How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work?How to invite a coworker I'm...

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How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work?

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How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work?

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I have a colleague of mine at work. He's just my peer, not my boss or a higher rank, I do not report to him in any way.

When I'm late for work (for different, sometimes very personal reasons), he asks questions "why are you late to work? what's your reason?"

How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work? I gave him a clear answer many times, that I don't want this question to be asked, and that it's not his business anyway.

But he still does so, sometimes in a very provocative and sarcastic manner.

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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 8

    How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

    – scohe001
    2 days ago

  • 1

    When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

    – spacetyper
    2 days ago

  • 3

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    – Em C


I have a colleague of mine at work. He's just my peer, not my boss or a higher rank, I do not report to him in any way.

When I'm late for work (for different, sometimes very personal reasons), he asks questions "why are you late to work? what's your reason?"

How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work? I gave him a clear answer many times, that I don't want this question to be asked, and that it's not his business anyway.

But he still does so, sometimes in a very provocative and sarcastic manner.

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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 8

    How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

    – scohe001
    2 days ago

  • 1

    When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

    – spacetyper
    2 days ago

  • 3

    Hello network visitors! Please note that IPS is fairly strict about using comments as intended. Comments are only for clarifying and improving the question. Partial answers or general thoughts about the situation may be deleted without notice. If you'd like to write an answer, make sure to check out our posts on How do I write a good answer? and citation expectations first. Thanks!

    – Em C





I have a colleague of mine at work. He's just my peer, not my boss or a higher rank, I do not report to him in any way.

When I'm late for work (for different, sometimes very personal reasons), he asks questions "why are you late to work? what's your reason?"

How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work? I gave him a clear answer many times, that I don't want this question to be asked, and that it's not his business anyway.

But he still does so, sometimes in a very provocative and sarcastic manner.

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New contributor

PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I have a colleague of mine at work. He's just my peer, not my boss or a higher rank, I do not report to him in any way.

When I'm late for work (for different, sometimes very personal reasons), he asks questions "why are you late to work? what's your reason?"

How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don't work? I gave him a clear answer many times, that I don't want this question to be asked, and that it's not his business anyway.

But he still does so, sometimes in a very provocative and sarcastic manner.

work-environment saying-no coworkers

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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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PaulD is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 8

    How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

    – scohe001
    2 days ago

  • 1

    When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

    – spacetyper
    2 days ago

  • 3

    Hello network visitors! Please note that IPS is fairly strict about using comments as intended. Comments are only for clarifying and improving the question. Partial answers or general thoughts about the situation may be deleted without notice. If you'd like to write an answer, make sure to check out our posts on How do I write a good answer? and citation expectations first. Thanks!

    – Em C

  • 8

    How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

    – scohe001
    2 days ago

  • 1

    When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

    – spacetyper
    2 days ago

  • 3

    Hello network visitors! Please note that IPS is fairly strict about using comments as intended. Comments are only for clarifying and improving the question. Partial answers or general thoughts about the situation may be deleted without notice. If you'd like to write an answer, make sure to check out our posts on How do I write a good answer? and citation expectations first. Thanks!

    – Em C



How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

– scohe001
2 days ago

How did the conversation go when you "gave him a clear answer" and told him you "don't want this question to be asked?" How did he respond to that?

– scohe001
2 days ago



When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

– spacetyper
2 days ago

When you say a colleague with whom you don't work, it seems like a bit of an oxymoron. Do you mean for whom you don't work? Or do you mean that they're an employee at your company but you don't interact at all for professional tasks?

– spacetyper
2 days ago



Hello network visitors! Please note that IPS is fairly strict about using comments as intended. Comments are only for clarifying and improving the question. Partial answers or general thoughts about the situation may be deleted without notice. If you'd like to write an answer, make sure to check out our posts on How do I write a good answer? and citation expectations first. Thanks!

– Em C

Hello network visitors! Please note that IPS is fairly strict about using comments as intended. Comments are only for clarifying and improving the question. Partial answers or general thoughts about the situation may be deleted without notice. If you'd like to write an answer, make sure to check out our posts on How do I write a good answer? and citation expectations first. Thanks!

– Em C

7 Answers





As a woman who used to tend bar, I've dealt with a lot of intrusive questions at work, mostly from customers. A lot of men want to take home the bartender and many of them can be quite pushy about it. Off the clock, I could just walk away from guys like this, but at work I had to be polite in rejecting these advances and it was sometimes pretty difficult. If I said I had a boyfriend, they wanted to know if I loved him, if he was good to me, if he was there that night. If I plainly said I wasn't interested, they wanted to know why not, did I dislike all guys who were (insert characteristic here), maybe I just needed to get to know him better. It was exhausting and it took up a ton of time. I finally hit upon the solution with a simple phrase,

No thank you.

It's simple, polite, and it offers no in-roads for follow-up questions. If a guy did want to ask follow-up questions, I would just keep repeating "No thank you," until he gave up. It was extremely effective.

You have to offer a little more, because you see this guy every day, but the point is to give him nothing to latch on to. He's on an information starvation diet from now on.
Next time this colleague asks why you were late, you can simply answer,

I discussed it with (supervisor). It's nothing for you to concern yourself with.

Obviously you can modify the first sentence (or drop it entirely) to suit the realities of how lateness is handled in your office. But the second one is crucial.

This guy will no doubt have follow up questions. Here's the tricky part: don't offer anything else. Just keep repeating the above two sentences. Build a stone wall out of them. You can make variations ("You don't need to worry about it." "Thanks for your concern, but everything's ok.") But don't expand on anything. Don't offer more information.

You might feel like you are being rude or behaving strangely while doing this; remind yourself that it is, in fact, your coworker who is being rude. Repeat this any time he takes an intrusive interest in you. After getting frustrated a few times, he should stop asking.

share|improve this answer


    Obviously, he isn't asking because he cares about the answer. He is trying to put you at a disadvantage. You don't owe him an answer, and when you do answer him or try to defend yourself it will probably just encourage him. If I had a guess, I'd say he feels threatened by you for some reason. It may be you specifically, and it may just be his personality. There are people who are paranoid and feel threatened by everyone around them, and they often try to assert superiority by putting others on the defensive or making them lose their tempers.

    Nothing says "I'm not playing your game" like a smile and a shrug. Maybe "nothing serious, thanks for asking" or, some other non-committal answer. If he is persistently pushy, you might try "I'm sure my boss appreciates your desire to look out for the company's interests. I'll be sure to mention it at our next meeting.", always with a pleasant smile.

    Once he realizes that he can't dominate or get a rise out of you, he should back off. If he doesn't, it may be time to let your manager deal with him. The sarcastic and provocative behavior is harassment, and offices take it more seriously these days.

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

      – gidds
      2 days ago

    • @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

      – Sir Jane

    • 1

      Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

      – Ælis
      7 hours ago


    But he still does so, sometines in very provocative and sarcastic manner.

    I've been through this too. I hated it (and still do) and it annoyed me to the point I was rude. Instantly rude, "[ self-censored ]" (won't write the words here, of course, but you get the idea...). Far above what was certainly needed at that time. And I have never heard of him anymore, but I had an enemy at the workplace. No more problem with him, but bad reputation for "having an attitude, can't take a joke, and so on...". No need to tell you that what I had done was too much, like "killing a fly with a sledghammer". Bad idea. I needed to find a better way...

    Second time (years later, another company, but same kind of know-it-all-and-above-all-funny-jerk), I wanted another approach, and used a similar technic: provocative and sarcastic.

    When the guy asked his question, I first ignored him and walked by. Second time, I stopped right away, stood up in front of him, hands in my back (like you do in the Army, when you report to someone), my gaze fixed in front of me, and said: "My name is PaulD - Front-end developer at Company X - SSN 772-00-1324" (1). Repeat as needed anytime they say something or ask a question. They'll give up and move on. At one point, they will, believe me. The best is when some people are listening / watching. End with a smile, a wink, turn back and walk... :)

    You act like a POW and won't answer any question, just calling The Geneva Convention. With creativity, you can also invoke Miranda warning or The Fifth Amendment or any other private/legal/human right from your country. And use it in a funny way to dismiss their questions. Your message is really clear here! No matter what you ask, the only thing you'll get is that answer.

    I did that the second time, and it was much better, as I was seen at the funniest guy (of the two 2) by other staff members, who laughed. Some of them even said they never dared to answer, but considered his behavior like bullying. Anyway, for me, the result was the same, the "smart guy" left me alone, but it was not because I used a nuclear option. Much better ;)

    I've never found another way, but have to warn you that you won't make friends that way. You need to set boundaries in one way or another, I (sadly) never achieved that the smooth way, because they usually don't take "no" as an answer. But you can stop them by returning the gun against them.

