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Locked room poison mystery!

Mysterious Murder Mystery 2Mysterious Murder Mystery 3A Murder Most Foul: Alicia AdamsThe Death Of An AngelA simple murder mystery puzzle that I came up withA locked room puzzleLocked Room Murder!! How and who?

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Aaron and his sister Bethany call the police when their live in Grandmother, Candice, failed to get up for breakfast. She was old and ill, and they feared the worst-- especially then they were unable to get into her room! The police break down the door, shattering it in two. Candice is dead, poisoned! The police find

  • 8 locks on the door installed by Candice, all of which appeared to be bolted

  • a glass of water by the bedside table, half full

  • a bottle of heart failure medicine (slow release capsule form)

  • The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie, cover torn violently. It now reads "The BC by Agatha hristie"

Forensics find the following:

  • Candice died from the poison sometime in the night, around 1 AM.

  • No poison in the water.

  • No poison in the remaining pills.

  • No needle marks.

  • No poison on the book, and she wasn't licking it anyway :P

  • The poison would've acted quickly, once the lethal dose was absorbed by her system, she would have died in 15 minutes.

  • Pathologists do not suspect suicide. In her condition, if she wanted death, all she had to do was stop taking the pills and go to sleep. She'd never wake.

According to interviews:

  • Aaron and Bethany confirm that Candice shut herself in at 8 pm. They remained in each other's sight until they turned in at 10.

  • Aaron stands to inherit a large fortune. Bethany stands to inherit a small amount by comparison

  • Aaron and Candice were getting into arguments, and she began to distrust him. Candice wanted Bethany to pick up her prescriptions, but she was too busy, so Aaron was forced to do it.

  • According to her Doctor, Candice knew her life depended on the pills. She did ask that, should life become unbearable, if she would be able to go quietly if she stopped her pills. He said yes.

But! When the will was read... Aaron actually inherited nothing! Candice changed her will last week! Bethany still got her share, but the bulk went to a long estranged nephew living in Ireland! Irish authorities confirm that he has been in Ireland for the past 6 months.

Who murdered Candice, and how?


There is only one murderer, and Candice figured it out as she was dying. Did she find a way to tell us?

Hint 2

You will not need anything outside the lists to solve the puzzle. I play fair. No one turns out to be a fish or have a high powered sniper poison dispensing rifle :P

Hint 3 -- A big hint

The will change is a clue as to HOW the murder was committed, not who. Agatha Christie is a very intentional reference. The Columbo episode Try and Catch Me also may help you solve this case. If you're familiar with the plot, then you should know what Edmund did. Everything he did.

Edit! I added letters back into the title of the book. Initially I was going to use a different book, so I took out too many letters.

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New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • 3

    A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
    – Adam
    2 days ago

  • 1

    As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
    – Rubio
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
    – GridAlien
    2 days ago



Aaron and his sister Bethany call the police when their live in Grandmother, Candice, failed to get up for breakfast. She was old and ill, and they feared the worst-- especially then they were unable to get into her room! The police break down the door, shattering it in two. Candice is dead, poisoned! The police find

  • 8 locks on the door installed by Candice, all of which appeared to be bolted

  • a glass of water by the bedside table, half full

  • a bottle of heart failure medicine (slow release capsule form)

  • The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie, cover torn violently. It now reads "The BC by Agatha hristie"

Forensics find the following:

  • Candice died from the poison sometime in the night, around 1 AM.

  • No poison in the water.

  • No poison in the remaining pills.

  • No needle marks.

  • No poison on the book, and she wasn't licking it anyway :P

  • The poison would've acted quickly, once the lethal dose was absorbed by her system, she would have died in 15 minutes.

  • Pathologists do not suspect suicide. In her condition, if she wanted death, all she had to do was stop taking the pills and go to sleep. She'd never wake.

According to interviews:

  • Aaron and Bethany confirm that Candice shut herself in at 8 pm. They remained in each other's sight until they turned in at 10.

