If a spaceship ran out of fuel somewhere in space between Earth and Mars, does it slowly drift off to the...

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If a spaceship ran out of fuel somewhere in space between Earth and Mars, does it slowly drift off to the Sun?

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If a spaceship ran out of fuel somewhere in space between Earth and Mars, does it slowly drift off to the Sun?

What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?How deep is the force well of L4 and L5 Lagrangian Points of Earth-Sun set?Alcubierre “warp” drive and gravitation/orbital considerationsHow did the Apollo astronauts train for the 1/6G lunar landing?Could magnetic “boots” be used to simulate the effects of gravity for asteroid ships?Questions about the Dynamic Solid TideIs there a way to reproduce Earth-like gravity on a spacecraft close to a more massive body such as the sun?Using DART to measure GWhat Gravity does the Sun affect items with at the distance of 1 AU?

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Pretty much what the title is saying. I feel like I am missing something fundamental here and this is driving me crazy.

Does a spaceship which is out of Earth's gravity drift to the Sun eventually?

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migrated from astronomy.stackexchange.com 3 hours ago

This question came from our site for astronomers and astrophysicists.

  • 2

    The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
    – PM 2Ring

  • 4

    Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
    – badjohn
    16 hours ago

  • 1

    @badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
    – emory
    14 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
    – badjohn
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
    – badjohn
    7 hours ago



Pretty much what the title is saying. I feel like I am missing something fundamental here and this is driving me crazy.

Does a spaceship which is out of Earth's gravity drift to the Sun eventually?

share|improve this question


migrated from astronomy.stackexchange.com 3 hours ago

This question came from our site for astronomers and astrophysicists.

  • 2

    The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
    – PM 2Ring

  • 4

    Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
    – badjohn
    16 hours ago

  • 1

    @badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
    – emory
    14 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
    – badjohn
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
    – badjohn
    7 hours ago





Pretty much what the title is saying. I feel like I am missing something fundamental here and this is driving me crazy.

Does a spaceship which is out of Earth's gravity drift to the Sun eventually?

share|improve this question


Pretty much what the title is saying. I feel like I am missing something fundamental here and this is driving me crazy.

Does a spaceship which is out of Earth's gravity drift to the Sun eventually?


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asked yesterday


migrated from astronomy.stackexchange.com 3 hours ago

This question came from our site for astronomers and astrophysicists.

migrated from astronomy.stackexchange.com 3 hours ago

This question came from our site for astronomers and astrophysicists.

migrated from astronomy.stackexchange.com 3 hours ago

This question came from our site for astronomers and astrophysicists.

  • 2

    The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
    – PM 2Ring

  • 4

    Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
    – badjohn
    16 hours ago

  • 1

    @badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
    – emory
    14 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
    – badjohn
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
    – badjohn
    7 hours ago

  • 2

    The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
    – PM 2Ring

  • 4

    Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
    – badjohn
    16 hours ago

  • 1

    @badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
    – emory
    14 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
    – badjohn
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    @PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
    – badjohn
    7 hours ago



The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
– PM 2Ring

The ship is in an orbit, with a lot of speed: the speed it had from being on Earth, combined with the speed it got from burning fuel. It's not like an out of fuel boat drifting on the ocean.
– PM 2Ring



Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
– badjohn
16 hours ago

Think about what stops the Earth falling into the Sun. It doesn't even have engines.
– badjohn
16 hours ago



@badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
– emory
14 hours ago

@badjohn To me the key word is "eventually". The Earth will "eventually" fall into the sun.
– emory
14 hours ago

A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
– badjohn
13 hours ago

A very long eventually and probably rather beyond what the OP had in mind. Anyway, although something may go wrong with our orbit, I don't think that falling into the Sun is inevitable or even the most likely.
– badjohn
13 hours ago



@PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
– badjohn
7 hours ago

@PeterCordes So, we seem to agree that the craft will probably settle into a moderately stable elliptical orbit. Of course, a collision or near collision is possible but it's unlikely. It stays in this orbit for a very long time and one day the Sun expands to intersect its orbit. I think that insurer's for craft may consider the Sun to be at fault.
– badjohn
7 hours ago

7 Answers






What you're missing is some combination of the following:

  • objects launched from Earth orbit are still in orbit around the Sun,

  • objects in orbit don't need fuel to stay in orbit.

All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because orbits are generally long term stable.

A spacecraft flying from Earth to Mars follows a loop, like in the picture below.

enter image description here


Most of that time, the engines aren't firing, it's just an orbit with higher eccentricity that takes some fuel to enter into, but once in that orbit, it travels that arc naturally.

