Write a function that checks if a string starts with or contains somethingHow to pass a string parameter on...

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Write a function that checks if a string starts with or contains something

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I want to write a function that checks if a given variable, say, var, starts with any of the words in a given list of strings. This list won't change.

To instantiate, let's pretend that I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3.

Moreover, I want to check if var contains the character >.

Let's say this function is called check_func. My intended usage looks something like

if check_func "$var"; then
do stuff

For example, it should "do stuff" for
aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5.

I've seen this SO question where a user provides part of the work:

beginswith() { case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }

My idea is that I would iterate over the list mentioned above and use this function. My difficulty lies in not understanding exactly how exiting (or whatever replaces returning) should be done to make this work.

share|improve this question

New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

    – G-Man
    7 hours ago

  • @G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

    – No Imaginatition
    6 hours ago


I want to write a function that checks if a given variable, say, var, starts with any of the words in a given list of strings. This list won't change.

To instantiate, let's pretend that I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3.

Moreover, I want to check if var contains the character >.

Let's say this function is called check_func. My intended usage looks something like

if check_func "$var"; then
do stuff

For example, it should "do stuff" for
aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5.

I've seen this SO question where a user provides part of the work:

beginswith() { case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }

My idea is that I would iterate over the list mentioned above and use this function. My difficulty lies in not understanding exactly how exiting (or whatever replaces returning) should be done to make this work.

share|improve this question

New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

    – G-Man
    7 hours ago

  • @G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

    – No Imaginatition
    6 hours ago





I want to write a function that checks if a given variable, say, var, starts with any of the words in a given list of strings. This list won't change.

To instantiate, let's pretend that I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3.

Moreover, I want to check if var contains the character >.

Let's say this function is called check_func. My intended usage looks something like

if check_func "$var"; then
do stuff

For example, it should "do stuff" for
aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5.

I've seen this SO question where a user provides part of the work:

beginswith() { case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }

My idea is that I would iterate over the list mentioned above and use this function. My difficulty lies in not understanding exactly how exiting (or whatever replaces returning) should be done to make this work.

share|improve this question

New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I want to write a function that checks if a given variable, say, var, starts with any of the words in a given list of strings. This list won't change.

To instantiate, let's pretend that I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3.

Moreover, I want to check if var contains the character >.

Let's say this function is called check_func. My intended usage looks something like

if check_func "$var"; then
do stuff

For example, it should "do stuff" for
aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5.

I've seen this SO question where a user provides part of the work:

beginswith() { case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }

My idea is that I would iterate over the list mentioned above and use this function. My difficulty lies in not understanding exactly how exiting (or whatever replaces returning) should be done to make this work.

shell string function pattern-matching

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New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 22 mins ago




New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 8 hours ago

No ImaginatitionNo Imaginatition



New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

No Imaginatition is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

    – G-Man
    7 hours ago

  • @G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

    – No Imaginatition
    6 hours ago

  • It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

    – G-Man
    7 hours ago

  • @G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

    – No Imaginatition
    6 hours ago

It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

– G-Man
7 hours ago

It just occurred to me that your question is ambiguous.  Do you mean (1) I want to check if var starts with aa.  I want to check if var starts with abc.  I want to check if var starts with 3@3.  And I want to check if var contains >. ?    Or do you mean (2) I want to check if var starts with aa, abc or 3@3, and it also contains >. ?

– G-Man
7 hours ago

@G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

– No Imaginatition
6 hours ago

@G-Man The first one. Thanks for bringing that up.

– No Imaginatition
6 hours ago

5 Answers





check_prefixes () {

for prefix in aa abc 3@3; do
case $value in
"$prefix"*) return 0

return 1

check_contains_gt () {

case $value in
*">"*) return 0

return 1

if check_prefixes "$var" && check_contains_gt "$var"; then
printf '"%s" contains ">" and starts with one of the prefixesn' "$var"

I divided the tests up into two functions. Both use case ... esac and returns success (zero) as soon as this can be determined. If nothing matches, failure (1) is returned.

