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Is It Possible to Have Different Sea Levels, Eventually Causing New Landforms to Appear?

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I'm trying to explain a large continent-sized archipelago that doesn't run in any particular direction. As such, plate tectonics cannot possibly explain its existence. This is an Earth-like planet.

Would it be possible for a gigantic lake surrounded by land to be higher than sea level? Or would the pressure exerted by that much water destroy any land trying to keep it in?

If it is possible, then maybe the land suddenly collapsed in an area like a broken dam, draining the water from the higher-than-sea-level lake, which in turn revealed several landmasses that were scattered underneath the water?

Timescale could be anywhere from thousands to millions of years.

Good answers will tell me if what I am suggesting is possible, and if not, try to help devise a possible explanation for the archipelago shown in the following image:

The archipelago in question is in the top left of this image, between the upper halves of the leftmost and center landmasses.

EDIT: I'm talking about an elevation difference of hundreds of meters or more, a scale large enough to cause hundreds of large landmasses to be uncovered, should the water levels find a way to balance themselves.

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overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 4

    Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
    – Nuclear Wang
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
    – AlexP
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
    – AlexP
    7 hours ago



I'm trying to explain a large continent-sized archipelago that doesn't run in any particular direction. As such, plate tectonics cannot possibly explain its existence. This is an Earth-like planet.

Would it be possible for a gigantic lake surrounded by land to be higher than sea level? Or would the pressure exerted by that much water destroy any land trying to keep it in?

If it is possible, then maybe the land suddenly collapsed in an area like a broken dam, draining the water from the higher-than-sea-level lake, which in turn revealed several landmasses that were scattered underneath the water?

Timescale could be anywhere from thousands to millions of years.

Good answers will tell me if what I am suggesting is possible, and if not, try to help devise a possible explanation for the archipelago shown in the following image:

The archipelago in question is in the top left of this image, between the upper halves of the leftmost and center landmasses.

EDIT: I'm talking about an elevation difference of hundreds of meters or more, a scale large enough to cause hundreds of large landmasses to be uncovered, should the water levels find a way to balance themselves.

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overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 4

    Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
    – Nuclear Wang
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
    – AlexP
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
    – AlexP
    7 hours ago





I'm trying to explain a large continent-sized archipelago that doesn't run in any particular direction. As such, plate tectonics cannot possibly explain its existence. This is an Earth-like planet.

Would it be possible for a gigantic lake surrounded by land to be higher than sea level? Or would the pressure exerted by that much water destroy any land trying to keep it in?

If it is possible, then maybe the land suddenly collapsed in an area like a broken dam, draining the water from the higher-than-sea-level lake, which in turn revealed several landmasses that were scattered underneath the water?

Timescale could be anywhere from thousands to millions of years.

Good answers will tell me if what I am suggesting is possible, and if not, try to help devise a possible explanation for the archipelago shown in the following image:

The archipelago in question is in the top left of this image, between the upper halves of the leftmost and center landmasses.

EDIT: I'm talking about an elevation difference of hundreds of meters or more, a scale large enough to cause hundreds of large landmasses to be uncovered, should the water levels find a way to balance themselves.

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overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


I'm trying to explain a large continent-sized archipelago that doesn't run in any particular direction. As such, plate tectonics cannot possibly explain its existence. This is an Earth-like planet.

Would it be possible for a gigantic lake surrounded by land to be higher than sea level? Or would the pressure exerted by that much water destroy any land trying to keep it in?

If it is possible, then maybe the land suddenly collapsed in an area like a broken dam, draining the water from the higher-than-sea-level lake, which in turn revealed several landmasses that were scattered underneath the water?

Timescale could be anywhere from thousands to millions of years.

Good answers will tell me if what I am suggesting is possible, and if not, try to help devise a possible explanation for the archipelago shown in the following image:

The archipelago in question is in the top left of this image, between the upper halves of the leftmost and center landmasses.