Escaping Earth takes a lot of fuel, and additional fuel is used to enter the longer orbit after which, it's flying towards Mars, playing catch-up in a sense.

When close to Mars, adjustments and rockets to reduce velocity.

What would happen to the craft depends on where it runs out of fuel, but you said between Earth and Mars. It would either just enter a slightly longer than Earth orbit or, perhaps maybe crash into Mars, though I think a near miss is more likely.

What you're describing, almost happened once, voyager 1 to Jupiter, though the article's final sentence, the author writes rather poorly saying

"would have gotten almost to Jupiter, and then come back toward the
sun, which would not have been good"

That's only partly accurate. It would have almost made it to Jupiter, then stayed in a more elliptical orbit, moving closer to the sun for a while, only to fall further away again as the orbit continued.

share|improve this answer


  • 3

    awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
    – anilit99
    18 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
    – Henning Makholm
    5 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
    – userLTK
    4 hours ago



It is a mistake to talk about being "out of Earth's gravity" as if there a fairly sharp boundary where Earth's gravity dropped to zero. If you double your distance to an object, the force of gravity drops by 1/4. So it does eventually become negligible, but there is no sharp dividing line.

Also, it is not Earth's gravity that keeps us from falling into the Sun. Remember, we are in orbit around the Sun too. We are moving at the same speed as Earth, and that's the speed you need to be moving to have an orbit of this radius. So if the Earth disappeared but all the people remained, we would all suffocate but we would keep orbiting the Sun.

share|improve this answer




    A spaceship in space is very different from a car on a flat road. If your car runs out of fuel, the friction between the tyres and the road cause the car to slow down until it eventually stops. In space there is almost no friction (because space is close to a perfect vacuum), so little that for the rest of this answer I will pretend there is none at all.

    To get out of orbit of Earth, you need to move really fast. If you run out of fuel once out of the orbit of Earth, you will continue to move really fast because there is no friction in space. Your path will be bent by the gravity of everything, but only nearby (think inside the solar system) and massive (think the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, etc.) objects will have a noticeable effect. The closer and more massive the object, the bigger the effect.

    While it is possible to speed up or slow down while passing these objects, you have to be close to them, and normally it takes a precise orbit to achieve this. So basically, you'll just keep drifting really fast unless you're really unlucky and crash into something. But because space is a vacuum, there's almost nothing to crash into.

    Because your path is continuously being bent, you will most likely end up in orbit around something, and because the Sun is the most massive object in the solar system (about 99.86% of the total solar system mass), you'll most likely end up in orbit around the Sun.

    It's possible if your initial aim was good enough that you could crash into Mars, assuming that was your destination and you weren't just planning on sailing past it.

    share|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
      – Mazura
      5 hours ago



    Normally a spacecraft would use most of its fuel just leaving the earth. Retaining some secondary fuel for maneuvers. If it runs out of fuel early during liftoff it depends on how early it ran out to know what happens. it could either fall back to earth or end up in earth's orbit.

    You'd expect if it runs out just a little before planned burnout time the spacecraft would be on a course to Mars but would have an altered trajectory.

    During a planned launch to Mars, the spacecraft will be in free motion moving at a high velocity to get it to Mars.

    share|improve this answer




      Current spacecraft designs do not consume propellant while en-route to Mars because there is no need to apply any thrust. A launch to Mars would begin with an acceleration to at least low-Earth-orbit velocity. The spacecraft might then briefly orbit Earth, or simply continue accelerating to escape Earth's gravity and attain a trajectory which is a transfer orbit. Either way, at some point still very near Earth (relative to Mars), the spacecraft will shut down its engines and coast along the transfer orbit (an orbit around the Sun which more-or-less crosses the orbits of Earth and Mars). This orbit intersects Earth's orbit at the time and place Earth was during launch, and will intersect Mars' orbit at the time and place where Mars will be upon arrival. Upon arrival, the spacecraft will have to decelerate somehow to enter an orbit around Mars and/or enter Mars' atmosphere to land there. If the spacecraft fails to decelerate into orbit, it will remain on its transfer orbit, periodically crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars.

      There are ideas for very high ISP propulsion systems which could theoretically shorten the time required to get to Mars. These systems would produce a small, constant acceleration - initially in a more-or-less prograde direction, but then turn around at more-or-less the halfway point to produce a retrograde thrust to slow down enough to be captured by Mars' gravity upon arrival. If such a system failed en-route, the vehicle would almost certainly miss Mars completely and find itself in an orbit around the Sun, probably with an apoapsis beyond Mars and periapsis somewhere between Earth and Mars.