To make the list of prefixes more of a dynamic list, one could possibly write the first function as

check_prefixes () {

for prefix do
case $value in
"$prefix"*) return 0

return 1

(the value to inspect is the first argument, which we save in value and then shift off the list of arguments to the function; we then iterate over the remaining arguments) and then call it as

check_prefixes "$var" aa abc 3@3

The second function could be changed in a similar manner, into

check_contains () {

case $value in
*"$1"*) return 0

return 1

(to check for some arbitrary substring), or

check_contains_oneof () {

for substring do
case $value in
*"$substring"*) return 0

return 1

(to check for any of a number of substrings)

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

    – No Imaginatition
    5 hours ago

  • @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

    – Kusalananda
    5 hours ago

  • I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

    – No Imaginatition
    5 hours ago

  • @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

    – Kusalananda
    5 hours ago

  • Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

    – No Imaginatition
    5 hours ago


For bash:

Using the properties of regex you can write start with ^ and contain by nothing.

The list of regexes to check start with aa abc or 3@3 and contains > is:

^aa ^abc ^3@3 >

Make that a properly quoted list and ask bash to use regexes (=~):

check_func() {
for test_regex in '^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>'; do
if [[ $var =~ $test_regex ]] ; then
return "$matched"

if check_func; then
echo "A match was found"

The function has hard-coded the list of matches and the name of the var.

Giving the list of regex in an array variable and the value to test on the first argument:

check_func() {
local matched; matched=1
for t in "${test_regex[@]}"; do
[[ $1 =~ $t ]] && { matched=0; break; }
return "$matched"

test_regex=('^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>')

if check_func 'aaIsAMatch'; then
echo "A match was found"

The function could be further improved to use the name of a variable (instead of a value) as the first argument.


As there is no regex in posix shells and the only way to test is a case statement, we must use a case statement. Sadly, for older shells ([no extended globs available][1]) we must loop to make all tests. And, the globs need to be:

'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'

An script example that tests several input strings against several globs:

check_func() { :
value=$1; shift
for t in "$@"; do
case $value in $t) matched=0; #break;; esac
echo "matched $value with $t"
return "$matched"

for var in abdg wabcde aadef abcde 3@3hello hmm3@3hell 'we>we' 'a>dfff' 'dfd>' 'a> de' 'a*> fg'; do
if check_func "$var" 'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'; then
echo "========A match was found for "$var""

A simpler version of the function to exactly match your request:

check_func() { :
value=$1; shift
for t in "$@"; do
case $value in $t) matched=0; break;; esac
return "$matched"

share|improve this answer


    Revised based on clarification to the question:
    This is less elegant (and much less flexible),
    but more compact than the other answers,

    check_func() {
    case "$1" in
    ( aa* | abc* | 3@3* | *">"*)
    return 0
    return 1

    This returns true for aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5
    And, of course, also aard>vark, abc<def>ghi and 3@3>3.

    share|improve this answer


      Here's what the case statement does: take the second parameter to the function ($2). If it matches the pattern "$1"*, i.e. the first argument to the function followed by anything, then execute true and end the case statement. true does nothing and returns the status 0. Otherwise, if it matches *, i.e. anything, execute false and end the case statement. false does nothing and returns the status 1. Thus the case statement has the status 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise. Since this is the last (and only) statement in the function, the function returns 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise.

      Conditional statements such as if in the shell consider a statement to be true if it returns 0 and false otherwise. Hence if beginswith "$var" "string"; then echo yes; else echo no; fi prints yes if the value of var starts with string and no otherwise.

      There are several alternative ways to write this function. For example the author could have used return 0 or return 1 instead of true and false, since they are the last statement in the function. The way the function was written makes it possible to use its body directly without wrapping it in a function, by just changing references to the function parameters ($1 and $2) to whatever strings you want to work with.

      To allow multiple prefixes, iterate over them in a loop. As soon as you've found a matching prefix, return from the function, with a true status (0). If none of the prefixes match, return a false status (conventionally 1).

