Bash root to user. Best in same or separate script?Using chown $USER:$USER inside bash scriptShell script...

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Bash root to user. Best in same or separate script?

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I'm working on a Linux Bash script that needs to start as root. At the end of the script, it builds a list of packages. This requires running as user. Then it will move the packages, which needs to run as root again. I have sudo set up, but want to keep the script as generic as possible.

I've tried the following and slight variations of it in the first script to switch from root to user.

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/test/AUR/" 
su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm" "$(< /tmp/test/aur)"

The second line fails to run properly resulting in different errors, depending quote combination and placement. Running the lines within the first script as shown above produced the following error after reading the file /tmp/test/aur :: no targets specified (use -h for help). My preference would be getting this single script method to work properly.

Google, etc. said root, user, root in bash is bad, so tried break it into 3 parts:

  1. The first script runs as root. The problem centers here, can't get
    it to start the second.

  2. Second script runs as user, starts 3rd script as root with: sudo
    /bin/bash "$L"/

  3. Third script, runs, moving the packages properly but
    doesn't show as running in the terminal because calls new shell?

Below was ran as su in a user terminal during testing. Prefer using the $USER var in the script.

As su in the terminal, then back to su - $USER, then ls in home lists my normal user name [dom's] contents.

[dom@arch testing]$ echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# pwd

I get the following results in testing, starting as su in the terminal. Want to get $USER var to work in place of dom.

su -       $USER  home/$USER/scripts/testing/  - No such file or directory
su --login $USER home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - $USER home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" ./ - No such file or directory
su - dom ./ - No such file or directory

su - dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su - $USER ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su --login dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied

su - dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su --login dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su - dom /home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected


Here's part of the script. Still no solution. This latest variation has made it through building the first package from the list before failing. It does however complete the next line, which is the last command in the script. Keep in mind this command works fine outside of using it with the proceeding su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"

## must be run as root within /home/"$USER"/makeiso/releng
## makeiso dependancies: archiso pacaur

# Accessing an empty variable will yield an error

set -u

# Check if root
# Print message to user

echo "Checking if we're running as root"

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1

# echo for a space
echo ""

# If passed root test, send message print message to user

if [[ $EUID = 0 ]]; then
echo "Passed root test, proceeding"

Line 180 of the script running as root.......

# Print message to user

echo "Copying system configuration files"

set -x

# Create directory for following command

mkdir -p /tmp/makeiso/

# Create a list of modified config files

pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}' >> /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list

# Create destination directory for the following command

mkdir -p "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs

# Copy above list to releng for later use

cp /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/rtmodconfig.list

# Read rtmodconfig.list and copy the modified config files to releng

xargs -a /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list cp -t "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/

# Set makepkg variable to define where to send built packages

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR"

# Build AUR packages from list, /tmp/makepkg/aur

su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"


# Copy the prebuilt AUR packages to releng

cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

Here's the output with set -x. I'm using pacaur to build the packages, which uses cower and makepkg. It seems like either pacaur or makepkg is loosing track of the file with the list of packages to build, and doesn't recognize the package names as commands.

+ su -c - dom 'export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR'
+ su -c - dom 'pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm bootinfoscript
:: resolving dependencies...
:: looking for inter-conflicts...

AUR Packages (1): bootinfoscript-0.61-1

:: Retrieving package(s)...
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
:: Checking bootinfoscript integrity...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:37 PDT 2015)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
:: Building bootinfoscript package(s)...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
-> Purging unwanted files...
-> Removing libtool files...
-> Removing static library files...
-> Compressing man and info pages...
-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
==> Creating package "bootinfoscript"...
-> Generating .PKGINFO file...
-> Generating .MTREE file...
-> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
:: bootinfoscript cleaning skipped
bash: line 1: cairo-ubuntu: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 3: fontconfig-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 4: freetype2-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 5: gnome-colors-icon-theme: command not found
bash: line 6: gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras: command not found
bash: line 7: gnome-icon-theme-xfce: command not found
bash: line 8: google-chrome: command not found
bash: line 9: grub-legacy: command not found
bash: line 10: libxfcegui4: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 14: ttf-ms-fonts: command not found
bash: line 15: virtualbox-ext-oracle: command not found
bash: line 16: vivaldi: command not found
bash: line 17: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin: command not found
+ cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR /home/dom/makeiso/releng/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 38 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

    – terdon
    Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

  • I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

  • Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

    – Bichoy
    Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

  • This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

  • It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

    – terdon
    Sep 18 '15 at 11:53


I'm working on a Linux Bash script that needs to start as root. At the end of the script, it builds a list of packages. This requires running as user. Then it will move the packages, which needs to run as root again. I have sudo set up, but want to keep the script as generic as possible.