      In either case, a spacecraft becoming derelict enroute to Mars would not fall into the Sun; it would remain in a solar orbit unless/until it collides with a planet, perhaps after one or more perturbing planetary close approaches.

      share|improve this answer




        Building on the already great answers, it takes a significant amount of effort to reach the Sun, for example it's 55 times more energy than is required to get to Mars if starting from Earth orbit: It's surprisingly hard to go to the Sun.

        The Earth is traveling in its orbit at approximately 30km/s and an object leaving Earth would need to actively decelerate to lose that speed before it would fall into the Sun. A craft running out of fuel would just continue in its existing orbit.

        For further reading, see in answers to:

        • What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?

        • How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?

        • How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?

        share|improve this answer




          It depends on the last thrust it had & direction it is moving to. Cause in space velocity of moving object remains same until it come across any gravitational forces.

          share|improve this answer


          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

          • 2

            This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
            – Hohmannfan
            10 hours ago

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          7 Answers




          7 Answers












          What you're missing is some combination of the following:

          • objects launched from Earth orbit are still in orbit around the Sun,

          • objects in orbit don't need fuel to stay in orbit.

          All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because orbits are generally long term stable.

          A spacecraft flying from Earth to Mars follows a loop, like in the picture below.

          enter image description here


          Most of that time, the engines aren't firing, it's just an orbit with higher eccentricity that takes some fuel to enter into, but once in that orbit, it travels that arc naturally.

          Escaping Earth takes a lot of fuel, and additional fuel is used to enter the longer orbit after which, it's flying towards Mars, playing catch-up in a sense.

          When close to Mars, adjustments and rockets to reduce velocity.

          What would happen to the craft depends on where it runs out of fuel, but you said between Earth and Mars. It would either just enter a slightly longer than Earth orbit or, perhaps maybe crash into Mars, though I think a near miss is more likely.

          What you're describing, almost happened once, voyager 1 to Jupiter, though the article's final sentence, the author writes rather poorly saying

          "would have gotten almost to Jupiter, and then come back toward the
          sun, which would not have been good"

          That's only partly accurate. It would have almost made it to Jupiter, then stayed in a more elliptical orbit, moving closer to the sun for a while, only to fall further away again as the orbit continued.

          share|improve this answer


          • 3

            awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
            – anilit99
            18 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
            – Henning Makholm
            5 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
            – userLTK
            4 hours ago



          What you're missing is some combination of the following:

          • objects launched from Earth orbit are still in orbit around the Sun,

          • objects in orbit don't need fuel to stay in orbit.

          All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because orbits are generally long term stable.

          A spacecraft flying from Earth to Mars follows a loop, like in the picture below.

          enter image description here


          Most of that time, the engines aren't firing, it's just an orbit with higher eccentricity that takes some fuel to enter into, but once in that orbit, it travels that arc naturally.

          Escaping Earth takes a lot of fuel, and additional fuel is used to enter the longer orbit after which, it's flying towards Mars, playing catch-up in a sense.

          When close to Mars, adjustments and rockets to reduce velocity.

          What would happen to the craft depends on where it runs out of fuel, but you said between Earth and Mars. It would either just enter a slightly longer than Earth orbit or, perhaps maybe crash into Mars, though I think a near miss is more likely.

          What you're describing, almost happened once, voyager 1 to Jupiter, though the article's final sentence, the author writes rather poorly saying

          "would have gotten almost to Jupiter, and then come back toward the
          sun, which would not have been good"

          That's only partly accurate. It would have almost made it to Jupiter, then stayed in a more elliptical orbit, moving closer to the sun for a while, only to fall further away again as the orbit continued.

          share|improve this answer


          • 3

            awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
            – anilit99
            18 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
            – Henning Makholm
            5 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
            – userLTK
            4 hours ago





          What you're missing is some combination of the following:

          • objects launched from Earth orbit are still in orbit around the Sun,

          • objects in orbit don't need fuel to stay in orbit.

          All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because orbits are generally long term stable.

          A spacecraft flying from Earth to Mars follows a loop, like in the picture below.

          enter image description here


          Most of that time, the engines aren't firing, it's just an orbit with higher eccentricity that takes some fuel to enter into, but once in that orbit, it travels that arc naturally.

          Escaping Earth takes a lot of fuel, and additional fuel is used to enter the longer orbit after which, it's flying towards Mars, playing catch-up in a sense.

          When close to Mars, adjustments and rockets to reduce velocity.

          What would happen to the craft depends on where it runs out of fuel, but you said between Earth and Mars. It would either just enter a slightly longer than Earth orbit or, perhaps maybe crash into Mars, though I think a near miss is more likely.