      # begins_with STRING PREFIX1 PREFIX2...
      # Test if STRING starts with any of PREFIX1, PREFIX2, ...
      begins_with () {
      for prefix in "$@"; do
      case "$string" in
      "$prefix"*) return 0;;
      return 1

      if begins_with "$var" 'aa' 'abc' '3@3'; then
      echo "The value starts with one of the permitted prefixes"

      To test for a suffix, use the pattern *"$suffix" instead of "$prefix"*. To test for a substring, use *"$substring"*. Note that the double quotes are necessary here, otherwise the variable would be interpreted as a pattern. For example:

      case "$var" in
      *"$suffix") echo "The value of var ends with a question mark";;
      case "$var" in
      *$suffix) echo "The value of var is not empty";;

      share|improve this answer


        For anything involving text manipulation, Python is going to be far easier to write in:

        python -c "from sys import exit; exit(0) if any(['$1'.startswith(x) for x in ('aa', 'abc', '3@3')]) and '>' in '$1' else exit(1)"

        I use it for all my bash scripts now even the kind that call lots of other programs and reads their results. It's just so much easier and doesn't suffer from weird errors like Bash seems too.

        share|improve this answer

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          5 Answers




          5 Answers











          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix in aa abc 3@3; do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          check_contains_gt () {

          case $value in
          *">"*) return 0

          return 1

          if check_prefixes "$var" && check_contains_gt "$var"; then
          printf '"%s" contains ">" and starts with one of the prefixesn' "$var"

          I divided the tests up into two functions. Both use case ... esac and returns success (zero) as soon as this can be determined. If nothing matches, failure (1) is returned.

          To make the list of prefixes more of a dynamic list, one could possibly write the first function as

          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          (the value to inspect is the first argument, which we save in value and then shift off the list of arguments to the function; we then iterate over the remaining arguments) and then call it as

          check_prefixes "$var" aa abc 3@3

          The second function could be changed in a similar manner, into

          check_contains () {

          case $value in
          *"$1"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for some arbitrary substring), or

          check_contains_oneof () {

          for substring do
          case $value in
          *"$substring"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for any of a number of substrings)

          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago


          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix in aa abc 3@3; do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          check_contains_gt () {

          case $value in
          *">"*) return 0

          return 1

          if check_prefixes "$var" && check_contains_gt "$var"; then
          printf '"%s" contains ">" and starts with one of the prefixesn' "$var"

          I divided the tests up into two functions. Both use case ... esac and returns success (zero) as soon as this can be determined. If nothing matches, failure (1) is returned.

          To make the list of prefixes more of a dynamic list, one could possibly write the first function as

          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          (the value to inspect is the first argument, which we save in value and then shift off the list of arguments to the function; we then iterate over the remaining arguments) and then call it as

          check_prefixes "$var" aa abc 3@3

          The second function could be changed in a similar manner, into

          check_contains () {

          case $value in
          *"$1"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for some arbitrary substring), or

          check_contains_oneof () {

          for substring do
          case $value in
          *"$substring"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for any of a number of substrings)

          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago




          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix in aa abc 3@3; do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          check_contains_gt () {

          case $value in
          *">"*) return 0

          return 1

          if check_prefixes "$var" && check_contains_gt "$var"; then
          printf '"%s" contains ">" and starts with one of the prefixesn' "$var"

          I divided the tests up into two functions. Both use case ... esac and returns success (zero) as soon as this can be determined. If nothing matches, failure (1) is returned.

          To make the list of prefixes more of a dynamic list, one could possibly write the first function as

          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          (the value to inspect is the first argument, which we save in value and then shift off the list of arguments to the function; we then iterate over the remaining arguments) and then call it as

          check_prefixes "$var" aa abc 3@3

          The second function could be changed in a similar manner, into

          check_contains () {

          case $value in
          *"$1"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for some arbitrary substring), or

          check_contains_oneof () {

          for substring do
          case $value in
          *"$substring"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for any of a number of substrings)

          share|improve this answer

          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix in aa abc 3@3; do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          check_contains_gt () {

          case $value in
          *">"*) return 0

          return 1

          if check_prefixes "$var" && check_contains_gt "$var"; then
          printf '"%s" contains ">" and starts with one of the prefixesn' "$var"

          I divided the tests up into two functions. Both use case ... esac and returns success (zero) as soon as this can be determined. If nothing matches, failure (1) is returned.