I've tried the following and slight variations of it in the first script to switch from root to user.

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/test/AUR/" 
su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm" "$(< /tmp/test/aur)"

The second line fails to run properly resulting in different errors, depending quote combination and placement. Running the lines within the first script as shown above produced the following error after reading the file /tmp/test/aur :: no targets specified (use -h for help). My preference would be getting this single script method to work properly.

Google, etc. said root, user, root in bash is bad, so tried break it into 3 parts:

  1. The first script runs as root. The problem centers here, can't get
    it to start the second.

  2. Second script runs as user, starts 3rd script as root with: sudo
    /bin/bash "$L"/

  3. Third script, runs, moving the packages properly but
    doesn't show as running in the terminal because calls new shell?

Below was ran as su in a user terminal during testing. Prefer using the $USER var in the script.

As su in the terminal, then back to su - $USER, then ls in home lists my normal user name [dom's] contents.

[dom@arch testing]$ echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# pwd

I get the following results in testing, starting as su in the terminal. Want to get $USER var to work in place of dom.

su -       $USER  home/$USER/scripts/testing/  - No such file or directory
su --login $USER home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - $USER home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" ./ - No such file or directory
su - dom ./ - No such file or directory

su - dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su - $USER ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su --login dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied

su - dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su --login dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su - dom /home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected


Here's part of the script. Still no solution. This latest variation has made it through building the first package from the list before failing. It does however complete the next line, which is the last command in the script. Keep in mind this command works fine outside of using it with the proceeding su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"

## must be run as root within /home/"$USER"/makeiso/releng
## makeiso dependancies: archiso pacaur

# Accessing an empty variable will yield an error

set -u

# Check if root
# Print message to user

echo "Checking if we're running as root"

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1

# echo for a space
echo ""

# If passed root test, send message print message to user

if [[ $EUID = 0 ]]; then
echo "Passed root test, proceeding"

Line 180 of the script running as root.......

# Print message to user

echo "Copying system configuration files"

set -x

# Create directory for following command

mkdir -p /tmp/makeiso/

# Create a list of modified config files

pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}' >> /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list

# Create destination directory for the following command

mkdir -p "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs

# Copy above list to releng for later use

cp /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/rtmodconfig.list

# Read rtmodconfig.list and copy the modified config files to releng

xargs -a /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list cp -t "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/

# Set makepkg variable to define where to send built packages

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR"

# Build AUR packages from list, /tmp/makepkg/aur

su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"


# Copy the prebuilt AUR packages to releng

cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

Here's the output with set -x. I'm using pacaur to build the packages, which uses cower and makepkg. It seems like either pacaur or makepkg is loosing track of the file with the list of packages to build, and doesn't recognize the package names as commands.

+ su -c - dom 'export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR'
+ su -c - dom 'pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm bootinfoscript
:: resolving dependencies...
:: looking for inter-conflicts...

AUR Packages (1): bootinfoscript-0.61-1

:: Retrieving package(s)...
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
:: Checking bootinfoscript integrity...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:37 PDT 2015)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
:: Building bootinfoscript package(s)...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
-> Purging unwanted files...
-> Removing libtool files...
-> Removing static library files...
-> Compressing man and info pages...
-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
==> Creating package "bootinfoscript"...
-> Generating .PKGINFO file...
-> Generating .MTREE file...
-> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
:: bootinfoscript cleaning skipped
bash: line 1: cairo-ubuntu: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 3: fontconfig-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 4: freetype2-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 5: gnome-colors-icon-theme: command not found
bash: line 6: gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras: command not found
bash: line 7: gnome-icon-theme-xfce: command not found
bash: line 8: google-chrome: command not found
bash: line 9: grub-legacy: command not found
bash: line 10: libxfcegui4: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 14: ttf-ms-fonts: command not found
bash: line 15: virtualbox-ext-oracle: command not found
bash: line 16: vivaldi: command not found
bash: line 17: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin: command not found
+ cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR /home/dom/makeiso/releng/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 38 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

    – terdon
    Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

  • I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

  • Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

    – Bichoy
    Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

  • This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

  • It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

    – terdon
    Sep 18 '15 at 11:53




I'm working on a Linux Bash script that needs to start as root. At the end of the script, it builds a list of packages. This requires running as user. Then it will move the packages, which needs to run as root again. I have sudo set up, but want to keep the script as generic as possible.