          What you're describing, almost happened once, voyager 1 to Jupiter, though the article's final sentence, the author writes rather poorly saying

          "would have gotten almost to Jupiter, and then come back toward the
          sun, which would not have been good"

          That's only partly accurate. It would have almost made it to Jupiter, then stayed in a more elliptical orbit, moving closer to the sun for a while, only to fall further away again as the orbit continued.

          share|improve this answer


          What you're missing is some combination of the following:

          • objects launched from Earth orbit are still in orbit around the Sun,

          • objects in orbit don't need fuel to stay in orbit.

          All the planets stay in orbit around the sun because orbits are generally long term stable.

          A spacecraft flying from Earth to Mars follows a loop, like in the picture below.

          enter image description here


          Most of that time, the engines aren't firing, it's just an orbit with higher eccentricity that takes some fuel to enter into, but once in that orbit, it travels that arc naturally.

          Escaping Earth takes a lot of fuel, and additional fuel is used to enter the longer orbit after which, it's flying towards Mars, playing catch-up in a sense.

          When close to Mars, adjustments and rockets to reduce velocity.

          What would happen to the craft depends on where it runs out of fuel, but you said between Earth and Mars. It would either just enter a slightly longer than Earth orbit or, perhaps maybe crash into Mars, though I think a near miss is more likely.

          What you're describing, almost happened once, voyager 1 to Jupiter, though the article's final sentence, the author writes rather poorly saying

          "would have gotten almost to Jupiter, and then come back toward the
          sun, which would not have been good"

          That's only partly accurate. It would have almost made it to Jupiter, then stayed in a more elliptical orbit, moving closer to the sun for a while, only to fall further away again as the orbit continued.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered yesterday


          1,1845 silver badges12 bronze badges

          1,1845 silver badges12 bronze badges

          • 3

            awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
            – anilit99
            18 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
            – Henning Makholm
            5 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
            – userLTK
            4 hours ago

          • 3

            awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
            – anilit99
            18 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
            – Henning Makholm
            5 hours ago

          • $begingroup$
            @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
            – userLTK
            4 hours ago



          awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
          – anilit99
          18 hours ago

          awesome, this nails the answer in the head ! Thanks for taking time to write this down. I can talk to my kids with more honesty now.
          – anilit99
          18 hours ago

          One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
          – Henning Makholm
          5 hours ago

          One minor correction: It is Mars that catches up with the (slower, relative to the sun) transfer orbit.
          – Henning Makholm
          5 hours ago

          @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
          – userLTK
          4 hours ago

          @HenningMakholm I'm open to being wrong, but I don't think that's true. Earth is behind Mars at the time of launch. The ship catches up to Mars in it's elongated orbit.
          – userLTK
          4 hours ago



          It is a mistake to talk about being "out of Earth's gravity" as if there a fairly sharp boundary where Earth's gravity dropped to zero. If you double your distance to an object, the force of gravity drops by 1/4. So it does eventually become negligible, but there is no sharp dividing line.

          Also, it is not Earth's gravity that keeps us from falling into the Sun. Remember, we are in orbit around the Sun too. We are moving at the same speed as Earth, and that's the speed you need to be moving to have an orbit of this radius. So if the Earth disappeared but all the people remained, we would all suffocate but we would keep orbiting the Sun.

          share|improve this answer




            It is a mistake to talk about being "out of Earth's gravity" as if there a fairly sharp boundary where Earth's gravity dropped to zero. If you double your distance to an object, the force of gravity drops by 1/4. So it does eventually become negligible, but there is no sharp dividing line.

            Also, it is not Earth's gravity that keeps us from falling into the Sun. Remember, we are in orbit around the Sun too. We are moving at the same speed as Earth, and that's the speed you need to be moving to have an orbit of this radius. So if the Earth disappeared but all the people remained, we would all suffocate but we would keep orbiting the Sun.

            share|improve this answer






              It is a mistake to talk about being "out of Earth's gravity" as if there a fairly sharp boundary where Earth's gravity dropped to zero. If you double your distance to an object, the force of gravity drops by 1/4. So it does eventually become negligible, but there is no sharp dividing line.

              Also, it is not Earth's gravity that keeps us from falling into the Sun. Remember, we are in orbit around the Sun too. We are moving at the same speed as Earth, and that's the speed you need to be moving to have an orbit of this radius. So if the Earth disappeared but all the people remained, we would all suffocate but we would keep orbiting the Sun.

              share|improve this answer


              It is a mistake to talk about being "out of Earth's gravity" as if there a fairly sharp boundary where Earth's gravity dropped to zero. If you double your distance to an object, the force of gravity drops by 1/4. So it does eventually become negligible, but there is no sharp dividing line.