    1: stands for "Social Security Number" (772 is an unused sequence - 00 is never used therefore this number can't by anyone's)2: no need to say that I was indeed the funniest of the whole team, of course :D

    share|improve this answer


      I was going to add this as a comment on IAntoniazzi's answer since it's very similar, but apparently that takes some reputation I don't have.

      A possible alternative to the phrasing offered in that answer that offers even less information but maintains professionalism and courtesy on your part:

      "Good morning, Bob!"

      Then you continue on your way or engage your work, and offer no more. Eventually he'll get bored of badgering you if this is all he'll ever get from you.

      I've used this response in many scenarios where I get any sort of question or comment upon first interaction that crosses a line, and almost always it results in the person getting the message: you're not interested in answering that question. On the rare occasion the person followed me or continued to attempt to engage, a simple repetition (possibly with slight inflection of sarcasm) worked wonders. This process looks professional and deflects the issue entirely onto them. If, on the off chance you get a super stubborn person that continues to badger, then you have a different problem all together.

      share|improve this answer

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      ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        What kind of situation is this? Do you work in the same room or otherwise near each other or are you just walking past him and he starts asking questions? Or does he come to you? If it is a passing moment you are better off making it as short as possible and avoid making it an exchange. Avoid responding question with a question or giving him an answer he can hang on to. If your workplaces are near simply walking past with minimal interaction is not possible so you need to make a comment and not answer his questions.

        In the first case I'd just respond with good morning jeff or something else like it. You can adjust this answer with your voice. If you say it with annoyed voice you get a different effect than if you use normal voice. If he wants to keep going you can also say things like I don't have time for chitchat now. If he asks questions with nasty voice you can also ask is he ok or ask him to repeat it. Then ask why he is making the sarcastic voices.

        Make him aware of what he is doing and don't let him get away with it. Don't make it argument but make it an inquiry. After all you are interested why is he asking these questions and making them is sarcastic voices. His motives could be teasing and bullying and if you give him easy answers he gets off of you being an easy target. If you start asking leading questions (why are you asking, who made you the boss) you get him on the defensive which won't work either. If you respond to loaded question with why do you care you put yourself to defensive which is not useful either.

        Being professional and avoiding dropping down to his level is your best strategy. He has no business asking you those questions but you have valid reasons to ask him why is he making those remarks. If he is bully make yourself a hard target and if he is nosy be professional so he gets nothing out of it and that he knows he is not going to get anything either.

        share|improve this answer

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        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          I have not had this specific experience but I've experienced similar situations along the way (I'm 68) - in similar situations "Over The Top" humour* can work.

          The aim, while being non-combative and non-confrontational, is to provide a non-answer-answer that is manifestly ludicrous and which tells them that you can handle their style, that you are not going to tell them anything useful and that they are liable to look silly if they persist.

          • Sorry, I had to sign an NDA*

          • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

          Or, if that may sound too like a real threat, then

          • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself.

          • Have you any idea how hard it is to find a phonebooth to change out of your [superhero of choice] costume at this time of day?

          • "Do YOU KNOW where I've been?" (loud, stage whisper).

            'No.' (what else can he say?)

            "Good." Smile. Walk off.

          • ...

          You may want to find a drop-back repeat answer if they DO persist.

          "I had to sign an NDA" may be useful in that role.

          *NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement.


          To the "Why the [expletives deleted] did you do that" query when what you did is reasonable, fully defensible and/or none of their business: A concise explanation - followed by -
          "Please don't mistake an explanation for an apology".
          This can probably be used, at most, once per person, doesn't make you any friends, and is best left for extreme cases where you wish to make the point badly enough that the fallout is "worthwhile". I have used that on a very very dew occasions - and from memory I may seek to soften it with a smile and relaxed style - it's been so long since I've used it that memory dims. [I left 'corporate life' after 23 years for self employment, 25+ years ago, and have not used it in that time]. To someone attempting to put you in your place, with no right to be acting as they are, it can be devastating. But may not be :-).


          I have used the "then I'd have to kill you" / me lines and the NDA line on a number of occasions. The NDA line is sometimes even true :-).

          Specific examples are not overly relevant (and I'd have to actually dredge some up**) BUT these are genuinely answers that I've used.

          My aim is to convert the situation to one of flippancy.

          If the inquirer has no right to ask, and/or no genuine concern and/or is clearly just attempting to play alpha-male/dominance/ ... games then the flippant answer largely removes their traction. They can try again - but they are building on a foundation of 'stupidity'. I'm not suggesting that this is appropriate where the query has a legitimate basis.

          *Antipodean humour = humor.

          ** And then, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

          [[I once made $US15,000 from an idea I had based on clearing rotting carpet from a pile in my driveway - I'd love to tell you how but I had to sign an NDA]][A genuine case :-) ].

          share|improve this answer


            There's a couple things that could be going on here.

            This person might be on the Autism spectrum and doesn't realize this line of questioning is rude or uncomfortable for you. It may be their way of being interested in you. Whether that's as a friend or more is only to be determined after getting to know this person. I'm not exactly neuro-typical, but I've been questioned by genuinely autistic people and they can ask some very direct and personal question simply by being curious, without knowing what boundaries are.

            Yes, nero-typicals could just be nosy, too, and trying to see what "excuse" you have "today". I've dealt with some of these people by putting a question back on them, "why do you want to know?". If you ask this as if you really want an answer, and not just a brush off, you can put them in a corner where they have to make something up on the fly that sounds good, which it most likely won't. Unless someone has asked them this question before, anything they answer will sound hollow or creepy as they stumble over their words. This alone will probably keep them from asking you again in the future.

            If they are ready for your question, you can still answer something generic like "I had personal stuff to take care of" or "traffic was particularly thick today", then immediately getting to work and ignoring them until they go away. A white lie like this is so boring they aren't likely to keep asking.

            A truly nosy busybody will keep asking, though. I've dealt with these people by getting to my desk before they can intercept me and putting headphones on, then pretending that I'm engrossed in my work and can't hear them. If they still try to get answers, say that you're trying to get some work done and can't talk right then. You can also go with a bit more pressing question of "why does it matter to you?" Whatever their answer is, you can say that you've already talked to your boss and they're either fine with it or have already scolded you for it. At this point, being a little bit rude to them might put them off asking further questions.

            As always, at any time you can talk to your boss/manager/team lead with how annoying this person is. They might not be able to do anything about it right away, but you at least have it on the record. This way, if they do report you to your boss for being rude to them, your report will be recorded first. Your boss might also be ready for their report and be able to scold them for pestering you.

            This all depends on office policies, politics, and general culture. You might not have headphones, so that might not work. You might also have an open floor plan, so ignoring someone isn't as easy. You boss might already know about Nosy Nancy, so bringing it up might be all it takes to get them scolded. Or the boss knows there's nothing they can do about it, due to this happening in the past and nothing changing.

            There's a minimal chance they are genuinely interested in your health and want to make sure you are OK. This could be someone who actually cares about people or someone interested in you for a romantic relationship. Both are unfortunately unlikely, but there's a greater than zero chance it could happen, while also less than maybe a 5% chance of either being true.

            Good luck. I hope you figure out something that works.

            share|improve this answer

            • 4

              I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

              – avazula
              18 hours ago

            • 1

              @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

              – computercarguy
              10 hours ago

            • Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

              – avazula
              7 hours ago

            • @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

              – computercarguy
              7 hours ago

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            7 Answers











            As a woman who used to tend bar, I've dealt with a lot of intrusive questions at work, mostly from customers. A lot of men want to take home the bartender and many of them can be quite pushy about it. Off the clock, I could just walk away from guys like this, but at work I had to be polite in rejecting these advances and it was sometimes pretty difficult. If I said I had a boyfriend, they wanted to know if I loved him, if he was good to me, if he was there that night. If I plainly said I wasn't interested, they wanted to know why not, did I dislike all guys who were (insert characteristic here), maybe I just needed to get to know him better. It was exhausting and it took up a ton of time. I finally hit upon the solution with a simple phrase,

            No thank you.

            It's simple, polite, and it offers no in-roads for follow-up questions. If a guy did want to ask follow-up questions, I would just keep repeating "No thank you," until he gave up. It was extremely effective.

            You have to offer a little more, because you see this guy every day, but the point is to give him nothing to latch on to. He's on an information starvation diet from now on.
            Next time this colleague asks why you were late, you can simply answer,

            I discussed it with (supervisor). It's nothing for you to concern yourself with.

            Obviously you can modify the first sentence (or drop it entirely) to suit the realities of how lateness is handled in your office. But the second one is crucial.