EDIT: I'm talking about an elevation difference of hundreds of meters or more, a scale large enough to cause hundreds of large landmasses to be uncovered, should the water levels find a way to balance themselves.

science-based earth-like geography ocean sea

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overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 8 hours ago


New contributor

overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 8 hours ago


2781 silver badge11 bronze badges

2781 silver badge11 bronze badges

New contributor

overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

overlord is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 4

    Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
    – Nuclear Wang
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
    – AlexP
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
    – AlexP
    7 hours ago

  • 4

    Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
    – Nuclear Wang
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
    – AlexP
    8 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
    – overlord
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
    – AlexP
    7 hours ago



Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
– Nuclear Wang
8 hours ago

Note that the pressure exerted by a body of water is only related to its depth, not its area. A gigantic shallow lake won't exert any more pressure than a small shallow lake, so your concern about water pressure trying to destroy natural land dams may be unfounded (although the fact that land masses are hidden at the bottom of the lake does suggest reasonable depth). Just know that the surface area of the lake doesn't matter for the land's ability to hold it back.
– Nuclear Wang
8 hours ago

@NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
– overlord
8 hours ago

@NuclearWang Okay interesting, I did not know that the water area wasn't a variable in the equation. I knew that depth was important.
– overlord
8 hours ago



Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
– AlexP
8 hours ago

Water is very much less dense than rock. If a continent can sustain a high plateau (for example, the Tibetan plateau is at an average elevation of 4,500 meters or 15,000 feet) then it can definitely sustain a lake. After all, granite is two and a half times as heavy as water.
– AlexP
8 hours ago

@AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
– overlord
8 hours ago

@AlexP But can a lake the size of, say, South America, even be possible?
– overlord
8 hours ago



Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
– AlexP
7 hours ago

Depends on the specific conditions on your world. Our world does not have such enourmous lakes simply because there is not enough water vapor in the air to fill them -- lakes are ultimately filled by rain. Earth does have immense endorheic basins, but there is nowhere near enough rain to fill them. But in the geological past, when there were no ice sheets, sea levels were higher, it rained more and there were many big lakes.
– AlexP
7 hours ago

6 Answers






Absolutely. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis the 'sea level' in the Mediterranean Sea was THOUSANDS of meters lower than that of the Atlantic ocean, for thousands of years.

The important thing for your example is that there would need to be a large enough surrounding drainage area to keep sea level in your archipelago stable relative to evaporation. Having it further north or south (e.g. not in the tropics) would help with this by reducing solar-driven evaporation.

share|improve this answer




    There are parts of Earth's oceans, never mind landlocked sea-size lakes, that have differing sea levels.

    The Atlantic and Pacific differ by a couple meters, as measured from the center of the earth -- this is measurable across the Strait of Magellan (off the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Tierra del Fuego). There is a constant current in the Bosporus where the waters of the Black Sea (larger than all five Great Lakes combined) flow into the Mediterranean.

    Trivially, if you have two seas that are cut off from one another by land, their levels will be set independently by the balance of inflow and evaporation (or underground outflow) in each. If one gets a lot of rain in its watershed, while the other largely borders an arid region, the rainy one will tend to be higher. For connected bodies, the limitation is how fast water can flow from the higher to the lower, relative to how fast water flows into the higher. Hydrodynamically this is a general condition -- regardless of the size of the bodies.

    share|improve this answer




      Not an original starting point, I recognize it, but Randall Munroe already covered this answer in one of his What if.

      Drained oceans

      What you see above here is how Earth would look like once you drained the oceans (and made the Netherlands much bigger).

      To use Randall's words:

      There's a surprising amount of water left, although much of it consists of very shallow seas, with a few trenches where the water is as deep as four or five kilometers.

      On our present Earth we have mountain lakes which are kilometers above the sea level. Usually the problem with the rock bed resistance is given by the profile of the rocks which becomes thinner as the water rise and at the end cannot contain it. Else the bottom is capable of resisting the pressure: any depth of water is always going to weight less than the same height of rock (except for pumice), thus if the bulk rock can withstand its weight, even more can withstand a lake/sea above it.

      share|improve this answer




        The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea are all reasonably large bodies of water that are not at global sea level.

        The Great Lakes are hundreds of feet above the global sea level.