I've tried the following and slight variations of it in the first script to switch from root to user.

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/test/AUR/" 
su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm" "$(< /tmp/test/aur)"

The second line fails to run properly resulting in different errors, depending quote combination and placement. Running the lines within the first script as shown above produced the following error after reading the file /tmp/test/aur :: no targets specified (use -h for help). My preference would be getting this single script method to work properly.

Google, etc. said root, user, root in bash is bad, so tried break it into 3 parts:

  1. The first script runs as root. The problem centers here, can't get
    it to start the second.

  2. Second script runs as user, starts 3rd script as root with: sudo
    /bin/bash "$L"/

  3. Third script, runs, moving the packages properly but
    doesn't show as running in the terminal because calls new shell?

Below was ran as su in a user terminal during testing. Prefer using the $USER var in the script.

As su in the terminal, then back to su - $USER, then ls in home lists my normal user name [dom's] contents.

[dom@arch testing]$ echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# pwd

I get the following results in testing, starting as su in the terminal. Want to get $USER var to work in place of dom.

su -       $USER  home/$USER/scripts/testing/  - No such file or directory
su --login $USER home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - $USER home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" ./ - No such file or directory
su - dom ./ - No such file or directory

su - dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su - $USER ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su --login dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied

su - dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su --login dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su - dom /home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected


Here's part of the script. Still no solution. This latest variation has made it through building the first package from the list before failing. It does however complete the next line, which is the last command in the script. Keep in mind this command works fine outside of using it with the proceeding su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"

## must be run as root within /home/"$USER"/makeiso/releng
## makeiso dependancies: archiso pacaur

# Accessing an empty variable will yield an error

set -u

# Check if root
# Print message to user

echo "Checking if we're running as root"

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1

# echo for a space
echo ""

# If passed root test, send message print message to user

if [[ $EUID = 0 ]]; then
echo "Passed root test, proceeding"

Line 180 of the script running as root.......

# Print message to user

echo "Copying system configuration files"

set -x

# Create directory for following command

mkdir -p /tmp/makeiso/

# Create a list of modified config files

pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}' >> /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list

# Create destination directory for the following command

mkdir -p "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs

# Copy above list to releng for later use

cp /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/rtmodconfig.list

# Read rtmodconfig.list and copy the modified config files to releng

xargs -a /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list cp -t "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/

# Set makepkg variable to define where to send built packages

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR"

# Build AUR packages from list, /tmp/makepkg/aur

su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"


# Copy the prebuilt AUR packages to releng

cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

Here's the output with set -x. I'm using pacaur to build the packages, which uses cower and makepkg. It seems like either pacaur or makepkg is loosing track of the file with the list of packages to build, and doesn't recognize the package names as commands.

+ su -c - dom 'export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR'
+ su -c - dom 'pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm bootinfoscript
:: resolving dependencies...
:: looking for inter-conflicts...

AUR Packages (1): bootinfoscript-0.61-1

:: Retrieving package(s)...
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
:: Checking bootinfoscript integrity...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:37 PDT 2015)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
:: Building bootinfoscript package(s)...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
-> Purging unwanted files...
-> Removing libtool files...
-> Removing static library files...
-> Compressing man and info pages...
-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
==> Creating package "bootinfoscript"...
-> Generating .PKGINFO file...
-> Generating .MTREE file...
-> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
:: bootinfoscript cleaning skipped
bash: line 1: cairo-ubuntu: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 3: fontconfig-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 4: freetype2-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 5: gnome-colors-icon-theme: command not found
bash: line 6: gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras: command not found
bash: line 7: gnome-icon-theme-xfce: command not found
bash: line 8: google-chrome: command not found
bash: line 9: grub-legacy: command not found
bash: line 10: libxfcegui4: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 14: ttf-ms-fonts: command not found
bash: line 15: virtualbox-ext-oracle: command not found
bash: line 16: vivaldi: command not found
bash: line 17: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin: command not found
+ cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR /home/dom/makeiso/releng/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

share|improve this question

I'm working on a Linux Bash script that needs to start as root. At the end of the script, it builds a list of packages. This requires running as user. Then it will move the packages, which needs to run as root again. I have sudo set up, but want to keep the script as generic as possible.

I've tried the following and slight variations of it in the first script to switch from root to user.

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/test/AUR/" 
su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm" "$(< /tmp/test/aur)"

The second line fails to run properly resulting in different errors, depending quote combination and placement. Running the lines within the first script as shown above produced the following error after reading the file /tmp/test/aur :: no targets specified (use -h for help). My preference would be getting this single script method to work properly.

