Can derivatives be defined as anti-integrals?Is “integrability” equivalent to “having...

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Can derivatives be defined as anti-integrals?

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Can derivatives be defined as anti-integrals?

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I see integrals defined as anti-derivatives but for some reason I haven't come across the reverse. Both seem equally implied by the fundamental theorem of calculus.

This emerged as a sticking point in this question.

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  • 4

    In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
    – symplectomorphic
    8 hours ago



I see integrals defined as anti-derivatives but for some reason I haven't come across the reverse. Both seem equally implied by the fundamental theorem of calculus.

This emerged as a sticking point in this question.

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  • 4

    In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
    – symplectomorphic
    8 hours ago






I see integrals defined as anti-derivatives but for some reason I haven't come across the reverse. Both seem equally implied by the fundamental theorem of calculus.

This emerged as a sticking point in this question.

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I see integrals defined as anti-derivatives but for some reason I haven't come across the reverse. Both seem equally implied by the fundamental theorem of calculus.

This emerged as a sticking point in this question.

calculus terminology

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asked 8 hours ago


1747 bronze badges

1747 bronze badges

  • 4

    In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
    – symplectomorphic
    8 hours ago

  • 4

    In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
    – symplectomorphic
    8 hours ago



In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
– symplectomorphic
8 hours ago

In a certain sense this is precisely what we do when we give coordinate-independent definitions of the divergence and curl of a vector field: we can define them as the limit of flux or circulation integrals taken over small and smaller regions. You see this approach a lot in engineering and physics books.
– symplectomorphic
8 hours ago

4 Answers






Let $f(x)=0$ for all real $x$.

Here is one anti-integral for $f$:

$$ g(x) = begin{cases} x &text{when }xinmathbb Z \ 0 & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
in the sense that $int_a^b g(x),dx = f(b)-f(a)$ for all $a,b$.

How do you explain that the slope of $f$ at $x=5$ is not $g(5)=5$?

The idea works better if we restrict all the functions we ever look at to "sufficiently nice" ones -- for example, we could insist that everything is real analytic.

Merely looking for a continuous anti-integral wouldn't suffice to recover the usual concept of derivative, because then something like
$$ x mapsto begin{cases} 0 & text{when }x=0 \ x^2sin(1/x) & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
wouldn't have a derivative on $mathbb R$ (which is does by the usual definition).

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  • $begingroup$
    Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
    – mjc
    8 hours ago

  • 2

    @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
    – Henning Makholm
    7 hours ago

  • 2

    Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
    – Henning Makholm
    7 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
    – mjc
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
    – Henning Makholm
    6 hours ago



In a sense your question is very natural. Let's take an informal approach to it, and then see where the technicalities arise. (That's how a lot of research mathematics works, by the way! Have an intuitive idea, and then try to implement it carefully. The devil is always in the details.)

So, one way to tell the familiar story of one-variable calculus is as follows:

  1. Define the derivative $f'$ of a function $f$ as the limit of the difference quotient, $h^{-1}(f(x+h)-f(x))$, as $hto0$.

  2. Define an anti-derivative of a function $f$ as a function $F$ for which $F'=f$.

  3. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over $[a,b]$, say as the limit of Riemann sums.

  4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
    so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$.

Now, your idea is that you can imagine doing this the other way around, as follows:

  1. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over an interval $[a,b]$, say as a limit of Riemann sums.

  2. Define an anti-integral of a function $F$ as a function $f$ for which

  3. Define the derivative of a function, as the limit of the difference quotient.

  4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
    one anti-integral of $f$ is just $f'$, so long as $f'$ is defined.

The trouble in both stories arises in steps 2 and 4. (Step 4, in both stories, are forms of the Fundamental Theorem.)

The Problem with Step 2

In both the standard and the flipped story, step 2 poses existence and uniqueness problems.

In the standard story, an anti-derivative of $f$ may not even exist; one sufficient condition is to require that $f$ be continuous, but that is not necessary. And even if you do require that $f$ be continuous, you're always going to have non-uniqueness. Thus "anti-differentiation" construed as an operation is not really a bona fide "inverse" operation, because it is not single-valued. Or in other words, differentiation is not injective: it identifies many different functions. (Exactly which functions it identifies depends on the topology of the domain they're defined on.)

In the flipped story, again note that we certainly will never have uniqueness. Given any anti-integral $f$, you can find infinitely many others by changing the values of $f$ at a set of measure zero. We also aren't guaranteed existence of an anti-integral for a given $F$, and this time not even the continuity of $F$ will serve as a sufficient condition. What we need is even stronger, "absolute continuity."