        The Dead Sea is not very large, but it is relatively close to the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

        share|improve this answer


        • 1

          Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
          – Keith Morrison
          5 hours ago

        • $begingroup$
          @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
          – Jasper
          3 hours ago



        An example: the Pannonian Sea

        The Pannonian Sea was an inland sea which existed for about 10 million years; during the last part of its existence it was isolated from the ocean. It covered most of the territory of modern country of Hungary, and large parts iof Croatia, Serbia and Romania. I would say that this qualifies as a "very large lake".

        The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch

        The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch, about 6 million years ago. The lake was about 500 km (300 miles) across. Map by user Panonian, available on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

        share|improve this answer




          Hawaiian style!


          Hawaii is geologically a unique place on Earth because it is caused by
          a 'hot spot.' Most islands are found at tectonic plate boundaries
          either from spreading centers (like Iceland) or from subduction zones
          (like the Aleutian Islands). There are few 'hot spots' on Earth and
          the one under Hawaii is right in the middle of one of the largest
          crustal plates on Earth - the Pacific Plate. A geologic 'hot spot' is
          an area in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs. It is
          easy to geologically explain the volcanism at plate spreading centers
          and subduction zones but not as easy to explain a 'hot spot.' The
          molten magma breaks through the crustal plate (theories describe this
          as either from a weak/thin part of the plate or a particularly hot
          part of the molten magma)... If
          the hot spot is under the seafloor (as it is in Hawaii) it produces
          undersea volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes build up to the surface of
          the ocean and become islands. Over millions of years the plate may
          move across the 'hot spot' and the original volcano become extinct but
          a new volcano will begin to form in the area of the 'hot spot.'

          Your archipelago cannot be explained by plate tectonics; neither can the Hawaiian archipelago. You have a hot spot. Those islands are all volcanoes. They are tall, some of them. The hot spot has moved around, creating new volcanic islands as it did.

          share|improve this answer


          • 2

            The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
            – Arkenstein XII
            6 hours ago

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          6 Answers




          6 Answers












          Absolutely. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis the 'sea level' in the Mediterranean Sea was THOUSANDS of meters lower than that of the Atlantic ocean, for thousands of years.

          The important thing for your example is that there would need to be a large enough surrounding drainage area to keep sea level in your archipelago stable relative to evaporation. Having it further north or south (e.g. not in the tropics) would help with this by reducing solar-driven evaporation.

          share|improve this answer




            Absolutely. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis the 'sea level' in the Mediterranean Sea was THOUSANDS of meters lower than that of the Atlantic ocean, for thousands of years.

            The important thing for your example is that there would need to be a large enough surrounding drainage area to keep sea level in your archipelago stable relative to evaporation. Having it further north or south (e.g. not in the tropics) would help with this by reducing solar-driven evaporation.

            share|improve this answer






              Absolutely. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis the 'sea level' in the Mediterranean Sea was THOUSANDS of meters lower than that of the Atlantic ocean, for thousands of years.

              The important thing for your example is that there would need to be a large enough surrounding drainage area to keep sea level in your archipelago stable relative to evaporation. Having it further north or south (e.g. not in the tropics) would help with this by reducing solar-driven evaporation.

              share|improve this answer


              Absolutely. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis the 'sea level' in the Mediterranean Sea was THOUSANDS of meters lower than that of the Atlantic ocean, for thousands of years.

              The important thing for your example is that there would need to be a large enough surrounding drainage area to keep sea level in your archipelago stable relative to evaporation. Having it further north or south (e.g. not in the tropics) would help with this by reducing solar-driven evaporation.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered 8 hours ago

              Morris The CatMorris The Cat

              8,7661 gold badge25 silver badges46 bronze badges

              8,7661 gold badge25 silver badges46 bronze badges



                  There are parts of Earth's oceans, never mind landlocked sea-size lakes, that have differing sea levels.

                  The Atlantic and Pacific differ by a couple meters, as measured from the center of the earth -- this is measurable across the Strait of Magellan (off the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Tierra del Fuego). There is a constant current in the Bosporus where the waters of the Black Sea (larger than all five Great Lakes combined) flow into the Mediterranean.