              Also, it is not Earth's gravity that keeps us from falling into the Sun. Remember, we are in orbit around the Sun too. We are moving at the same speed as Earth, and that's the speed you need to be moving to have an orbit of this radius. So if the Earth disappeared but all the people remained, we would all suffocate but we would keep orbiting the Sun.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered 22 hours ago

              Mark FoskeyMark Foskey

              2,84612 silver badges22 bronze badges

              2,84612 silver badges22 bronze badges



                  A spaceship in space is very different from a car on a flat road. If your car runs out of fuel, the friction between the tyres and the road cause the car to slow down until it eventually stops. In space there is almost no friction (because space is close to a perfect vacuum), so little that for the rest of this answer I will pretend there is none at all.

                  To get out of orbit of Earth, you need to move really fast. If you run out of fuel once out of the orbit of Earth, you will continue to move really fast because there is no friction in space. Your path will be bent by the gravity of everything, but only nearby (think inside the solar system) and massive (think the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, etc.) objects will have a noticeable effect. The closer and more massive the object, the bigger the effect.

                  While it is possible to speed up or slow down while passing these objects, you have to be close to them, and normally it takes a precise orbit to achieve this. So basically, you'll just keep drifting really fast unless you're really unlucky and crash into something. But because space is a vacuum, there's almost nothing to crash into.

                  Because your path is continuously being bent, you will most likely end up in orbit around something, and because the Sun is the most massive object in the solar system (about 99.86% of the total solar system mass), you'll most likely end up in orbit around the Sun.

                  It's possible if your initial aim was good enough that you could crash into Mars, assuming that was your destination and you weren't just planning on sailing past it.

                  share|improve this answer


                  • $begingroup$
                    the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                    – Mazura
                    5 hours ago



                  A spaceship in space is very different from a car on a flat road. If your car runs out of fuel, the friction between the tyres and the road cause the car to slow down until it eventually stops. In space there is almost no friction (because space is close to a perfect vacuum), so little that for the rest of this answer I will pretend there is none at all.

                  To get out of orbit of Earth, you need to move really fast. If you run out of fuel once out of the orbit of Earth, you will continue to move really fast because there is no friction in space. Your path will be bent by the gravity of everything, but only nearby (think inside the solar system) and massive (think the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, etc.) objects will have a noticeable effect. The closer and more massive the object, the bigger the effect.

                  While it is possible to speed up or slow down while passing these objects, you have to be close to them, and normally it takes a precise orbit to achieve this. So basically, you'll just keep drifting really fast unless you're really unlucky and crash into something. But because space is a vacuum, there's almost nothing to crash into.

                  Because your path is continuously being bent, you will most likely end up in orbit around something, and because the Sun is the most massive object in the solar system (about 99.86% of the total solar system mass), you'll most likely end up in orbit around the Sun.

                  It's possible if your initial aim was good enough that you could crash into Mars, assuming that was your destination and you weren't just planning on sailing past it.

                  share|improve this answer


                  • $begingroup$
                    the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                    – Mazura
                    5 hours ago





                  A spaceship in space is very different from a car on a flat road. If your car runs out of fuel, the friction between the tyres and the road cause the car to slow down until it eventually stops. In space there is almost no friction (because space is close to a perfect vacuum), so little that for the rest of this answer I will pretend there is none at all.

                  To get out of orbit of Earth, you need to move really fast. If you run out of fuel once out of the orbit of Earth, you will continue to move really fast because there is no friction in space. Your path will be bent by the gravity of everything, but only nearby (think inside the solar system) and massive (think the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, etc.) objects will have a noticeable effect. The closer and more massive the object, the bigger the effect.

                  While it is possible to speed up or slow down while passing these objects, you have to be close to them, and normally it takes a precise orbit to achieve this. So basically, you'll just keep drifting really fast unless you're really unlucky and crash into something. But because space is a vacuum, there's almost nothing to crash into.

                  Because your path is continuously being bent, you will most likely end up in orbit around something, and because the Sun is the most massive object in the solar system (about 99.86% of the total solar system mass), you'll most likely end up in orbit around the Sun.

                  It's possible if your initial aim was good enough that you could crash into Mars, assuming that was your destination and you weren't just planning on sailing past it.

                  share|improve this answer


                  A spaceship in space is very different from a car on a flat road. If your car runs out of fuel, the friction between the tyres and the road cause the car to slow down until it eventually stops. In space there is almost no friction (because space is close to a perfect vacuum), so little that for the rest of this answer I will pretend there is none at all.

