name resolves doesn't work in chroot for users, but does for root The 2019 Stack Overflow...

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name resolves doesn't work in chroot for users, but does for root

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InSudo does not work in chrootSet up chroot for LDAP users in RHEL6IP access okay but ping doesn't workchroot permission denied! But I'm root!startx doesn't work with usersTrying to transplant bash to /mnt for chroot, what does bash want in order to work?Why does connecting using an ssh key fail with one host name but work with others?How to sandbox code in chroot for multiple users?Traceroute works (very slowly) but internet doesn't workSetting up logging for chroot users

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I've booted a live-cd in order to download, compile and install a few packages on a otherwise working system without actually booting said system.

I've created a build user on the system by issuing useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash builder

I then proceed to mounting my partition and a chroot environment:

# mount /dev/mapper/luksdev on /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
# mount -t proc /proc proc
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After this, I clone, chown and move into the project to build.

(chroot)# git clone /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# chown -R builder.builder /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# sudo -u builder -s
(chroot|builder ~)$ cd /home/builder/lighttpd2/
(chroot|builder lighttpd2)$ /usr/bin/makepkg -s --noconfirm

As root, I have no issues performing name lookups, so the git clone will work as inteded. But switching to any other user during the build process of this package (or if I run the git clone as non-root), I will get:

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

So I thought of doing simple ping check to isolate the issue. Doing ping works as root, but not as builder.
However, doing ping works for both root & builder.

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=2.03 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
ping: Name or service not known

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.97 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.98 ms

logically, I thought it has to do with the name resolutions for the specific user.. But doing:

(chroot)# nslookup

(chroot|builder)$ nslookup

Both users can do nslookup and shows that /etc/resolv.conf is present and works. But pinging a hostname or using any type of name-resolve tasks outside of nslookup/dig won't work:

(chroot|builder)$ python
>>> from socket import *
>>> s = socket()
>>> s.connect(('', 80))
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

I tried sticking solely to ping to keep things simple.

I've also tried making sure nothing's blocking my ping usage:

(chroot)# chown root:root /bin/ping; chmod u+srwx,go=rx /bin/ping
(chroot)# getcap /usr/bin/ping
/usr/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

But even then, I'm not allowed to ping using hostnames, but IP's still work.

(chroot|builder)$ strace ping
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EACCESS (Permission denied)
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
write(2, "ping: socket: Operation not perm"..., 38ping: socket: Operation not permitted)= 38

/home and /root are not mounted with nosuid either. Sadly, this is a VM so I can only supply a screenshot of it.

Since I'm trying ping from /home, I don't see a reason why this would cause the issue either. If I boot into the system, and do the exact same thing with the user I created during the live-cd boot.. I can ping hostnames.

At this point I mainly want to understand why some users can perform ping, lookups etc. And some don't during a chroot environment. I'm not sure where to debug/continue from here on in order to try and fix or understand the underlying problem. A couple of helpful souls over at IRC also tried to give a helping hand but we're all baffled.


I've narrowed it down to the mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run being the issue. It's the cause for whatever reason. If I try to ping after each mount command (at the start of the question), it stops right after /run is mounted.

enter image description here

share|improve this question

  • Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

    – LL3

  • 1

    Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

    – muru
    20 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

    – muru
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago


I've booted a live-cd in order to download, compile and install a few packages on a otherwise working system without actually booting said system.

I've created a build user on the system by issuing useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash builder

I then proceed to mounting my partition and a chroot environment:

# mount /dev/mapper/luksdev on /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
# mount -t proc /proc proc
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After this, I clone, chown and move into the project to build.

(chroot)# git clone /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# chown -R builder.builder /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# sudo -u builder -s
(chroot|builder ~)$ cd /home/builder/lighttpd2/
(chroot|builder lighttpd2)$ /usr/bin/makepkg -s --noconfirm

As root, I have no issues performing name lookups, so the git clone will work as inteded. But switching to any other user during the build process of this package (or if I run the git clone as non-root), I will get:

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

So I thought of doing simple ping check to isolate the issue. Doing ping works as root, but not as builder.
However, doing ping works for both root & builder.

