Is there some hidden joke behind the “it's never lupus” running gag in House?What was the “It Could...

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Is there some hidden joke behind the “it's never lupus” running gag in House?

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There is a common running gag in the series House, that no matter what the symptoms of the patient are, it's never going to be lupus. Although if I remember properly in one episode it was.

Is this maybe some type of medical joke? I don't know much about medicine but I know that lupus, though not common is not that rare, so I don't think the joke makes much sense, especially in a series that shows conditions that are way way more rare than lupus in the USA, like leprosy or genetic chimerism.

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    I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

    – Todd Wilcox
    9 hours ago


There is a common running gag in the series House, that no matter what the symptoms of the patient are, it's never going to be lupus. Although if I remember properly in one episode it was.

Is this maybe some type of medical joke? I don't know much about medicine but I know that lupus, though not common is not that rare, so I don't think the joke makes much sense, especially in a series that shows conditions that are way way more rare than lupus in the USA, like leprosy or genetic chimerism.

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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

    – Todd Wilcox
    9 hours ago




There is a common running gag in the series House, that no matter what the symptoms of the patient are, it's never going to be lupus. Although if I remember properly in one episode it was.

Is this maybe some type of medical joke? I don't know much about medicine but I know that lupus, though not common is not that rare, so I don't think the joke makes much sense, especially in a series that shows conditions that are way way more rare than lupus in the USA, like leprosy or genetic chimerism.

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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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There is a common running gag in the series House, that no matter what the symptoms of the patient are, it's never going to be lupus. Although if I remember properly in one episode it was.

Is this maybe some type of medical joke? I don't know much about medicine but I know that lupus, though not common is not that rare, so I don't think the joke makes much sense, especially in a series that shows conditions that are way way more rare than lupus in the USA, like leprosy or genetic chimerism.


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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 8 hours ago

Napoleon Wilson



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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 9 hours ago




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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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mylket is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 1

    I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

    – Todd Wilcox
    9 hours ago

  • 1

    I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

    – Todd Wilcox
    9 hours ago



I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

– Todd Wilcox
9 hours ago

I believe lupus is an exclusionary diagnosis, which means if you have any symptoms of lupus and you’re not diagnosed with anything else, it’s like a fallback diagnosis. I’m not sure if it’s a joke but from House’s point of view, suggesting it’s lupus is the same as giving up, which he never does.

– Todd Wilcox
9 hours ago

1 Answer





Because lupus is very hard to diagnose, as in initial stage symptoms are very generic to be considered as lupus. So either they have to test so many people for lupus or consider it as the last resort. Why House use it is being part of so many online arilces, such as from The Conversation

So why is it never lupus? Is it because its symptoms make it easily mistaken for other illnesses or the difficulty of making a diagnosis? Yes and yes but surely this can’t stand in the way of Dr House’s abilities.

Maybe lupus is invoked because it doesn’t have the option of a miracle cure at the end of the episode.

But lupus did occur in the patient in You Don't Want To Know (S04E08)

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer











    Because lupus is very hard to diagnose, as in initial stage symptoms are very generic to be considered as lupus. So either they have to test so many people for lupus or consider it as the last resort. Why House use it is being part of so many online arilces, such as from The Conversation

    So why is it never lupus? Is it because its symptoms make it easily mistaken for other illnesses or the difficulty of making a diagnosis? Yes and yes but surely this can’t stand in the way of Dr House’s abilities.

    Maybe lupus is invoked because it doesn’t have the option of a miracle cure at the end of the episode.

    But lupus did occur in the patient in You Don't Want To Know (S04E08)

    share|improve this answer


      Because lupus is very hard to diagnose, as in initial stage symptoms are very generic to be considered as lupus. So either they have to test so many people for lupus or consider it as the last resort. Why House use it is being part of so many online arilces, such as from The Conversation

      So why is it never lupus? Is it because its symptoms make it easily mistaken for other illnesses or the difficulty of making a diagnosis? Yes and yes but surely this can’t stand in the way of Dr House’s abilities.

      Maybe lupus is invoked because it doesn’t have the option of a miracle cure at the end of the episode.

      But lupus did occur in the patient in You Don't Want To Know (S04E08)

      share|improve this answer




        Because lupus is very hard to diagnose, as in initial stage symptoms are very generic to be considered as lupus. So either they have to test so many people for lupus or consider it as the last resort. Why House use it is being part of so many online arilces, such as from The Conversation

        So why is it never lupus? Is it because its symptoms make it easily mistaken for other illnesses or the difficulty of making a diagnosis? Yes and yes but surely this can’t stand in the way of Dr House’s abilities.

        Maybe lupus is invoked because it doesn’t have the option of a miracle cure at the end of the episode.

        But lupus did occur in the patient in You Don't Want To Know (S04E08)

        share|improve this answer

        Because lupus is very hard to diagnose, as in initial stage symptoms are very generic to be considered as lupus. So either they have to test so many people for lupus or consider it as the last resort. Why House use it is being part of so many online arilces, such as from The Conversation

        So why is it never lupus? Is it because its symptoms make it easily mistaken for other illnesses or the difficulty of making a diagnosis? Yes and yes but surely this can’t stand in the way of Dr House’s abilities.

        Maybe lupus is invoked because it doesn’t have the option of a miracle cure at the end of the episode.

        But lupus did occur in the patient in You Don't Want To Know (S04E08)

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 8 hours ago

        Ankit SharmaAnkit Sharma



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