The Problem with Step 4

In the standard story, the catch is in "so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$." The problem is that not every Riemann integrable function has an anti-derivative. If we want to guarantee an anti-derivative, we can impose the additional hypothesis that $f$ is continuous (which is again sufficient but not necessary).

A similar problem arises in the flipped scenario: given an arbitrary $f$, it might not have an anti-integral. The fundamental theorem for Lebesgue integrals shows that it's both necessary and sufficient to require that $f$ be absolutely continuous. But given the fact that integrals are not sensitive to values on a set of measure zero, the best conclusion we can draw in that case is that an anti-integral of $f$ equals $f'$ "almost everywhere" (meaning, everywhere except at a set of measure zero).

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    From the point of view of analysis (as hinted at in Henning Makholm's answer) the issue is that the mapping $I:f'to f$ is extremely not one-to-one. When you try to invert it, you find that a great deal of functions are possible "anti-integrals" of a given function. While this does occur for $d:fto f'$ as well, there is a robust mathematical theory about how to address this and how to describe the set of anti-derivatives of a given function. For example, if $f$ is defined on $[a,b]$ then all antiderivatives of $f$ are of the form $$F_i(x)=c_i + int_a^x f(t)dt$$ for constants $c_i$. Although in some contexts the situation becomes more complicated (for example, if we look at $1/x$ defined on $[-1,0)cup(0,1]$ then you have two constants, one for each side) there is a whole field that studies what happens for various domains.

    The situation for inverting $I$ is a lot less rosy. For one thing, if you take any finite subset of the domain you can move the function's value around however you like without changing the value. More generally, as long as two functions agree on a set of measure zero they will have the same integral. As far as I know there are no known ways to fruitfully analyze such a set of functions (a statement that has deep repercussions in machine learning and functional analysis).

    A second issue is that integrating doesn't always ensure that you can differentiate. There are a wide variety of functions $f$ such that the anti-integral doesn't (or doesn't have to) produce a differentiable function! For example, if $1_mathbb{Q}$ denotes the function that takes on the value $1$ on rational inputs and $0$ on irrational inputs, this function has a Lebesgue integral of $0$ (a similar example works for Riemann integral but it's more work). If you take the anti-integral of $f(x)=0$ and get $1_mathbb{Q}$, you can't differentiate and get back $f(x)=0$ because it's not differentiable.

    A commenter mentions vector calculus, and it is true that something like this happens in vector calculus but there are a couple massive caveats.

    share|cite|improve this answer




      Not exactly an answer to your question, but related:

      One thing that has always bugged me, in a sense, is this: When you have higher order derivatives of $f(x)$, instead of writing $f''(x)$ and $f'(x)$, people start using a number between parenthesis. So the 5th order derivative is $f^{(5)}(x)$.

      However, this notation doesn't translate back to integrals, for some reason. If you have a function $f(x)$, and $f^{(1)}(x)$ is the first derivative of $f$, then wouldn't it make sense to denote the anti-derivative/integral of $f$ as $f^{(-1)}(x)$?

      So for example if $f(x)$ is some acceleration function, then the speed function is $f^{(-1)}(x)$ and the position function is $f^{(-2)}(x)$. I think this is good notation.

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
        – Semiclassical
        8 hours ago

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        You may find this of interest.
        – J.G.
        8 hours ago

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      4 Answers




      4 Answers












      Let $f(x)=0$ for all real $x$.

      Here is one anti-integral for $f$:

      $$ g(x) = begin{cases} x &text{when }xinmathbb Z \ 0 & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      in the sense that $int_a^b g(x),dx = f(b)-f(a)$ for all $a,b$.

      How do you explain that the slope of $f$ at $x=5$ is not $g(5)=5$?

      The idea works better if we restrict all the functions we ever look at to "sufficiently nice" ones -- for example, we could insist that everything is real analytic.

      Merely looking for a continuous anti-integral wouldn't suffice to recover the usual concept of derivative, because then something like
      $$ x mapsto begin{cases} 0 & text{when }x=0 \ x^2sin(1/x) & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      wouldn't have a derivative on $mathbb R$ (which is does by the usual definition).

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
        – mjc
        8 hours ago

      • 2

        @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • 2

        Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
        – mjc
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
        – Henning Makholm
        6 hours ago



      Let $f(x)=0$ for all real $x$.

      Here is one anti-integral for $f$:

      $$ g(x) = begin{cases} x &text{when }xinmathbb Z \ 0 & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      in the sense that $int_a^b g(x),dx = f(b)-f(a)$ for all $a,b$.