  • Aaron stands to inherit a large fortune. Bethany stands to inherit a small amount by comparison

  • Aaron and Candice were getting into arguments, and she began to distrust him. Candice wanted Bethany to pick up her prescriptions, but she was too busy, so Aaron was forced to do it.

  • According to her Doctor, Candice knew her life depended on the pills. She did ask that, should life become unbearable, if she would be able to go quietly if she stopped her pills. He said yes.

But! When the will was read... Aaron actually inherited nothing! Candice changed her will last week! Bethany still got her share, but the bulk went to a long estranged nephew living in Ireland! Irish authorities confirm that he has been in Ireland for the past 6 months.

Who murdered Candice, and how?


There is only one murderer, and Candice figured it out as she was dying. Did she find a way to tell us?

Hint 2

You will not need anything outside the lists to solve the puzzle. I play fair. No one turns out to be a fish or have a high powered sniper poison dispensing rifle :P

Hint 3 -- A big hint

The will change is a clue as to HOW the murder was committed, not who. Agatha Christie is a very intentional reference. The Columbo episode Try and Catch Me also may help you solve this case. If you're familiar with the plot, then you should know what Edmund did. Everything he did.

Edit! I added letters back into the title of the book. Initially I was going to use a different book, so I took out too many letters.

share|improve this question

New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • 3

    A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
    – Adam
    2 days ago

  • 1

    As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
    – Rubio
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
    – GridAlien
    2 days ago





Aaron and his sister Bethany call the police when their live in Grandmother, Candice, failed to get up for breakfast. She was old and ill, and they feared the worst-- especially then they were unable to get into her room! The police break down the door, shattering it in two. Candice is dead, poisoned! The police find

  • 8 locks on the door installed by Candice, all of which appeared to be bolted

  • a glass of water by the bedside table, half full

  • a bottle of heart failure medicine (slow release capsule form)

  • The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie, cover torn violently. It now reads "The BC by Agatha hristie"

Forensics find the following:

  • Candice died from the poison sometime in the night, around 1 AM.

  • No poison in the water.

  • No poison in the remaining pills.

  • No needle marks.

  • No poison on the book, and she wasn't licking it anyway :P

  • The poison would've acted quickly, once the lethal dose was absorbed by her system, she would have died in 15 minutes.

  • Pathologists do not suspect suicide. In her condition, if she wanted death, all she had to do was stop taking the pills and go to sleep. She'd never wake.

According to interviews:

  • Aaron and Bethany confirm that Candice shut herself in at 8 pm. They remained in each other's sight until they turned in at 10.

  • Aaron stands to inherit a large fortune. Bethany stands to inherit a small amount by comparison

  • Aaron and Candice were getting into arguments, and she began to distrust him. Candice wanted Bethany to pick up her prescriptions, but she was too busy, so Aaron was forced to do it.

  • According to her Doctor, Candice knew her life depended on the pills. She did ask that, should life become unbearable, if she would be able to go quietly if she stopped her pills. He said yes.

But! When the will was read... Aaron actually inherited nothing! Candice changed her will last week! Bethany still got her share, but the bulk went to a long estranged nephew living in Ireland! Irish authorities confirm that he has been in Ireland for the past 6 months.

Who murdered Candice, and how?


There is only one murderer, and Candice figured it out as she was dying. Did she find a way to tell us?

Hint 2

You will not need anything outside the lists to solve the puzzle. I play fair. No one turns out to be a fish or have a high powered sniper poison dispensing rifle :P

Hint 3 -- A big hint

The will change is a clue as to HOW the murder was committed, not who. Agatha Christie is a very intentional reference. The Columbo episode Try and Catch Me also may help you solve this case. If you're familiar with the plot, then you should know what Edmund did. Everything he did.