            This guy will no doubt have follow up questions. Here's the tricky part: don't offer anything else. Just keep repeating the above two sentences. Build a stone wall out of them. You can make variations ("You don't need to worry about it." "Thanks for your concern, but everything's ok.") But don't expand on anything. Don't offer more information.

            You might feel like you are being rude or behaving strangely while doing this; remind yourself that it is, in fact, your coworker who is being rude. Repeat this any time he takes an intrusive interest in you. After getting frustrated a few times, he should stop asking.

            share|improve this answer


              As a woman who used to tend bar, I've dealt with a lot of intrusive questions at work, mostly from customers. A lot of men want to take home the bartender and many of them can be quite pushy about it. Off the clock, I could just walk away from guys like this, but at work I had to be polite in rejecting these advances and it was sometimes pretty difficult. If I said I had a boyfriend, they wanted to know if I loved him, if he was good to me, if he was there that night. If I plainly said I wasn't interested, they wanted to know why not, did I dislike all guys who were (insert characteristic here), maybe I just needed to get to know him better. It was exhausting and it took up a ton of time. I finally hit upon the solution with a simple phrase,

              No thank you.

              It's simple, polite, and it offers no in-roads for follow-up questions. If a guy did want to ask follow-up questions, I would just keep repeating "No thank you," until he gave up. It was extremely effective.

              You have to offer a little more, because you see this guy every day, but the point is to give him nothing to latch on to. He's on an information starvation diet from now on.
              Next time this colleague asks why you were late, you can simply answer,

              I discussed it with (supervisor). It's nothing for you to concern yourself with.

              Obviously you can modify the first sentence (or drop it entirely) to suit the realities of how lateness is handled in your office. But the second one is crucial.

              This guy will no doubt have follow up questions. Here's the tricky part: don't offer anything else. Just keep repeating the above two sentences. Build a stone wall out of them. You can make variations ("You don't need to worry about it." "Thanks for your concern, but everything's ok.") But don't expand on anything. Don't offer more information.

              You might feel like you are being rude or behaving strangely while doing this; remind yourself that it is, in fact, your coworker who is being rude. Repeat this any time he takes an intrusive interest in you. After getting frustrated a few times, he should stop asking.

              share|improve this answer




                As a woman who used to tend bar, I've dealt with a lot of intrusive questions at work, mostly from customers. A lot of men want to take home the bartender and many of them can be quite pushy about it. Off the clock, I could just walk away from guys like this, but at work I had to be polite in rejecting these advances and it was sometimes pretty difficult. If I said I had a boyfriend, they wanted to know if I loved him, if he was good to me, if he was there that night. If I plainly said I wasn't interested, they wanted to know why not, did I dislike all guys who were (insert characteristic here), maybe I just needed to get to know him better. It was exhausting and it took up a ton of time. I finally hit upon the solution with a simple phrase,

                No thank you.

                It's simple, polite, and it offers no in-roads for follow-up questions. If a guy did want to ask follow-up questions, I would just keep repeating "No thank you," until he gave up. It was extremely effective.

                You have to offer a little more, because you see this guy every day, but the point is to give him nothing to latch on to. He's on an information starvation diet from now on.
                Next time this colleague asks why you were late, you can simply answer,

                I discussed it with (supervisor). It's nothing for you to concern yourself with.

                Obviously you can modify the first sentence (or drop it entirely) to suit the realities of how lateness is handled in your office. But the second one is crucial.

                This guy will no doubt have follow up questions. Here's the tricky part: don't offer anything else. Just keep repeating the above two sentences. Build a stone wall out of them. You can make variations ("You don't need to worry about it." "Thanks for your concern, but everything's ok.") But don't expand on anything. Don't offer more information.

                You might feel like you are being rude or behaving strangely while doing this; remind yourself that it is, in fact, your coworker who is being rude. Repeat this any time he takes an intrusive interest in you. After getting frustrated a few times, he should stop asking.

                share|improve this answer

                As a woman who used to tend bar, I've dealt with a lot of intrusive questions at work, mostly from customers. A lot of men want to take home the bartender and many of them can be quite pushy about it. Off the clock, I could just walk away from guys like this, but at work I had to be polite in rejecting these advances and it was sometimes pretty difficult. If I said I had a boyfriend, they wanted to know if I loved him, if he was good to me, if he was there that night. If I plainly said I wasn't interested, they wanted to know why not, did I dislike all guys who were (insert characteristic here), maybe I just needed to get to know him better. It was exhausting and it took up a ton of time. I finally hit upon the solution with a simple phrase,

                No thank you.

                It's simple, polite, and it offers no in-roads for follow-up questions. If a guy did want to ask follow-up questions, I would just keep repeating "No thank you," until he gave up. It was extremely effective.

                You have to offer a little more, because you see this guy every day, but the point is to give him nothing to latch on to. He's on an information starvation diet from now on.
                Next time this colleague asks why you were late, you can simply answer,

                I discussed it with (supervisor). It's nothing for you to concern yourself with.

                Obviously you can modify the first sentence (or drop it entirely) to suit the realities of how lateness is handled in your office. But the second one is crucial.

                This guy will no doubt have follow up questions. Here's the tricky part: don't offer anything else. Just keep repeating the above two sentences. Build a stone wall out of them. You can make variations ("You don't need to worry about it." "Thanks for your concern, but everything's ok.") But don't expand on anything. Don't offer more information.

                You might feel like you are being rude or behaving strangely while doing this; remind yourself that it is, in fact, your coworker who is being rude. Repeat this any time he takes an intrusive interest in you. After getting frustrated a few times, he should stop asking.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 2 days ago


                8,3008 gold badges32 silver badges79 bronze badges

                8,3008 gold badges32 silver badges79 bronze badges

                answered 2 days ago


                1,3121 gold badge2 silver badges10 bronze badges

                1,3121 gold badge2 silver badges10 bronze badges


                    Obviously, he isn't asking because he cares about the answer. He is trying to put you at a disadvantage. You don't owe him an answer, and when you do answer him or try to defend yourself it will probably just encourage him. If I had a guess, I'd say he feels threatened by you for some reason. It may be you specifically, and it may just be his personality. There are people who are paranoid and feel threatened by everyone around them, and they often try to assert superiority by putting others on the defensive or making them lose their tempers.

                    Nothing says "I'm not playing your game" like a smile and a shrug. Maybe "nothing serious, thanks for asking" or, some other non-committal answer. If he is persistently pushy, you might try "I'm sure my boss appreciates your desire to look out for the company's interests. I'll be sure to mention it at our next meeting.", always with a pleasant smile.

                    Once he realizes that he can't dominate or get a rise out of you, he should back off. If he doesn't, it may be time to let your manager deal with him. The sarcastic and provocative behavior is harassment, and offices take it more seriously these days.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 1

                      Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                      – gidds
                      2 days ago

                    • @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                      – Sir Jane

                    • 1

                      Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                      – Ælis
                      7 hours ago


                    Obviously, he isn't asking because he cares about the answer. He is trying to put you at a disadvantage. You don't owe him an answer, and when you do answer him or try to defend yourself it will probably just encourage him. If I had a guess, I'd say he feels threatened by you for some reason. It may be you specifically, and it may just be his personality. There are people who are paranoid and feel threatened by everyone around them, and they often try to assert superiority by putting others on the defensive or making them lose their tempers.

                    Nothing says "I'm not playing your game" like a smile and a shrug. Maybe "nothing serious, thanks for asking" or, some other non-committal answer. If he is persistently pushy, you might try "I'm sure my boss appreciates your desire to look out for the company's interests. I'll be sure to mention it at our next meeting.", always with a pleasant smile.

                    Once he realizes that he can't dominate or get a rise out of you, he should back off. If he doesn't, it may be time to let your manager deal with him. The sarcastic and provocative behavior is harassment, and offices take it more seriously these days.

                    share|improve this answer

                    • 1

                      Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                      – gidds
                      2 days ago

                    • @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                      – Sir Jane

                    • 1

                      Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                      – Ælis
                      7 hours ago




                    Obviously, he isn't asking because he cares about the answer. He is trying to put you at a disadvantage. You don't owe him an answer, and when you do answer him or try to defend yourself it will probably just encourage him. If I had a guess, I'd say he feels threatened by you for some reason. It may be you specifically, and it may just be his personality. There are people who are paranoid and feel threatened by everyone around them, and they often try to assert superiority by putting others on the defensive or making them lose their tempers.

                    Nothing says "I'm not playing your game" like a smile and a shrug. Maybe "nothing serious, thanks for asking" or, some other non-committal answer. If he is persistently pushy, you might try "I'm sure my boss appreciates your desire to look out for the company's interests. I'll be sure to mention it at our next meeting.", always with a pleasant smile.