      How do you explain that the slope of $f$ at $x=5$ is not $g(5)=5$?

      The idea works better if we restrict all the functions we ever look at to "sufficiently nice" ones -- for example, we could insist that everything is real analytic.

      Merely looking for a continuous anti-integral wouldn't suffice to recover the usual concept of derivative, because then something like
      $$ x mapsto begin{cases} 0 & text{when }x=0 \ x^2sin(1/x) & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      wouldn't have a derivative on $mathbb R$ (which is does by the usual definition).

      share|cite|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
        – mjc
        8 hours ago

      • 2

        @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • 2

        Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
        – mjc
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
        – Henning Makholm
        6 hours ago





      Let $f(x)=0$ for all real $x$.

      Here is one anti-integral for $f$:

      $$ g(x) = begin{cases} x &text{when }xinmathbb Z \ 0 & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      in the sense that $int_a^b g(x),dx = f(b)-f(a)$ for all $a,b$.

      How do you explain that the slope of $f$ at $x=5$ is not $g(5)=5$?

      The idea works better if we restrict all the functions we ever look at to "sufficiently nice" ones -- for example, we could insist that everything is real analytic.

      Merely looking for a continuous anti-integral wouldn't suffice to recover the usual concept of derivative, because then something like
      $$ x mapsto begin{cases} 0 & text{when }x=0 \ x^2sin(1/x) & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      wouldn't have a derivative on $mathbb R$ (which is does by the usual definition).

      share|cite|improve this answer


      Let $f(x)=0$ for all real $x$.

      Here is one anti-integral for $f$:

      $$ g(x) = begin{cases} x &text{when }xinmathbb Z \ 0 & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      in the sense that $int_a^b g(x),dx = f(b)-f(a)$ for all $a,b$.

      How do you explain that the slope of $f$ at $x=5$ is not $g(5)=5$?

      The idea works better if we restrict all the functions we ever look at to "sufficiently nice" ones -- for example, we could insist that everything is real analytic.

      Merely looking for a continuous anti-integral wouldn't suffice to recover the usual concept of derivative, because then something like
      $$ x mapsto begin{cases} 0 & text{when }x=0 \ x^2sin(1/x) & text{otherwise} end{cases} $$
      wouldn't have a derivative on $mathbb R$ (which is does by the usual definition).

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      share|cite|improve this answer

      edited 7 hours ago

      answered 8 hours ago

      Henning MakholmHenning Makholm

      255k18 gold badges338 silver badges583 bronze badges

      255k18 gold badges338 silver badges583 bronze badges

      • $begingroup$
        Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
        – mjc
        8 hours ago

      • 2

        @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • 2

        Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
        – mjc
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
        – Henning Makholm
        6 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
        – mjc
        8 hours ago

      • 2

        @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • 2

        Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
        – Henning Makholm
        7 hours ago

      • $begingroup$
        If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
        – mjc
        6 hours ago

      • 1

        @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
        – Henning Makholm
        6 hours ago

      Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
      – mjc
      8 hours ago

      Is this a restriction on the FTC? It sounds like you're saying integration and differentiation aren't always one-to-one inverses of each other. Would it be fair to say that integration and differentiation each have (at least) two definitions: one via limits, one as the inverse of each other; and the latter definition is less general?
      – mjc
      8 hours ago



      @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
      – Henning Makholm
      7 hours ago

      @mjc: Indeed they are not exact inverse operations -- it's an elementary caveat that a function that has an antiderivative $F$ also have many other antiderivatives, namely $F+c$ for every constant $c$! In other words, "differentiation" is not an injective operation, so strictly speaking it cannot have an inverse operation. In the same way, a function can have several anti-(indefinite-)integrals -- this is less well known only because anti-integral is not a very common concept.
      – Henning Makholm
      7 hours ago



      Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
      – Henning Makholm
      7 hours ago

      Good textbooks will phrase the FTC very carefully such that these observations doesn't invalidate what it says. It will be a good exercise to look very closely at the FTC in your favorite textbook and figure out exactly how, say, the existence of many different antiderivatives doesn't conflict with the claim.
      – Henning Makholm
      7 hours ago

      If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
      – mjc
      6 hours ago

      If $c$ could be any constant, does that mean that every integral is surjective on N?
      – mjc
      6 hours ago



      @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
      – Henning Makholm
      6 hours ago

      @mjc: No. Just because for every number there is some indefinite integral that has that number as a value, doesn't mean that each indefinite integral separately takes all values. For example, take the constant function $f(x)=0$. Every constant function is an indefinite integral of this $f$, but a constant function is very far from being surjective.
      – Henning Makholm
      6 hours ago



      In a sense your question is very natural. Let's take an informal approach to it, and then see where the technicalities arise. (That's how a lot of research mathematics works, by the way! Have an intuitive idea, and then try to implement it carefully. The devil is always in the details.)