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=2.03 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
ping: Name or service not known

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.97 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.98 ms

logically, I thought it has to do with the name resolutions for the specific user.. But doing:

(chroot)# nslookup

(chroot|builder)$ nslookup

Both users can do nslookup and shows that /etc/resolv.conf is present and works. But pinging a hostname or using any type of name-resolve tasks outside of nslookup/dig won't work:

(chroot|builder)$ python
>>> from socket import *
>>> s = socket()
>>> s.connect(('', 80))
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

I tried sticking solely to ping to keep things simple.

I've also tried making sure nothing's blocking my ping usage:

(chroot)# chown root:root /bin/ping; chmod u+srwx,go=rx /bin/ping
(chroot)# getcap /usr/bin/ping
/usr/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

But even then, I'm not allowed to ping using hostnames, but IP's still work.

(chroot|builder)$ strace ping
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EACCESS (Permission denied)
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
write(2, "ping: socket: Operation not perm"..., 38ping: socket: Operation not permitted)= 38

/home and /root are not mounted with nosuid either. Sadly, this is a VM so I can only supply a screenshot of it.

Since I'm trying ping from /home, I don't see a reason why this would cause the issue either. If I boot into the system, and do the exact same thing with the user I created during the live-cd boot.. I can ping hostnames.

At this point I mainly want to understand why some users can perform ping, lookups etc. And some don't during a chroot environment. I'm not sure where to debug/continue from here on in order to try and fix or understand the underlying problem. A couple of helpful souls over at IRC also tried to give a helping hand but we're all baffled.


I've narrowed it down to the mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run being the issue. It's the cause for whatever reason. If I try to ping after each mount command (at the start of the question), it stops right after /run is mounted.

enter image description here

share|improve this question

  • Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

    – LL3

  • 1

    Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

    – muru
    20 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

    – muru
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago





I've booted a live-cd in order to download, compile and install a few packages on a otherwise working system without actually booting said system.

I've created a build user on the system by issuing useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash builder

I then proceed to mounting my partition and a chroot environment:

# mount /dev/mapper/luksdev on /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
# mount -t proc /proc proc
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After this, I clone, chown and move into the project to build.

(chroot)# git clone /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# chown -R builder.builder /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# sudo -u builder -s
(chroot|builder ~)$ cd /home/builder/lighttpd2/
(chroot|builder lighttpd2)$ /usr/bin/makepkg -s --noconfirm

As root, I have no issues performing name lookups, so the git clone will work as inteded. But switching to any other user during the build process of this package (or if I run the git clone as non-root), I will get:

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

So I thought of doing simple ping check to isolate the issue. Doing ping works as root, but not as builder.
However, doing ping works for both root & builder.

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=2.03 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
ping: Name or service not known

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.97 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.98 ms

logically, I thought it has to do with the name resolutions for the specific user.. But doing:

(chroot)# nslookup

(chroot|builder)$ nslookup

Both users can do nslookup and shows that /etc/resolv.conf is present and works. But pinging a hostname or using any type of name-resolve tasks outside of nslookup/dig won't work:

(chroot|builder)$ python
>>> from socket import *
>>> s = socket()
>>> s.connect(('', 80))
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

I tried sticking solely to ping to keep things simple.

I've also tried making sure nothing's blocking my ping usage:

(chroot)# chown root:root /bin/ping; chmod u+srwx,go=rx /bin/ping
(chroot)# getcap /usr/bin/ping
/usr/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

But even then, I'm not allowed to ping using hostnames, but IP's still work.

(chroot|builder)$ strace ping
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EACCESS (Permission denied)
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
write(2, "ping: socket: Operation not perm"..., 38ping: socket: Operation not permitted)= 38

/home and /root are not mounted with nosuid either. Sadly, this is a VM so I can only supply a screenshot of it.

Since I'm trying ping from /home, I don't see a reason why this would cause the issue either. If I boot into the system, and do the exact same thing with the user I created during the live-cd boot.. I can ping hostnames.

At this point I mainly want to understand why some users can perform ping, lookups etc. And some don't during a chroot environment. I'm not sure where to debug/continue from here on in order to try and fix or understand the underlying problem. A couple of helpful souls over at IRC also tried to give a helping hand but we're all baffled.