                  Trivially, if you have two seas that are cut off from one another by land, their levels will be set independently by the balance of inflow and evaporation (or underground outflow) in each. If one gets a lot of rain in its watershed, while the other largely borders an arid region, the rainy one will tend to be higher. For connected bodies, the limitation is how fast water can flow from the higher to the lower, relative to how fast water flows into the higher. Hydrodynamically this is a general condition -- regardless of the size of the bodies.

                  share|improve this answer




                    There are parts of Earth's oceans, never mind landlocked sea-size lakes, that have differing sea levels.

                    The Atlantic and Pacific differ by a couple meters, as measured from the center of the earth -- this is measurable across the Strait of Magellan (off the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Tierra del Fuego). There is a constant current in the Bosporus where the waters of the Black Sea (larger than all five Great Lakes combined) flow into the Mediterranean.

                    Trivially, if you have two seas that are cut off from one another by land, their levels will be set independently by the balance of inflow and evaporation (or underground outflow) in each. If one gets a lot of rain in its watershed, while the other largely borders an arid region, the rainy one will tend to be higher. For connected bodies, the limitation is how fast water can flow from the higher to the lower, relative to how fast water flows into the higher. Hydrodynamically this is a general condition -- regardless of the size of the bodies.

                    share|improve this answer






                      There are parts of Earth's oceans, never mind landlocked sea-size lakes, that have differing sea levels.

                      The Atlantic and Pacific differ by a couple meters, as measured from the center of the earth -- this is measurable across the Strait of Magellan (off the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Tierra del Fuego). There is a constant current in the Bosporus where the waters of the Black Sea (larger than all five Great Lakes combined) flow into the Mediterranean.

                      Trivially, if you have two seas that are cut off from one another by land, their levels will be set independently by the balance of inflow and evaporation (or underground outflow) in each. If one gets a lot of rain in its watershed, while the other largely borders an arid region, the rainy one will tend to be higher. For connected bodies, the limitation is how fast water can flow from the higher to the lower, relative to how fast water flows into the higher. Hydrodynamically this is a general condition -- regardless of the size of the bodies.

                      share|improve this answer


                      There are parts of Earth's oceans, never mind landlocked sea-size lakes, that have differing sea levels.

                      The Atlantic and Pacific differ by a couple meters, as measured from the center of the earth -- this is measurable across the Strait of Magellan (off the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Tierra del Fuego). There is a constant current in the Bosporus where the waters of the Black Sea (larger than all five Great Lakes combined) flow into the Mediterranean.

                      Trivially, if you have two seas that are cut off from one another by land, their levels will be set independently by the balance of inflow and evaporation (or underground outflow) in each. If one gets a lot of rain in its watershed, while the other largely borders an arid region, the rainy one will tend to be higher. For connected bodies, the limitation is how fast water can flow from the higher to the lower, relative to how fast water flows into the higher. Hydrodynamically this is a general condition -- regardless of the size of the bodies.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered 8 hours ago

                      Zeiss IkonZeiss Ikon

                      9,65616 silver badges43 bronze badges

                      9,65616 silver badges43 bronze badges



                          Not an original starting point, I recognize it, but Randall Munroe already covered this answer in one of his What if.

                          Drained oceans

                          What you see above here is how Earth would look like once you drained the oceans (and made the Netherlands much bigger).

                          To use Randall's words:

                          There's a surprising amount of water left, although much of it consists of very shallow seas, with a few trenches where the water is as deep as four or five kilometers.

                          On our present Earth we have mountain lakes which are kilometers above the sea level. Usually the problem with the rock bed resistance is given by the profile of the rocks which becomes thinner as the water rise and at the end cannot contain it. Else the bottom is capable of resisting the pressure: any depth of water is always going to weight less than the same height of rock (except for pumice), thus if the bulk rock can withstand its weight, even more can withstand a lake/sea above it.

                          share|improve this answer




                            Not an original starting point, I recognize it, but Randall Munroe already covered this answer in one of his What if.

                            Drained oceans

                            What you see above here is how Earth would look like once you drained the oceans (and made the Netherlands much bigger).

                            To use Randall's words:

                            There's a surprising amount of water left, although much of it consists of very shallow seas, with a few trenches where the water is as deep as four or five kilometers.