      So, one way to tell the familiar story of one-variable calculus is as follows:

      1. Define the derivative $f'$ of a function $f$ as the limit of the difference quotient, $h^{-1}(f(x+h)-f(x))$, as $hto0$.

      2. Define an anti-derivative of a function $f$ as a function $F$ for which $F'=f$.

      3. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over $[a,b]$, say as the limit of Riemann sums.

      4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
        so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$.

      Now, your idea is that you can imagine doing this the other way around, as follows:

      1. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over an interval $[a,b]$, say as a limit of Riemann sums.

      2. Define an anti-integral of a function $F$ as a function $f$ for which

      3. Define the derivative of a function, as the limit of the difference quotient.

      4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
        one anti-integral of $f$ is just $f'$, so long as $f'$ is defined.

      The trouble in both stories arises in steps 2 and 4. (Step 4, in both stories, are forms of the Fundamental Theorem.)

      The Problem with Step 2

      In both the standard and the flipped story, step 2 poses existence and uniqueness problems.

      In the standard story, an anti-derivative of $f$ may not even exist; one sufficient condition is to require that $f$ be continuous, but that is not necessary. And even if you do require that $f$ be continuous, you're always going to have non-uniqueness. Thus "anti-differentiation" construed as an operation is not really a bona fide "inverse" operation, because it is not single-valued. Or in other words, differentiation is not injective: it identifies many different functions. (Exactly which functions it identifies depends on the topology of the domain they're defined on.)

      In the flipped story, again note that we certainly will never have uniqueness. Given any anti-integral $f$, you can find infinitely many others by changing the values of $f$ at a set of measure zero. We also aren't guaranteed existence of an anti-integral for a given $F$, and this time not even the continuity of $F$ will serve as a sufficient condition. What we need is even stronger, "absolute continuity."

      The Problem with Step 4

      In the standard story, the catch is in "so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$." The problem is that not every Riemann integrable function has an anti-derivative. If we want to guarantee an anti-derivative, we can impose the additional hypothesis that $f$ is continuous (which is again sufficient but not necessary).

      A similar problem arises in the flipped scenario: given an arbitrary $f$, it might not have an anti-integral. The fundamental theorem for Lebesgue integrals shows that it's both necessary and sufficient to require that $f$ be absolutely continuous. But given the fact that integrals are not sensitive to values on a set of measure zero, the best conclusion we can draw in that case is that an anti-integral of $f$ equals $f'$ "almost everywhere" (meaning, everywhere except at a set of measure zero).

      share|cite|improve this answer




        In a sense your question is very natural. Let's take an informal approach to it, and then see where the technicalities arise. (That's how a lot of research mathematics works, by the way! Have an intuitive idea, and then try to implement it carefully. The devil is always in the details.)

        So, one way to tell the familiar story of one-variable calculus is as follows:

        1. Define the derivative $f'$ of a function $f$ as the limit of the difference quotient, $h^{-1}(f(x+h)-f(x))$, as $hto0$.

        2. Define an anti-derivative of a function $f$ as a function $F$ for which $F'=f$.

        3. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over $[a,b]$, say as the limit of Riemann sums.

        4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
          so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$.

        Now, your idea is that you can imagine doing this the other way around, as follows:

        1. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over an interval $[a,b]$, say as a limit of Riemann sums.

        2. Define an anti-integral of a function $F$ as a function $f$ for which

        3. Define the derivative of a function, as the limit of the difference quotient.

        4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
          one anti-integral of $f$ is just $f'$, so long as $f'$ is defined.

        The trouble in both stories arises in steps 2 and 4. (Step 4, in both stories, are forms of the Fundamental Theorem.)

        The Problem with Step 2

        In both the standard and the flipped story, step 2 poses existence and uniqueness problems.

        In the standard story, an anti-derivative of $f$ may not even exist; one sufficient condition is to require that $f$ be continuous, but that is not necessary. And even if you do require that $f$ be continuous, you're always going to have non-uniqueness. Thus "anti-differentiation" construed as an operation is not really a bona fide "inverse" operation, because it is not single-valued. Or in other words, differentiation is not injective: it identifies many different functions. (Exactly which functions it identifies depends on the topology of the domain they're defined on.)