                    Once he realizes that he can't dominate or get a rise out of you, he should back off. If he doesn't, it may be time to let your manager deal with him. The sarcastic and provocative behavior is harassment, and offices take it more seriously these days.

                    share|improve this answer

                    Obviously, he isn't asking because he cares about the answer. He is trying to put you at a disadvantage. You don't owe him an answer, and when you do answer him or try to defend yourself it will probably just encourage him. If I had a guess, I'd say he feels threatened by you for some reason. It may be you specifically, and it may just be his personality. There are people who are paranoid and feel threatened by everyone around them, and they often try to assert superiority by putting others on the defensive or making them lose their tempers.

                    Nothing says "I'm not playing your game" like a smile and a shrug. Maybe "nothing serious, thanks for asking" or, some other non-committal answer. If he is persistently pushy, you might try "I'm sure my boss appreciates your desire to look out for the company's interests. I'll be sure to mention it at our next meeting.", always with a pleasant smile.

                    Once he realizes that he can't dominate or get a rise out of you, he should back off. If he doesn't, it may be time to let your manager deal with him. The sarcastic and provocative behavior is harassment, and offices take it more seriously these days.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered 2 days ago

                    Francine DeGrood TaylorFrancine DeGrood Taylor

                    6722 silver badges8 bronze badges

                    6722 silver badges8 bronze badges

                    • 1

                      Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                      – gidds
                      2 days ago

                    • @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                      – Sir Jane

                    • 1

                      Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                      – Ælis
                      7 hours ago

                    • 1

                      Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                      – gidds
                      2 days ago

                    • @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                      – Sir Jane

                    • 1

                      Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                      – Ælis
                      7 hours ago



                    Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                    – gidds
                    2 days ago

                    Not everyone can do that, though. If hurtful/aggressive comments do get to you, it's extremely hard to hide completely — and once a bully smells blood, they won't give up.  (When I was young, everyone told me to ignore bullies — but in hindsight I wish I'd ignored them and fought back much sooner than I did.)

                    – gidds
                    2 days ago

                    @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                    – Sir Jane

                    @gidds Just like everything else, it is something that can be learned, and thus gets easier every time you try. This strategy is much like what the ex-bartender reported, but in addition, I think it's important to frame the offender's behaviour for yourself, just like the first paragraph says. Not knowing why someone is offensive was usually the biggest trigger for me, so I try to remember that there is always a reason for someone to behave like that. By now, it works well.

                    – Sir Jane



                    Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                    – Ælis
                    7 hours ago

                    Hey there! We require answers here to be backed up by personal experience or external sources. So, could you edit to tell us about a similar situation you were in the past? Who was involved, what did you say and how did the other person react?

                    – Ælis
                    7 hours ago


                    But he still does so, sometines in very provocative and sarcastic manner.

                    I've been through this too. I hated it (and still do) and it annoyed me to the point I was rude. Instantly rude, "[ self-censored ]" (won't write the words here, of course, but you get the idea...). Far above what was certainly needed at that time. And I have never heard of him anymore, but I had an enemy at the workplace. No more problem with him, but bad reputation for "having an attitude, can't take a joke, and so on...". No need to tell you that what I had done was too much, like "killing a fly with a sledghammer". Bad idea. I needed to find a better way...

                    Second time (years later, another company, but same kind of know-it-all-and-above-all-funny-jerk), I wanted another approach, and used a similar technic: provocative and sarcastic.

                    When the guy asked his question, I first ignored him and walked by. Second time, I stopped right away, stood up in front of him, hands in my back (like you do in the Army, when you report to someone), my gaze fixed in front of me, and said: "My name is PaulD - Front-end developer at Company X - SSN 772-00-1324" (1). Repeat as needed anytime they say something or ask a question. They'll give up and move on. At one point, they will, believe me. The best is when some people are listening / watching. End with a smile, a wink, turn back and walk... :)

                    You act like a POW and won't answer any question, just calling The Geneva Convention. With creativity, you can also invoke Miranda warning or The Fifth Amendment or any other private/legal/human right from your country. And use it in a funny way to dismiss their questions. Your message is really clear here! No matter what you ask, the only thing you'll get is that answer.

                    I did that the second time, and it was much better, as I was seen at the funniest guy (of the two 2) by other staff members, who laughed. Some of them even said they never dared to answer, but considered his behavior like bullying. Anyway, for me, the result was the same, the "smart guy" left me alone, but it was not because I used a nuclear option. Much better ;)

                    I've never found another way, but have to warn you that you won't make friends that way. You need to set boundaries in one way or another, I (sadly) never achieved that the smooth way, because they usually don't take "no" as an answer. But you can stop them by returning the gun against them.

                    1: stands for "Social Security Number" (772 is an unused sequence - 00 is never used therefore this number can't by anyone's)2: no need to say that I was indeed the funniest of the whole team, of course :D

                    share|improve this answer


                      But he still does so, sometines in very provocative and sarcastic manner.

                      I've been through this too. I hated it (and still do) and it annoyed me to the point I was rude. Instantly rude, "[ self-censored ]" (won't write the words here, of course, but you get the idea...). Far above what was certainly needed at that time. And I have never heard of him anymore, but I had an enemy at the workplace. No more problem with him, but bad reputation for "having an attitude, can't take a joke, and so on...". No need to tell you that what I had done was too much, like "killing a fly with a sledghammer". Bad idea. I needed to find a better way...

                      Second time (years later, another company, but same kind of know-it-all-and-above-all-funny-jerk), I wanted another approach, and used a similar technic: provocative and sarcastic.

                      When the guy asked his question, I first ignored him and walked by. Second time, I stopped right away, stood up in front of him, hands in my back (like you do in the Army, when you report to someone), my gaze fixed in front of me, and said: "My name is PaulD - Front-end developer at Company X - SSN 772-00-1324" (1). Repeat as needed anytime they say something or ask a question. They'll give up and move on. At one point, they will, believe me. The best is when some people are listening / watching. End with a smile, a wink, turn back and walk... :)

                      You act like a POW and won't answer any question, just calling The Geneva Convention. With creativity, you can also invoke Miranda warning or The Fifth Amendment or any other private/legal/human right from your country. And use it in a funny way to dismiss their questions. Your message is really clear here! No matter what you ask, the only thing you'll get is that answer.

                      I did that the second time, and it was much better, as I was seen at the funniest guy (of the two 2) by other staff members, who laughed. Some of them even said they never dared to answer, but considered his behavior like bullying. Anyway, for me, the result was the same, the "smart guy" left me alone, but it was not because I used a nuclear option. Much better ;)

                      I've never found another way, but have to warn you that you won't make friends that way. You need to set boundaries in one way or another, I (sadly) never achieved that the smooth way, because they usually don't take "no" as an answer. But you can stop them by returning the gun against them.

                      1: stands for "Social Security Number" (772 is an unused sequence - 00 is never used therefore this number can't by anyone's)2: no need to say that I was indeed the funniest of the whole team, of course :D

                      share|improve this answer




                        But he still does so, sometines in very provocative and sarcastic manner.

                        I've been through this too. I hated it (and still do) and it annoyed me to the point I was rude. Instantly rude, "[ self-censored ]" (won't write the words here, of course, but you get the idea...). Far above what was certainly needed at that time. And I have never heard of him anymore, but I had an enemy at the workplace. No more problem with him, but bad reputation for "having an attitude, can't take a joke, and so on...". No need to tell you that what I had done was too much, like "killing a fly with a sledghammer". Bad idea. I needed to find a better way...

                        Second time (years later, another company, but same kind of know-it-all-and-above-all-funny-jerk), I wanted another approach, and used a similar technic: provocative and sarcastic.

                        When the guy asked his question, I first ignored him and walked by. Second time, I stopped right away, stood up in front of him, hands in my back (like you do in the Army, when you report to someone), my gaze fixed in front of me, and said: "My name is PaulD - Front-end developer at Company X - SSN 772-00-1324" (1). Repeat as needed anytime they say something or ask a question. They'll give up and move on. At one point, they will, believe me. The best is when some people are listening / watching. End with a smile, a wink, turn back and walk... :)

                        You act like a POW and won't answer any question, just calling The Geneva Convention. With creativity, you can also invoke Miranda warning or The Fifth Amendment or any other private/legal/human right from your country. And use it in a funny way to dismiss their questions. Your message is really clear here! No matter what you ask, the only thing you'll get is that answer.

                        I did that the second time, and it was much better, as I was seen at the funniest guy (of the two 2) by other staff members, who laughed. Some of them even said they never dared to answer, but considered his behavior like bullying. Anyway, for me, the result was the same, the "smart guy" left me alone, but it was not because I used a nuclear option. Much better ;)

                        I've never found another way, but have to warn you that you won't make friends that way. You need to set boundaries in one way or another, I (sadly) never achieved that the smooth way, because they usually don't take "no" as an answer. But you can stop them by returning the gun against them.