          To make the list of prefixes more of a dynamic list, one could possibly write the first function as

          check_prefixes () {

          for prefix do
          case $value in
          "$prefix"*) return 0

          return 1

          (the value to inspect is the first argument, which we save in value and then shift off the list of arguments to the function; we then iterate over the remaining arguments) and then call it as

          check_prefixes "$var" aa abc 3@3

          The second function could be changed in a similar manner, into

          check_contains () {

          case $value in
          *"$1"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for some arbitrary substring), or

          check_contains_oneof () {

          for substring do
          case $value in
          *"$substring"*) return 0

          return 1

          (to check for any of a number of substrings)

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 5 hours ago

          answered 8 hours ago




          • Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          • @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

            – Kusalananda
            5 hours ago

          • Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

            – No Imaginatition
            5 hours ago

          Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago

          Thanks. My intended logic is with a logical or instead of a logical and. Should it be value instead of var in the first function's definition?

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago

          @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

          – Kusalananda
          5 hours ago

          @NoImaginatition OK, just change the logic in the code calling the functions (|| instead of &&). Yes, that's a typo in my code, I'll fix it at once, thanks.

          – Kusalananda
          5 hours ago

          I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago

          I'm trying to combine both functions into one by defining check_func() { if check_prefixes $1 || check_contains_gt $1; then; return 0; fi; return 1; }, but it won't work for echo a >file. Any idea why?

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago

          @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

          – Kusalananda
          5 hours ago

          @NoImaginatition Always double quote variable expansions ("$1") unless you know exactly in what contexts this is not needed.

          – Kusalananda
          5 hours ago

          Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago

          Great, it worked. If it's not much to ask, what is it that it makes it fail without the double quotes? I tried to test if it would expand the second call of $1, and it seems to expand. I tested it with test (){ echo $1 $1; } and it worked fine.

          – No Imaginatition
          5 hours ago


          For bash:

          Using the properties of regex you can write start with ^ and contain by nothing.

          The list of regexes to check start with aa abc or 3@3 and contains > is:

          ^aa ^abc ^3@3 >

          Make that a properly quoted list and ask bash to use regexes (=~):

          check_func() {
          for test_regex in '^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>'; do
          if [[ $var =~ $test_regex ]] ; then
          return "$matched"

          if check_func; then
          echo "A match was found"

          The function has hard-coded the list of matches and the name of the var.

          Giving the list of regex in an array variable and the value to test on the first argument:

          check_func() {
          local matched; matched=1
          for t in "${test_regex[@]}"; do
          [[ $1 =~ $t ]] && { matched=0; break; }
          return "$matched"

          test_regex=('^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>')

          if check_func 'aaIsAMatch'; then
          echo "A match was found"

          The function could be further improved to use the name of a variable (instead of a value) as the first argument.


          As there is no regex in posix shells and the only way to test is a case statement, we must use a case statement. Sadly, for older shells ([no extended globs available][1]) we must loop to make all tests. And, the globs need to be:

          'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'

          An script example that tests several input strings against several globs:

          check_func() { :
          value=$1; shift
          for t in "$@"; do
          case $value in $t) matched=0; #break;; esac
          echo "matched $value with $t"
          return "$matched"

          for var in abdg wabcde aadef abcde 3@3hello hmm3@3hell 'we>we' 'a>dfff' 'dfd>' 'a> de' 'a*> fg'; do
          if check_func "$var" 'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'; then
          echo "========A match was found for "$var""

          A simpler version of the function to exactly match your request:

          check_func() { :
          value=$1; shift
          for t in "$@"; do
          case $value in $t) matched=0; break;; esac
          return "$matched"

          share|improve this answer


            For bash:

            Using the properties of regex you can write start with ^ and contain by nothing.