        In the flipped story, again note that we certainly will never have uniqueness. Given any anti-integral $f$, you can find infinitely many others by changing the values of $f$ at a set of measure zero. We also aren't guaranteed existence of an anti-integral for a given $F$, and this time not even the continuity of $F$ will serve as a sufficient condition. What we need is even stronger, "absolute continuity."

        The Problem with Step 4

        In the standard story, the catch is in "so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$." The problem is that not every Riemann integrable function has an anti-derivative. If we want to guarantee an anti-derivative, we can impose the additional hypothesis that $f$ is continuous (which is again sufficient but not necessary).

        A similar problem arises in the flipped scenario: given an arbitrary $f$, it might not have an anti-integral. The fundamental theorem for Lebesgue integrals shows that it's both necessary and sufficient to require that $f$ be absolutely continuous. But given the fact that integrals are not sensitive to values on a set of measure zero, the best conclusion we can draw in that case is that an anti-integral of $f$ equals $f'$ "almost everywhere" (meaning, everywhere except at a set of measure zero).

        share|cite|improve this answer






          In a sense your question is very natural. Let's take an informal approach to it, and then see where the technicalities arise. (That's how a lot of research mathematics works, by the way! Have an intuitive idea, and then try to implement it carefully. The devil is always in the details.)

          So, one way to tell the familiar story of one-variable calculus is as follows:

          1. Define the derivative $f'$ of a function $f$ as the limit of the difference quotient, $h^{-1}(f(x+h)-f(x))$, as $hto0$.

          2. Define an anti-derivative of a function $f$ as a function $F$ for which $F'=f$.

          3. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over $[a,b]$, say as the limit of Riemann sums.

          4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
            so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$.

          Now, your idea is that you can imagine doing this the other way around, as follows:

          1. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over an interval $[a,b]$, say as a limit of Riemann sums.

          2. Define an anti-integral of a function $F$ as a function $f$ for which

          3. Define the derivative of a function, as the limit of the difference quotient.

          4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
            one anti-integral of $f$ is just $f'$, so long as $f'$ is defined.

          The trouble in both stories arises in steps 2 and 4. (Step 4, in both stories, are forms of the Fundamental Theorem.)

          The Problem with Step 2

          In both the standard and the flipped story, step 2 poses existence and uniqueness problems.

          In the standard story, an anti-derivative of $f$ may not even exist; one sufficient condition is to require that $f$ be continuous, but that is not necessary. And even if you do require that $f$ be continuous, you're always going to have non-uniqueness. Thus "anti-differentiation" construed as an operation is not really a bona fide "inverse" operation, because it is not single-valued. Or in other words, differentiation is not injective: it identifies many different functions. (Exactly which functions it identifies depends on the topology of the domain they're defined on.)

          In the flipped story, again note that we certainly will never have uniqueness. Given any anti-integral $f$, you can find infinitely many others by changing the values of $f$ at a set of measure zero. We also aren't guaranteed existence of an anti-integral for a given $F$, and this time not even the continuity of $F$ will serve as a sufficient condition. What we need is even stronger, "absolute continuity."

          The Problem with Step 4

          In the standard story, the catch is in "so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$." The problem is that not every Riemann integrable function has an anti-derivative. If we want to guarantee an anti-derivative, we can impose the additional hypothesis that $f$ is continuous (which is again sufficient but not necessary).

          A similar problem arises in the flipped scenario: given an arbitrary $f$, it might not have an anti-integral. The fundamental theorem for Lebesgue integrals shows that it's both necessary and sufficient to require that $f$ be absolutely continuous. But given the fact that integrals are not sensitive to values on a set of measure zero, the best conclusion we can draw in that case is that an anti-integral of $f$ equals $f'$ "almost everywhere" (meaning, everywhere except at a set of measure zero).

          share|cite|improve this answer


          In a sense your question is very natural. Let's take an informal approach to it, and then see where the technicalities arise. (That's how a lot of research mathematics works, by the way! Have an intuitive idea, and then try to implement it carefully. The devil is always in the details.)

          So, one way to tell the familiar story of one-variable calculus is as follows:

          1. Define the derivative $f'$ of a function $f$ as the limit of the difference quotient, $h^{-1}(f(x+h)-f(x))$, as $hto0$.

          2. Define an anti-derivative of a function $f$ as a function $F$ for which $F'=f$.

          3. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over $[a,b]$, say as the limit of Riemann sums.

          4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
            so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$.

          Now, your idea is that you can imagine doing this the other way around, as follows:

          1. Define the definite integral of a function $f$ over an interval $[a,b]$, say as a limit of Riemann sums.

          2. Define an anti-integral of a function $F$ as a function $f$ for which

          3. Define the derivative of a function, as the limit of the difference quotient.

          4. Discover that (2) and (3) are related, in the sense that
            one anti-integral of $f$ is just $f'$, so long as $f'$ is defined.