                            On our present Earth we have mountain lakes which are kilometers above the sea level. Usually the problem with the rock bed resistance is given by the profile of the rocks which becomes thinner as the water rise and at the end cannot contain it. Else the bottom is capable of resisting the pressure: any depth of water is always going to weight less than the same height of rock (except for pumice), thus if the bulk rock can withstand its weight, even more can withstand a lake/sea above it.

                            share|improve this answer






                              Not an original starting point, I recognize it, but Randall Munroe already covered this answer in one of his What if.

                              Drained oceans

                              What you see above here is how Earth would look like once you drained the oceans (and made the Netherlands much bigger).

                              To use Randall's words:

                              There's a surprising amount of water left, although much of it consists of very shallow seas, with a few trenches where the water is as deep as four or five kilometers.

                              On our present Earth we have mountain lakes which are kilometers above the sea level. Usually the problem with the rock bed resistance is given by the profile of the rocks which becomes thinner as the water rise and at the end cannot contain it. Else the bottom is capable of resisting the pressure: any depth of water is always going to weight less than the same height of rock (except for pumice), thus if the bulk rock can withstand its weight, even more can withstand a lake/sea above it.

                              share|improve this answer


                              Not an original starting point, I recognize it, but Randall Munroe already covered this answer in one of his What if.

                              Drained oceans

                              What you see above here is how Earth would look like once you drained the oceans (and made the Netherlands much bigger).

                              To use Randall's words:

                              There's a surprising amount of water left, although much of it consists of very shallow seas, with a few trenches where the water is as deep as four or five kilometers.

                              On our present Earth we have mountain lakes which are kilometers above the sea level. Usually the problem with the rock bed resistance is given by the profile of the rocks which becomes thinner as the water rise and at the end cannot contain it. Else the bottom is capable of resisting the pressure: any depth of water is always going to weight less than the same height of rock (except for pumice), thus if the bulk rock can withstand its weight, even more can withstand a lake/sea above it.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered 8 hours ago


                              113k35 gold badges263 silver badges542 bronze badges

                              113k35 gold badges263 silver badges542 bronze badges



                                  The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea are all reasonably large bodies of water that are not at global sea level.

                                  The Great Lakes are hundreds of feet above the global sea level.

                                  The Dead Sea is not very large, but it is relatively close to the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                  • 1

                                    Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                    – Keith Morrison
                                    5 hours ago

                                  • $begingroup$
                                    @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                    – Jasper
                                    3 hours ago



                                  The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea are all reasonably large bodies of water that are not at global sea level.

                                  The Great Lakes are hundreds of feet above the global sea level.

                                  The Dead Sea is not very large, but it is relatively close to the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                  • 1

                                    Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                    – Keith Morrison
                                    5 hours ago

                                  • $begingroup$
                                    @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                    – Jasper
                                    3 hours ago





                                  The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea are all reasonably large bodies of water that are not at global sea level.

                                  The Great Lakes are hundreds of feet above the global sea level.

                                  The Dead Sea is not very large, but it is relatively close to the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

                                  share|improve this answer


                                  The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea, and the Dead Sea are all reasonably large bodies of water that are not at global sea level.

                                  The Great Lakes are hundreds of feet above the global sea level.

                                  The Dead Sea is not very large, but it is relatively close to the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  edited 3 hours ago

                                  answered 8 hours ago


                                  3,84110 silver badges30 bronze badges

                                  3,84110 silver badges30 bronze badges

                                  • 1

                                    Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                    – Keith Morrison
                                    5 hours ago

                                  • $begingroup$
                                    @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                    – Jasper
                                    3 hours ago

                                  • 1

                                    Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                    – Keith Morrison
                                    5 hours ago

                                  • $begingroup$
                                    @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                    – Jasper
                                    3 hours ago



                                  Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                  – Keith Morrison
                                  5 hours ago

                                  Not "hundreds of meters". Lake Superior is 183 meters, or 600 feet, above sea level.
                                  – Keith Morrison
                                  5 hours ago

                                  @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                  – Jasper
                                  3 hours ago

                                  @Keith -- Thank you. I had not realized how much lower Lake Superior is than most of Minnesota.
                                  – Jasper
                                  3 hours ago



                                  An example: the Pannonian Sea

                                  The Pannonian Sea was an inland sea which existed for about 10 million years; during the last part of its existence it was isolated from the ocean. It covered most of the territory of modern country of Hungary, and large parts iof Croatia, Serbia and Romania. I would say that this qualifies as a "very large lake".