                  To get out of orbit of Earth, you need to move really fast. If you run out of fuel once out of the orbit of Earth, you will continue to move really fast because there is no friction in space. Your path will be bent by the gravity of everything, but only nearby (think inside the solar system) and massive (think the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, etc.) objects will have a noticeable effect. The closer and more massive the object, the bigger the effect.

                  While it is possible to speed up or slow down while passing these objects, you have to be close to them, and normally it takes a precise orbit to achieve this. So basically, you'll just keep drifting really fast unless you're really unlucky and crash into something. But because space is a vacuum, there's almost nothing to crash into.

                  Because your path is continuously being bent, you will most likely end up in orbit around something, and because the Sun is the most massive object in the solar system (about 99.86% of the total solar system mass), you'll most likely end up in orbit around the Sun.

                  It's possible if your initial aim was good enough that you could crash into Mars, assuming that was your destination and you weren't just planning on sailing past it.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 19 hours ago

                  CJ DennisCJ Dennis

                  3193 silver badges9 bronze badges

                  3193 silver badges9 bronze badges

                  • $begingroup$
                    the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                    – Mazura
                    5 hours ago

                  • $begingroup$
                    the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                    – Mazura
                    5 hours ago

                  the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                  – Mazura
                  5 hours ago

                  the closer and more massive the object - the bigger its sphere of influence. -if your initial [velocity (not aim); speed and direction] was good enough you wouldn't need to do a e.g., 'tans-lunar injection' to achieve Orbit insertion
                  – Mazura
                  5 hours ago



                  Normally a spacecraft would use most of its fuel just leaving the earth. Retaining some secondary fuel for maneuvers. If it runs out of fuel early during liftoff it depends on how early it ran out to know what happens. it could either fall back to earth or end up in earth's orbit.

                  You'd expect if it runs out just a little before planned burnout time the spacecraft would be on a course to Mars but would have an altered trajectory.

                  During a planned launch to Mars, the spacecraft will be in free motion moving at a high velocity to get it to Mars.

                  share|improve this answer




                    Normally a spacecraft would use most of its fuel just leaving the earth. Retaining some secondary fuel for maneuvers. If it runs out of fuel early during liftoff it depends on how early it ran out to know what happens. it could either fall back to earth or end up in earth's orbit.

                    You'd expect if it runs out just a little before planned burnout time the spacecraft would be on a course to Mars but would have an altered trajectory.

                    During a planned launch to Mars, the spacecraft will be in free motion moving at a high velocity to get it to Mars.

                    share|improve this answer






                      Normally a spacecraft would use most of its fuel just leaving the earth. Retaining some secondary fuel for maneuvers. If it runs out of fuel early during liftoff it depends on how early it ran out to know what happens. it could either fall back to earth or end up in earth's orbit.

                      You'd expect if it runs out just a little before planned burnout time the spacecraft would be on a course to Mars but would have an altered trajectory.

                      During a planned launch to Mars, the spacecraft will be in free motion moving at a high velocity to get it to Mars.

                      share|improve this answer


                      Normally a spacecraft would use most of its fuel just leaving the earth. Retaining some secondary fuel for maneuvers. If it runs out of fuel early during liftoff it depends on how early it ran out to know what happens. it could either fall back to earth or end up in earth's orbit.

                      You'd expect if it runs out just a little before planned burnout time the spacecraft would be on a course to Mars but would have an altered trajectory.

                      During a planned launch to Mars, the spacecraft will be in free motion moving at a high velocity to get it to Mars.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered yesterday




                          Current spacecraft designs do not consume propellant while en-route to Mars because there is no need to apply any thrust. A launch to Mars would begin with an acceleration to at least low-Earth-orbit velocity. The spacecraft might then briefly orbit Earth, or simply continue accelerating to escape Earth's gravity and attain a trajectory which is a transfer orbit. Either way, at some point still very near Earth (relative to Mars), the spacecraft will shut down its engines and coast along the transfer orbit (an orbit around the Sun which more-or-less crosses the orbits of Earth and Mars). This orbit intersects Earth's orbit at the time and place Earth was during launch, and will intersect Mars' orbit at the time and place where Mars will be upon arrival. Upon arrival, the spacecraft will have to decelerate somehow to enter an orbit around Mars and/or enter Mars' atmosphere to land there. If the spacecraft fails to decelerate into orbit, it will remain on its transfer orbit, periodically crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars.