                        1: stands for "Social Security Number" (772 is an unused sequence - 00 is never used therefore this number can't by anyone's)2: no need to say that I was indeed the funniest of the whole team, of course :D

                        share|improve this answer

                        But he still does so, sometines in very provocative and sarcastic manner.

                        I've been through this too. I hated it (and still do) and it annoyed me to the point I was rude. Instantly rude, "[ self-censored ]" (won't write the words here, of course, but you get the idea...). Far above what was certainly needed at that time. And I have never heard of him anymore, but I had an enemy at the workplace. No more problem with him, but bad reputation for "having an attitude, can't take a joke, and so on...". No need to tell you that what I had done was too much, like "killing a fly with a sledghammer". Bad idea. I needed to find a better way...

                        Second time (years later, another company, but same kind of know-it-all-and-above-all-funny-jerk), I wanted another approach, and used a similar technic: provocative and sarcastic.

                        When the guy asked his question, I first ignored him and walked by. Second time, I stopped right away, stood up in front of him, hands in my back (like you do in the Army, when you report to someone), my gaze fixed in front of me, and said: "My name is PaulD - Front-end developer at Company X - SSN 772-00-1324" (1). Repeat as needed anytime they say something or ask a question. They'll give up and move on. At one point, they will, believe me. The best is when some people are listening / watching. End with a smile, a wink, turn back and walk... :)

                        You act like a POW and won't answer any question, just calling The Geneva Convention. With creativity, you can also invoke Miranda warning or The Fifth Amendment or any other private/legal/human right from your country. And use it in a funny way to dismiss their questions. Your message is really clear here! No matter what you ask, the only thing you'll get is that answer.

                        I did that the second time, and it was much better, as I was seen at the funniest guy (of the two 2) by other staff members, who laughed. Some of them even said they never dared to answer, but considered his behavior like bullying. Anyway, for me, the result was the same, the "smart guy" left me alone, but it was not because I used a nuclear option. Much better ;)

                        I've never found another way, but have to warn you that you won't make friends that way. You need to set boundaries in one way or another, I (sadly) never achieved that the smooth way, because they usually don't take "no" as an answer. But you can stop them by returning the gun against them.

                        1: stands for "Social Security Number" (772 is an unused sequence - 00 is never used therefore this number can't by anyone's)2: no need to say that I was indeed the funniest of the whole team, of course :D

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        edited 2 days ago

                        answered 2 days ago


                        16.7k5 gold badges57 silver badges84 bronze badges

                        16.7k5 gold badges57 silver badges84 bronze badges


                            I was going to add this as a comment on IAntoniazzi's answer since it's very similar, but apparently that takes some reputation I don't have.

                            A possible alternative to the phrasing offered in that answer that offers even less information but maintains professionalism and courtesy on your part:

                            "Good morning, Bob!"

                            Then you continue on your way or engage your work, and offer no more. Eventually he'll get bored of badgering you if this is all he'll ever get from you.

                            I've used this response in many scenarios where I get any sort of question or comment upon first interaction that crosses a line, and almost always it results in the person getting the message: you're not interested in answering that question. On the rare occasion the person followed me or continued to attempt to engage, a simple repetition (possibly with slight inflection of sarcasm) worked wonders. This process looks professional and deflects the issue entirely onto them. If, on the off chance you get a super stubborn person that continues to badger, then you have a different problem all together.

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.


                              I was going to add this as a comment on IAntoniazzi's answer since it's very similar, but apparently that takes some reputation I don't have.

                              A possible alternative to the phrasing offered in that answer that offers even less information but maintains professionalism and courtesy on your part:

                              "Good morning, Bob!"

                              Then you continue on your way or engage your work, and offer no more. Eventually he'll get bored of badgering you if this is all he'll ever get from you.

                              I've used this response in many scenarios where I get any sort of question or comment upon first interaction that crosses a line, and almost always it results in the person getting the message: you're not interested in answering that question. On the rare occasion the person followed me or continued to attempt to engage, a simple repetition (possibly with slight inflection of sarcasm) worked wonders. This process looks professional and deflects the issue entirely onto them. If, on the off chance you get a super stubborn person that continues to badger, then you have a different problem all together.

                              share|improve this answer

                              New contributor

                              ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                              Check out our Code of Conduct.




                                I was going to add this as a comment on IAntoniazzi's answer since it's very similar, but apparently that takes some reputation I don't have.

                                A possible alternative to the phrasing offered in that answer that offers even less information but maintains professionalism and courtesy on your part:

                                "Good morning, Bob!"

                                Then you continue on your way or engage your work, and offer no more. Eventually he'll get bored of badgering you if this is all he'll ever get from you.

                                I've used this response in many scenarios where I get any sort of question or comment upon first interaction that crosses a line, and almost always it results in the person getting the message: you're not interested in answering that question. On the rare occasion the person followed me or continued to attempt to engage, a simple repetition (possibly with slight inflection of sarcasm) worked wonders. This process looks professional and deflects the issue entirely onto them. If, on the off chance you get a super stubborn person that continues to badger, then you have a different problem all together.

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                I was going to add this as a comment on IAntoniazzi's answer since it's very similar, but apparently that takes some reputation I don't have.

                                A possible alternative to the phrasing offered in that answer that offers even less information but maintains professionalism and courtesy on your part:

                                "Good morning, Bob!"

                                Then you continue on your way or engage your work, and offer no more. Eventually he'll get bored of badgering you if this is all he'll ever get from you.

                                I've used this response in many scenarios where I get any sort of question or comment upon first interaction that crosses a line, and almost always it results in the person getting the message: you're not interested in answering that question. On the rare occasion the person followed me or continued to attempt to engage, a simple repetition (possibly with slight inflection of sarcasm) worked wonders. This process looks professional and deflects the issue entirely onto them. If, on the off chance you get a super stubborn person that continues to badger, then you have a different problem all together.

                                share|improve this answer

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                                ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                answered yesterday


                                1112 bronze badges

                                1112 bronze badges

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                                ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                ThiccBlissey is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                    What kind of situation is this? Do you work in the same room or otherwise near each other or are you just walking past him and he starts asking questions? Or does he come to you? If it is a passing moment you are better off making it as short as possible and avoid making it an exchange. Avoid responding question with a question or giving him an answer he can hang on to. If your workplaces are near simply walking past with minimal interaction is not possible so you need to make a comment and not answer his questions.

                                    In the first case I'd just respond with good morning jeff or something else like it. You can adjust this answer with your voice. If you say it with annoyed voice you get a different effect than if you use normal voice. If he wants to keep going you can also say things like I don't have time for chitchat now. If he asks questions with nasty voice you can also ask is he ok or ask him to repeat it. Then ask why he is making the sarcastic voices.

                                    Make him aware of what he is doing and don't let him get away with it. Don't make it argument but make it an inquiry. After all you are interested why is he asking these questions and making them is sarcastic voices. His motives could be teasing and bullying and if you give him easy answers he gets off of you being an easy target. If you start asking leading questions (why are you asking, who made you the boss) you get him on the defensive which won't work either. If you respond to loaded question with why do you care you put yourself to defensive which is not useful either.

                                    Being professional and avoiding dropping down to his level is your best strategy. He has no business asking you those questions but you have valid reasons to ask him why is he making those remarks. If he is bully make yourself a hard target and if he is nosy be professional so he gets nothing out of it and that he knows he is not going to get anything either.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                      What kind of situation is this? Do you work in the same room or otherwise near each other or are you just walking past him and he starts asking questions? Or does he come to you? If it is a passing moment you are better off making it as short as possible and avoid making it an exchange. Avoid responding question with a question or giving him an answer he can hang on to. If your workplaces are near simply walking past with minimal interaction is not possible so you need to make a comment and not answer his questions.

                                      In the first case I'd just respond with good morning jeff or something else like it. You can adjust this answer with your voice. If you say it with annoyed voice you get a different effect than if you use normal voice. If he wants to keep going you can also say things like I don't have time for chitchat now. If he asks questions with nasty voice you can also ask is he ok or ask him to repeat it. Then ask why he is making the sarcastic voices.

                                      Make him aware of what he is doing and don't let him get away with it. Don't make it argument but make it an inquiry. After all you are interested why is he asking these questions and making them is sarcastic voices. His motives could be teasing and bullying and if you give him easy answers he gets off of you being an easy target. If you start asking leading questions (why are you asking, who made you the boss) you get him on the defensive which won't work either. If you respond to loaded question with why do you care you put yourself to defensive which is not useful either.

