered 8 hours ago

                                            Mr. XcoderMr. Xcoder

                                            32.7k7 gold badges61 silver badges202 bronze badges

                                            32.7k7 gold badges61 silver badges202 bronze badges

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                              – Theo
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                              – Theo
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • $begingroup$
                                              Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                              – Mr. Xcoder
                                              7 hours ago

                                            • 1

                                              Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                              – Value Ink
                                              7 hours ago

                                            What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                            – Theo
                                            7 hours ago

                                            What features of this are specific to 3.8? Looks to me like this could work for any subversion of Python 3.
                                            – Theo
                                            7 hours ago

                                            Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                            – Mr. Xcoder
                                            7 hours ago

                                            Well, it is not specific to 3.8. I just copy-pasted the auto-generated template on TIO so I didn't notice I used 3.8. Thanks for the heads-up, will adjust.
                                            – Mr. Xcoder
                                            7 hours ago



                                            R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                            – Value Ink
                                            7 hours ago

                                            R has 1-based indices, but a consistent alternative-based indices are acceptable. So you can take out the -~ and just use 0-indexing for -1 bytes.
                                            – Value Ink
                                            7 hours ago



                                            @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                            – Mr. Xcoder
                                            7 hours ago

                                            @ValueInk That fails for the 3rd test case (and in general when a matching element is at the beginning of a list), since 0 is falsy in Python.
                                            – Mr. Xcoder
                                            7 hours ago



                                            Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                            – Value Ink
                                            7 hours ago

                                            Ah, fair show. Incidentally, t.index(v)if v in{*t}-{*i}else n has the exact same bytecount as your current v in{*t}-{*i}and-~t.index(v)or n solution, haha
                                            – Value Ink
                                            7 hours ago



                                            Charcoal, 14 bytes


                                            Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 1-indexed. Explanation:

                                              θ             First input (x)
                                            E Map over elements
                                            ε Fourth input (incomparables)
                                            № Count occurrences of
                                            ι Current element
                                            ¬ Is zero
                                            ∧ Logical And
                                            η Second input (table)
                                            ⌕ Find 0-based index of
                                            ι Current element
                                            ⊕ Convert to 1-indexed
                                            ∨ Logical Or
                                            ζ Third input (nomatch)
                                            I Cast to string
                                            Implicitly print on separate lines

                                            share|improve this answer




                                              Charcoal, 14 bytes


                                              Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 1-indexed. Explanation:

                                                θ             First input (x)
                                              E Map over elements
                                              ε Fourth input (incomparables)
                                              № Count occurrences of
                                              ι Current element
                                              ¬ Is zero
                                              ∧ Logical And
                                              η Second input (table)
                                              ⌕ Find 0-based index of
                                              ι Current element
                                              ⊕ Convert to 1-indexed
                                              ∨ Logical Or
                                              ζ Third input (nomatch)
                                              I Cast to string
                                              Implicitly print on separate lines

                                              share|improve this answer






                                                Charcoal, 14 bytes


                                                Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 1-indexed. Explanation:

                                                  θ             First input (x)
                                                E Map over elements
                                                ε Fourth input (incomparables)
                                                № Count occurrences of
                                                ι Current element
                                                ¬ Is zero
                                                ∧ Logical And
                                                η Second input (table)
                                                ⌕ Find 0-based index of
                                                ι Current element
                                                ⊕ Convert to 1-indexed
                                                ∨ Logical Or
                                                ζ Third input (nomatch)
                                                I Cast to string
                                                Implicitly print on separate lines

                                                share|improve this answer


                                                Charcoal, 14 bytes


                                                Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. 1-indexed. Explanation:

                                                  θ             First input (x)
                                                E Map over elements
                                                ε Fourth input (incomparables)
                                                № Count occurrences of
                                                ι Current element
                                                ¬ Is zero
                                                ∧ Logical And
                                                η Second input (table)
                                                ⌕ Find 0-based index of
                                                ι Current element
                                                ⊕ Convert to 1-indexed
                                                ∨ Logical Or
                                                ζ Third input (nomatch)
                                                I Cast to string
                                                Implicitly print on separate lines

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                answered 3 hours ago


                                                86.2k8 gold badges46 silver badges183 bronze badges

                                                86.2k8 gold badges46 silver badges183 bronze badges

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                                                    If this is an answer to a challenge…

                                                    • …Be sure to follow the challenge specification. However, please refrain from exploiting obvious loopholes. Answers abusing any of the standard loopholes are considered invalid. If you think a specification is unclear or underspecified, comment on the question instead.

                                                    • …Try to optimize your score. For instance, answers to code-golf challenges should attempt to be as short as possible. You can always include a readable version of the code in addition to the competitive one.
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