                                  The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch

                                  The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch, about 6 million years ago. The lake was about 500 km (300 miles) across. Map by user Panonian, available on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

                                  share|improve this answer




                                    An example: the Pannonian Sea

                                    The Pannonian Sea was an inland sea which existed for about 10 million years; during the last part of its existence it was isolated from the ocean. It covered most of the territory of modern country of Hungary, and large parts iof Croatia, Serbia and Romania. I would say that this qualifies as a "very large lake".

                                    The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch

                                    The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch, about 6 million years ago. The lake was about 500 km (300 miles) across. Map by user Panonian, available on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

                                    share|improve this answer






                                      An example: the Pannonian Sea

                                      The Pannonian Sea was an inland sea which existed for about 10 million years; during the last part of its existence it was isolated from the ocean. It covered most of the territory of modern country of Hungary, and large parts iof Croatia, Serbia and Romania. I would say that this qualifies as a "very large lake".

                                      The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch

                                      The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch, about 6 million years ago. The lake was about 500 km (300 miles) across. Map by user Panonian, available on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

                                      share|improve this answer


                                      An example: the Pannonian Sea

                                      The Pannonian Sea was an inland sea which existed for about 10 million years; during the last part of its existence it was isolated from the ocean. It covered most of the territory of modern country of Hungary, and large parts iof Croatia, Serbia and Romania. I would say that this qualifies as a "very large lake".

                                      The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch

                                      The Pannonian Sea during the Miocene Epoch, about 6 million years ago. The lake was about 500 km (300 miles) across. Map by user Panonian, available on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      answered 7 hours ago


                                      46.8k9 gold badges108 silver badges184 bronze badges

                                      46.8k9 gold badges108 silver badges184 bronze badges



                                          Hawaiian style!



                                          Hawaii is geologically a unique place on Earth because it is caused by
                                          a 'hot spot.' Most islands are found at tectonic plate boundaries
                                          either from spreading centers (like Iceland) or from subduction zones
                                          (like the Aleutian Islands). There are few 'hot spots' on Earth and
                                          the one under Hawaii is right in the middle of one of the largest
                                          crustal plates on Earth - the Pacific Plate. A geologic 'hot spot' is
                                          an area in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs. It is
                                          easy to geologically explain the volcanism at plate spreading centers
                                          and subduction zones but not as easy to explain a 'hot spot.' The
                                          molten magma breaks through the crustal plate (theories describe this
                                          as either from a weak/thin part of the plate or a particularly hot
                                          part of the molten magma)... If
                                          the hot spot is under the seafloor (as it is in Hawaii) it produces
                                          undersea volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes build up to the surface of
                                          the ocean and become islands. Over millions of years the plate may
                                          move across the 'hot spot' and the original volcano become extinct but
                                          a new volcano will begin to form in the area of the 'hot spot.'

                                          Your archipelago cannot be explained by plate tectonics; neither can the Hawaiian archipelago. You have a hot spot. Those islands are all volcanoes. They are tall, some of them. The hot spot has moved around, creating new volcanic islands as it did.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          • 2

                                            The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                            – Arkenstein XII
                                            6 hours ago



                                          Hawaiian style!