Edit! I added letters back into the title of the book. Initially I was going to use a different book, so I took out too many letters.

share|improve this question

New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


Aaron and his sister Bethany call the police when their live in Grandmother, Candice, failed to get up for breakfast. She was old and ill, and they feared the worst-- especially then they were unable to get into her room! The police break down the door, shattering it in two. Candice is dead, poisoned! The police find

  • 8 locks on the door installed by Candice, all of which appeared to be bolted

  • a glass of water by the bedside table, half full

  • a bottle of heart failure medicine (slow release capsule form)

  • The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie, cover torn violently. It now reads "The BC by Agatha hristie"

Forensics find the following:

  • Candice died from the poison sometime in the night, around 1 AM.

  • No poison in the water.

  • No poison in the remaining pills.

  • No needle marks.

  • No poison on the book, and she wasn't licking it anyway :P

  • The poison would've acted quickly, once the lethal dose was absorbed by her system, she would have died in 15 minutes.

  • Pathologists do not suspect suicide. In her condition, if she wanted death, all she had to do was stop taking the pills and go to sleep. She'd never wake.

According to interviews:

  • Aaron and Bethany confirm that Candice shut herself in at 8 pm. They remained in each other's sight until they turned in at 10.

  • Aaron stands to inherit a large fortune. Bethany stands to inherit a small amount by comparison

  • Aaron and Candice were getting into arguments, and she began to distrust him. Candice wanted Bethany to pick up her prescriptions, but she was too busy, so Aaron was forced to do it.

  • According to her Doctor, Candice knew her life depended on the pills. She did ask that, should life become unbearable, if she would be able to go quietly if she stopped her pills. He said yes.

But! When the will was read... Aaron actually inherited nothing! Candice changed her will last week! Bethany still got her share, but the bulk went to a long estranged nephew living in Ireland! Irish authorities confirm that he has been in Ireland for the past 6 months.

Who murdered Candice, and how?


There is only one murderer, and Candice figured it out as she was dying. Did she find a way to tell us?

Hint 2

You will not need anything outside the lists to solve the puzzle. I play fair. No one turns out to be a fish or have a high powered sniper poison dispensing rifle :P

Hint 3 -- A big hint

The will change is a clue as to HOW the murder was committed, not who. Agatha Christie is a very intentional reference. The Columbo episode Try and Catch Me also may help you solve this case. If you're familiar with the plot, then you should know what Edmund did. Everything he did.

Edit! I added letters back into the title of the book. Initially I was going to use a different book, so I took out too many letters.

story mystery

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GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 2 days ago


New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 2 days ago


2271 silver badge9 bronze badges

2271 silver badge9 bronze badges

New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

GridAlien is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 3

    A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
    – Adam
    2 days ago

  • 1

    As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
    – Rubio
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
    – GridAlien
    2 days ago

  • 3

    A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
    – Adam
    2 days ago

  • 1

    As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
    – Rubio
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
    – GridAlien
    2 days ago



A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
– Adam
2 days ago

A clear improvement over your other mysteries (+1). It's good that you've added enough information so that everything is contained within the world of this puzzle
– Adam
2 days ago



As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
– Rubio
2 days ago

As a note here - actual hints (information not necessary to solve the puzzle) should probably not be posted immediately but only after some time has passed with no forward progress being made. Information that is necessary to solve the puzzle shouldn’t be labeled or spoilered as a hint because it’s not.
– Rubio
2 days ago



Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
– Abbas
2 days ago

Are these important? rot13("NP Zheqref NP") If so I think I have the who, not how.
– Abbas
2 days ago



Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
– Abbas
2 days ago

Also rot13(vf gur tynff shyy, unys shyy be rzcgl?)
– Abbas
2 days ago

@Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
– GridAlien
2 days ago

@Abbas yes it is important! And I'll edit to address your question.
– GridAlien
2 days ago

4 Answers






Muderer :

Aaron. The taken out alphabets from the title are A(Aaron) Muders C(Candice).