                                      Being professional and avoiding dropping down to his level is your best strategy. He has no business asking you those questions but you have valid reasons to ask him why is he making those remarks. If he is bully make yourself a hard target and if he is nosy be professional so he gets nothing out of it and that he knows he is not going to get anything either.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      New contributor

                                      user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                      Check out our Code of Conduct.




                                        What kind of situation is this? Do you work in the same room or otherwise near each other or are you just walking past him and he starts asking questions? Or does he come to you? If it is a passing moment you are better off making it as short as possible and avoid making it an exchange. Avoid responding question with a question or giving him an answer he can hang on to. If your workplaces are near simply walking past with minimal interaction is not possible so you need to make a comment and not answer his questions.

                                        In the first case I'd just respond with good morning jeff or something else like it. You can adjust this answer with your voice. If you say it with annoyed voice you get a different effect than if you use normal voice. If he wants to keep going you can also say things like I don't have time for chitchat now. If he asks questions with nasty voice you can also ask is he ok or ask him to repeat it. Then ask why he is making the sarcastic voices.

                                        Make him aware of what he is doing and don't let him get away with it. Don't make it argument but make it an inquiry. After all you are interested why is he asking these questions and making them is sarcastic voices. His motives could be teasing and bullying and if you give him easy answers he gets off of you being an easy target. If you start asking leading questions (why are you asking, who made you the boss) you get him on the defensive which won't work either. If you respond to loaded question with why do you care you put yourself to defensive which is not useful either.

                                        Being professional and avoiding dropping down to his level is your best strategy. He has no business asking you those questions but you have valid reasons to ask him why is he making those remarks. If he is bully make yourself a hard target and if he is nosy be professional so he gets nothing out of it and that he knows he is not going to get anything either.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        What kind of situation is this? Do you work in the same room or otherwise near each other or are you just walking past him and he starts asking questions? Or does he come to you? If it is a passing moment you are better off making it as short as possible and avoid making it an exchange. Avoid responding question with a question or giving him an answer he can hang on to. If your workplaces are near simply walking past with minimal interaction is not possible so you need to make a comment and not answer his questions.

                                        In the first case I'd just respond with good morning jeff or something else like it. You can adjust this answer with your voice. If you say it with annoyed voice you get a different effect than if you use normal voice. If he wants to keep going you can also say things like I don't have time for chitchat now. If he asks questions with nasty voice you can also ask is he ok or ask him to repeat it. Then ask why he is making the sarcastic voices.

                                        Make him aware of what he is doing and don't let him get away with it. Don't make it argument but make it an inquiry. After all you are interested why is he asking these questions and making them is sarcastic voices. His motives could be teasing and bullying and if you give him easy answers he gets off of you being an easy target. If you start asking leading questions (why are you asking, who made you the boss) you get him on the defensive which won't work either. If you respond to loaded question with why do you care you put yourself to defensive which is not useful either.

                                        Being professional and avoiding dropping down to his level is your best strategy. He has no business asking you those questions but you have valid reasons to ask him why is he making those remarks. If he is bully make yourself a hard target and if he is nosy be professional so he gets nothing out of it and that he knows he is not going to get anything either.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        edited 2 days ago

                                        New contributor

                                        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        answered 2 days ago


                                        212 bronze badges

                                        212 bronze badges

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                                        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

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                                        user25260 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                            I have not had this specific experience but I've experienced similar situations along the way (I'm 68) - in similar situations "Over The Top" humour* can work.

                                            The aim, while being non-combative and non-confrontational, is to provide a non-answer-answer that is manifestly ludicrous and which tells them that you can handle their style, that you are not going to tell them anything useful and that they are liable to look silly if they persist.

                                            • Sorry, I had to sign an NDA*

                                            • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

                                            Or, if that may sound too like a real threat, then

                                            • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself.

                                            • Have you any idea how hard it is to find a phonebooth to change out of your [superhero of choice] costume at this time of day?

                                            • "Do YOU KNOW where I've been?" (loud, stage whisper).

                                              'No.' (what else can he say?)

                                              "Good." Smile. Walk off.

                                            • ...

                                            You may want to find a drop-back repeat answer if they DO persist.

                                            "I had to sign an NDA" may be useful in that role.

                                            *NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement.


                                            To the "Why the [expletives deleted] did you do that" query when what you did is reasonable, fully defensible and/or none of their business: A concise explanation - followed by -
                                            "Please don't mistake an explanation for an apology".
                                            This can probably be used, at most, once per person, doesn't make you any friends, and is best left for extreme cases where you wish to make the point badly enough that the fallout is "worthwhile". I have used that on a very very dew occasions - and from memory I may seek to soften it with a smile and relaxed style - it's been so long since I've used it that memory dims. [I left 'corporate life' after 23 years for self employment, 25+ years ago, and have not used it in that time]. To someone attempting to put you in your place, with no right to be acting as they are, it can be devastating. But may not be :-).


                                            I have used the "then I'd have to kill you" / me lines and the NDA line on a number of occasions. The NDA line is sometimes even true :-).

                                            Specific examples are not overly relevant (and I'd have to actually dredge some up**) BUT these are genuinely answers that I've used.

                                            My aim is to convert the situation to one of flippancy.

                                            If the inquirer has no right to ask, and/or no genuine concern and/or is clearly just attempting to play alpha-male/dominance/ ... games then the flippant answer largely removes their traction. They can try again - but they are building on a foundation of 'stupidity'. I'm not suggesting that this is appropriate where the query has a legitimate basis.

                                            *Antipodean humour = humor.

                                            ** And then, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

                                            [[I once made $US15,000 from an idea I had based on clearing rotting carpet from a pile in my driveway - I'd love to tell you how but I had to sign an NDA]][A genuine case :-) ].

                                            share|improve this answer


                                              I have not had this specific experience but I've experienced similar situations along the way (I'm 68) - in similar situations "Over The Top" humour* can work.

                                              The aim, while being non-combative and non-confrontational, is to provide a non-answer-answer that is manifestly ludicrous and which tells them that you can handle their style, that you are not going to tell them anything useful and that they are liable to look silly if they persist.

                                              • Sorry, I had to sign an NDA*

                                              • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

                                              Or, if that may sound too like a real threat, then

                                              • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself.

                                              • Have you any idea how hard it is to find a phonebooth to change out of your [superhero of choice] costume at this time of day?

                                              • "Do YOU KNOW where I've been?" (loud, stage whisper).

                                                'No.' (what else can he say?)

                                                "Good." Smile. Walk off.

                                              • ...

                                              You may want to find a drop-back repeat answer if they DO persist.

                                              "I had to sign an NDA" may be useful in that role.

                                              *NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement.


                                              To the "Why the [expletives deleted] did you do that" query when what you did is reasonable, fully defensible and/or none of their business: A concise explanation - followed by -
                                              "Please don't mistake an explanation for an apology".
                                              This can probably be used, at most, once per person, doesn't make you any friends, and is best left for extreme cases where you wish to make the point badly enough that the fallout is "worthwhile". I have used that on a very very dew occasions - and from memory I may seek to soften it with a smile and relaxed style - it's been so long since I've used it that memory dims. [I left 'corporate life' after 23 years for self employment, 25+ years ago, and have not used it in that time]. To someone attempting to put you in your place, with no right to be acting as they are, it can be devastating. But may not be :-).


                                              I have used the "then I'd have to kill you" / me lines and the NDA line on a number of occasions. The NDA line is sometimes even true :-).

                                              Specific examples are not overly relevant (and I'd have to actually dredge some up**) BUT these are genuinely answers that I've used.

                                              My aim is to convert the situation to one of flippancy.

                                              If the inquirer has no right to ask, and/or no genuine concern and/or is clearly just attempting to play alpha-male/dominance/ ... games then the flippant answer largely removes their traction. They can try again - but they are building on a foundation of 'stupidity'. I'm not suggesting that this is appropriate where the query has a legitimate basis.

                                              *Antipodean humour = humor.

                                              ** And then, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

                                              [[I once made $US15,000 from an idea I had based on clearing rotting carpet from a pile in my driveway - I'd love to tell you how but I had to sign an NDA]][A genuine case :-) ].

                                              share|improve this answer




                                                I have not had this specific experience but I've experienced similar situations along the way (I'm 68) - in similar situations "Over The Top" humour* can work.

                                                The aim, while being non-combative and non-confrontational, is to provide a non-answer-answer that is manifestly ludicrous and which tells them that you can handle their style, that you are not going to tell them anything useful and that they are liable to look silly if they persist.

                                                • Sorry, I had to sign an NDA*

                                                • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

                                                Or, if that may sound too like a real threat, then

                                                • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself.

