How to decide whether an eshop is safe or compromisedWhat does this Https - “not fully secure” warning...

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How to decide whether an eshop is safe or compromised

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So, I am having this issue where I want to buy a specific wacom product but their online store and, even though it is being accessed through https, does not convince my firefox that it's safe.

Firefox reporting that the connection is not secure

The actual wacom homepage shows up with a proper green lock and is verified by godaddy. Their eshop is under the same domain but the godaddy verification is missing.

My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening, how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's, and ultimately, is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

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New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 23

    Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

    – user
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

    – user1

  • As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

    – Wildcard


So, I am having this issue where I want to buy a specific wacom product but their online store and, even though it is being accessed through https, does not convince my firefox that it's safe.

Firefox reporting that the connection is not secure

The actual wacom homepage shows up with a proper green lock and is verified by godaddy. Their eshop is under the same domain but the godaddy verification is missing.

My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening, how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's, and ultimately, is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

share|improve this question

New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 23

    Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

    – user
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

    – user1

  • As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

    – Wildcard





So, I am having this issue where I want to buy a specific wacom product but their online store and, even though it is being accessed through https, does not convince my firefox that it's safe.

Firefox reporting that the connection is not secure

The actual wacom homepage shows up with a proper green lock and is verified by godaddy. Their eshop is under the same domain but the godaddy verification is missing.

My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening, how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's, and ultimately, is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

share|improve this question

New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

So, I am having this issue where I want to buy a specific wacom product but their online store and, even though it is being accessed through https, does not convince my firefox that it's safe.

Firefox reporting that the connection is not secure

The actual wacom homepage shows up with a proper green lock and is verified by godaddy. Their eshop is under the same domain but the godaddy verification is missing.

My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening, how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's, and ultimately, is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

tls web-browser

share|improve this question

New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 2 days ago


New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 2 days ago


1661 silver badge6 bronze badges

1661 silver badge6 bronze badges

New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Eternal_Light is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 23

    Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

    – user
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

    – user1

  • As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

    – Wildcard

  • 23

    Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

    – user
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

    – user1

  • As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

    – Wildcard



Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

– user
2 days ago

Just an FYI, if a site was compromised and modified (not redirected to another malicious site), it will still show a green "secure" icon since those certificate checks only verify the certificate and URL.

– user
2 days ago



Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

– user1

Similar issue to… but a different warning as its a different web browser. But fundamentally the same issue

– user1

As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

– Wildcard

As an additional safeguard, many credit cards and banks now offer virtual account numbers, sometimes called “ShopSafe” or similar. You log into your account online and generate a disposable credit card number to use for a single purchase or a single recurring purchase, for a specified amount. If the number is later compromised it won’t matter.

– Wildcard

3 Answers





On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https. This can be solved by installing HTTPS Everywhere and turning on "Encrypt All Sites Eligible":

enter image description here

The gray padlock means all resources are served securely. So the webstore is most likely not compromised. They are still using an outdated cipher based on CBC and SHA1, so a nation-state power might still be able to intercept or even MITM the connection.

share|improve this answer

  • HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago

  • @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

  • 5

    @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

    – AndrolGenhald
    2 days ago

  • 1

    You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago

  • 1

    If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago


My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening

This is known as mixed-content,where the page is loaded with HTTPS,while some parts(images) are loaded via Insecure HTTP.

how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's

As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way is to use HTTPS everywhere and visit the correct URL or else the HTTP can be MITM and the response returned could itself be a phishing page.

NOTE:-This answer ignores all the other web/browser vulnerabilities.

is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

Well they probably redirect you to a different website when its time to pay which might use HTTPS.Apart from that images can be tampered with in a MITM situation.The most an attacker can do is

Attackers may be able to manipulate parts of the page, for example, by
displaying misleading or inappropriate content, but they should not be
able to steal your personal data from the site.

share|improve this answer

  • This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

  • Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

  • @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

    – Vipul Nair
    2 days ago


On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https

Let me continue from that. Firefox says it's not 100% secure because it's loading unprotected content. I would say, naively... it's 95% secure

Now, it doesn't mean the site is not legitimate, but perhaps misconfigured. If you buy today from that site, it's not likely that you are paying a scammer pretending to be Wacom, but see later.