Not completely sure about this, since the story states Aaron was forced to get the medicine, implying he didn't have a plan ready. Anyways I think adding poison in the tablets is really stupid since there was no way for Aaron to know which tablet she'd take first, when and the rest are all OK. It is also possible he didn't care when exactly Candice dies, in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go.

Another way could be

He could tamper with the medicine bottle, add a poisonous gas to the bottle somehow so the pills would remain non lethal, but still killing through the bottle leaving no trace of the poison.

While thinking about something else entirely

I think I found another way Aaron could've murdered Candice, provided there's a gap in the door. Aaron could've sealed the door, with plastic, inserted a pipe through the gap and pumped in gas. Bethany would've been in her room and wouldn't find out, there'd be no evidence of the gas, as it would've released slowly throughout the night.

share|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
    – GridAlien
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
    – Voldemort's Wrath
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
    – Voldemort's Wrath
    2 days ago

  • 1

    @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
    – Abbas
    2 days ago



I think it may have been

The Doctor


The letters which Candice tore from the book cover are "A murders C" which, when anagrammed, spell out "Curer's Mad" (she didn't have the letters to spell out Doctor).


The doctor had given her an extra pill to take which was laced with poison and told her to take it with a glass of water if she was having trouble sleeping. Being a medical professional, he was able to do it in the correct way so that the poison would take effect only when ingested by Candice. From the last bullet point, Candice seems to put a lot of faith in her doctor so would have no problem accepting his advice.


The normally moral doctor was bribed by a mysterious Irish gentleman standing to come into a significant sum of money.

share|improve this answer




    It was



    what was ripped out from the book was A murders C. Aaron murders Candice?

    A possible why:

    Aaron thought the he was still receiving the bulk of the will, so he thought that killing her would streamline his wealth. But he didn't know she had changed it so he wouldn't get anything!

    A possible how:

    Aaron was picking up Candice's pills. It's possible that he slipped one poison pill in there and Candice happened to take it that night...

    share|improve this answer


    • 1

      rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
      – Abbas
      2 days ago

    • 1

      @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

    • 1

      @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

    • 1

      @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

    • 1

      Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
      – GridAlien
      2 days ago



    Just some guessing:


    Aaron did it (Voldemort's Wrath saw this also) because Candice torn the book so that "A murders C" is torn away.


    Aaron had to pick up the prescription for Candice, because Bethany was busy. He replaced the amount of pills that Candice normally takes with poison. Because these are slow release capsules it took a while before she had a lethal dose in her body. This is why she died around 1 pm.


    Candice and Aaron where arguing lately, and Aaron was afraid that she would change her will. To make sure that he would inherit his share, he killed her before she would change her mind. But he was too late

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.


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      4 Answers




      4 Answers












      Muderer :

      Aaron. The taken out alphabets from the title are A(Aaron) Muders C(Candice).


      Not completely sure about this, since the story states Aaron was forced to get the medicine, implying he didn't have a plan ready. Anyways I think adding poison in the tablets is really stupid since there was no way for Aaron to know which tablet she'd take first, when and the rest are all OK. It is also possible he didn't care when exactly Candice dies, in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go.

      Another way could be

      He could tamper with the medicine bottle, add a poisonous gas to the bottle somehow so the pills would remain non lethal, but still killing through the bottle leaving no trace of the poison.

      While thinking about something else entirely

      I think I found another way Aaron could've murdered Candice, provided there's a gap in the door. Aaron could've sealed the door, with plastic, inserted a pipe through the gap and pumped in gas. Bethany would've been in her room and wouldn't find out, there'd be no evidence of the gas, as it would've released slowly throughout the night.

      share|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
        – GridAlien
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago



      Muderer :

      Aaron. The taken out alphabets from the title are A(Aaron) Muders C(Candice).


      Not completely sure about this, since the story states Aaron was forced to get the medicine, implying he didn't have a plan ready. Anyways I think adding poison in the tablets is really stupid since there was no way for Aaron to know which tablet she'd take first, when and the rest are all OK. It is also possible he didn't care when exactly Candice dies, in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go.