          The trouble in both stories arises in steps 2 and 4. (Step 4, in both stories, are forms of the Fundamental Theorem.)

          The Problem with Step 2

          In both the standard and the flipped story, step 2 poses existence and uniqueness problems.

          In the standard story, an anti-derivative of $f$ may not even exist; one sufficient condition is to require that $f$ be continuous, but that is not necessary. And even if you do require that $f$ be continuous, you're always going to have non-uniqueness. Thus "anti-differentiation" construed as an operation is not really a bona fide "inverse" operation, because it is not single-valued. Or in other words, differentiation is not injective: it identifies many different functions. (Exactly which functions it identifies depends on the topology of the domain they're defined on.)

          In the flipped story, again note that we certainly will never have uniqueness. Given any anti-integral $f$, you can find infinitely many others by changing the values of $f$ at a set of measure zero. We also aren't guaranteed existence of an anti-integral for a given $F$, and this time not even the continuity of $F$ will serve as a sufficient condition. What we need is even stronger, "absolute continuity."

          The Problem with Step 4

          In the standard story, the catch is in "so long as $F$ is any anti-derivative of $f$." The problem is that not every Riemann integrable function has an anti-derivative. If we want to guarantee an anti-derivative, we can impose the additional hypothesis that $f$ is continuous (which is again sufficient but not necessary).

          A similar problem arises in the flipped scenario: given an arbitrary $f$, it might not have an anti-integral. The fundamental theorem for Lebesgue integrals shows that it's both necessary and sufficient to require that $f$ be absolutely continuous. But given the fact that integrals are not sensitive to values on a set of measure zero, the best conclusion we can draw in that case is that an anti-integral of $f$ equals $f'$ "almost everywhere" (meaning, everywhere except at a set of measure zero).

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited 1 hour ago

          answered 7 hours ago


          13.1k2 gold badges20 silver badges43 bronze badges

          13.1k2 gold badges20 silver badges43 bronze badges



              From the point of view of analysis (as hinted at in Henning Makholm's answer) the issue is that the mapping $I:f'to f$ is extremely not one-to-one. When you try to invert it, you find that a great deal of functions are possible "anti-integrals" of a given function. While this does occur for $d:fto f'$ as well, there is a robust mathematical theory about how to address this and how to describe the set of anti-derivatives of a given function. For example, if $f$ is defined on $[a,b]$ then all antiderivatives of $f$ are of the form $$F_i(x)=c_i + int_a^x f(t)dt$$ for constants $c_i$. Although in some contexts the situation becomes more complicated (for example, if we look at $1/x$ defined on $[-1,0)cup(0,1]$ then you have two constants, one for each side) there is a whole field that studies what happens for various domains.

              The situation for inverting $I$ is a lot less rosy. For one thing, if you take any finite subset of the domain you can move the function's value around however you like without changing the value. More generally, as long as two functions agree on a set of measure zero they will have the same integral. As far as I know there are no known ways to fruitfully analyze such a set of functions (a statement that has deep repercussions in machine learning and functional analysis).

              A second issue is that integrating doesn't always ensure that you can differentiate. There are a wide variety of functions $f$ such that the anti-integral doesn't (or doesn't have to) produce a differentiable function! For example, if $1_mathbb{Q}$ denotes the function that takes on the value $1$ on rational inputs and $0$ on irrational inputs, this function has a Lebesgue integral of $0$ (a similar example works for Riemann integral but it's more work). If you take the anti-integral of $f(x)=0$ and get $1_mathbb{Q}$, you can't differentiate and get back $f(x)=0$ because it's not differentiable.

              A commenter mentions vector calculus, and it is true that something like this happens in vector calculus but there are a couple massive caveats.

              share|cite|improve this answer




                From the point of view of analysis (as hinted at in Henning Makholm's answer) the issue is that the mapping $I:f'to f$ is extremely not one-to-one. When you try to invert it, you find that a great deal of functions are possible "anti-integrals" of a given function. While this does occur for $d:fto f'$ as well, there is a robust mathematical theory about how to address this and how to describe the set of anti-derivatives of a given function. For example, if $f$ is defined on $[a,b]$ then all antiderivatives of $f$ are of the form $$F_i(x)=c_i + int_a^x f(t)dt$$ for constants $c_i$. Although in some contexts the situation becomes more complicated (for example, if we look at $1/x$ defined on $[-1,0)cup(0,1]$ then you have two constants, one for each side) there is a whole field that studies what happens for various domains.