On the contrary, unprotected content served over http can be a danger to Wacom themselves who did not configure their store correctly.

Apart from what government-level attackers can do, here are some examples of what a real attacker can do on a MitM attack over plain old http:

  • Images served over http may display something else than the product you are going to buy

  • Javascript (and possibly CSS) served over http can be altered and cause any possible harm, including sniffing your credit card number

  • Iframes served over http can be altered and cause a number of damages, but probably not sniff your CC number (correct me if I am wrong)

Of course I am speaking from a more protocol-theoretical PoV.


how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's?

Yes, they are them. The site is not compromised, but vulnerable

is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it

Probably from your home network. I would always avoid sensitive browsing over public wifis or Tor without proper encryption

share|improve this answer

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    3 Answers




    3 Answers











    On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https. This can be solved by installing HTTPS Everywhere and turning on "Encrypt All Sites Eligible":

    enter image description here

    The gray padlock means all resources are served securely. So the webstore is most likely not compromised. They are still using an outdated cipher based on CBC and SHA1, so a nation-state power might still be able to intercept or even MITM the connection.

    share|improve this answer

    • HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • 5

      @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

      – AndrolGenhald
      2 days ago

    • 1

      You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • 1

      If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago


    On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https. This can be solved by installing HTTPS Everywhere and turning on "Encrypt All Sites Eligible":

    enter image description here

    The gray padlock means all resources are served securely. So the webstore is most likely not compromised. They are still using an outdated cipher based on CBC and SHA1, so a nation-state power might still be able to intercept or even MITM the connection.

    share|improve this answer

    • HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • 5

      @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

      – AndrolGenhald
      2 days ago

    • 1

      You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • 1

      If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago




    On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https. This can be solved by installing HTTPS Everywhere and turning on "Encrypt All Sites Eligible":

    enter image description here

    The gray padlock means all resources are served securely. So the webstore is most likely not compromised. They are still using an outdated cipher based on CBC and SHA1, so a nation-state power might still be able to intercept or even MITM the connection.

    share|improve this answer

    On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https. This can be solved by installing HTTPS Everywhere and turning on "Encrypt All Sites Eligible":

    enter image description here

    The gray padlock means all resources are served securely. So the webstore is most likely not compromised. They are still using an outdated cipher based on CBC and SHA1, so a nation-state power might still be able to intercept or even MITM the connection.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 2 days ago

    answered 2 days ago


    6543 silver badges11 bronze badges

    6543 silver badges11 bronze badges

    • HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • 5

      @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

      – AndrolGenhald
      2 days ago

    • 1

      You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • 1

      If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • 5

      @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

      – AndrolGenhald
      2 days ago

    • 1

      You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

      – A. Hersean
      2 days ago

    • 1

      If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago

    HTTPS Everywhere uses a whitelist approach, which is inherently flawed. I would instead recommend "Smart HTTPS" or any other addon that enforce HTTPS really everywhere (then fallback on HTTP on issues).

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago

    @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    @A.Hersean I don't know about the Firefox version, but the chrome version only seems to work for url-bar urls, not image loads or fetch requests. That kind of defeats the point :(

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago



    @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

    – AndrolGenhald
    2 days ago

    @A.Hersean HTTPS Everywhere does have a "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" mode that requires an explicit confirmation before allowing unencrypted requests, but it is off by default so it should probably be mentioned in the answer.

    – AndrolGenhald
    2 days ago



    You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago

    You're right Smart HTTPS does not block image loads over HTTP, but I have another extension that blocks them, so I didn't mind. I tried "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" in the drop down menu of the addon: it's a new feature I didn't know, and it appears to work as intended. I agree with @AndrolGenhald : it should be mentioned in the answer.