      Another way could be

      He could tamper with the medicine bottle, add a poisonous gas to the bottle somehow so the pills would remain non lethal, but still killing through the bottle leaving no trace of the poison.

      While thinking about something else entirely

      I think I found another way Aaron could've murdered Candice, provided there's a gap in the door. Aaron could've sealed the door, with plastic, inserted a pipe through the gap and pumped in gas. Bethany would've been in her room and wouldn't find out, there'd be no evidence of the gas, as it would've released slowly throughout the night.

      share|improve this answer


      • $begingroup$
        You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
        – GridAlien
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago





      Muderer :

      Aaron. The taken out alphabets from the title are A(Aaron) Muders C(Candice).


      Not completely sure about this, since the story states Aaron was forced to get the medicine, implying he didn't have a plan ready. Anyways I think adding poison in the tablets is really stupid since there was no way for Aaron to know which tablet she'd take first, when and the rest are all OK. It is also possible he didn't care when exactly Candice dies, in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go.

      Another way could be

      He could tamper with the medicine bottle, add a poisonous gas to the bottle somehow so the pills would remain non lethal, but still killing through the bottle leaving no trace of the poison.

      While thinking about something else entirely

      I think I found another way Aaron could've murdered Candice, provided there's a gap in the door. Aaron could've sealed the door, with plastic, inserted a pipe through the gap and pumped in gas. Bethany would've been in her room and wouldn't find out, there'd be no evidence of the gas, as it would've released slowly throughout the night.

      share|improve this answer


      Muderer :

      Aaron. The taken out alphabets from the title are A(Aaron) Muders C(Candice).


      Not completely sure about this, since the story states Aaron was forced to get the medicine, implying he didn't have a plan ready. Anyways I think adding poison in the tablets is really stupid since there was no way for Aaron to know which tablet she'd take first, when and the rest are all OK. It is also possible he didn't care when exactly Candice dies, in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go.

      Another way could be

      He could tamper with the medicine bottle, add a poisonous gas to the bottle somehow so the pills would remain non lethal, but still killing through the bottle leaving no trace of the poison.

      While thinking about something else entirely

      I think I found another way Aaron could've murdered Candice, provided there's a gap in the door. Aaron could've sealed the door, with plastic, inserted a pipe through the gap and pumped in gas. Bethany would've been in her room and wouldn't find out, there'd be no evidence of the gas, as it would've released slowly throughout the night.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited yesterday

      answered 2 days ago


      4527 bronze badges

      4527 bronze badges

      • $begingroup$
        You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
        – GridAlien
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
        – GridAlien
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      • $begingroup$
        @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
        – Voldemort's Wrath
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
        – Abbas
        2 days ago

      You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
      – GridAlien
      2 days ago

      You got it! That's how Candice was able to disinherit her murderer. He laced one of the pills was poison before she changed her will. She changed it, but by then it was too late, it was only a matter of time before the fatal dose.
      – GridAlien
      2 days ago

      You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

      You sniped me! Nooo! To be honest, though, I think my answer is more definite on the how (the way the murderer did it)... @GridAlien, what do you think?
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

      @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
      – Abbas
      2 days ago

      @Voldemort'sWrath I don't think I did. I was the one who asked for the importance of the missing letters and not the remaining ones. You then updated you answer to the actual killer while I was writing my answer.
      – Abbas
      2 days ago

      @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago

      @Abbas - Where did you ask for importance? EDIT: Ohh! I just saw that...
      – Voldemort's Wrath
      2 days ago



      @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
      – Abbas
      2 days ago

      @GridAlien actually I did say in which case poisoning one tablet would be the way to go. I have corrected the line you refer to, Having ADD and not being a native Englsh speaker causes me to write or talk gibberish sometimes. :-) I hope it is clearer now.
      – Abbas
      2 days ago



      I think it may have been

      The Doctor


      The letters which Candice tore from the book cover are "A murders C" which, when anagrammed, spell out "Curer's Mad" (she didn't have the letters to spell out Doctor).