                                                • Have you any idea how hard it is to find a phonebooth to change out of your [superhero of choice] costume at this time of day?

                                                • "Do YOU KNOW where I've been?" (loud, stage whisper).

                                                  'No.' (what else can he say?)

                                                  "Good." Smile. Walk off.

                                                • ...

                                                You may want to find a drop-back repeat answer if they DO persist.

                                                "I had to sign an NDA" may be useful in that role.

                                                *NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement.


                                                To the "Why the [expletives deleted] did you do that" query when what you did is reasonable, fully defensible and/or none of their business: A concise explanation - followed by -
                                                "Please don't mistake an explanation for an apology".
                                                This can probably be used, at most, once per person, doesn't make you any friends, and is best left for extreme cases where you wish to make the point badly enough that the fallout is "worthwhile". I have used that on a very very dew occasions - and from memory I may seek to soften it with a smile and relaxed style - it's been so long since I've used it that memory dims. [I left 'corporate life' after 23 years for self employment, 25+ years ago, and have not used it in that time]. To someone attempting to put you in your place, with no right to be acting as they are, it can be devastating. But may not be :-).


                                                I have used the "then I'd have to kill you" / me lines and the NDA line on a number of occasions. The NDA line is sometimes even true :-).

                                                Specific examples are not overly relevant (and I'd have to actually dredge some up**) BUT these are genuinely answers that I've used.

                                                My aim is to convert the situation to one of flippancy.

                                                If the inquirer has no right to ask, and/or no genuine concern and/or is clearly just attempting to play alpha-male/dominance/ ... games then the flippant answer largely removes their traction. They can try again - but they are building on a foundation of 'stupidity'. I'm not suggesting that this is appropriate where the query has a legitimate basis.

                                                *Antipodean humour = humor.

                                                ** And then, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

                                                [[I once made $US15,000 from an idea I had based on clearing rotting carpet from a pile in my driveway - I'd love to tell you how but I had to sign an NDA]][A genuine case :-) ].

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                I have not had this specific experience but I've experienced similar situations along the way (I'm 68) - in similar situations "Over The Top" humour* can work.

                                                The aim, while being non-combative and non-confrontational, is to provide a non-answer-answer that is manifestly ludicrous and which tells them that you can handle their style, that you are not going to tell them anything useful and that they are liable to look silly if they persist.

                                                • Sorry, I had to sign an NDA*

                                                • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

                                                Or, if that may sound too like a real threat, then

                                                • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself.

                                                • Have you any idea how hard it is to find a phonebooth to change out of your [superhero of choice] costume at this time of day?

                                                • "Do YOU KNOW where I've been?" (loud, stage whisper).

                                                  'No.' (what else can he say?)

                                                  "Good." Smile. Walk off.

                                                • ...

                                                You may want to find a drop-back repeat answer if they DO persist.

                                                "I had to sign an NDA" may be useful in that role.

                                                *NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement.


                                                To the "Why the [expletives deleted] did you do that" query when what you did is reasonable, fully defensible and/or none of their business: A concise explanation - followed by -
                                                "Please don't mistake an explanation for an apology".
                                                This can probably be used, at most, once per person, doesn't make you any friends, and is best left for extreme cases where you wish to make the point badly enough that the fallout is "worthwhile". I have used that on a very very dew occasions - and from memory I may seek to soften it with a smile and relaxed style - it's been so long since I've used it that memory dims. [I left 'corporate life' after 23 years for self employment, 25+ years ago, and have not used it in that time]. To someone attempting to put you in your place, with no right to be acting as they are, it can be devastating. But may not be :-).


                                                I have used the "then I'd have to kill you" / me lines and the NDA line on a number of occasions. The NDA line is sometimes even true :-).

                                                Specific examples are not overly relevant (and I'd have to actually dredge some up**) BUT these are genuinely answers that I've used.

                                                My aim is to convert the situation to one of flippancy.

                                                If the inquirer has no right to ask, and/or no genuine concern and/or is clearly just attempting to play alpha-male/dominance/ ... games then the flippant answer largely removes their traction. They can try again - but they are building on a foundation of 'stupidity'. I'm not suggesting that this is appropriate where the query has a legitimate basis.

                                                *Antipodean humour = humor.

                                                ** And then, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

                                                [[I once made $US15,000 from an idea I had based on clearing rotting carpet from a pile in my driveway - I'd love to tell you how but I had to sign an NDA]][A genuine case :-) ].

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                edited yesterday

                                                answered yesterday

                                                Russell McMahonRussell McMahon

                                                1114 bronze badges

                                                1114 bronze badges


                                                    There's a couple things that could be going on here.

                                                    This person might be on the Autism spectrum and doesn't realize this line of questioning is rude or uncomfortable for you. It may be their way of being interested in you. Whether that's as a friend or more is only to be determined after getting to know this person. I'm not exactly neuro-typical, but I've been questioned by genuinely autistic people and they can ask some very direct and personal question simply by being curious, without knowing what boundaries are.

                                                    Yes, nero-typicals could just be nosy, too, and trying to see what "excuse" you have "today". I've dealt with some of these people by putting a question back on them, "why do you want to know?". If you ask this as if you really want an answer, and not just a brush off, you can put them in a corner where they have to make something up on the fly that sounds good, which it most likely won't. Unless someone has asked them this question before, anything they answer will sound hollow or creepy as they stumble over their words. This alone will probably keep them from asking you again in the future.

                                                    If they are ready for your question, you can still answer something generic like "I had personal stuff to take care of" or "traffic was particularly thick today", then immediately getting to work and ignoring them until they go away. A white lie like this is so boring they aren't likely to keep asking.

                                                    A truly nosy busybody will keep asking, though. I've dealt with these people by getting to my desk before they can intercept me and putting headphones on, then pretending that I'm engrossed in my work and can't hear them. If they still try to get answers, say that you're trying to get some work done and can't talk right then. You can also go with a bit more pressing question of "why does it matter to you?" Whatever their answer is, you can say that you've already talked to your boss and they're either fine with it or have already scolded you for it. At this point, being a little bit rude to them might put them off asking further questions.

                                                    As always, at any time you can talk to your boss/manager/team lead with how annoying this person is. They might not be able to do anything about it right away, but you at least have it on the record. This way, if they do report you to your boss for being rude to them, your report will be recorded first. Your boss might also be ready for their report and be able to scold them for pestering you.

                                                    This all depends on office policies, politics, and general culture. You might not have headphones, so that might not work. You might also have an open floor plan, so ignoring someone isn't as easy. You boss might already know about Nosy Nancy, so bringing it up might be all it takes to get them scolded. Or the boss knows there's nothing they can do about it, due to this happening in the past and nothing changing.

                                                    There's a minimal chance they are genuinely interested in your health and want to make sure you are OK. This could be someone who actually cares about people or someone interested in you for a romantic relationship. Both are unfortunately unlikely, but there's a greater than zero chance it could happen, while also less than maybe a 5% chance of either being true.

                                                    Good luck. I hope you figure out something that works.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    • 4

                                                      I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                      – avazula
                                                      18 hours ago

                                                    • 1

                                                      @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      10 hours ago

                                                    • Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                      – avazula
                                                      7 hours ago

                                                    • @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      7 hours ago


                                                    There's a couple things that could be going on here.

                                                    This person might be on the Autism spectrum and doesn't realize this line of questioning is rude or uncomfortable for you. It may be their way of being interested in you. Whether that's as a friend or more is only to be determined after getting to know this person. I'm not exactly neuro-typical, but I've been questioned by genuinely autistic people and they can ask some very direct and personal question simply by being curious, without knowing what boundaries are.

                                                    Yes, nero-typicals could just be nosy, too, and trying to see what "excuse" you have "today". I've dealt with some of these people by putting a question back on them, "why do you want to know?". If you ask this as if you really want an answer, and not just a brush off, you can put them in a corner where they have to make something up on the fly that sounds good, which it most likely won't. Unless someone has asked them this question before, anything they answer will sound hollow or creepy as they stumble over their words. This alone will probably keep them from asking you again in the future.

                                                    If they are ready for your question, you can still answer something generic like "I had personal stuff to take care of" or "traffic was particularly thick today", then immediately getting to work and ignoring them until they go away. A white lie like this is so boring they aren't likely to keep asking.

                                                    A truly nosy busybody will keep asking, though. I've dealt with these people by getting to my desk before they can intercept me and putting headphones on, then pretending that I'm engrossed in my work and can't hear them. If they still try to get answers, say that you're trying to get some work done and can't talk right then. You can also go with a bit more pressing question of "why does it matter to you?" Whatever their answer is, you can say that you've already talked to your boss and they're either fine with it or have already scolded you for it. At this point, being a little bit rude to them might put them off asking further questions.