    – A. Hersean
    2 days ago



    If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    If this scenario occurs, all active and active mixed content will be blocked. The only passive content allowed via http will be (from <img>, <audio> and <video> src tags, and <object> subresources. So no stylesheets or fetch requests etc. will be allowed via http

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago


    My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening

    This is known as mixed-content,where the page is loaded with HTTPS,while some parts(images) are loaded via Insecure HTTP.

    how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's

    As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way is to use HTTPS everywhere and visit the correct URL or else the HTTP can be MITM and the response returned could itself be a phishing page.

    NOTE:-This answer ignores all the other web/browser vulnerabilities.

    is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

    Well they probably redirect you to a different website when its time to pay which might use HTTPS.Apart from that images can be tampered with in a MITM situation.The most an attacker can do is

    Attackers may be able to manipulate parts of the page, for example, by
    displaying misleading or inappropriate content, but they should not be
    able to steal your personal data from the site.

    share|improve this answer

    • This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

      – Vipul Nair
      2 days ago


    My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening

    This is known as mixed-content,where the page is loaded with HTTPS,while some parts(images) are loaded via Insecure HTTP.

    how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's

    As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way is to use HTTPS everywhere and visit the correct URL or else the HTTP can be MITM and the response returned could itself be a phishing page.

    NOTE:-This answer ignores all the other web/browser vulnerabilities.

    is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

    Well they probably redirect you to a different website when its time to pay which might use HTTPS.Apart from that images can be tampered with in a MITM situation.The most an attacker can do is

    Attackers may be able to manipulate parts of the page, for example, by
    displaying misleading or inappropriate content, but they should not be
    able to steal your personal data from the site.

    share|improve this answer

    • This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

      – Vipul Nair
      2 days ago




    My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening

    This is known as mixed-content,where the page is loaded with HTTPS,while some parts(images) are loaded via Insecure HTTP.

    how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's

    As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way is to use HTTPS everywhere and visit the correct URL or else the HTTP can be MITM and the response returned could itself be a phishing page.

    NOTE:-This answer ignores all the other web/browser vulnerabilities.

    is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

    Well they probably redirect you to a different website when its time to pay which might use HTTPS.Apart from that images can be tampered with in a MITM situation.The most an attacker can do is

    Attackers may be able to manipulate parts of the page, for example, by
    displaying misleading or inappropriate content, but they should not be
    able to steal your personal data from the site.

    share|improve this answer

    My questions are, why is this inconsistency happening

    This is known as mixed-content,where the page is loaded with HTTPS,while some parts(images) are loaded via Insecure HTTP.

    how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's

    As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way is to use HTTPS everywhere and visit the correct URL or else the HTTP can be MITM and the response returned could itself be a phishing page.

    NOTE:-This answer ignores all the other web/browser vulnerabilities.

    is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it?

    Well they probably redirect you to a different website when its time to pay which might use HTTPS.Apart from that images can be tampered with in a MITM situation.The most an attacker can do is

    Attackers may be able to manipulate parts of the page, for example, by
    displaying misleading or inappropriate content, but they should not be
    able to steal your personal data from the site.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 2 days ago

    answered 2 days ago

    Vipul NairVipul Nair

    2,0871 gold badge6 silver badges23 bronze badges

    2,0871 gold badge6 silver badges23 bronze badges

    • This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

      – Vipul Nair
      2 days ago

    • This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

      – Jenessa
      2 days ago

    • @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

      – Vipul Nair
      2 days ago

    This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    This answer has some problems, for example "As long as your system has not been compromised then the only way to know is to visit the correct URL.For ex you know google is at" is not true if Google doesn't use HSTS Preloading and you're visiting for the first time

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    Phishing usually have different urls. But if was being MITM'd (due to disfunctional https), it could be a phising site while still having a legitimate url right? So just checking the url is not enough

    – Jenessa
    2 days ago

    @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

    – Vipul Nair
    2 days ago

    @Jenessa i understood your point and edited.

    – Vipul Nair
    2 days ago


    On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https

    Let me continue from that. Firefox says it's not 100% secure because it's loading unprotected content. I would say, naively... it's 95% secure

    Now, it doesn't mean the site is not legitimate, but perhaps misconfigured. If you buy today from that site, it's not likely that you are paying a scammer pretending to be Wacom, but see later.