                          There are ideas for very high ISP propulsion systems which could theoretically shorten the time required to get to Mars. These systems would produce a small, constant acceleration - initially in a more-or-less prograde direction, but then turn around at more-or-less the halfway point to produce a retrograde thrust to slow down enough to be captured by Mars' gravity upon arrival. If such a system failed en-route, the vehicle would almost certainly miss Mars completely and find itself in an orbit around the Sun, probably with an apoapsis beyond Mars and periapsis somewhere between Earth and Mars.

                          In either case, a spacecraft becoming derelict enroute to Mars would not fall into the Sun; it would remain in a solar orbit unless/until it collides with a planet, perhaps after one or more perturbing planetary close approaches.

                          share|improve this answer




                            Current spacecraft designs do not consume propellant while en-route to Mars because there is no need to apply any thrust. A launch to Mars would begin with an acceleration to at least low-Earth-orbit velocity. The spacecraft might then briefly orbit Earth, or simply continue accelerating to escape Earth's gravity and attain a trajectory which is a transfer orbit. Either way, at some point still very near Earth (relative to Mars), the spacecraft will shut down its engines and coast along the transfer orbit (an orbit around the Sun which more-or-less crosses the orbits of Earth and Mars). This orbit intersects Earth's orbit at the time and place Earth was during launch, and will intersect Mars' orbit at the time and place where Mars will be upon arrival. Upon arrival, the spacecraft will have to decelerate somehow to enter an orbit around Mars and/or enter Mars' atmosphere to land there. If the spacecraft fails to decelerate into orbit, it will remain on its transfer orbit, periodically crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars.

                            There are ideas for very high ISP propulsion systems which could theoretically shorten the time required to get to Mars. These systems would produce a small, constant acceleration - initially in a more-or-less prograde direction, but then turn around at more-or-less the halfway point to produce a retrograde thrust to slow down enough to be captured by Mars' gravity upon arrival. If such a system failed en-route, the vehicle would almost certainly miss Mars completely and find itself in an orbit around the Sun, probably with an apoapsis beyond Mars and periapsis somewhere between Earth and Mars.

                            In either case, a spacecraft becoming derelict enroute to Mars would not fall into the Sun; it would remain in a solar orbit unless/until it collides with a planet, perhaps after one or more perturbing planetary close approaches.

                            share|improve this answer






                              Current spacecraft designs do not consume propellant while en-route to Mars because there is no need to apply any thrust. A launch to Mars would begin with an acceleration to at least low-Earth-orbit velocity. The spacecraft might then briefly orbit Earth, or simply continue accelerating to escape Earth's gravity and attain a trajectory which is a transfer orbit. Either way, at some point still very near Earth (relative to Mars), the spacecraft will shut down its engines and coast along the transfer orbit (an orbit around the Sun which more-or-less crosses the orbits of Earth and Mars). This orbit intersects Earth's orbit at the time and place Earth was during launch, and will intersect Mars' orbit at the time and place where Mars will be upon arrival. Upon arrival, the spacecraft will have to decelerate somehow to enter an orbit around Mars and/or enter Mars' atmosphere to land there. If the spacecraft fails to decelerate into orbit, it will remain on its transfer orbit, periodically crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars.

                              There are ideas for very high ISP propulsion systems which could theoretically shorten the time required to get to Mars. These systems would produce a small, constant acceleration - initially in a more-or-less prograde direction, but then turn around at more-or-less the halfway point to produce a retrograde thrust to slow down enough to be captured by Mars' gravity upon arrival. If such a system failed en-route, the vehicle would almost certainly miss Mars completely and find itself in an orbit around the Sun, probably with an apoapsis beyond Mars and periapsis somewhere between Earth and Mars.

                              In either case, a spacecraft becoming derelict enroute to Mars would not fall into the Sun; it would remain in a solar orbit unless/until it collides with a planet, perhaps after one or more perturbing planetary close approaches.

                              share|improve this answer


                              Current spacecraft designs do not consume propellant while en-route to Mars because there is no need to apply any thrust. A launch to Mars would begin with an acceleration to at least low-Earth-orbit velocity. The spacecraft might then briefly orbit Earth, or simply continue accelerating to escape Earth's gravity and attain a trajectory which is a transfer orbit. Either way, at some point still very near Earth (relative to Mars), the spacecraft will shut down its engines and coast along the transfer orbit (an orbit around the Sun which more-or-less crosses the orbits of Earth and Mars). This orbit intersects Earth's orbit at the time and place Earth was during launch, and will intersect Mars' orbit at the time and place where Mars will be upon arrival. Upon arrival, the spacecraft will have to decelerate somehow to enter an orbit around Mars and/or enter Mars' atmosphere to land there. If the spacecraft fails to decelerate into orbit, it will remain on its transfer orbit, periodically crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars.