                                          Hawaii is geologically a unique place on Earth because it is caused by
                                          a 'hot spot.' Most islands are found at tectonic plate boundaries
                                          either from spreading centers (like Iceland) or from subduction zones
                                          (like the Aleutian Islands). There are few 'hot spots' on Earth and
                                          the one under Hawaii is right in the middle of one of the largest
                                          crustal plates on Earth - the Pacific Plate. A geologic 'hot spot' is
                                          an area in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs. It is
                                          easy to geologically explain the volcanism at plate spreading centers
                                          and subduction zones but not as easy to explain a 'hot spot.' The
                                          molten magma breaks through the crustal plate (theories describe this
                                          as either from a weak/thin part of the plate or a particularly hot
                                          part of the molten magma)... If
                                          the hot spot is under the seafloor (as it is in Hawaii) it produces
                                          undersea volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes build up to the surface of
                                          the ocean and become islands. Over millions of years the plate may
                                          move across the 'hot spot' and the original volcano become extinct but
                                          a new volcano will begin to form in the area of the 'hot spot.'

                                          Your archipelago cannot be explained by plate tectonics; neither can the Hawaiian archipelago. You have a hot spot. Those islands are all volcanoes. They are tall, some of them. The hot spot has moved around, creating new volcanic islands as it did.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          • 2

                                            The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                            – Arkenstein XII
                                            6 hours ago





                                          Hawaiian style!



                                          Hawaii is geologically a unique place on Earth because it is caused by
                                          a 'hot spot.' Most islands are found at tectonic plate boundaries
                                          either from spreading centers (like Iceland) or from subduction zones
                                          (like the Aleutian Islands). There are few 'hot spots' on Earth and
                                          the one under Hawaii is right in the middle of one of the largest
                                          crustal plates on Earth - the Pacific Plate. A geologic 'hot spot' is
                                          an area in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs. It is
                                          easy to geologically explain the volcanism at plate spreading centers
                                          and subduction zones but not as easy to explain a 'hot spot.' The
                                          molten magma breaks through the crustal plate (theories describe this
                                          as either from a weak/thin part of the plate or a particularly hot
                                          part of the molten magma)... If
                                          the hot spot is under the seafloor (as it is in Hawaii) it produces
                                          undersea volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes build up to the surface of
                                          the ocean and become islands. Over millions of years the plate may
                                          move across the 'hot spot' and the original volcano become extinct but
                                          a new volcano will begin to form in the area of the 'hot spot.'

                                          Your archipelago cannot be explained by plate tectonics; neither can the Hawaiian archipelago. You have a hot spot. Those islands are all volcanoes. They are tall, some of them. The hot spot has moved around, creating new volcanic islands as it did.

                                          share|improve this answer


                                          Hawaiian style!



                                          Hawaii is geologically a unique place on Earth because it is caused by
                                          a 'hot spot.' Most islands are found at tectonic plate boundaries
                                          either from spreading centers (like Iceland) or from subduction zones
                                          (like the Aleutian Islands). There are few 'hot spots' on Earth and
                                          the one under Hawaii is right in the middle of one of the largest
                                          crustal plates on Earth - the Pacific Plate. A geologic 'hot spot' is
                                          an area in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs. It is
                                          easy to geologically explain the volcanism at plate spreading centers
                                          and subduction zones but not as easy to explain a 'hot spot.' The
                                          molten magma breaks through the crustal plate (theories describe this
                                          as either from a weak/thin part of the plate or a particularly hot
                                          part of the molten magma)... If
                                          the hot spot is under the seafloor (as it is in Hawaii) it produces
                                          undersea volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes build up to the surface of
                                          the ocean and become islands. Over millions of years the plate may
                                          move across the 'hot spot' and the original volcano become extinct but
                                          a new volcano will begin to form in the area of the 'hot spot.'

                                          Your archipelago cannot be explained by plate tectonics; neither can the Hawaiian archipelago. You have a hot spot. Those islands are all volcanoes. They are tall, some of them. The hot spot has moved around, creating new volcanic islands as it did.

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          share|improve this answer

                                          answered 7 hours ago


                                          139k34 gold badges263 silver badges577 bronze badges

                                          139k34 gold badges263 silver badges577 bronze badges

                                          • 2

                                            The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                            – Arkenstein XII
                                            6 hours ago

                                          • 2

                                            The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                            – Arkenstein XII
                                            6 hours ago



                                          The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                          – Arkenstein XII
                                          6 hours ago

                                          The Hawaiian Archipelago is explained by plate tectonics. The hot spot does not move.
                                          – Arkenstein XII
                                          6 hours ago

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