      The doctor had given her an extra pill to take which was laced with poison and told her to take it with a glass of water if she was having trouble sleeping. Being a medical professional, he was able to do it in the correct way so that the poison would take effect only when ingested by Candice. From the last bullet point, Candice seems to put a lot of faith in her doctor so would have no problem accepting his advice.


      The normally moral doctor was bribed by a mysterious Irish gentleman standing to come into a significant sum of money.

      share|improve this answer




        I think it may have been

        The Doctor


        The letters which Candice tore from the book cover are "A murders C" which, when anagrammed, spell out "Curer's Mad" (she didn't have the letters to spell out Doctor).


        The doctor had given her an extra pill to take which was laced with poison and told her to take it with a glass of water if she was having trouble sleeping. Being a medical professional, he was able to do it in the correct way so that the poison would take effect only when ingested by Candice. From the last bullet point, Candice seems to put a lot of faith in her doctor so would have no problem accepting his advice.


        The normally moral doctor was bribed by a mysterious Irish gentleman standing to come into a significant sum of money.

        share|improve this answer






          I think it may have been

          The Doctor


          The letters which Candice tore from the book cover are "A murders C" which, when anagrammed, spell out "Curer's Mad" (she didn't have the letters to spell out Doctor).


          The doctor had given her an extra pill to take which was laced with poison and told her to take it with a glass of water if she was having trouble sleeping. Being a medical professional, he was able to do it in the correct way so that the poison would take effect only when ingested by Candice. From the last bullet point, Candice seems to put a lot of faith in her doctor so would have no problem accepting his advice.


          The normally moral doctor was bribed by a mysterious Irish gentleman standing to come into a significant sum of money.

          share|improve this answer


          I think it may have been

          The Doctor


          The letters which Candice tore from the book cover are "A murders C" which, when anagrammed, spell out "Curer's Mad" (she didn't have the letters to spell out Doctor).


          The doctor had given her an extra pill to take which was laced with poison and told her to take it with a glass of water if she was having trouble sleeping. Being a medical professional, he was able to do it in the correct way so that the poison would take effect only when ingested by Candice. From the last bullet point, Candice seems to put a lot of faith in her doctor so would have no problem accepting his advice.


          The normally moral doctor was bribed by a mysterious Irish gentleman standing to come into a significant sum of money.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 2 days ago


          59.3k5 gold badges171 silver badges269 bronze badges

          59.3k5 gold badges171 silver badges269 bronze badges



              It was



              what was ripped out from the book was A murders C. Aaron murders Candice?

              A possible why:

              Aaron thought the he was still receiving the bulk of the will, so he thought that killing her would streamline his wealth. But he didn't know she had changed it so he wouldn't get anything!

              A possible how:

              Aaron was picking up Candice's pills. It's possible that he slipped one poison pill in there and Candice happened to take it that night...

              share|improve this answer


              • 1

                rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
                – Abbas
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
                – GridAlien
                2 days ago



              It was



              what was ripped out from the book was A murders C. Aaron murders Candice?

              A possible why:

              Aaron thought the he was still receiving the bulk of the will, so he thought that killing her would streamline his wealth. But he didn't know she had changed it so he wouldn't get anything!

              A possible how:

              Aaron was picking up Candice's pills. It's possible that he slipped one poison pill in there and Candice happened to take it that night...

              share|improve this answer


              • 1

                rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
                – Abbas
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
                – GridAlien
                2 days ago





              It was



              what was ripped out from the book was A murders C. Aaron murders Candice?

              A possible why:

              Aaron thought the he was still receiving the bulk of the will, so he thought that killing her would streamline his wealth. But he didn't know she had changed it so he wouldn't get anything!

              A possible how:

              Aaron was picking up Candice's pills. It's possible that he slipped one poison pill in there and Candice happened to take it that night...

              share|improve this answer


              It was



              what was ripped out from the book was A murders C. Aaron murders Candice?