            The list of regexes to check start with aa abc or 3@3 and contains > is:

            ^aa ^abc ^3@3 >

            Make that a properly quoted list and ask bash to use regexes (=~):

            check_func() {
            for test_regex in '^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>'; do
            if [[ $var =~ $test_regex ]] ; then
            return "$matched"

            if check_func; then
            echo "A match was found"

            The function has hard-coded the list of matches and the name of the var.

            Giving the list of regex in an array variable and the value to test on the first argument:

            check_func() {
            local matched; matched=1
            for t in "${test_regex[@]}"; do
            [[ $1 =~ $t ]] && { matched=0; break; }
            return "$matched"

            test_regex=('^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>')

            if check_func 'aaIsAMatch'; then
            echo "A match was found"

            The function could be further improved to use the name of a variable (instead of a value) as the first argument.


            As there is no regex in posix shells and the only way to test is a case statement, we must use a case statement. Sadly, for older shells ([no extended globs available][1]) we must loop to make all tests. And, the globs need to be:

            'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'

            An script example that tests several input strings against several globs:

            check_func() { :
            value=$1; shift
            for t in "$@"; do
            case $value in $t) matched=0; #break;; esac
            echo "matched $value with $t"
            return "$matched"

            for var in abdg wabcde aadef abcde 3@3hello hmm3@3hell 'we>we' 'a>dfff' 'dfd>' 'a> de' 'a*> fg'; do
            if check_func "$var" 'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'; then
            echo "========A match was found for "$var""

            A simpler version of the function to exactly match your request:

            check_func() { :
            value=$1; shift
            for t in "$@"; do
            case $value in $t) matched=0; break;; esac
            return "$matched"

            share|improve this answer




              For bash:

              Using the properties of regex you can write start with ^ and contain by nothing.

              The list of regexes to check start with aa abc or 3@3 and contains > is:

              ^aa ^abc ^3@3 >

              Make that a properly quoted list and ask bash to use regexes (=~):

              check_func() {
              for test_regex in '^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>'; do
              if [[ $var =~ $test_regex ]] ; then
              return "$matched"

              if check_func; then
              echo "A match was found"

              The function has hard-coded the list of matches and the name of the var.

              Giving the list of regex in an array variable and the value to test on the first argument:

              check_func() {
              local matched; matched=1
              for t in "${test_regex[@]}"; do
              [[ $1 =~ $t ]] && { matched=0; break; }
              return "$matched"

              test_regex=('^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>')

              if check_func 'aaIsAMatch'; then
              echo "A match was found"

              The function could be further improved to use the name of a variable (instead of a value) as the first argument.


              As there is no regex in posix shells and the only way to test is a case statement, we must use a case statement. Sadly, for older shells ([no extended globs available][1]) we must loop to make all tests. And, the globs need to be:

              'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'

              An script example that tests several input strings against several globs:

              check_func() { :
              value=$1; shift
              for t in "$@"; do
              case $value in $t) matched=0; #break;; esac
              echo "matched $value with $t"
              return "$matched"

              for var in abdg wabcde aadef abcde 3@3hello hmm3@3hell 'we>we' 'a>dfff' 'dfd>' 'a> de' 'a*> fg'; do
              if check_func "$var" 'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'; then
              echo "========A match was found for "$var""

              A simpler version of the function to exactly match your request:

              check_func() { :
              value=$1; shift
              for t in "$@"; do
              case $value in $t) matched=0; break;; esac
              return "$matched"

              share|improve this answer

              For bash:

              Using the properties of regex you can write start with ^ and contain by nothing.

              The list of regexes to check start with aa abc or 3@3 and contains > is:

              ^aa ^abc ^3@3 >

              Make that a properly quoted list and ask bash to use regexes (=~):

              check_func() {
              for test_regex in '^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>'; do
              if [[ $var =~ $test_regex ]] ; then
              return "$matched"

              if check_func; then
              echo "A match was found"

              The function has hard-coded the list of matches and the name of the var.