                The situation for inverting $I$ is a lot less rosy. For one thing, if you take any finite subset of the domain you can move the function's value around however you like without changing the value. More generally, as long as two functions agree on a set of measure zero they will have the same integral. As far as I know there are no known ways to fruitfully analyze such a set of functions (a statement that has deep repercussions in machine learning and functional analysis).

                A second issue is that integrating doesn't always ensure that you can differentiate. There are a wide variety of functions $f$ such that the anti-integral doesn't (or doesn't have to) produce a differentiable function! For example, if $1_mathbb{Q}$ denotes the function that takes on the value $1$ on rational inputs and $0$ on irrational inputs, this function has a Lebesgue integral of $0$ (a similar example works for Riemann integral but it's more work). If you take the anti-integral of $f(x)=0$ and get $1_mathbb{Q}$, you can't differentiate and get back $f(x)=0$ because it's not differentiable.

                A commenter mentions vector calculus, and it is true that something like this happens in vector calculus but there are a couple massive caveats.

                share|cite|improve this answer






                  From the point of view of analysis (as hinted at in Henning Makholm's answer) the issue is that the mapping $I:f'to f$ is extremely not one-to-one. When you try to invert it, you find that a great deal of functions are possible "anti-integrals" of a given function. While this does occur for $d:fto f'$ as well, there is a robust mathematical theory about how to address this and how to describe the set of anti-derivatives of a given function. For example, if $f$ is defined on $[a,b]$ then all antiderivatives of $f$ are of the form $$F_i(x)=c_i + int_a^x f(t)dt$$ for constants $c_i$. Although in some contexts the situation becomes more complicated (for example, if we look at $1/x$ defined on $[-1,0)cup(0,1]$ then you have two constants, one for each side) there is a whole field that studies what happens for various domains.

                  The situation for inverting $I$ is a lot less rosy. For one thing, if you take any finite subset of the domain you can move the function's value around however you like without changing the value. More generally, as long as two functions agree on a set of measure zero they will have the same integral. As far as I know there are no known ways to fruitfully analyze such a set of functions (a statement that has deep repercussions in machine learning and functional analysis).

                  A second issue is that integrating doesn't always ensure that you can differentiate. There are a wide variety of functions $f$ such that the anti-integral doesn't (or doesn't have to) produce a differentiable function! For example, if $1_mathbb{Q}$ denotes the function that takes on the value $1$ on rational inputs and $0$ on irrational inputs, this function has a Lebesgue integral of $0$ (a similar example works for Riemann integral but it's more work). If you take the anti-integral of $f(x)=0$ and get $1_mathbb{Q}$, you can't differentiate and get back $f(x)=0$ because it's not differentiable.

                  A commenter mentions vector calculus, and it is true that something like this happens in vector calculus but there are a couple massive caveats.

                  share|cite|improve this answer


                  From the point of view of analysis (as hinted at in Henning Makholm's answer) the issue is that the mapping $I:f'to f$ is extremely not one-to-one. When you try to invert it, you find that a great deal of functions are possible "anti-integrals" of a given function. While this does occur for $d:fto f'$ as well, there is a robust mathematical theory about how to address this and how to describe the set of anti-derivatives of a given function. For example, if $f$ is defined on $[a,b]$ then all antiderivatives of $f$ are of the form $$F_i(x)=c_i + int_a^x f(t)dt$$ for constants $c_i$. Although in some contexts the situation becomes more complicated (for example, if we look at $1/x$ defined on $[-1,0)cup(0,1]$ then you have two constants, one for each side) there is a whole field that studies what happens for various domains.

                  The situation for inverting $I$ is a lot less rosy. For one thing, if you take any finite subset of the domain you can move the function's value around however you like without changing the value. More generally, as long as two functions agree on a set of measure zero they will have the same integral. As far as I know there are no known ways to fruitfully analyze such a set of functions (a statement that has deep repercussions in machine learning and functional analysis).

                  A second issue is that integrating doesn't always ensure that you can differentiate. There are a wide variety of functions $f$ such that the anti-integral doesn't (or doesn't have to) produce a differentiable function! For example, if $1_mathbb{Q}$ denotes the function that takes on the value $1$ on rational inputs and $0$ on irrational inputs, this function has a Lebesgue integral of $0$ (a similar example works for Riemann integral but it's more work). If you take the anti-integral of $f(x)=0$ and get $1_mathbb{Q}$, you can't differentiate and get back $f(x)=0$ because it's not differentiable.