              A possible why:

              Aaron thought the he was still receiving the bulk of the will, so he thought that killing her would streamline his wealth. But he didn't know she had changed it so he wouldn't get anything!

              A possible how:

              Aaron was picking up Candice's pills. It's possible that he slipped one poison pill in there and Candice happened to take it that night...

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited 2 days ago

              answered 2 days ago

              Voldemort's WrathVoldemort's Wrath

              4091 silver badge23 bronze badges

              4091 silver badge23 bronze badges

              • 1

                rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
                – Abbas
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
                – GridAlien
                2 days ago

              • 1

                rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
                – Abbas
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
                – Voldemort's Wrath
                2 days ago

              • 1

                Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
                – GridAlien
                2 days ago



              rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
              – Abbas
              2 days ago

              rot13(Gur jvyy jnf erqbar n jrrx rneyvre gur cngubybtvfgf guvax gur cbvfba jbhyq xvyy ure va 10-15 zvahgrf.)
              – Abbas
              2 days ago



              @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago

              @Abbas - Oh, right. I forgot about that!
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago



              @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago

              @GridAlien - I changed my murderer and added a why to it. Did I get closer?
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago



              @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago

              @GridAlien - Am I there? I just made another edit to my answer...
              – Voldemort's Wrath
              2 days ago



              Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
              – GridAlien
              2 days ago

              Yup, you're there now, just beat out by Abbas. Good job though!
              – GridAlien
              2 days ago



              Just some guessing:


              Aaron did it (Voldemort's Wrath saw this also) because Candice torn the book so that "A murders C" is torn away.


              Aaron had to pick up the prescription for Candice, because Bethany was busy. He replaced the amount of pills that Candice normally takes with poison. Because these are slow release capsules it took a while before she had a lethal dose in her body. This is why she died around 1 pm.


              Candice and Aaron where arguing lately, and Aaron was afraid that she would change her will. To make sure that he would inherit his share, he killed her before she would change her mind. But he was too late

              share|improve this answer

              New contributor

              SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.




                Just some guessing:


                Aaron did it (Voldemort's Wrath saw this also) because Candice torn the book so that "A murders C" is torn away.


                Aaron had to pick up the prescription for Candice, because Bethany was busy. He replaced the amount of pills that Candice normally takes with poison. Because these are slow release capsules it took a while before she had a lethal dose in her body. This is why she died around 1 pm.


                Candice and Aaron where arguing lately, and Aaron was afraid that she would change her will. To make sure that he would inherit his share, he killed her before she would change her mind. But he was too late

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.






                  Just some guessing:


                  Aaron did it (Voldemort's Wrath saw this also) because Candice torn the book so that "A murders C" is torn away.


                  Aaron had to pick up the prescription for Candice, because Bethany was busy. He replaced the amount of pills that Candice normally takes with poison. Because these are slow release capsules it took a while before she had a lethal dose in her body. This is why she died around 1 pm.


                  Candice and Aaron where arguing lately, and Aaron was afraid that she would change her will. To make sure that he would inherit his share, he killed her before she would change her mind. But he was too late

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.


                  Just some guessing:


                  Aaron did it (Voldemort's Wrath saw this also) because Candice torn the book so that "A murders C" is torn away.


                  Aaron had to pick up the prescription for Candice, because Bethany was busy. He replaced the amount of pills that Candice normally takes with poison. Because these are slow release capsules it took a while before she had a lethal dose in her body. This is why she died around 1 pm.


                  Candice and Aaron where arguing lately, and Aaron was afraid that she would change her will. To make sure that he would inherit his share, he killed her before she would change her mind. But he was too late

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited yesterday


                  713 bronze badges

                  713 bronze badges

                  New contributor

                  SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  answered 2 days ago


                  512 bronze badges

                  512 bronze badges

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                  SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

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                  SteeffW420 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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