              Giving the list of regex in an array variable and the value to test on the first argument:

              check_func() {
              local matched; matched=1
              for t in "${test_regex[@]}"; do
              [[ $1 =~ $t ]] && { matched=0; break; }
              return "$matched"

              test_regex=('^aa' '^abc' '^3@3' '>')

              if check_func 'aaIsAMatch'; then
              echo "A match was found"

              The function could be further improved to use the name of a variable (instead of a value) as the first argument.


              As there is no regex in posix shells and the only way to test is a case statement, we must use a case statement. Sadly, for older shells ([no extended globs available][1]) we must loop to make all tests. And, the globs need to be:

              'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'

              An script example that tests several input strings against several globs:

              check_func() { :
              value=$1; shift
              for t in "$@"; do
              case $value in $t) matched=0; #break;; esac
              echo "matched $value with $t"
              return "$matched"

              for var in abdg wabcde aadef abcde 3@3hello hmm3@3hell 'we>we' 'a>dfff' 'dfd>' 'a> de' 'a*> fg'; do
              if check_func "$var" 'aa*' 'abc*' '3@3*' '*>*'; then
              echo "========A match was found for "$var""

              A simpler version of the function to exactly match your request:

              check_func() { :
              value=$1; shift
              for t in "$@"; do
              case $value in $t) matched=0; break;; esac
              return "$matched"

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited 7 hours ago

              answered 8 hours ago





                  Revised based on clarification to the question:
                  This is less elegant (and much less flexible),
                  but more compact than the other answers,

                  check_func() {
                  case "$1" in
                  ( aa* | abc* | 3@3* | *">"*)
                  return 0
                  return 1

                  This returns true for aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5
                  And, of course, also aard>vark, abc<def>ghi and 3@3>3.

                  share|improve this answer


                    Revised based on clarification to the question:
                    This is less elegant (and much less flexible),
                    but more compact than the other answers,

                    check_func() {
                    case "$1" in
                    ( aa* | abc* | 3@3* | *">"*)
                    return 0
                    return 1

                    This returns true for aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5
                    And, of course, also aard>vark, abc<def>ghi and 3@3>3.

                    share|improve this answer




                      Revised based on clarification to the question:
                      This is less elegant (and much less flexible),
                      but more compact than the other answers,

                      check_func() {
                      case "$1" in
                      ( aa* | abc* | 3@3* | *">"*)
                      return 0
                      return 1

                      This returns true for aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5
                      And, of course, also aard>vark, abc<def>ghi and 3@3>3.

                      share|improve this answer

                      Revised based on clarification to the question:
                      This is less elegant (and much less flexible),
                      but more compact than the other answers,

                      check_func() {
                      case "$1" in
                      ( aa* | abc* | 3@3* | *">"*)
                      return 0
                      return 1

                      This returns true for aardvark, abcdef, 3@3com.com and 12>5
                      And, of course, also aard>vark, abc<def>ghi and 3@3>3.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited 4 hours ago

                      answered 8 hours ago





                          Here's what the case statement does: take the second parameter to the function ($2). If it matches the pattern "$1"*, i.e. the first argument to the function followed by anything, then execute true and end the case statement. true does nothing and returns the status 0. Otherwise, if it matches *, i.e. anything, execute false and end the case statement. false does nothing and returns the status 1. Thus the case statement has the status 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise. Since this is the last (and only) statement in the function, the function returns 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise.

                          Conditional statements such as if in the shell consider a statement to be true if it returns 0 and false otherwise. Hence if beginswith "$var" "string"; then echo yes; else echo no; fi prints yes if the value of var starts with string and no otherwise.

                          There are several alternative ways to write this function. For example the author could have used return 0 or return 1 instead of true and false, since they are the last statement in the function. The way the function was written makes it possible to use its body directly without wrapping it in a function, by just changing references to the function parameters ($1 and $2) to whatever strings you want to work with.

                          To allow multiple prefixes, iterate over them in a loop. As soon as you've found a matching prefix, return from the function, with a true status (0). If none of the prefixes match, return a false status (conventionally 1).