                              There are ideas for very high ISP propulsion systems which could theoretically shorten the time required to get to Mars. These systems would produce a small, constant acceleration - initially in a more-or-less prograde direction, but then turn around at more-or-less the halfway point to produce a retrograde thrust to slow down enough to be captured by Mars' gravity upon arrival. If such a system failed en-route, the vehicle would almost certainly miss Mars completely and find itself in an orbit around the Sun, probably with an apoapsis beyond Mars and periapsis somewhere between Earth and Mars.

                              In either case, a spacecraft becoming derelict enroute to Mars would not fall into the Sun; it would remain in a solar orbit unless/until it collides with a planet, perhaps after one or more perturbing planetary close approaches.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered 1 hour ago

                              Anthony XAnthony X

                              10.6k1 gold badge44 silver badges88 bronze badges

                              10.6k1 gold badge44 silver badges88 bronze badges



                                  Building on the already great answers, it takes a significant amount of effort to reach the Sun, for example it's 55 times more energy than is required to get to Mars if starting from Earth orbit: It's surprisingly hard to go to the Sun.

                                  The Earth is traveling in its orbit at approximately 30km/s and an object leaving Earth would need to actively decelerate to lose that speed before it would fall into the Sun. A craft running out of fuel would just continue in its existing orbit.

                                  For further reading, see in answers to:

                                  • What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?

                                  • How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?

                                  • How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?

                                  share|improve this answer




                                    Building on the already great answers, it takes a significant amount of effort to reach the Sun, for example it's 55 times more energy than is required to get to Mars if starting from Earth orbit: It's surprisingly hard to go to the Sun.

                                    The Earth is traveling in its orbit at approximately 30km/s and an object leaving Earth would need to actively decelerate to lose that speed before it would fall into the Sun. A craft running out of fuel would just continue in its existing orbit.

                                    For further reading, see in answers to:

                                    • What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?

                                    • How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?

                                    • How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?

                                    share|improve this answer






                                      Building on the already great answers, it takes a significant amount of effort to reach the Sun, for example it's 55 times more energy than is required to get to Mars if starting from Earth orbit: It's surprisingly hard to go to the Sun.

                                      The Earth is traveling in its orbit at approximately 30km/s and an object leaving Earth would need to actively decelerate to lose that speed before it would fall into the Sun. A craft running out of fuel would just continue in its existing orbit.

                                      For further reading, see in answers to:

                                      • What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?

                                      • How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?

                                      • How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?

                                      share|improve this answer


                                      Building on the already great answers, it takes a significant amount of effort to reach the Sun, for example it's 55 times more energy than is required to get to Mars if starting from Earth orbit: It's surprisingly hard to go to the Sun.

                                      The Earth is traveling in its orbit at approximately 30km/s and an object leaving Earth would need to actively decelerate to lose that speed before it would fall into the Sun. A craft running out of fuel would just continue in its existing orbit.

                                      For further reading, see in answers to:

                                      • What is the delta-v required to get a mass in Earth orbit into the sun using a SINGLE transfer?

                                      • How much less delta-v would it take to reach the Sun using Venus and Earth flyby's compared to direct?

                                      • How would a Jupiter flyby have helped to get to the Sun? Why was it later ruled out?

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited 19 mins ago


                                      53.9k25 gold badges212 silver badges681 bronze badges

                                      53.9k25 gold badges212 silver badges681 bronze badges

                                      answered 6 hours ago




                                          It depends on the last thrust it had & direction it is moving to. Cause in space velocity of moving object remains same until it come across any gravitational forces.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                          • 2

                                            This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                            – Hohmannfan
                                            10 hours ago



                                          It depends on the last thrust it had & direction it is moving to. Cause in space velocity of moving object remains same until it come across any gravitational forces.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                          • 2

                                            This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                            – Hohmannfan
                                            10 hours ago





                                          It depends on the last thrust it had & direction it is moving to. Cause in space velocity of moving object remains same until it come across any gravitational forces.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          It depends on the last thrust it had & direction it is moving to. Cause in space velocity of moving object remains same until it come across any gravitational forces.

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          answered 15 hours ago


                                          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                          We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                          • 2

                                            This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                            – Hohmannfan
                                            10 hours ago

                                          • 2

                                            This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                            – Hohmannfan
                                            10 hours ago



                                          This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                          – Hohmannfan
                                          10 hours ago

                                          This does not address the problem fully. For instance, there are always gravitational forces acting on a spacecraft within the solar system. How does that affect the velocity?
                                          – Hohmannfan
                                          10 hours ago

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