Google, etc. said root, user, root in bash is bad, so tried break it into 3 parts:

  1. The first script runs as root. The problem centers here, can't get
    it to start the second.

  2. Second script runs as user, starts 3rd script as root with: sudo
    /bin/bash "$L"/

  3. Third script, runs, moving the packages properly but
    doesn't show as running in the terminal because calls new shell?

Below was ran as su in a user terminal during testing. Prefer using the $USER var in the script.

As su in the terminal, then back to su - $USER, then ls in home lists my normal user name [dom's] contents.

[dom@arch testing]$ echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# echo $USER

[root@arch testing]# pwd

I get the following results in testing, starting as su in the terminal. Want to get $USER var to work in place of dom.

su -       $USER  home/$USER/scripts/testing/  - No such file or directory
su --login $USER home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - $USER home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" home/dom/scripts/testing/ - No such file or directory
su - "$USER" ./ - No such file or directory
su - dom ./ - No such file or directory

su - dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su - $USER ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied
su --login dom ~/scripts/testing/ - Permission denied

su - dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su --login dom /home/dom/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected
su - dom /home/$USER/scripts/testing/ - Runs as user, expected


Here's part of the script. Still no solution. This latest variation has made it through building the first package from the list before failing. It does however complete the next line, which is the last command in the script. Keep in mind this command works fine outside of using it with the proceeding su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"

## must be run as root within /home/"$USER"/makeiso/releng
## makeiso dependancies: archiso pacaur

# Accessing an empty variable will yield an error

set -u

# Check if root
# Print message to user

echo "Checking if we're running as root"

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1

# echo for a space
echo ""

# If passed root test, send message print message to user

if [[ $EUID = 0 ]]; then
echo "Passed root test, proceeding"

Line 180 of the script running as root.......

# Print message to user

echo "Copying system configuration files"

set -x

# Create directory for following command

mkdir -p /tmp/makeiso/

# Create a list of modified config files

pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}' >> /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list

# Create destination directory for the following command

mkdir -p "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs

# Copy above list to releng for later use

cp /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/rtmodconfig.list

# Read rtmodconfig.list and copy the modified config files to releng

xargs -a /tmp/makeiso/rtmodconfig.list cp -t "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/configs/rootconfigs/

# Set makepkg variable to define where to send built packages

su -c - "$USER" "export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR"

# Build AUR packages from list, /tmp/makepkg/aur

su -c - "$USER" "pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm $(< /tmp/makeiso/aur)"


# Copy the prebuilt AUR packages to releng

cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR "$L"/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

Here's the output with set -x. I'm using pacaur to build the packages, which uses cower and makepkg. It seems like either pacaur or makepkg is loosing track of the file with the list of packages to build, and doesn't recognize the package names as commands.

+ su -c - dom 'export PKGDEST=/tmp/makeiso/AUR'
+ su -c - dom 'pacaur --noconfirm --noedit -cm bootinfoscript
:: resolving dependencies...
:: looking for inter-conflicts...

AUR Packages (1): bootinfoscript-0.61-1

:: Retrieving package(s)...
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
:: Checking bootinfoscript integrity...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:37 PDT 2015)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
:: Building bootinfoscript package(s)...
==> Making package: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
-> Purging unwanted files...
-> Removing libtool files...
-> Removing static library files...
-> Compressing man and info pages...
-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
==> Creating package "bootinfoscript"...
-> Generating .PKGINFO file...
-> Generating .MTREE file...
-> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: bootinfoscript 0.61-1 (Sat Sep 19 22:27:38 PDT 2015)
:: bootinfoscript cleaning skipped
bash: line 1: cairo-ubuntu: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 3: fontconfig-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 4: freetype2-ubuntu: command not found
bash: line 5: gnome-colors-icon-theme: command not found
bash: line 6: gnome-colors-icon-theme-extras: command not found
bash: line 7: gnome-icon-theme-xfce: command not found
bash: line 8: google-chrome: command not found
bash: line 9: grub-legacy: command not found
bash: line 10: libxfcegui4: command not found
error: no operation specified (use -h for help)
bash: line 14: ttf-ms-fonts: command not found
bash: line 15: virtualbox-ext-oracle: command not found
bash: line 16: vivaldi: command not found
bash: line 17: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin: command not found
+ cp -R /tmp/makeiso/AUR /home/dom/makeiso/releng/airootfs/makeiso/packages/AUR

bash shell-script root not-root-user

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edited Sep 20 '15 at 6:23


asked Sep 17 '15 at 21:44


291 silver badge6 bronze badges

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This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 38 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

    – terdon
    Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

  • I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

  • Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

    – Bichoy
    Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

  • This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

  • It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

    – terdon
    Sep 18 '15 at 11:53

  • What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

    – terdon
    Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

  • I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

  • Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

    – Bichoy
    Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

  • This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

    – Dom
    Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

  • It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

    – terdon
    Sep 18 '15 at 11:53

What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

– terdon
Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

What OS are you using? Do you have sudo set up?