                          # begins_with STRING PREFIX1 PREFIX2...
                          # Test if STRING starts with any of PREFIX1, PREFIX2, ...
                          begins_with () {
                          for prefix in "$@"; do
                          case "$string" in
                          "$prefix"*) return 0;;
                          return 1

                          if begins_with "$var" 'aa' 'abc' '3@3'; then
                          echo "The value starts with one of the permitted prefixes"

                          To test for a suffix, use the pattern *"$suffix" instead of "$prefix"*. To test for a substring, use *"$substring"*. Note that the double quotes are necessary here, otherwise the variable would be interpreted as a pattern. For example:

                          case "$var" in
                          *"$suffix") echo "The value of var ends with a question mark";;
                          case "$var" in
                          *$suffix) echo "The value of var is not empty";;

                          share|improve this answer


                            Here's what the case statement does: take the second parameter to the function ($2). If it matches the pattern "$1"*, i.e. the first argument to the function followed by anything, then execute true and end the case statement. true does nothing and returns the status 0. Otherwise, if it matches *, i.e. anything, execute false and end the case statement. false does nothing and returns the status 1. Thus the case statement has the status 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise. Since this is the last (and only) statement in the function, the function returns 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise.

                            Conditional statements such as if in the shell consider a statement to be true if it returns 0 and false otherwise. Hence if beginswith "$var" "string"; then echo yes; else echo no; fi prints yes if the value of var starts with string and no otherwise.

                            There are several alternative ways to write this function. For example the author could have used return 0 or return 1 instead of true and false, since they are the last statement in the function. The way the function was written makes it possible to use its body directly without wrapping it in a function, by just changing references to the function parameters ($1 and $2) to whatever strings you want to work with.

                            To allow multiple prefixes, iterate over them in a loop. As soon as you've found a matching prefix, return from the function, with a true status (0). If none of the prefixes match, return a false status (conventionally 1).

                            # begins_with STRING PREFIX1 PREFIX2...
                            # Test if STRING starts with any of PREFIX1, PREFIX2, ...
                            begins_with () {
                            for prefix in "$@"; do
                            case "$string" in
                            "$prefix"*) return 0;;
                            return 1

                            if begins_with "$var" 'aa' 'abc' '3@3'; then
                            echo "The value starts with one of the permitted prefixes"

                            To test for a suffix, use the pattern *"$suffix" instead of "$prefix"*. To test for a substring, use *"$substring"*. Note that the double quotes are necessary here, otherwise the variable would be interpreted as a pattern. For example:

                            case "$var" in
                            *"$suffix") echo "The value of var ends with a question mark";;
                            case "$var" in
                            *$suffix) echo "The value of var is not empty";;

                            share|improve this answer




                              Here's what the case statement does: take the second parameter to the function ($2). If it matches the pattern "$1"*, i.e. the first argument to the function followed by anything, then execute true and end the case statement. true does nothing and returns the status 0. Otherwise, if it matches *, i.e. anything, execute false and end the case statement. false does nothing and returns the status 1. Thus the case statement has the status 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise. Since this is the last (and only) statement in the function, the function returns 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise.

                              Conditional statements such as if in the shell consider a statement to be true if it returns 0 and false otherwise. Hence if beginswith "$var" "string"; then echo yes; else echo no; fi prints yes if the value of var starts with string and no otherwise.

                              There are several alternative ways to write this function. For example the author could have used return 0 or return 1 instead of true and false, since they are the last statement in the function. The way the function was written makes it possible to use its body directly without wrapping it in a function, by just changing references to the function parameters ($1 and $2) to whatever strings you want to work with.

                              To allow multiple prefixes, iterate over them in a loop. As soon as you've found a matching prefix, return from the function, with a true status (0). If none of the prefixes match, return a false status (conventionally 1).