                                                    As always, at any time you can talk to your boss/manager/team lead with how annoying this person is. They might not be able to do anything about it right away, but you at least have it on the record. This way, if they do report you to your boss for being rude to them, your report will be recorded first. Your boss might also be ready for their report and be able to scold them for pestering you.

                                                    This all depends on office policies, politics, and general culture. You might not have headphones, so that might not work. You might also have an open floor plan, so ignoring someone isn't as easy. You boss might already know about Nosy Nancy, so bringing it up might be all it takes to get them scolded. Or the boss knows there's nothing they can do about it, due to this happening in the past and nothing changing.

                                                    There's a minimal chance they are genuinely interested in your health and want to make sure you are OK. This could be someone who actually cares about people or someone interested in you for a romantic relationship. Both are unfortunately unlikely, but there's a greater than zero chance it could happen, while also less than maybe a 5% chance of either being true.

                                                    Good luck. I hope you figure out something that works.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    • 4

                                                      I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                      – avazula
                                                      18 hours ago

                                                    • 1

                                                      @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      10 hours ago

                                                    • Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                      – avazula
                                                      7 hours ago

                                                    • @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      7 hours ago




                                                    There's a couple things that could be going on here.

                                                    This person might be on the Autism spectrum and doesn't realize this line of questioning is rude or uncomfortable for you. It may be their way of being interested in you. Whether that's as a friend or more is only to be determined after getting to know this person. I'm not exactly neuro-typical, but I've been questioned by genuinely autistic people and they can ask some very direct and personal question simply by being curious, without knowing what boundaries are.

                                                    Yes, nero-typicals could just be nosy, too, and trying to see what "excuse" you have "today". I've dealt with some of these people by putting a question back on them, "why do you want to know?". If you ask this as if you really want an answer, and not just a brush off, you can put them in a corner where they have to make something up on the fly that sounds good, which it most likely won't. Unless someone has asked them this question before, anything they answer will sound hollow or creepy as they stumble over their words. This alone will probably keep them from asking you again in the future.

                                                    If they are ready for your question, you can still answer something generic like "I had personal stuff to take care of" or "traffic was particularly thick today", then immediately getting to work and ignoring them until they go away. A white lie like this is so boring they aren't likely to keep asking.

                                                    A truly nosy busybody will keep asking, though. I've dealt with these people by getting to my desk before they can intercept me and putting headphones on, then pretending that I'm engrossed in my work and can't hear them. If they still try to get answers, say that you're trying to get some work done and can't talk right then. You can also go with a bit more pressing question of "why does it matter to you?" Whatever their answer is, you can say that you've already talked to your boss and they're either fine with it or have already scolded you for it. At this point, being a little bit rude to them might put them off asking further questions.

                                                    As always, at any time you can talk to your boss/manager/team lead with how annoying this person is. They might not be able to do anything about it right away, but you at least have it on the record. This way, if they do report you to your boss for being rude to them, your report will be recorded first. Your boss might also be ready for their report and be able to scold them for pestering you.

                                                    This all depends on office policies, politics, and general culture. You might not have headphones, so that might not work. You might also have an open floor plan, so ignoring someone isn't as easy. You boss might already know about Nosy Nancy, so bringing it up might be all it takes to get them scolded. Or the boss knows there's nothing they can do about it, due to this happening in the past and nothing changing.

                                                    There's a minimal chance they are genuinely interested in your health and want to make sure you are OK. This could be someone who actually cares about people or someone interested in you for a romantic relationship. Both are unfortunately unlikely, but there's a greater than zero chance it could happen, while also less than maybe a 5% chance of either being true.

                                                    Good luck. I hope you figure out something that works.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    There's a couple things that could be going on here.

                                                    This person might be on the Autism spectrum and doesn't realize this line of questioning is rude or uncomfortable for you. It may be their way of being interested in you. Whether that's as a friend or more is only to be determined after getting to know this person. I'm not exactly neuro-typical, but I've been questioned by genuinely autistic people and they can ask some very direct and personal question simply by being curious, without knowing what boundaries are.

                                                    Yes, nero-typicals could just be nosy, too, and trying to see what "excuse" you have "today". I've dealt with some of these people by putting a question back on them, "why do you want to know?". If you ask this as if you really want an answer, and not just a brush off, you can put them in a corner where they have to make something up on the fly that sounds good, which it most likely won't. Unless someone has asked them this question before, anything they answer will sound hollow or creepy as they stumble over their words. This alone will probably keep them from asking you again in the future.

                                                    If they are ready for your question, you can still answer something generic like "I had personal stuff to take care of" or "traffic was particularly thick today", then immediately getting to work and ignoring them until they go away. A white lie like this is so boring they aren't likely to keep asking.

                                                    A truly nosy busybody will keep asking, though. I've dealt with these people by getting to my desk before they can intercept me and putting headphones on, then pretending that I'm engrossed in my work and can't hear them. If they still try to get answers, say that you're trying to get some work done and can't talk right then. You can also go with a bit more pressing question of "why does it matter to you?" Whatever their answer is, you can say that you've already talked to your boss and they're either fine with it or have already scolded you for it. At this point, being a little bit rude to them might put them off asking further questions.

                                                    As always, at any time you can talk to your boss/manager/team lead with how annoying this person is. They might not be able to do anything about it right away, but you at least have it on the record. This way, if they do report you to your boss for being rude to them, your report will be recorded first. Your boss might also be ready for their report and be able to scold them for pestering you.

                                                    This all depends on office policies, politics, and general culture. You might not have headphones, so that might not work. You might also have an open floor plan, so ignoring someone isn't as easy. You boss might already know about Nosy Nancy, so bringing it up might be all it takes to get them scolded. Or the boss knows there's nothing they can do about it, due to this happening in the past and nothing changing.

                                                    There's a minimal chance they are genuinely interested in your health and want to make sure you are OK. This could be someone who actually cares about people or someone interested in you for a romantic relationship. Both are unfortunately unlikely, but there's a greater than zero chance it could happen, while also less than maybe a 5% chance of either being true.

                                                    Good luck. I hope you figure out something that works.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    edited 10 hours ago

                                                    answered yesterday


                                                    3992 silver badges8 bronze badges

                                                    3992 silver badges8 bronze badges

                                                    • 4

                                                      I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                      – avazula
                                                      18 hours ago

                                                    • 1

                                                      @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      10 hours ago

                                                    • Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                      – avazula
                                                      7 hours ago

                                                    • @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      7 hours ago

                                                    • 4

                                                      I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                      – avazula
                                                      18 hours ago

                                                    • 1

                                                      @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      10 hours ago

                                                    • Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                      – avazula
                                                      7 hours ago

                                                    • @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                      – computercarguy
                                                      7 hours ago



                                                    I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                    – avazula
                                                    18 hours ago

                                                    I'm uncomfortable with the idea that only autistic people could not be aware of where to draw the line between what is private information and what is not. As the adage says, "if you know one autistic person, you don't know autism, you just know one autistic person". Autism expresses itself in very different ways and no autistic person will have the same symptoms as another one. I find it offensive to assume that all autistic people are blunt & don't understand privacy, and only autistic people do so. Could you please edit this part of your answer to make it more general?

                                                    – avazula
                                                    18 hours ago



                                                    @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                    – computercarguy
                                                    10 hours ago

                                                    @avazula, I'm uncomfortable with the idea that people can't or refuse to understand that it's an example, not that I'm calling all Autistic people assholes. This site requires personal experience or external sources, as commented by other people on other answers. This is one of my personal experiences. If people can't handle that, I don't know what to tell you.

                                                    – computercarguy
                                                    10 hours ago

                                                    Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                    – avazula
                                                    7 hours ago

                                                    Not that I don't agree with the need for citations, but I'm uncomfortable with making generalities for a whole population based on one or even a few people you identified as belonging to it. I'm not saying you should remove it from your answer, but as an autistic person (who doesn't have this trait, and neither does any of my friends on the spectrum), I'd appreciate if you could rephrase it for what it is- an experience you had with one or a few people with ASD.

                                                    – avazula
                                                    7 hours ago

                                                    @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                    – computercarguy
                                                    7 hours ago

                                                    @avazula, I don't see how this is a generalization. I did say "I've been questioned", I didn't say "every Autistic". Do I also have to say that not every neruo-typical is nosy? I understand that Autism often gets a bad reputation from the severe cases, but people should understand it's not the same for everyone. I was tested for ADD as a kid, and I evidently hid my symptoms of Aspergers well enough that I was never diagnosed as either. I probably should get retested, but that's beside the point.

                                                    – computercarguy
                                                    7 hours ago

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