– terdon
Sep 17 '15 at 22:32

I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

– Dom
Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

I'm running this on Arch Linux and sudo is set up. I'd like to possibly share this script down the road, so I'd like to keep as generic as possible. I edited the op to reflect this.

– Dom
Sep 18 '15 at 2:30

Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

– Bichoy
Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

Why does building a list of packages requires to be user not root? Are you on NFS?

– Bichoy
Sep 18 '15 at 6:00

This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

– Dom
Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

This is an Arch Linux relate standard, to not build packages as root. In fact makepkg will not run as root. Arch has the AUR, Arch user repository. This repo contains build scripts rather than binary pre built packages. Anyone can contribute, mostly unchecked, so the potential is there for things to go wrong, either in error or malicious. More info:

– Dom
Sep 18 '15 at 8:46

It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

– terdon
Sep 18 '15 at 11:53

It's very hard to understand what you're doing since you don't show your scripts. Could you simplify this to an example script that reproduces the problem? If you need to run a single command as non-root, just use sudo -u user command or su -c command user.

– terdon
Sep 18 '15 at 11:53

1 Answer





The following worked as needed in my script to switch from root to $USER, then back to root.

sudo -u "$USER" bash << HereTag


# End Here Tag

To review, I'm starting the script like this:

[user@linuxbox ~]$ su
[root@linuxbox user]# ./

After $ su, echo $USER shows my username. Even though I'm starting the script as root, I am prompted for a password @ sudo -u "$USER" bash.

I'm in the wheel group needing to provide password in suoders file.

I'd like to eventually figure out how to accomplish this without the need for sudo, but this will work for now.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    The following worked as needed in my script to switch from root to $USER, then back to root.

    sudo -u "$USER" bash << HereTag


    # End Here Tag

    To review, I'm starting the script like this:

    [user@linuxbox ~]$ su
    [root@linuxbox user]# ./

    After $ su, echo $USER shows my username. Even though I'm starting the script as root, I am prompted for a password @ sudo -u "$USER" bash.

    I'm in the wheel group needing to provide password in suoders file.

    I'd like to eventually figure out how to accomplish this without the need for sudo, but this will work for now.

    share|improve this answer


      The following worked as needed in my script to switch from root to $USER, then back to root.

      sudo -u "$USER" bash << HereTag


      # End Here Tag

      To review, I'm starting the script like this:

      [user@linuxbox ~]$ su
      [root@linuxbox user]# ./

      After $ su, echo $USER shows my username. Even though I'm starting the script as root, I am prompted for a password @ sudo -u "$USER" bash.

      I'm in the wheel group needing to provide password in suoders file.

      I'd like to eventually figure out how to accomplish this without the need for sudo, but this will work for now.

      share|improve this answer




        The following worked as needed in my script to switch from root to $USER, then back to root.

        sudo -u "$USER" bash << HereTag


        # End Here Tag

        To review, I'm starting the script like this:

        [user@linuxbox ~]$ su
        [root@linuxbox user]# ./

        After $ su, echo $USER shows my username. Even though I'm starting the script as root, I am prompted for a password @ sudo -u "$USER" bash.

        I'm in the wheel group needing to provide password in suoders file.

        I'd like to eventually figure out how to accomplish this without the need for sudo, but this will work for now.

        share|improve this answer

        The following worked as needed in my script to switch from root to $USER, then back to root.

        sudo -u "$USER" bash << HereTag


        # End Here Tag

        To review, I'm starting the script like this:

        [user@linuxbox ~]$ su
        [root@linuxbox user]# ./

        After $ su, echo $USER shows my username. Even though I'm starting the script as root, I am prompted for a password @ sudo -u "$USER" bash.

        I'm in the wheel group needing to provide password in suoders file.

        I'd like to eventually figure out how to accomplish this without the need for sudo, but this will work for now.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Sep 25 '15 at 9:00

        answered Sep 25 '15 at 8:44


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