    On the contrary, unprotected content served over http can be a danger to Wacom themselves who did not configure their store correctly.

    Apart from what government-level attackers can do, here are some examples of what a real attacker can do on a MitM attack over plain old http:

    • Images served over http may display something else than the product you are going to buy

    • Javascript (and possibly CSS) served over http can be altered and cause any possible harm, including sniffing your credit card number

    • Iframes served over http can be altered and cause a number of damages, but probably not sniff your CC number (correct me if I am wrong)

    Of course I am speaking from a more protocol-theoretical PoV.


    how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's?

    Yes, they are them. The site is not compromised, but vulnerable

    is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it

    Probably from your home network. I would always avoid sensitive browsing over public wifis or Tor without proper encryption

    share|improve this answer


      On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https

      Let me continue from that. Firefox says it's not 100% secure because it's loading unprotected content. I would say, naively... it's 95% secure

      Now, it doesn't mean the site is not legitimate, but perhaps misconfigured. If you buy today from that site, it's not likely that you are paying a scammer pretending to be Wacom, but see later.

      On the contrary, unprotected content served over http can be a danger to Wacom themselves who did not configure their store correctly.

      Apart from what government-level attackers can do, here are some examples of what a real attacker can do on a MitM attack over plain old http:

      • Images served over http may display something else than the product you are going to buy

      • Javascript (and possibly CSS) served over http can be altered and cause any possible harm, including sniffing your credit card number

      • Iframes served over http can be altered and cause a number of damages, but probably not sniff your CC number (correct me if I am wrong)

      Of course I am speaking from a more protocol-theoretical PoV.


      how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's?

      Yes, they are them. The site is not compromised, but vulnerable

      is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it

      Probably from your home network. I would always avoid sensitive browsing over public wifis or Tor without proper encryption

      share|improve this answer




        On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https

        Let me continue from that. Firefox says it's not 100% secure because it's loading unprotected content. I would say, naively... it's 95% secure

        Now, it doesn't mean the site is not legitimate, but perhaps misconfigured. If you buy today from that site, it's not likely that you are paying a scammer pretending to be Wacom, but see later.

        On the contrary, unprotected content served over http can be a danger to Wacom themselves who did not configure their store correctly.

        Apart from what government-level attackers can do, here are some examples of what a real attacker can do on a MitM attack over plain old http:

        • Images served over http may display something else than the product you are going to buy

        • Javascript (and possibly CSS) served over http can be altered and cause any possible harm, including sniffing your credit card number

        • Iframes served over http can be altered and cause a number of damages, but probably not sniff your CC number (correct me if I am wrong)

        Of course I am speaking from a more protocol-theoretical PoV.


        how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's?

        Yes, they are them. The site is not compromised, but vulnerable

        is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it

        Probably from your home network. I would always avoid sensitive browsing over public wifis or Tor without proper encryption

        share|improve this answer

        On, some images from their Amazon CDN are requested over http instead of https

        Let me continue from that. Firefox says it's not 100% secure because it's loading unprotected content. I would say, naively... it's 95% secure

        Now, it doesn't mean the site is not legitimate, but perhaps misconfigured. If you buy today from that site, it's not likely that you are paying a scammer pretending to be Wacom, but see later.

        On the contrary, unprotected content served over http can be a danger to Wacom themselves who did not configure their store correctly.

        Apart from what government-level attackers can do, here are some examples of what a real attacker can do on a MitM attack over plain old http:

        • Images served over http may display something else than the product you are going to buy

        • Javascript (and possibly CSS) served over http can be altered and cause any possible harm, including sniffing your credit card number

        • Iframes served over http can be altered and cause a number of damages, but probably not sniff your CC number (correct me if I am wrong)

        Of course I am speaking from a more protocol-theoretical PoV.


        how can I verify that the store page is indeed wacom's?

        Yes, they are them. The site is not compromised, but vulnerable

        is it safe for me to purchase stuff with my card through it

        Probably from your home network. I would always avoid sensitive browsing over public wifis or Tor without proper encryption

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited yesterday

        answered 2 days ago


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