                  A commenter mentions vector calculus, and it is true that something like this happens in vector calculus but there are a couple massive caveats.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited 7 hours ago

                  answered 7 hours ago

                  Stella BidermanStella Biderman

                  26.9k6 gold badges34 silver badges75 bronze badges

                  26.9k6 gold badges34 silver badges75 bronze badges



                      Not exactly an answer to your question, but related:

                      One thing that has always bugged me, in a sense, is this: When you have higher order derivatives of $f(x)$, instead of writing $f''(x)$ and $f'(x)$, people start using a number between parenthesis. So the 5th order derivative is $f^{(5)}(x)$.

                      However, this notation doesn't translate back to integrals, for some reason. If you have a function $f(x)$, and $f^{(1)}(x)$ is the first derivative of $f$, then wouldn't it make sense to denote the anti-derivative/integral of $f$ as $f^{(-1)}(x)$?

                      So for example if $f(x)$ is some acceleration function, then the speed function is $f^{(-1)}(x)$ and the position function is $f^{(-2)}(x)$. I think this is good notation.

                      share|cite|improve this answer


                      • $begingroup$
                        This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                        – Semiclassical
                        8 hours ago

                      • 1

                        You may find this of interest.
                        – J.G.
                        8 hours ago



                      Not exactly an answer to your question, but related:

                      One thing that has always bugged me, in a sense, is this: When you have higher order derivatives of $f(x)$, instead of writing $f''(x)$ and $f'(x)$, people start using a number between parenthesis. So the 5th order derivative is $f^{(5)}(x)$.

                      However, this notation doesn't translate back to integrals, for some reason. If you have a function $f(x)$, and $f^{(1)}(x)$ is the first derivative of $f$, then wouldn't it make sense to denote the anti-derivative/integral of $f$ as $f^{(-1)}(x)$?

                      So for example if $f(x)$ is some acceleration function, then the speed function is $f^{(-1)}(x)$ and the position function is $f^{(-2)}(x)$. I think this is good notation.

                      share|cite|improve this answer


                      • $begingroup$
                        This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                        – Semiclassical
                        8 hours ago

                      • 1

                        You may find this of interest.
                        – J.G.
                        8 hours ago





                      Not exactly an answer to your question, but related:

                      One thing that has always bugged me, in a sense, is this: When you have higher order derivatives of $f(x)$, instead of writing $f''(x)$ and $f'(x)$, people start using a number between parenthesis. So the 5th order derivative is $f^{(5)}(x)$.

                      However, this notation doesn't translate back to integrals, for some reason. If you have a function $f(x)$, and $f^{(1)}(x)$ is the first derivative of $f$, then wouldn't it make sense to denote the anti-derivative/integral of $f$ as $f^{(-1)}(x)$?

                      So for example if $f(x)$ is some acceleration function, then the speed function is $f^{(-1)}(x)$ and the position function is $f^{(-2)}(x)$. I think this is good notation.

                      share|cite|improve this answer


                      Not exactly an answer to your question, but related:

                      One thing that has always bugged me, in a sense, is this: When you have higher order derivatives of $f(x)$, instead of writing $f''(x)$ and $f'(x)$, people start using a number between parenthesis. So the 5th order derivative is $f^{(5)}(x)$.

                      However, this notation doesn't translate back to integrals, for some reason. If you have a function $f(x)$, and $f^{(1)}(x)$ is the first derivative of $f$, then wouldn't it make sense to denote the anti-derivative/integral of $f$ as $f^{(-1)}(x)$?

                      So for example if $f(x)$ is some acceleration function, then the speed function is $f^{(-1)}(x)$ and the position function is $f^{(-2)}(x)$. I think this is good notation.

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      share|cite|improve this answer

                      answered 8 hours ago

                      Victor S.Victor S.

                      6532 silver badges16 bronze badges

                      6532 silver badges16 bronze badges

                      • $begingroup$
                        This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                        – Semiclassical
                        8 hours ago

                      • 1

                        You may find this of interest.
                        – J.G.
                        8 hours ago

                      • $begingroup$
                        This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                        – Semiclassical
                        8 hours ago

                      • 1

                        You may find this of interest.
                        – J.G.
                        8 hours ago

                      This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                      – Semiclassical
                      8 hours ago

                      This notation does appear to be used in the contexts of repeated integration and fractional calculus. That said, this really seems like a comment more than an answer...
                      – Semiclassical
                      8 hours ago



                      You may find this of interest.
                      – J.G.
                      8 hours ago

                      You may find this of interest.
                      – J.G.
                      8 hours ago

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