                              # begins_with STRING PREFIX1 PREFIX2...
                              # Test if STRING starts with any of PREFIX1, PREFIX2, ...
                              begins_with () {
                              for prefix in "$@"; do
                              case "$string" in
                              "$prefix"*) return 0;;
                              return 1

                              if begins_with "$var" 'aa' 'abc' '3@3'; then
                              echo "The value starts with one of the permitted prefixes"

                              To test for a suffix, use the pattern *"$suffix" instead of "$prefix"*. To test for a substring, use *"$substring"*. Note that the double quotes are necessary here, otherwise the variable would be interpreted as a pattern. For example:

                              case "$var" in
                              *"$suffix") echo "The value of var ends with a question mark";;
                              case "$var" in
                              *$suffix) echo "The value of var is not empty";;

                              share|improve this answer

                              Here's what the case statement does: take the second parameter to the function ($2). If it matches the pattern "$1"*, i.e. the first argument to the function followed by anything, then execute true and end the case statement. true does nothing and returns the status 0. Otherwise, if it matches *, i.e. anything, execute false and end the case statement. false does nothing and returns the status 1. Thus the case statement has the status 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise. Since this is the last (and only) statement in the function, the function returns 0 if the second parameter starts with the first parameter and 1 otherwise.

                              Conditional statements such as if in the shell consider a statement to be true if it returns 0 and false otherwise. Hence if beginswith "$var" "string"; then echo yes; else echo no; fi prints yes if the value of var starts with string and no otherwise.

                              There are several alternative ways to write this function. For example the author could have used return 0 or return 1 instead of true and false, since they are the last statement in the function. The way the function was written makes it possible to use its body directly without wrapping it in a function, by just changing references to the function parameters ($1 and $2) to whatever strings you want to work with.

                              To allow multiple prefixes, iterate over them in a loop. As soon as you've found a matching prefix, return from the function, with a true status (0). If none of the prefixes match, return a false status (conventionally 1).

                              # begins_with STRING PREFIX1 PREFIX2...
                              # Test if STRING starts with any of PREFIX1, PREFIX2, ...
                              begins_with () {
                              for prefix in "$@"; do
                              case "$string" in
                              "$prefix"*) return 0;;
                              return 1

                              if begins_with "$var" 'aa' 'abc' '3@3'; then
                              echo "The value starts with one of the permitted prefixes"

                              To test for a suffix, use the pattern *"$suffix" instead of "$prefix"*. To test for a substring, use *"$substring"*. Note that the double quotes are necessary here, otherwise the variable would be interpreted as a pattern. For example:

                              case "$var" in
                              *"$suffix") echo "The value of var ends with a question mark";;
                              case "$var" in
                              *$suffix) echo "The value of var is not empty";;

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered 8 hours ago





                                  For anything involving text manipulation, Python is going to be far easier to write in:

                                  python -c "from sys import exit; exit(0) if any(['$1'.startswith(x) for x in ('aa', 'abc', '3@3')]) and '>' in '$1' else exit(1)"

                                  I use it for all my bash scripts now even the kind that call lots of other programs and reads their results. It's just so much easier and doesn't suffer from weird errors like Bash seems too.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    For anything involving text manipulation, Python is going to be far easier to write in:

                                    python -c "from sys import exit; exit(0) if any(['$1'.startswith(x) for x in ('aa', 'abc', '3@3')]) and '>' in '$1' else exit(1)"

                                    I use it for all my bash scripts now even the kind that call lots of other programs and reads their results. It's just so much easier and doesn't suffer from weird errors like Bash seems too.

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      For anything involving text manipulation, Python is going to be far easier to write in:

                                      python -c "from sys import exit; exit(0) if any(['$1'.startswith(x) for x in ('aa', 'abc', '3@3')]) and '>' in '$1' else exit(1)"

                                      I use it for all my bash scripts now even the kind that call lots of other programs and reads their results. It's just so much easier and doesn't suffer from weird errors like Bash seems too.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      For anything involving text manipulation, Python is going to be far easier to write in:

                                      python -c "from sys import exit; exit(0) if any(['$1'.startswith(x) for x in ('aa', 'abc', '3@3')]) and '>' in '$1' else exit(1)"

                                      I use it for all my bash scripts now even the kind that call lots of other programs and reads their results. It's just so much easier and doesn't suffer from weird errors like Bash seems too.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited 5 hours ago

                                      answered 5 hours ago




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