I've narrowed it down to the mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run being the issue. It's the cause for whatever reason. If I try to ping after each mount command (at the start of the question), it stops right after /run is mounted.

enter image description here

share|improve this question

I've booted a live-cd in order to download, compile and install a few packages on a otherwise working system without actually booting said system.

I've created a build user on the system by issuing useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash builder

I then proceed to mounting my partition and a chroot environment:

# mount /dev/mapper/luksdev on /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
# mount -t proc /proc proc
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev
# mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

After this, I clone, chown and move into the project to build.

(chroot)# git clone /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# chown -R builder.builder /home/builder/lighttpd2
(chroot)# sudo -u builder -s
(chroot|builder ~)$ cd /home/builder/lighttpd2/
(chroot|builder lighttpd2)$ /usr/bin/makepkg -s --noconfirm

As root, I have no issues performing name lookups, so the git clone will work as inteded. But switching to any other user during the build process of this package (or if I run the git clone as non-root), I will get:

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

So I thought of doing simple ping check to isolate the issue. Doing ping works as root, but not as builder.
However, doing ping works for both root & builder.

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=2.03 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
ping: Name or service not known

(chroot)# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.97 ms

(chroot|builder)$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=121 time=1.98 ms

logically, I thought it has to do with the name resolutions for the specific user.. But doing:

(chroot)# nslookup

(chroot|builder)$ nslookup

Both users can do nslookup and shows that /etc/resolv.conf is present and works. But pinging a hostname or using any type of name-resolve tasks outside of nslookup/dig won't work:

(chroot|builder)$ python
>>> from socket import *
>>> s = socket()
>>> s.connect(('', 80))
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

I tried sticking solely to ping to keep things simple.

I've also tried making sure nothing's blocking my ping usage:

(chroot)# chown root:root /bin/ping; chmod u+srwx,go=rx /bin/ping
(chroot)# getcap /usr/bin/ping
/usr/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

But even then, I'm not allowed to ping using hostnames, but IP's still work.

(chroot|builder)$ strace ping
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EACCESS (Permission denied)
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
write(2, "ping: socket: Operation not perm"..., 38ping: socket: Operation not permitted)= 38

/home and /root are not mounted with nosuid either. Sadly, this is a VM so I can only supply a screenshot of it.

Since I'm trying ping from /home, I don't see a reason why this would cause the issue either. If I boot into the system, and do the exact same thing with the user I created during the live-cd boot.. I can ping hostnames.

At this point I mainly want to understand why some users can perform ping, lookups etc. And some don't during a chroot environment. I'm not sure where to debug/continue from here on in order to try and fix or understand the underlying problem. A couple of helpful souls over at IRC also tried to give a helping hand but we're all baffled.


I've narrowed it down to the mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run being the issue. It's the cause for whatever reason. If I try to ping after each mount command (at the start of the question), it stops right after /run is mounted.

enter image description here

linux arch-linux chroot ping hostname

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 20 hours ago


asked yesterday




  • Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

    – LL3

  • 1

    Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

    – muru
    20 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

    – muru
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

  • Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

    – LL3

  • 1

    Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

    – muru
    20 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

    – muru
    19 hours ago

  • 1

    @muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

    – Torxed
    19 hours ago

Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

– LL3

Which live-cd distribution are you using? Does it possibly have an Linux Security Module in place? Like SELinux or apparmor for instance

– LL3



Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

– muru
20 hours ago

Instead of a chroot, what happens if you use systemd-nspawn to start a container in it?

– muru
20 hours ago



@muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

– Torxed
19 hours ago

@muru That works. I used systemd-nspawn -D /mnt --machine test, seeing as I've never used systemd-nspawn I'd greatly appreciate it if I got any pointers if that's the wrong way of doing it. /run is empty when doing this with the exception of systemd being in there. But it sure works.

– Torxed
19 hours ago



@Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

– muru
19 hours ago

@Torxed that's pretty much how I use it too (except I may add -b if I want some service within the chroot to start as well, but you probably don't need it). I gave up on messing around with mounts and networking with chroot and switched to systemd-nspawn because of problems like this.

– muru
19 hours ago



@muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

– Torxed
19 hours ago

@muru I'm starting to feel the pain and understand why you did. I suggest you do a write-up on the solution. I'll mark it as a appropriate answer in a day or two if no one else has an answer to the original problem of why this happens.

– Torxed
19 hours ago





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